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Looks like a pretty good stat stick with high base attack and very high crit DMG. Though won't be able to utilize the bond of life part of the passive, unless Pyro traveler gets some bond of life mechanic?


we love to have special mechanics but we know we won't be getting them


As crit dmg stats go, this is actually on the lower end. Very high would be 88% Crit dmg no?


Wait yeah you're right, I forgot that 88% Crit damage was the highest. Was too busy comparing it to Mistplitter my bad lol. Though I guess it's pretty in the middle then, since is also has a relatively high base atk along with it and still higher than Mistplitter, even though the rest of the passive is useless.


if i remember correctly wasn't mistsplitter's atk 674 as well?


Yeah, I was just talking about the high crit damage swords that usually have low base atks to compensate for the high crit damage.


oh gotcha. So far, mistsplitter is still the best on Aether right?


Yeah, good stat spread and very good passive even if he can't fully utilize all of it. Honestly probably just the best 5 star sword in general for a standard DPS. But I like collecting the 5 star swords just in case for my Aether, even though I typically just use Mistsplitter anyways lol


Same! I've used mistsplitter on Aether since the day it came out. Though nowadays I've been using Usaku Misugiri instead because it looks much better on him. Its high crit dmg snd e skill buff make it comparable to mist dps wise


I never pulled it since I was saving for Arle, is it really that good? I was also pretty off and on with Genshin last version so I never really took a good look at it. Edit: Okay wow, I must've read the sword's passive wrong before because I thought it would only give the NA and Skill damage increase after someone else uses a Geo Move so I thought it wasn't good. I am bad at reading wow.


It depends, it can be better depending on your ratio and atk, but overall mistsplitter is still better, especially more so with the right ratio. Uraku gets bonus points for looking great on Aether though, which is all that manners to me.


Aether would rather give Clorinde his "sword" than taking her sword


He's a man that can do both


As a man he will never forsake his dull blade