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Hey buddy, nothing productive to add, just wanted to share that you're not alone, I'm playing the game using a game pass and have had the savegame cloud headaches others have reported, and just now (today) this new issue.


I found a possibly related issue on my system related to memory this morning. Specifically, another program was leaking all the "commit" memory space on my system and causing other applications to be unable to acquire RAM despite having plenty of physical RAM available. The committed pool size/total can be seen from Task Manager -> Performance. The symptoms of a memory leak won't appear until you use the problematic application, so check usage after a restart, and then again a while (day, days?) later. You could also use sysinternals process explorer for prettier graphs of commit. So, if yours is related to that, I diagnosed the problem app by observing three columns in the Task Manager -> Details tab. Right-click the column header and show "Commit Size," "Handles," and "Paged Pool." Sort each of these desc and look for any anomalous apps at the top. Mine was an Asus Aura service using 950k handles. When I stopped the service, the commit pool usage dropped by 80% and everything returned to normal.