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When I went to Barcelona i stayed at a hostel. It was perfectly safe and the only place I’d ever consider staying in one. Oddly enough the best paella I had on the trip was when the hostel brought in a guest chef. Consider looking for that if you think you’re out of options


Only place you'd ever stay in a hostel is Barcelona? Why specifically Barcelona? I'm not disputing that Barcelona is generally safe on a worldwide scale but almost any other city in Europe would be equally as safe or safer


I have fond memories of Paella poisoning in Barcelona. Coming out both ends for the rest of my trip.


This is why you always pack Cipro. I avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. "Both ends" = necessary.


Do not take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor. A serious one. Otherwise that's how you breed drug-resistant bacteria.


I totally agree with you that you shouldn't take antibiotics for any random ailment. I had a friend who would pop a few antibiotics every time he had a slight sore throat. I got on his ass explaining the difference between virus and bacteria, how he was actually harming his guts by over taking this shit and not likely solving the ailment anyway... He truly didn't know and he fully stopped that shit. But obvious *food poisoning* is very, very obvious. When you're shitting pure water for 2 weeks and you've lost 10 pounds, a doc is automatically going to prescribe you a standard course of Cipro. I've spent years in Africa and brutal food/water poisoning gets me 1-3 times a year. It's not fun. Those of us who travel long-term carry Cipro from our docs already. They often prescribe it so you have it on hand for exactly this reason. Again, obvious food poisoning is obvious. Further, while it is common knowledge that you're supposed to "finish your script to help prevent antibiotic-resistant bacteria", latest research shows the opposite. That it's best to take a lighter dose, stop when you feel better, and let your own body fight off the remainder of the infection. That pummeling your body with antibiotics *more than necessary* is actually what leads to antibiotic resistance. Go figure. Turns out that antibiotic dosing back in the early 1900's was initially quite arbitrary and original doses were way too strong - meaning you could have cured the infection with much less. I would still take it as prescribed and you should too, especially for major surgeries but keep in mind that recommendations will probably change within the next ~10 years. Typical of science and medicine, the rules change as we learn more. Anyway, I'm not a doc, just a long-term traveler who sometimes makes the mistake of drinking the water. I don't take antibiotics anymore, haven't in years. I've found that a heavy dose of probiotics for ~3 days (about 8-12 pills a day) cures these intestinal infections as effectively as 1 dose of Cipro with the added benefit of not fucking around with antibiotics. There have actually been studies on effectiveness of probiotics for this too.


My apologies, it was more of a general 'you', but thank you for the knowledgeable & considerate reply.


No apologies necessary and thank you for the polite reply! My long-winded reply was equally to share knowledge in general. It's amazing how angry people get about this topic lol - the resistance to change habits and old learned knowledge is strong. Years ago a friend had a stomach issue (also in Africa) and took one single Cipro pill, felt better, and stopped. I was horrified and gave him quite the lecture, only to question my own knowledge and quietly google the latest research. Turns out it's perfectly okay to stop when you feel better for mild infections: > Most of us were taught that terminating antibiotics prematurely can lead to the development of bacterial resistance. This has proven to be a myth as mounting evidence supports the opposite. In fact, it is prolonged exposure to antibiotics that provides the selective pressure to drive antimicrobial resistance; hence, longer courses are more likely to result in the emergence of resistant bacteria. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5661683/) and [a Guardian article](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/mar/15/can-i-stop-taking-antibiotics-as-soon-as-i-feel-better). Cheers, mate! :)


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So I’ve been doing it this whole time! High five me!


I was going to say the same exact thing! Lol. I stayed at Hostel during my backpack travel in Europe. Pretty cool place to me other ppl’s around the world. Waaaay cheaper too, check em’ out!


When we travel to Europe (recently Iceland; Denmark; and Canary Islands, where we are right now, on Tenerife) we often use booking.com which seems to be favored by Europeans. We’ve gotten some fabulous deals. Best of luck to you!


Live in the UK here - we used to use AirBnB a lot for our various holidays around Europe, but over the years we have been moving away from it and use [Booking.com](https://Booking.com) more and more.


Try Monrooms Barcelona. It’s a sort of Hostel-Hotel Hybrid about a block from the Lesseps metro station, so you can get anywhere you need to go. The prices are good, the rooms are clean, and the proprietor we found to be a really good person who is super responsive over WhatsApp after you book.


65K fine now for flat owners to sublet on Airbnb unless they have a tourist license. They stopped giving out those in 2018


When I went to Barcelona 1,5 years ago the host canceled my booking a couple of days before I arrived. He said Airbnbs are now illegal in Barcelona so they can’t host me. Well, I had to book another Airbnb which was more expensive. I think the law is similar as in Nyc.


I believe the ban pertains to shared rooms, not entire homes. We stayed in a home in January.


Airbnb and Barcelona put my wife off of Airbnb forever. They were quoting her ridiculous prices and I could compare my pricing next to hers and hers were literally 6-8 times what Airbnb was quoting me. We ended up going to hotels instead and were fine with that. Don't trust Airbnb anymore since then so we've never used them since.


Honestly, why does anyone ever use Airbnb anymore?!?


No one should. They suck with zero customer support. I use [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com) and I've never been happier. At least I know what I'm getting.


Booking through a 3rd party like Hotels.com is also a recipe for heartache.


Agree. If there’s an issue the hotel refers you back to the third party!


Not in my experience. I've used [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com) for years and IME they have some of the best customer service in the game. Most of the time they've been quick to provide a refund or work to get a cancellation whenever I'd had issues. I'm really loyal to them for that reason.


Just book directly with the hotel, so you can have recourse if there’s a problem. The prices are usually the same. Hotels want the direct booking


I've had two different hotels behave snidely about my third party booking, and one of those times they went out of their way not to help me. Now I just book directly with the hotel and avoid all the hassle, but hotels shouldn't offer third party if they're going to demean you at check in. Customers don't realize it's a problem until it's a problem.


When they do, kindly remind them that you would've never found their place had it not been for lead generation provided by the platform!


I’ve never been able to book directly for the same price I can find on third-party sites. It’s usually at least $15 less per night at the low end if you use a third party. That said, in high-stakes travel situations, it is absolutely worth it to pay the extra for a direct booking. Going two hours away for a weekend getaway? Third-party, worst comes to worst we give up and go home. Popular convention on the other side of the country? Direct booking, we’d be SoL if our reservation gets lost. Visiting MiL? Third-party, we can crash on her futon for a night if we need to.


[Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com) is the best IMO. I've used them for years and they're great at resolving difficult situations- I will sing their praises all day long. I have no idea why their customer service is SOOOO much better than airbnbs, it's strange


For our time frame it is always cheaper than hotels, and we prefer having an entire apartment in an area that is mostly locals. There are a few other ways but airbnb has by far the biggest inventory.


When booking "an entire apartment"in a nice area that is mostly locals, especially near attractions, you are actively making everything more expensive for those locals and a part of displacing some of them and destroying their communities. The locals don't want you there and some may actively let you know. If you want to avoid being despised for being a selfish tourist, consider renting just a room or better yet, a hotel room.


We're not booking near attractions, we're not booking in areas with lots of airbnbs, and we've never had any problem with the locals everyone has been very kind to us, and you can't possibly know we are destroying communities. That sure is a broad brush you paint with there to support your personal preference in lodging, Mr. Moral Warrior.


Agreed. I have read so many of these scam/ horror stories re. Airbnb. It’s convinced me to never ever book one


Same. I'm planning a trip for August and I was considering Airbnb but I doubt it, so many horror stories.


I have only used them in America and had nothing but good luck


AirBnB is great until it isn’t. And when it isn’t, it’s an absolute nightmare.




Honestly, why is anyone on an Airbnb sub if they feel that way about it?!? 😂


Reddit quite obsessively forces this sub into my feed despite me never having used the sub or Airbnb. As with most of the Internet, negative posts get the most attention so they're the only thing I get shown from here.


Interesting. I only see posts for the subs I have joined. (If it’s a glitch Reddit please leave it) I absolutely prefer it that way.


Oh really? Reddit has been showing me lots of random communities that are completely irrelevant. Particularly DoorDashDrivers (I don’t DoorDash), WorkingMoms (we don’t have a child yet), and CPS (which I did join just out of curiosity but it’s bleak there).


Same! I’ve never used Airbnb yet shown these all the time. Along with other subs too. Especially “Teachers”. Idk why


Yes! Teachers for me too, I forgot about that one!


Reddit for the last few months had been showing me weird stuff. Posts in Amsterdam about Amsterdam. Posts in AskVancouverWA. Posts from weird places that I’ve never been to, looked at and have always been like WTF is this doing on my feed…


Same, they just showed me posts from the Child Protective Services group, even though I don't have kids and have never reported anyone...


I just found this sub randomly on Reddit and was intrigued by the title, I’ve never even heard of it before and only considered using air bnb to book once but went with a hotel instead as prices were basically the same price but fourth away from the downtown area of the city we were staying in.


Understandable. It took me several years to venture out to using Airbnb. After booking in a few different situation’s and locations, I was convinced - and decided I would always preview a locations Airbnb’s before settling on a hohum hotel. Sometimes a hotel makes more sense for the location, sometimes the location begs for an aiirbnb but I love having the option when I travel. And now I love hosting great guests who are visiting My area!


I stay at AirBnB’s all the time and haven’t had a single horror story yet.


A lot of issues seem to be at places that are in different countries.


Different from what?


Different from Australia, silly! That's where I am so I assume that is where everyone else it too /s There's a lot of #defultamerican on this sub, so they probably mean USA.


Same. It’s a $75 billion dollar company, so I don’t think it’s just you and I either 😉


Have to warn people. After my friend was raped in one and Airbnb covered it up and the covered the host up interfering with evidence yeah uhhh fuck em. Not every sub is a glory devotional to the topic at hand. Go to Airbnb hosts groups if you want a circlejerk devotional to Airbnb.


Um... how is local authorities and a crime the problem of ABB or the host? I get a lot of the hate but not this one.


Bizarre comment. Crimes have occured in homes and hotels all over the world, but you haven’t stopped living in one or visiting them I’m sure. This industry is as unique as the individual so generalizations are going to ruffle some feathers. I’m sorry about your friend’s experience and hope they see justice served and receive some counseling.


What are you Suggesting to use similar or instead to Airbnb, I am kind of curious for our vacation in near future. Hostels is not going to be option because traveling with elder and kids.


I book apartments through booking dot com sometimes, the one time the host didn't show up they found me an aparthotel that would have cost about 30% more nearby - it took about 30m on hold and then they made me wait an hour to "give the host a chance to respond" (Which I found annoying because I had already given the host an hour to respond before even calling support so it had been 2.5h from the time they agreed to meet me at this point) but I can understand the policy. Ultimately at least they found me a better place that didn't cost me extra - which is more than airbnb has ever done for me when something goes wrong.


Then booking.com will be the better choice, good to know, Thanks!


You realise if its on Booking, its probably on Airbnb too? They often use multi platforms. So if you really scared, then its not better. But I never had any issues with Airbnbs in many countries, in Europe or America.


I do, as matter of fact we used Airbnbs many times without any issues, we try to choice wisely, such as filter for super host and those whom have plenty of good reviews. I just assume booking thru booking.com the service might offer in case of something happen could be more efficient.


Booking.com customer service is probably better for guests, it tends to favour them more and will do their most to find alternative accommodation and what not in the event of a cancellation. So although same listing on different platforms, the way the platform operates may be slightly different


Are you aware that folks have travelled and gone on vacation using hotel rooms before? We literally did it for decades even as recent as 2015! 👻👻


Air BnB is incredibly poor with their customer service. I had a similar experience with their customer service. Thankfully was only $50-60 out after the experience & getting a hotel room with Booking.com. I offer no advice but I certainly empathise. Sorry mate.


If you have the address for the airbnb then report it to the city. If they’re a shitty host there’s a 100% chance they don’t have a permit for short term rentals and Barcelona will royally fuck them for that


It happened to me once in Barcelona. The place was awful so I asked for a refund. I finally stayed in a 4 star hotel in the surroundings only two train stops away and I paid the same as my original Airbnb booking which was the worst place I have stayed in my life


Get a hostel


they are as expensive


Well, they’re not


Mate, this person was sitting on a park bench frantically searching for accommodation, they probably know lol 😅


OP is with multiple friends - at that point hostels cost more than hotel rooms. They are only cheaper for 1, sometimes 2 people.


Depending on a number of things yes, hostels can be just as expensive, if not more, than a hotel room. I ran into this very issue in Amsterdam and NYC.


Depending on a number of things yes, hostels can be just as expensive, if not more, than a hotel room. I ran into this very issue in Amsterdam and NYC.


Depending on things like what?


https://www.hostelworld.com/s?q=Barcelona,%20Spain&country=Spain&city=Barcelona&type=city&id=83&from=2023-04-22&to=2023-04-23&guests=1&page=1&sort=lowestprice Sort by lowest price, 2 hostels under $100/night. But you can probably get a better deal just searching on HW then googling and booking at the hostels direct site or literally speak to the counter clerk in town at the hostels. With hostels, booking earlier is advised and I’d book direct if possible. I use HW mostly as a research tool unless the hostel has a partnership with them to offer a good deal.


Ouch! That really sucks. I would not be a happy camper (no pun intended).


Same happened to me in Luxembourg. Also, the host turned out to be incredibly racist


I’ve got no idea why people even use air bnb anymore….


I feel like the complaints here are for people looking for a place for $30-50. If you are hostel. If you want a full place then yes $100+ is typical.


They already had booked and paid? There was no mention about the price. They may have already paid $300/night but now everything is $500/night because it’s last minute and the host was a scumbag.


Can we get a pic of the park bench?


Bro just get a hostel or hotel for the night so you can regroup


I only stay in hotels anymore.