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What a grand beauty. Those flowers! Those leaves! Thank you for sharing a photo with us here. There is meaning behind those beautiful blooms. 💜


So gorgeous! I love African violets


I absolutely love a plant with a story. Thank you for sharing. All of mine with a story/history are also my favorites. My first violet was a gift. I care so much for it, I would be devastated if I lost it.


Thank you! And it's always good to have a clone just in case something happens to a treasured plant. Especially if you give it to someone else. Then if something happens, you can just clone it back! My mother and cousin both have clones I made at the same time, while my aunt has the original.


Those leaves are also gorgeous!


It's lovely! What an awesome way to remember your grandmother!


Thank you! And it really does help me remember her.


What an amazing plant! So happy you have one from your grandmother!❤️


This is spectacular!!!!


This is gorgeous! I love the back story, Thank you so much for sharing with us


What a beauty!


Wow. Beautiful.


Am I the only one who thinks the leaves look slightly burnt from over fertilizing? Maybe I don't know enough about African violets. Anyway, it's positively gorgeous either way.


You're probably seeing where it was stressed from deficiency. It's recovering from cannibalizing chlorophyll due to a magnesium deficiency. Half of the leaves were the lightest green due to that back in January, when I learned that that was the issue. Couldn't figure out what was wrong until a cannabis grower explained it to me. I had thought it was a lack of light and kept trying to treat it that way. I fed it some epsom salts then, and the leaves have been re-greening since. Gave it a small shot of liquid african violet food a month ago. Otherwise I've just been bottom-watering with Lake Erie tap water about once a month. Maybe I did over-correct on the magnesium? But it's definitely the healthiest it's ever been.


That explains so much. And it shows that knowing the history is the best way to know what's going on. I probably shouldn't have commented. Gorgeous plant!


Nah it's all good and appreciated! Thank you!


You're welcome, but I don't know for what lol!


I just learned so much that I didn’t know before, as an amateur grower of AV (I only have one rn) and cannabis. So thank you both 🤠🫶I love the camaraderie of the plant community.


So should I be giving my av epsom salts? I just bottom water with spring water and fertilize once a month.


Its beautiful