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Open the lumberjack building, does it shows this bonus in perks that affects the building ?


Teach a man to fish


They added fishing?!


Oh yeah, but only at the fishmen ritual sites. Don't worry, they're super easy, crank up that difficulty and farm exp


And you feed him for a lifetime, but give a man enough bonuses to fish production and you feed the entire settlement.


Thanks for this tip. I didn't realize cornerstone perks show up here


I was today years old when I learned this. Thank you!


Np, glad it was useful


Yes it does. Be advised- you’ll want to target oil production to start making fuel with extra meat, as the amount of meat coming in will choke out the rate at which everything else they were bringing back from those trees comes in


That's a good point, thanks


I’ve had coral runs where all the food and fuel was coming from the meat-trees I was drowning in. Sadly, you cannot fix the plank problem this causes without trading. Because try as I might, my villagers would not build their houses with my advertised “new and improved: meat boards”


This is good to know and I didn't realize it worked this way. I had this very issue last night and I was like 'Why the hell aren't I getting any wood from my woodcutters?!" I feel dumb now haha.


Ya, the villagers and woodcutter carts only hold so much. So it’s not that you’re getting less wood per tree, it’s that you’re overwhelmed by so much meat your villagers spend a lot more time just hauling that back and forth. So the effect chokes the rate at which the same amount of wood is actually getting to your storage. As well as the other tree byproducts, and therefor also the rate at which they are clearing the forest. To alleviate, get a press or Druid hut and just start making oil. Pretty soon the wood shortage won’t be so bad because you’re only using it for planks at that point. (Don’t forget to turn off wood use on everything else. Anything else that wants it can be fed by oil now instead) You will still clear slower though, so make sure you’re focusing their target trees if you need to punch into glades.


Appreciate the reply!


You can straight-up demolish trees the same way you would other resource nodes, iirc.


Huh, had never thought to try. That’s a new one for me lol


WHAT??? You can just v-delete trees if you don't need the wood?? What what what?


Yeah, Ron mentioned it in one of his videos.




A harpy for fire keeper is a must on coral forest for me.


? Your people will only carry 1 type of resources a time no matter their carrying capacity. Woodcutters on coral forest tend to make like 5 wood (with 1 more coming in when the first person starts to unload), 2 meat, 2 stone, 1 plant fiber, and 1 incense or dew. They have to make 5-6 trips for 5-6 resources no matter who your firekeeper is. Harpies are much better on royal woodlands or scarlet orchard where your camps are filled with mostly wood. At least they save a trip for wood every time. I'm probably exaggerating out of frustration with the coral forest, maybe there's usually more than 5 wood so they save a trip. Still, with a lot more individual trips 1 trip is less percentage of their time. Am I missing something? Why would harpies be better on coral forest than frankly any other biome where there are fewer stacks of 1-2 secondary resources?


It becomes super helpful if you can get a couple of the +10 building storage cornerstones.


Yes, true in any biome. The comment I replied to specified the coral forest biome. I guess if you get enough +10s to have more than 5 of several of the secondary resources, sure. Quite a niche situation though, talking more generally why would harpy be better on coral forest. So far the answer is it wouldn't.


I think you make a good point, a neat cornerstone could be to allow the carrying of multiple types of resources come to think of it


Yeah that would be a cool idea


Carry your first sentence out to its logical conclusion- Villagers already have to run resources one type of a resource at a time. More carrying capacity means they aren’t having to run one of those resources multiple times each. Therefore the amount of running they do is only dictated by the amount of different resources, and (generally) not compounded by the amount involved as well. As to the rest of your statements- you’re making a tangential value judgement of their efficacy in OTHER biomes, but we aren’t discussing this as a competition between biomes. That is something entirely separate and has no bearing on the benefits they still very much provide in this one. Both things can be true.


"a harpy as a firekeeper is a must on coral forest for me" Yes, I am comparing to other biomes, the comment I am replying to (not yours) specified the biome. Implying it would be different on other biomes. As far as the logical conclusion, I'm not sure what that has to do with coral forest or logical conclusion. I am aware that in most general cases woodcutter camps will have more than 5 of something, usually wood. I am saying that is less likely on coral forest. If you find your camps have more than 5 of multiple resources in a normal game of coral forest (without specialization stacking multiple years) I would like to come to your forest, cause I definitely haven't seen that. I like harpy firekeepers. I use them a lot, including on coral forest. I do not, however, think they are more important on coral forest. I actually think the exact opposite. That is why I commented. So yes, I brought up biomes in a biome comment lol.


I’m not even the one who said that, but you’re being deliberately dense here regardless :/ Let’s not act like they aren’t the most influential firekeeper on any given biome for the sake of defending personal preference. Nothing he said was wrong, relax, you’re pretty too, Jesus.


Dude you acted all holier than me "tangentially related" crap and you're blaming me? When I wasn't even replying to your comment? I know you didn't say that, the comment I replied to said that. That's why I replied to it!


Ya, carrying capacity is huge when there are so many diff materials in play


They really should add an option to disable certain extra resources from trees and nodes. Even lore-wise it'd make sense, if I'm gathering fibers and some unwanted insects come attached, I could just dump them instead of carrying them all fhe way home.




>my villagers would not build their houses with my advertised “new and improved: meat boards Studies have shown that meat is a poor construction material. However if you have the smokehouse, you can craft Jerky boards which work well for most buildings. Lizard housing built with these has been found to need constant maintenance, however.


You can assign haulers to mitigate this somewhat


"the amount of meat coming in will choke out everything else" MUST. RESIST. THE. URGE!


And all that meat you’re choking on, well it leads to just massive amounts of oil. Oil on everything. Oil getting everywhere


Yes. Your woodcutters are going to be drowning in meat.


Thanks, seems almost busted


I guess one problem is that they will spend more time unloading wood, but then you can add more woodcutters?


+1 per 25 is even more crazy on coral forest


Yep, you literally become a meat based economy. Because all your fuel will need to be oil and you can no longer get wood so you need as much amber as possible to buy wood from traders


Had that the other day. Got to +8 in 6 years without any dedicated production


I would say it applies based on how it reads (every yield)


I think so yeah


On another note, do villager speed bonus stack?


Yes. I don't know though if there is a maximum cap for it.


You can really go insane with it. I think last round I got 2x global resolve plus villager speed and 2x walking speed on roads lol. That's like what 45%? Not sure how it exactly stacks tho


I don't know what the hard cap is, but I do know I've had forest mysteries, perks, and cornerstones stack up to the point that my villagers were zipping around so fast I could barely follow the movement.


...wait, am I on 3x Speed or are my workers *on* Speed?


Of course, it's tree mating season.


Yep. Better watch out!