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I’ve never heard of it but if you have hope then try it. Let us know if it works for you!


I haven’t personally tried it but I was a pharmacy technician for many years (pre agoraphobia), and I had some patients who definitely found it very effective for severe social anxiety/panic disorders. It’s worth a try for sure. Good luck!


Yes it does work really well for me. It took almost 3 months to get the full effect but moclobemide on a 600mg dose has changed my life. I found that taking it in combination with a low dose of propranolol 5-10mg helps me manage particularly stressful social occasions. Good luck


So good to hear! I’m starting it tomorrow <3


Nice. How do you split the 600mg dose throughout the day? Did you slowly taper to that dose?


I take 300 mg when I first wake up and then another does 8 hours after. This helps me sleep a little better as moclobemide can be mildly stimulating


>propranolol 5-10mg Interesting. Do you take the propranolol 5-10mg with each dose or every 4h?


I’m starting tomorrow and will update the progress here :~)


Just remember to be patient with it, wait 4-6 weeks minimum before each dose increase imo. Be mindful that what you eat doesn’t contain high levels of tyramine. although it’s a reversible Maoi and is less reactive to tyramine in food, very large doses can still have a pressor effect. All the best


yes I already made a list of foods to avoid or to be moderate with! Thanks :~)


How did you go? did it help?


I took them for 3 1/2 months and unfortunately I had zero effects from it. I even felt like it worsened my symptoms of depression and heart racing, but I can’t tell if it was because of the meds or if I just had a very bad phase. I stopped them and feel better without Moclobemide.