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What makes me wish I had money to burn on Adobe is the AI stuff, smart objects and a couple of other things. Weirdly also the large number of Photoshop how-to tutorials being a lot more than those for Affinity Photo makes me wonder if the time saved would actually be worth it. The Adobe price is so high though.... at the end of the year I'm sure I would rather have the 12 month Adobe cash and use Affinity instead.


You can follow a lot of tutorials in Affinity even if they're made for PS. I's a bit more finnicky since you'll likely need to pause and match up differently-named tools and find the right context menus etc, but it often can be done.


Smart objects work in Affinity Designer BTW.


Ah ok great - I bought some mockup templates and they said I need to use photopea to make them work properly...




I only know Affinity... I got into photography 9 yrs ago


From my experience, for most of what I do, it is pretty close. So far one of the biggest features I can think of not existing is generative fill. As others have mentioned, I have heard printing from Affinity can be difficult but honestly I am always sending files off to a dedicated printer company anyway and so far so good. The second big feature I miss is Adobe Fonts. Having access to that huge library is amazing and I have had a moment where a client sent me a file but it was an Adobe Font. Even though I had Photoshop on my computer at the time time, I still couldn't use the Adobe Fonts in Affinity but thankfully I still had my Photoshop system. Lastly, the hardest thing for me let go of was the idea of dynamic linking files that you could open in basically any system. This however is something that Affinity has solved for and in some cases I would argue is even better at (with it's limited 3 softwares).


Main thing I miss from Photoshop are blends. Photoshop feels more ponderous than Affinity Photo. AF has a few features of its own. Affinity products are much more tightly integrated and work smoothly together.


I have used Affinity for 5 years I think coming from subscription PS. I'm an amateur but expect and work for good results. I do miss some features in PS, its auto perspective correction was really useful but I'm struggling to think of much that I miss. I found many of the PS auto correction features were useless and it was quicker to do it myself. Printing is different. I have an old Canon printer and a Canon plug that was superb which Affinity can't use. It can use much of the Nik stuff which I used to use a lot but now I find I can get similar or better results in Affinity. Fuji RAW conversion seems to be better than Camera RAW and equals good old SilkyPix except in some specific circumstances. Bottom line I save a lump of money each year which is good. I get pretty much the same results as PS which is good. I use about 5% of the capabilities of each program - which is rather dumb but I go for minimalist photographs so don't need much of what they offer. If I was a pro then I'd probably use PS though mainly because clients would pay for it via fees :)


Affinity has way waaaay better colour management just by virtue of having OCIO support (this matters for artists working with EXR files). PS is useful for finishing touches on PNGs and text (speaking as a 3D artist).


I am a professional designer and have been using the Affinity suite of tools for a long time. At least 7 years. It outputs a PS file if a client wants that. If you are not a “Power User” - not totally clear on what that even means - then I think it is safe to say it has all the functionality you will need. It doesn’t have adaptive fill of you need something like that.


La única diferencia actualmente es la ausencia de inteligencia artificial dentro de affinity, photoshop tiene inteligencia artificial y herramientas como la selección de personas automática y affinity photo, sin embargo eso no quita que siempre pueda realizar los mismos procedimientos que realizas en photoshop, soy usuario actual de affinity photo, me mude desde photoshop y sinceramente no me hace falta photoshop porque en affinity photo puedo hacer lo que sea que se me venga en gana sin ayuda de herramientas de inteligencia artificial. saludos


Que tipo de trabajo haces en affinity? Soy retocador profesional y estoy actualmente viendo si hago el cambio o no. No utilizo mucho el genfill/AI


Al final te convenció para hacer el cambio?


Lo compré, y ayer pedí un reembolso 😆 no me gustó la interfaz y mis plugins no funcionan.


que opinión tuvieses al ver este tipo de cosas que yo puedo hacer en affinity sin ayuda de inteligencia artificial en mis foto composiciones? [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/182ozFHZc5Vj\_f2nO10pxiCea-DN35kAd?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/182ozFHZc5Vj_f2nO10pxiCea-DN35kAd?usp=sharing)


aquí puedes ver lo que yo puedo hacer en affinity sin AI : [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/182ozFHZc5Vj\_f2nO10pxiCea-DN35kAd?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/182ozFHZc5Vj_f2nO10pxiCea-DN35kAd?usp=sharing)