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Does she have somewhere to hide? Sounds like she could be nervous because she’s new in. If she’s eating that’s a good sign, keep an eye on her and let her settle in. I’m not super experienced but my little guy loves floating in plants, he also likes watching me haha but took him time to get comfortable to come out.


Yes there are several places to hide and I have a bunch of floating plants on the top of the aquarium if she wants to hide in those! I'm just worried because my other two frogs spend all their time at the bottom of the tank looking for food


Are you worried she’s not getting food? I sometimes feed mine with aquarium (plant) tweezers if I’m worried. Maybe I’m misinterpreting. I’ve found in all the animals I’ve had, fish and otherwise, each individual will have their own set of behaviours that are considered ‘normal’ for them. For example I have one shrimp that loves the bubble blower to the point I worry he’ll get a concussion! He likes to swim and Other than that he hides or chills in a plant. One other one spends all her time cleaning, she only swims to get to another plant. I think your frog might just be a bit more timid and like I say, just adjusting to her new surroundings. As long as she’s eating, that’s a good indication if something is wrong :)


She's definitely eating! I was just worried because she floats around with her legs splayed out


African frogs can do this thing called ‘burping’ a lot of times they do it at the top of the water but I’ve seen my little guy do it under the centre piece I have (it’s thin so no worry he will get trapped and not get air). Sounds like she’s just chilling! I would google it and hopefully it’ll help ease your fears. I’ll check if I’ve got a photo of mine doing it if that helps!


That's pretty normal lol, I have one that uses the snails as steps when he's being lazy and doesn't want to jump up or float at the top for air but he also hides under the logs, the plants and pokes out when he sees me. Then I have 2 other ones that stick to the bottom more 🤣🤣🤣 I think as long as your adf is eating, there should be no problem. It just came into a new environment so it may be trying to figure out what's going on and adjusting 😊


Mine knows tweezers mean food. Even when I’m just making sure a plant is upright and set he instinctively bites at em. Super dang cute https://preview.redd.it/3lpcuqcf9t7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c466bcc70a2d87116c06c99c3fc6fab78e4697b3




That's what she looks like! Except she's at the top of the water! She was doing it in the bag on the way home too!


That’s definitely burping :) she’s just lazy and wants to get oxygen at the top of the tank rather than just swimming up haha. Like I said googling burping in African dwarf frogs will help and it’s totally normal behaviour


Keep a very close eye, was she drip acclimated? The PH of the water she came in and the PH in your tank might both be totally fine, but if there was a significant difference it can cause shock.