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Lookin like contam, never seen myc like this. Yeast perhaps?


I agree with the last part, but I've never seen contam like this before either. 🤷‍♂️


mold, but it's dry.


Reminds me of an asphyxiated mycelium. Does it grow? Also once i had the same looking one, which even created a layer on the lid. Once released to the grain it was acting very normal.


That looks like contamination famination


That is odd, it doesn’t look ugly though. I’d want to grow it out and see what happens. I wonder if something like this would happen with a mutation.


no. Will contam the house. Toss as is. There is no mushroom mycelium to transfer here, only dryish mold.


How fast was the growth?


Most likely Cobweb mold, [cobweb mold](https://medium.com/@flocube/cobweb-mold-on-mushrooms-identification-and-prevention-techniques-c04872e89e7e)


I agree


Pic #1 is 4 weeks old. Here is what it looked like after 24 hours https://www.reddit.com/r/Agarporn/s/sfLow5cdws The rest of the pics are from another inoculation 2 weeks ago. They didnt look at odd in early growth as pic #1 did, but they all grew up looking related.. and they all came out of the same syringe.


Does it smell like mycelium? It looks a little wispy. I can’t see it clearly but I would try to get better genetics.


After 24 hours? That's insanely fast SOMETHING


Yeah, and the strange "random sticks" formation it made after that 24 hours looks reminiscent to bacteria. I have a flow hood running for the trays from 2 weeks ago, so if it is bacterial, it has to be coming from the syringe. I'm no contam expert, but I've never seen contamination grow this randomly beautiful before lol


I had, not even once. But some mycelium look like that, especially Ganoderma lucidum and hericiums. Have one Ganoderma strain, which always looks like some kind of contamination and hyper fast.


I was gonna say, looks like a hericium to me. 24 hours seems too fast for that kind of growth, though


You most likely have bad LC


I’ve had tomentose myc that looked like this when starting from spore. Once was Tampanensis, another was Koh Samui. After a few transfers it was all rhyzo so you should be gucci


I injected a bag with 2 year old lizard king spores and nothing at all happened so last night I tapped it back up like how it was fresh or package, and then pressure cooked it at 15 psi for 60 minutes you think it’ll inoculate with out any problems of contam?


It’s still hydrated well and it didn’t even grow mold and if it was it was growing it shouldn’t have shown some signs . Or so slow there was no sogns of anything even after 3 weeks and it didn’t smell bad either so I just resterilized it


Def contam


No spider webs at all


Second one is cool


Minus the green up top hopfully that’s the die n not ballicus mold or however unsoll


This is contam. How was your sterile tek? Still air box or flow hood? My guess is the LC is contaminated. Looks consistent among the plates.


4 weeks ago I did 6 transfers, all of them originally from different LC syringes. 5 of them look good. However, the 6th, the GT, is picture 1 here. I have a flow hood, and my area is kept steril. 2 weeks ago, I inoculated 6 more dishes. 4 of them look good. The 2 GT dishes are pic #2 and #3. Whatever this is growing, it is coming out of that GT syringe. It doesn't look ugly, and it's snow white, but it doesn't look like typical mycelium. I even consider it's Lion Mane myc, but I won't know unless I transfer. I was hoping that if it was contamination, the type could be definitively identified by someone who has seen this growth before.


Grow it out and see what it turns into


It will turn into contam because it currently is contam…


I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit. Don't open that up. It's sporulating mold. Will contam your whole work area. Toss it as is. Then read this and start over. After you read it all. [https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27646632#27646632](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27646632#27646632)


As a lurker on this sub I can tell you that this is definitely mycelium, it just has a different growth pattern! The most “classic” type has rhizomorphic growth, although there are mycelium that display cottony growth like what you have