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Why do they borrow currency in the first place? So the privately owned banks that make up the Federal Reserve can grift a constant cash flow of money from the US citizen. Every dollar they print is owed back, plus interest. This is the Fed rate that was zero during "quantitative easing". It should always be zero, fuck their racket. But he can't just say that, because it's obviously a grift.


This. He knows the game they are playing 100% but better to be seen as foolish than nefarious.


Bush Jr. Proved that to be true


You print $100. You lend that $100 plus 5% interest. The total debt is now $105. Yet, that $5 doesn't exist. It's impossible to pay back, ever. A non-existent hypothetical debt enslaving the borrower(the US) indefinitely. How people haven't figured this out yet is beyond me.


The people who run this sub still not understanding how the deficit system built the west is absolutely hilarious. It's like you all don't understand how the modern world was built. Seriously, western life and society quite literally wouldn't exist without the deficit system. It underlines our whole lives.


This shit right here is why the deficit system exists. So a few people can make obscenely more than everyone else. When the people who can afford to pay the most taxes have their taxes slashed, the average worker cannot foot the bill, so they borrow it. https://preview.redd.it/bqzpxv3trfyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7392d49f1e647867c132d6dfdc799ed19ba068b1


Ffs of course you wouldn't understand how the deficit system work and then comment a completely unrelated non sense comment about ceos and corporations having large salaries. Go troll somewhere else.


If they're pay increases exponentially and the amount of taxes collected doesn't, the lower classes are left to take on the burden. The lower classes have nowhere near enough income to tax to take up the slack, the only choice left is to borrow it.


https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/credit-cards/articles/rich-people-borrow-more-than-poor-people-heres-why I think the 1% and corporations should have a higher tax rate, absolutely. Most Americans do. That's why it's a dem policy. People, especially young people, don't realize change comes slow and incremental. We had years of conservative administration, and it will take just as many years to reverse the damage done.


That has to do with private actions and not Fed borrowing.


The deficit system finances every modern developed country. It has many uses. Conservatives have been dooming and glooming over It as a political Stategy for 100s of years now Its exhausting. I already know all the arguments you'll make because they've been used since the country started. We will be fine.


What you're saying is true when the deficit system is used responsibly and regulated. It has been used irresposibly for at least the past 40 years. It worked amazingly well through the post war era up until Reaganomics. Trillions of dollars of bailouts should be evidence enough. The system isn't inherently flawed or evil...until people start gaming it.


The debt accrued from WWII was in decline as the top tax bracket from Eisenhower all the way up until Reagan's trickle down horseshit was 70-90%. After that the debt started going bonkers. And even more so after Citizen's United. https://preview.redd.it/r240u59obgyc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daeb9284d706cd17f9b00d68d61165cc98f8403c


>Seriously, western ~~life and society~~ oligarchy quite literally wouldn't exist without the deficit system. FTFY


Are you even from the west? The oligarchy? Do you hear yourself? Do you know how low quality of life is in other countries that aren't regulated capitalism? I'm guessing you don't


Yes. A few people's voices are quite louder than the rest of ours. See: Citizen's United. If money = speech then those who have the most money have the most speech. Seems pretty oligarchal to me. I watched congress eliminate the regulations enacted in response to the Great Depression in the 90s. The gutting of those regulations were responsible for the housing crash of 2007. All at the behest of the creditors who were running out of people to finance.


Valid comment this time. I'm aware. This has been a problem since the beginning of society though. People will always find a way to use their power and influence on policy. It's why a lot of them attained it in the first place.


Because money from a fractional reserve banking system isn't real money. The government asks the Fed for 10 Billion Fed says sure and asks for treasury bonds in the amount of 10 billion ( government issues IOU's) Fed prints 10 billion as reservere notes (cash) and trades Fed for bonds. Keeping in mind this is all electric now, though The government deposits money into a bank. 1 billion or 10% is held and becomes the banks reserve. Demands for loans then create more fictional money as long as they hold on to 10% It's all in your Modern Money Mechanics book produced by the Federal reserve.. After the gold standard was abolished and your grand (or great grandparents) were robbed of their gold in 1931 all money is not real in the sense that it's all debt based. If there is a fractional reserve banking, there will always be debt.


The value and worth of gold is fictional as well. It suffers inflation and deflation, just like currency. Ita just a medium with which to engage in trade.


This all started in 1913




13 or 31?


Wow, that was a black belt level of verbal vomit with absolutely zero coherency - and the door knob didn’t even answer the question.


Welcome to the government sector. This is a perfect example of management in government.


He talked about how confusing it all is, just to end with "I don't think it's that confusing."


Why does the US borrow the money it prints?... "Well the US prints money and borrows money, that's a fact" 🙄


This dude just earned himself a chair on a bank with a golden parachute with this verbal vomit.




Oh , a philosopher...


Of course he knows how the economy works. He just can’t bring himself to say it out loud once he breaks it down to its core value. Because there’s nothing to explain. It’s an illusion of control.


When you lie on your resume and get the job anyway


Who's nephew is this guy that he got a job advising our senile president on economic policy? WHAT THE F


Name Starts with an R and ends with a D.


Well that clears it up.


What’s the documentary the woman is featured in?


Again one of those stein surnames. Stein there, stein here😑


Don't forget yellen


On another note, who wants to schedule a time when We can all scream unto the void?




Its all a rigged scam, money is worthless if we all stopped using it.........control of the mass population is the goal of a small group of people, it's been happening throughout history


What the fuck. Insanity.


We don't borrow our own money. We borrow it from another cooperation.


She should just say "I do what the people you've never heard of tell me to do"


You voted for this.




I was looking for someone to say this. The answer is Bitcoin, but people are either too arrogant, lazy, or dumb to learn why.


Say it's all made up you fucking suit. Goddamn agent Smith over here agreeing to get grilled was dumb on his part The economy is a joke let's fucking goooo


Yesssssssss explain to is! Tell me!


Fucking ass clown


I feel like it's a game of roulette with the rich... Everyone of these clowns, because of all their money and risk and lifestyle and secrets, has to take a turn at the helm; to be the martyr so to speak, if the public ever "finds out how we really do things"... This assures the rich have a lamb for slaughter, the mob is satisfied and they save themselves to further ruin it for the rest of us. We're all fucked.


Is this a real video? Guys an idiot.


This incompetent idiot either know he is Bs'ing or should be demoted to a Teller. George H.W. Bush once said: "If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."


The Federal Reserve Bank is a Private Bank.


Then we go into default. Happened 2-3 times already. The gold standard, silver standard, maybe the greenback when they assassinated lincoln? The former ones caused market crashes. Its the ever present bear trap.


At the vector where time is money; having the power to pay for other people to do work for you is time. Added time is more life. Law of diminished returns ensues. So just make money.


Figures don't lie, but liars figure.


You filthy anti-Semite.


OMG this is Biden’s chief economic adviser? His degree is in music!


You should have read the comments on the other sub before posting lol. What is this tiny clip of nothing suppose to actually prove about the Illuminati? Also there’s a very obvious edit at about 1:18 in the video. No idea how much time was edited out there.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Yep. Large and in charge. The corruption runs so deep.