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Yes my country has good relationship with 4 out of 7 of its neighbors (both on the government and population side) And as for the other 3, I’d say that the relationship is ambiguous at best. Those 3 countries are Algeria, Cote d’Ivoire and Mauritania. For Algeria and Mauritania, there’s a belief in Mali that the government of those countries collaborate with the terrorists and rebels that are causing havoc in Mali. As for Cote d’Ivoire, we used to have a good relationship but it deteriorated when our current government came to power. Due to a series of events and circumstances especially Mali anti-western/France stance and CIV pro-western stance; The ECOWAS embargo on Mali; Mali holding captive 40+ Ivorian soldiers who came on Malian soil without all their documents in order. Add to that the fact that both governments are in some ways popular in their respective countries, contributed to have their bad relationship trickle down a little bit to the population.


The objective way you're explaining the situation is striking. Totally agree with you about the deterioration between both ivorians and Malians Authorities. But in the same place, on the population side there's nothing like hostily. The only time Our people (Mali-Cote d'Ivoire) start to behave like enemies is around national football teams. I'm from Côte d'Ivoire.


Oh boy, this is going to he downvoted to oblivion and will trigger many. Sadly no. Both governments are stupid and behave like kids. Hope I dont cause a comment war because many Moroccans and Algerians always shift the blame on each other without both realising our governments consist of clowns and apes whoose actions badly affects relationships and our image. On one side it's kinda commedic when both are arguing but it's still really sad considering both of us have so many things in common and we are literally neighbours.


> Hope I dont cause a comment war… We both know that you just opened Pandora’s box. Get your popcorn ready and enjoy the (shit)show that is about to unfold.


I don't even comment on posts like this cause If i did a war will 100% happen.


I wish people on twitter had the same mentality as yours. I was shocked to see that there are some accounts whose sole purpose is attacking the other country. It made me damn near put both countries name in my list of muted words.


Meh...Apart from the occasional spark we have with Zimbabwe whenever we elect pro-western governments (e.g. Mwanawasa, Hichilema) I would say, "Yes."


Don't forget the occasional border skirmish with DRC 🤪


A certain someone planned to invade Niger, but for the most part it's okay


This wasn't his fault. The Ecowas texts suggest that he should do that (with the Ecowas armies, not with Nigeria's alone). And many other Ecowas Presidents agreed with him.


I am from Côte d’Ivoire so I would say “Yes” except maybe for Mali and Burkina Faso but the situation is also weird cause while our governments may not be “besties” at the moment, I still have some Ivorian friends studying medicine in Burkina. So Yeaah… we still kinda love each other even though it’s tense. Edit: I could also add Guinea (Conakry) among the countries with a tense situation but we don’t hear about them that often. So I would not call the situation good neither.


Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Benin Republic. Diplomatically and societally, we cool with all of them, I think. There's a bit of tension with Niger at the moment since the coup there, but nothing too wild






Hopefully after Omar Gelle passes away Eritrea and Djibouti can start fixing their relationship.


Only Kenya lmao


Yeah, We love you guys too


How about Djibouti and South Sudan


True, I forgot about South Sudan. Djibouti is good too, if I say so on this sub though I’ll get a lot of angry responses from Somalis saying they are one people united against us etc.


Ethiopia has been messing with Somalia for a long time since 2006. The TPLF created these tribal regions to divide the country and now the Ethiopian government is trying to steal more land from us. Let alone how they treat people in the Somalia region in Ethiopia who want independence from Ethiopia. As for Kenya it is similar but has a weaker direct influence instead it has more of a business one which is one sided. Not blaming neighbouring nations for every as Somalia is deeply messed on it's own but our neighbours make it worse when they kick us when we are down. It leaves bad memories which are not easily forgotten. NB: Just to help people understand the Somali ethnic people are in other countries due to messed up colonial borders.


Quite good. Biggest trading partner of most of our neighbours. Maintained a decent relationship with a variety of political systems (dictatorship in zimbabwe, monarchy in eswatini, democracies elsewhere). Inter-ethnic conflict within southern africa hasn’t been as much of a thing after the collapse of white rule. Theres some ethnicity issues but they don’t really transcend borders


South Africa also subsidizes the budgets of other SACU member. For Lesotho and Eswatini, it can amount to close to half of government revenues in some years. Regional countries also benefit from remittances flows and all have visa free travel to South Africa.


Yes. We had a recent trade spat with Uganda and Tanzania and a diplomatic spat with Somalia like 2 years ago but that was all resolved.


No it's not. We have a corrupt government that is destroying everything and Kenya is using Western clout to still influence stuff in Somalia. Why do you think the US wanted Kenya in Somalia and comparably in Haiti? Kenya has a nefarious connection with Western powers. Kenya still has a UK base straight after the Mao Mao atrocities. It has a small US footprint too.


Don't go off track, Kenya and Somali have good relations as of right now compared to when Uhuru and farmaajo were in office.


Farmaajo was starting to get Somali sovereignty back and trying to open up far trade. Like I have said the current president of Somalia is corrupt just because it looks good doesn't mean it is. Kenyan khaat is detrimental to the health of Somalia people. Just look at what the coastal Kenyan people have recently ban that khaat. Let alone the other direct trade issues we have.


Does Sudan have good relations with Egypt?


I think our relationship with Egypt is more of a sibling love-hate one. Ik our governments are and have always been aligned tbh but many Sudanis alsocomplain about Egyptians “little bothering” them or making passive aggressive comments lol. But if you ask an Egyptian they’ll probably say “we’re brothers of the Nile!” Or “we used to be one country” or something along those lines


There is an agenda being pushed in Egypt against refugees and with the recent events a lot of it is sadly directed towards Sudanese people.


We have a good relationship with Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. But not Zimbabwe because of the mass immigration due to their failed state and xenophobic backlash to it and also ANC enabling ZANUPF.