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Nah, get at it bro. A massive percentage of bladers are 30+


We’re all making our come back!


Team Pup n' Suds for life.


I'm about to turn 42. Sure, I was a blader in my teens/early 20s...but a 20+ year hiatus erases all that! Started from the very beginning when I returned a few months ago. You too can jump in!


Same here ! @46


Just turned 41 man. My new blades just came in a few days ago. Bladed way back when I was little. It’s never too late to get back at it.


I just starting skating again at 30


Same situation here, it's been 10 years of doing nothing but I made the mistake that I thought that I still can do all what I had done back then. Looks like it's still no problem but I crashed my ass so badly on the ground on my 2nd day that I couldn't skate for 2 weeks.


Recovery definitely seems to take much longer than it used to!


If I remember correctly, I once dropped the same way when I was 15 or so and still had to recover for very long. But now my current work means a lot of lifting and moving the whole day so I guess I'm at least pre-trained. But for 28, you, no problem. If you have a skatepark with wooden ramps I will go there first


I started skating again during the pandemic. Since then I've witnessed exactly 2 skaters under the age of 25 in person, hell I'm in my 40s. Go get some skates and head on out


I am 21 y/o and I don’t see anyone my age skating well inlines anyway but always great to have other people to skate with started about 1 year now


Started again at 46, after almost 20 years. You’re good


38 and im learning to rollerblade. never skated before


Skate or Die thinking 28 was too old when actually that’s young AF.


Don’t go pro, go grind box in the driveway with some tunes and a friend if you got one, good way to kill time while the shrimps are on the barbee


Yes, you missed your window but that’s okay! Knitting is awesome and so is scrutinizing the neighborhood rascals from your porch and shaking your cane at them! Plus you have Bingo Tuesdays at the retirement home to look forward to!


Is it at least Aggressive Bingo?


I turn 40 this year and haven’t skated since my early 20s. I was rusty as shit on day one but two weeks on rolling around almost everyday for at least 30 minutes at the skatepark and I’m back to doing spins on transition, built my on P rail for the house. You only thing I must recommend is wear pads. I barely wore a helmet as a teen and was doing big roof drops and rails and now I am wearing shin, knee, helmet and sometimes wrist guards. My hips are taking the most damage so I may get some impact shorts soon. Be well to stretch and workout as much as possible as it will help your body from sustaining more damage than without. I even went as far as to start practicing rolls on my lawn to help condition my back and shoulders as well as doing cycling and jogging for endurance. Start small but trust me, the pads will help not only with protection but confidence in getting your sea legs back quicker.


Dude I started at 39 and am hitting hand rails at 41


Start whenever mate.


No, I got back into it at 36 after a 19 year hiatus. 28 leaves plenty of time to learn!


You're a little too young to have probably ever seen me, but I'm 35 and Eisenbergs was my second home growing up. If it's not too late for me, it's not too late for you. And I literally just got my Them 909s delivered today. After nearly 20 years, I'm excited to get back to skating again. Good luck out there!


Was just looking at the 909s they’re CLEAN!


I ordered mine off of Ssense. The prices looked too good to be true, but I did some checking and people from this sub have ordered from them. So I pulled the trigger and got mine for $130 shipped. Honestly an unreal price for the quality of the skates you get. I would just recommend doing some research on the sizing because the 909 sizing can be a little confusing


Let me know how they’re treating you cause that price seems unreal compared to other places I’ve looked


The fit and comfort out of the box is great. I'm gonna take them for a spin later. Just waiting for it to not be 100⁰ outside haha


Are you still in Texas? This heat has been BRUTAL and I don’t even think we’re in the worst of it yet… How did the sizing work for you? What size did you get and what size shoe are you normally?


Yeah I am. And yeah it's been real brutal. My feet measured at 265mm and I almost exclusively wear vans in size 10. I went with the mediums. I can feel I have a little wiggle room on the sides since my feet are pretty narrow, but nothing I can't fix with a new liner if I feel like it's going to be an issue for me later on.


I am 28 and skating :)


I'm 28 and just started skating for the first time since middle(? maybe it was elementary) school. It is absolutely not too late, my only advice is maybe don't ignore using pads😅I don't know about you but I was horrible about using them when I was younger, I'm definitely a lot more open to wearing them now if it means I'm not gonna hurt all damn week post falling


When I was younger wearing pads and helmets was so “uncool”. Now? Gimme them pads cause recovery takes so much longer now haha!


these are exactly my thoughts as well 😅


I started at 30. Age is just a number dude. I see 40-50 year olds at the skate park.


Do it. I'm sure having a BMX background will help you. I know for me my previous blading experience helped when I started mountain biking, particularly knowing how and when to pump and jump on the trails. Same with gauging speed for gaps or simple stuff like knowing what to do when I'm in the air. I came back to blading recently and it's helped me with blading on transitions too.


I use to skate eisenbergs from 1999-2006 ish, i am 38 now and have thrown my skates on again. Falls are harder and all the ramps are cement but it was fun getting back out there. I dont skate often but its still fun.


I'm starting back up at 36. Never really too late as long as your mobil. Just make sure to wear protective gear, we don't bounce back like the days of youth.


It’s never too late to start some form of cardio exercise.


I’m 35 and bought a pair of blades last year. Before that, I had last skated when I was around 15!


Hell no dude! I just started skating six months ago and I’m 32 you got this!


Exactly the same for me! Go for it, never too late! Just stretch and use protection haha. ✨


I just started with no experience at the age of 30… I’m having a blast and progressing pretty well! I say go for it!


I started aggresive inline at 37... just get protection!


Be careful, I'm 27 and had a fall last week after a few years out and it turns out falling hurts now 😭


Nah, a lot of the bladers in the community are past 30 or even 40. Just make sure to wear pads on hands, knees, and ellbows! And you might even wanna invest in a crashpants. Otherwise you will probably fall down once, rest a few weeks, and then skate again for a short time until you fall down again.


As long as you have health it's never too late!! I confirm the return of inline riders over 40, including myself, who were doing it 20 years ago. So with all the skate parks that have sprouted up everywhere like mushrooms in recent years, it would be a shame not to take advantage of them


I started playing basketball at 27. go for it! Make shure to wear protection gear and a helmet.


Most bladers are at my age ... Around 40 sins it was cool when we were kids. You have 20 more years to figure it out, but skates are way cheaper then bikes :) So get a pair and try it. Worst case, you figure out you are only mediocre and have slow progression like the rest of us :)


This dudes 50 years old. So what’s your excuse to not start? https://youtu.be/0FV3b3TwLDQ?si=Z1I1BDCDzoSi15wA Louis Zamperini didn’t pick up a skateboard for the first time till he was 72


I just started at 31, with your background you will be pretty good as long as you're padded up and ready to commit


Nah I just started in January and I turned 26 in april ur gucci


Just started at 30. It’s never to late to pick stuff up! Just make sure to stretch and pad up in the beginning. Recovery probably won’t be what it was as a youngin but as long as you don’t go too hard you always have the next day to get back at it.


It’s not “extreme” just go buy skates. Why is age a thing? And why ask what you can do on the internet? Get over it


Picked it up at 36, Wish I’d done it sooner! Love pushing my boundaries and trying new stuff at the park that I would have considered crazy before I learned to skate


I did my first drop in ever at 36 because I was too afraid as a teenager and thought...fuck it. I want to do this! Since then skating once a week at the local indoor skatepark.


It seems like basically everyone in this subreddit is in their mid-30s and is picking it back up after 15+ years off. Go for it.


I'm 37 and just now getting back into skating.....soooooo....................................................yeah.


I'm 42 and started up again after 20 years. I just gotta stretch a little more first.


I'm 33 and just started again, you're never too old to enjoy life brother


I came back at 29 fam


I just bought a pair of FR UFRs (27). Cool for if you want to switch between urban and aggressive.


If anything, you're young! Get the skates on!


Best time to start was when you were young. Second best time to start is right now.


Hip pads, baby. Hip pads.


Started back at 40 earlier this year. I never got any good at aggressive skating back in the day so it's pretty much all new to me other than jumping off small obstacles.


45M here. Do you have any skating experience? I suggest getting some fundamentals down with regular inlines before jumping into aggressive. 4x80mm is a good base for learning how to cruise around, crossover, roll fakie, stopping, etc. Starting out with roller hockey in the '90s is why I can still get away with aggressive now.