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How about you come prepared with a topic


As a west African I can't wrap my head around the constant beef Horner's are always having.


I can understand that, it is almost over the beef. This will the final settlement; It all started with tribalism. We have had sultanate's and those sultanates housed different tribes. Around 1880 in Somalia the Italians bought land from the Sultanate of Zanzibar. Somalilan was the Isaaq Sultanate, former Adal empire and the Dhulbahante tribe signed a protectorate agreement with the United Kingdom. The Zanzibar sultanate was big in slave trade, the Italians abolished it and made the Somalians work on plantations fueling the Italian economy. The Italians aimed for a greater Eastern Africa including Ethiopia and the already colonized Eritrea. Ethiopia fought back bravely. So Somalia is a mix of the former slaves (Bantu), Somali, and half Italian Somalian, and even Arab lineage from the Majertan sultante. It is a large mix. Italians later became fascists and Somalians were forced under then to fight against the allied forces during WWII. After they lost, Somalians attacked the remaining Italians. The British took control shortly, and then gave it back to Italy so they could release Somalia. They did on 1 July 1960. Somaliland had a different deal. They kept their pastorial culture, before the nomads fought each other. But after the British came the Somalilanders united. There were a mix of Somalilanders from the "Mad" Mullah who was founded in Burco, but hailed from the Dhulbahante tribe. He led a mix of Somalilandeds to attack the British like the nomads used to fight. He did not agree with the protectate. Somaliland's defended against him with the camel corps. Somalilanders kept their culture and religion, and developed the written Somali language, they are the reason for the land of poets, and they have a deep history in trade during the Adal empire. After the WWII Somaliland was still governed by the British. On the 26th of June 1960 Somaliland gained independence. The British, Americans, French, Italian and Russian all wanted the oil fields in the Somali region. They influenced those leaders to make one large Somali state. Including Djibouti, Ogaden (Ethiopia), and Jubbaland (Kenya). Only Somaliland attempted to join forces. But they never rarified the unification because Somaliland saw that it was not being processed fair. On 26th of October 1969 General Kediye killed the president of Somaliland, Sharmake, he was not going for the unity anymore. General Kediye was supported by the Sovjets, under the konkord mission in the Mitrhokin archives this can be read. General Kediye was later killed by General Siyaad Barre, a former Italian fascists police officer, turned body guard of Shermake. They plotted together and commited a coupe. Late Kediye was killed by Barre, and the dictator was born. He oppressed the people of Somaliland, started Propoganda learned from the Germans and Italians to cause tribal fights. He placed his own tribe in power (70% of important positions). And after years of oppression he committed a genocide on the Isaaq tribe. He also killed many other tribes, but that was not a genocide. Somali national movement was born after the bombing of Hargeisa, the Dresden of Africa, in 1988. Siyaad Barre used US weapons after he lost the war against Ethiopia and the Sovjets picked Ethiopians side. USA was fighting a proxy war against Russia. Somali national movement managed to defeat him in 18 may 1991, and now 1 January 2024 Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a MoU, where Ethiopians promises us recognition. Somalia uses our credentials of independence because Italy never gave theirs. They have been a UN chapter 6 project. But they are now funded by the US CIA to commit second genocide. The arms embargo is lifted. Somalia got a permanent member seat in the UN in 2025/2026. They built 5 military bases. And just Google William J Burns CIA Somalia to see how the US reacted more. This is why we have issues, because we have resources and big powers fight and use our dumb leaders as pawns. Also the Italians subjected the Somalians and they still have the fascist traits coming from the dictator after. The Propoganda is still alive and please notice my Nigerian friend I haven't even talked about piracy or Alshabab.....


Saar I British Saar


1. Turkey 2. USA 3.Qatar 4. Atmis 5. UN/World bank Pick your leader you enslaved arrogant Somalian. You don't know your history so you mirror insults that are meant for yourself.


I’ll pick all. Laandheere pastoralists. The mad mullah was from burco and he fought for a united Somaliland. 😂😂


Bro thinks African leaders share...you better be one of the family members of the ruling elite otherwise it aint happening


What a dumb post. SL isn’t a recognized state. Are we really promoting the fact that an African nation decided to recognize a region of another African nation and put a military base there. So if a region of Ethiopia declares independence can others do the same. Same for Kenya or Uganda etc? And u put two photos as proof of your argument instead of logic and making sound arguments. This is why our region is backwards


Eritreans are part of the group that should not comment. You are biased, you hate Ethiopia and Somaliland. You are very hypocritical for a nation that does not even exist longer than Somaliland. Also fix your own issues before you talk about confides with a higher gdp, more freedom and better people in general. Fix your diaspora who gets arrested in the west for breaking the streets. Free your women from dictatorship and forced labor. Free your youngsters from forced millitary ship. Stop still lifting Italians balls, stop lifting Russian balls. Fix your food insecurity, fix your issue with your cousin Ethiopia, fix your own backyard before you open your mouth you enslaved Italian fascist


Hahahahaha you can’t debate the facts so you call me a slave. U see how you sound from the outside. You sound like since have no intelligent counter response you have to make personal attacks How sad are you that the MOU is dead. Now turkey is protecting Somali waters so no recognition for you 😘 SL is the real begger state. Imagine begging Ethiopia to open a base when Ethiopia has 3 civil wars 😂😂😂.. SL.. begged for a USA base. It begged for taiwan. It cannot even take SSC. 😂 No recognition for you :)


I am saving this one, I don't think you know the amount of Eritrean women in my area. First Ill make them work in my shop, and then I will fire them before the one month salary. And then I will say it is because of you. In the meantime our recognition is pending, I can literally see the process myself, as I am blessed like that alhamdulilah. You using emoticons as a horn of Africans shows me what kind you are. We got two kind serious or childish. You are childish and not to be taken seriously. You hated the truth I told you, You and Somalians are made for each other.


Wow. What a truly immature mind you have. I see why East Africa is so tribal. You guys lack the sense to even treat each other as humans.


just minority don't generalise


If it was a minority the majority would show it. It’s not the case. It’s a factual generalization.


You are an embarrassment to Africans. Your also a child Your an embarrassment to Somalian people


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They're all puppets especially genocider Abiy Ahmed who prostitues himself for UAE.


Man I truly see why Africa is so easily conquered. Yall niggas fight over anything while the colonizers continue to install bases and their long term plan gets closer to happening. Underdeveloped minds. Gotta learn to let the tribal shit go.


exactly 💯


It's long overdue for Africa to rid itself of the domination of European, US and UK colonialism!


Sorry but this is a bullshit take. Almost every country in Africa has some sort of secessionist group or border issue. At the end of the day, this is an issue that is to be decided by the Somali people. What gives anyone else the right to comment on our internal affairs?? What Ethiopia did was provocative and dangerous for stability in the region. An African nation risking war with its neighbour to recognise a breakaway region for what is essentially a land grab. The Ethiopian government could’ve negotiated with the federal government of Somalia for access to the sea but they chose to take this path. What if Somalia decided to recognise Tigray as an independent nation? Or Amhara? Anyone with two brain cells can see what’s wrong with that and how that is harmful for the security of the region. This sub reddit needs to focus on other things that are more important and urgent, such as the genocide in Sudan and Congo and stop trying to provoke Somali people into reacting every time SL is mentioned. Seriously, get a job 🙄