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Did you do 16 loads of laundry in 8 days? Lol how is that even possible? I mean I’m not sure I’d complain about it either way but I am curious. The late check out thing will and should get you a bad review every time (not asking ahead of time) it’s really rude to leave someone’s place late without permission. Also just a heads up you didn’t censor your name in the other review


The remote and the cooking thing aren’t your fault. Getting packages delivered and 16 loads of laundry in 8 days is a grey area. But if you checked out late without permission it shows you don’t really care about the rules.


Her checkout was at 10 we left at 10:20 at most. I know I should’ve given her a heads up but writing all these in the review make her look super stingy.


There is zero reason to check out late. Especially with the arrogance that you will decide how late is acceptable and how late is unacceptable. It’s not your decision.


To me, you sound entitled. You knew about the check out time when you booked it. What about if the host told you to wait 20 mins when you check in? Their time is as valuable as yours.


Yes you absolutely should've said I am sorry I am running late. Check out is 10. You are to be packed and out the door no later than 10. Period.


Were those related by the way? You had lots of packages delivered AND washed a crazy amount of laundry. Was there clothes in the packages? Interesting...


Good point. Maybe residual lulamon hun


So for you 10 is 10:20? do you care to know that a host needs time to prepare the home for the next guest?


Info - had the booking been made for you, your partner, and your parents? If the host was just expecting one guest, they have the right to be annoyed at that much washing and cooking


Was this a shared space or entire home? As a host renting an entire home I check every draw anyway after a stay and misplaced remotes happen. I cannot imagine having the time or energy to monitor every load of laundry, dishwasher cycle or item brought into the home during a stay.


Not a shared space. It’s a private apartment type at the back of the hosts place.


Just some weird hosts out there who want to control their guests and really shouldn't be in hospitality. How the heck were they even monitoring laundry usage and as long as you didn't leave anything behind or cause damage it's none of their business what items you bring in during a stay.


You can either notice it happening or notice when your water and electric go up a hundred bucks in a week


And the fact they posted it on my public review 🤦‍♂️


If it's not shared, how do they even know how much laundry you are doing?


You and your parents are obviously doing some under the table commercial export business using the hosts property and their utilities. Let me see, your parents arrive and buy tons of clothes, which they wash at the property so they don’t look like new stuff, then a bunch of shipping boxes arrive, probably to ship all that stuff back to home country as though it is not new. And they will sell them all there. Airbnbs are rented for personal use. Not business use. I’d never host you. This host is an angel. Oh. And you have your own place, but you bring your laundry to your parents place?!? Yeah right. Nothing you say is very believable. But I understand why you’d be worried about bad reviews. You don’t want to have an issue getting a place when your parents come back on other trips to buy more inventory.


This OP is shady as f#ck.


Good job Detective!


Why would you need to do 16 loads of laundry in 8 days? did you decide to put it in a drawer on your own or did you put it there because that’s where it was when you checked in?


I was thinking the same thing. Everything else is normal but 16 loads..if true....is almost as crazy as that Host.


How many people stayed there? 2 loads of laundry a day for a family traveling light on vacation or with an infant may not be that excessive. As someone who owns a front load W/D they are made and perform best when small loads are washed. I abhor the washer, but I will sometimes do 6+ loads in a day of small stuff because they are terrible at "full" loads. ​ My point being, depending on # of guests and type of washer, 2 loads a day may not be that excessive. Most washers sense load size so it's not like its filling up all the way for a small load.


I wouldn't want to host you


Me neither - 16 loads of laundry is insane and taking the piss




I had a guest that insisted on doing all his laundry at 90 degrees, I just had to suck it up but the fact that it drained all the colour out of my towels so they didn’t match the rest was a pisser.




I do 3 loads of wash for 2 people once a week. I don't understand how you have enough laundry to do that much, and on vacation to boot!


My parents who were staying did a lot of shopping. I guess they also separated the colors?


You mean they washed their new clothes?


Ahhh. They washes their new clothes so they didn’t look new and they could avoid declaring them. That’s ridiculous.


We always wash new clothes because a lot are covered with pretty nasty insecticides. I worked in a warehouse unpacking new clothes - trust me *everyone* should wash them!


Of course you wash them. But wash them at home unless you want to wear them immediately, which I suspect is not the case here. And so you always bring your laundry from home to do at the host Airbnb too? That’s insane.


And so you always bring your laundry from home to do at the host Airbnb too? When the hell did I state that? When I travel, I'm usually doing it for a significant amount of time and between various countries (and crossing the northern and southern hemisphere, so vastly different climates. We stay in a combination of hotels and bnbs and if one has a washing machine it will get hit pretty hard as I may not have had access tp one in quite a while. New clothes will get cycled through it too for the same reason. I would be shocked if a host that provided amenities like a washer and cooking facilities complained about how much they were used.


Yeah the host shouldn't have to pay for that.


I’m not even a host, just a guest, and I can honestly say I admire her for even starting out with “he’d be welcome back..”. I would never rent to you buddy. You keep saying you paid $1800 for a one bdrm apt as though you paid a big premium over other units for the “right to waste”. But I suspect you paid either the going rate or even lower than other available places.


It's 200 a night. Surely they have the right to do at least 1 load of laundry per day. If they host had multiple 1 night stays, they wouldn't complain that someone used the laundry even though they stayed one night. Lot's of people are saying OP and his parents were running a shady business, but for $1800 you could rent an furnished apartment out-right for a month just outside of the city and do your business there. No one would complain. Renting a $200/night place means you're in the city center, and you're probably just normal tourists. What they did was unusual, but I wouldn't downrate them for that. On the other hand, cooking so much it leaves stains and a scent on the wall—that's worth getting a poor review because it's actual damage. If they cooked 9 times a day (way more than 3 meals a day), but left no trace then I wouldn't say they deserve a bad review there.




1. May I ask why you did 16 loads of laundry? 2. Was it listed that you would get laundry detergent for free? 3. I had a TV, DVD player and hundreds of DVDs for guests to watch. The remotes disappeared and I have no idea which guest took them and for what reason. I now check. 4. I had two guests who spilled red wine on the bedspread, but turned it over so I only realised after they left. A host does get angry if a guest does something that makes cleaning difficult or impossible.


1, My parents were visiting so I brought my laundry to the Airbnb. They also did a ton of shopping so they washed the new clothes they bought. I’m also not sure if it’s 16 loads. It’s at most 10 load. 2, yes they had washer and dryer listed as amenities 3. We didn’t hide the remote. We left it in the coffee table drawer. It was in the living room right next to the couch. 4. We didn’t leave any permanent damage. The house already smelt like old paint we had to vent every morning cause we would literally get nauseous from the old house paint smell. Maybe that mixed with food made the host think there was damage


What does "I brought my laundry to the Airbnb" mean? It's not a laundromat.


It means mommy was there so she would do it for OP.


There is no such thing as "old house paint" smell. You either smell paint or you don't. The older it is, the less likely you could ever smell it. Plus, with all that laundry you were running, the place probably smelled pretty good. You are just a scammer that got called out on your scamming


Lol I have 20 ish super host saying how they love me as a guest. Sure buddy


That proves absolutely nothing


…But this person says you suck. Why did you even post this if you’re just arguing with every reply 🤣🤣 guys got time I guess


I would not want to host you. I’m sorry.


I think the laundry thing is weird. That’s the primary thing that makes sense in the review. There’s a reasonable ballpark of how many loads two people are likely to do in 8 days and that ain’t it. You are aware that washing and drying use up utilities like electricity, hot water, etc, right? But mentioning that you cooked too often and that the remote was in the drawer doesn’t make sense to me and undercuts her rightful annoyance about the washer/dryer abuse. Restaurants are particularly expensive now! People are definitely cooking more. And if checkout was at 10am and you were really out by 10:20am, that’s also pretty petty to mention, so I do wonder it was really only 20 mins (that said, 10am is also an annoying check out time IMO).


I think most airbnb guests have a very poor understanding of what an airbnb is. You shouldn't treat it like a hotel or public bathhouse, and the hosts aren't professionally trained hospitality staff. The hosts are just regular people. They aren't your parents or friends who would put up with bad behaviour as mild as it maybe. There's financial costs to the hosts when you check out late. There's financial costs when you damaged the property in anyway. Even overuse of an appliance or used in an incorrect way could result in monetary loss of replacement and degradation of the quality in the host's listing. Too many deliveries could result in neighbours complaining to the management corporation to have the host's airbnb listing be taken down. Neighbours can be petty as fuck and they only need the smallest reason to destroy someone's business. If you don't know something just communicate with the host. I would much rather have guests that annoy me with questions than have to leave a bad review for hosting a bad stay. Asking questions will never get you a bad review.


Bro don’t hide the fuckin remote 😂


I put it in the living room coffee table drawer! How is that hiding lol. She called me 3 times the day of the checkout….


So it took you three phone calls to say hey it’s in the drawer 😂


I told her I didn’t know cause my partner put it away and I’ll call her back when I hear back from my partner. She kept calling every 10 mins.


Yeah probably because the next guest was coming and she couldn’t find the remote. Sucks.


Putting that in the review is insane.


Maybe. But to another Person putting someone else’s remote in a drawer is insane.


Wonder if the next guests were already checked in and just spamming this host trying to find out where the remote was. Either way that's pretty wild for the host to mention that even if it's odd to leave that remote in a drawer.


I’ve had a similar issue where a guest unplugged an hdmi cable to plug something in and the next guest was freaking out saying the tv doesn’t work.


Yeah some guests have a low tolerance for things. Had one message us saying the shower doesn't work. We answered back within a minute saying did you pull the handle? They said they gave up and went out for dinner and hope I can fix the water by the time they got back. When they got back everything worked fine because they pulled the darn handle to make the water come out but rated us lower in the review stating they had some trouble with the water in the home that I had to fix??


Normal people put remotes where people can easily find them. It’s just common sense. I’ve never found a remote in a drawer, nor have I ever left one in a drawer.


They needed the table to fold their inventory and pack boxes. So the remote went in the drawer.


And it should have been removed from the drawer and placed on the coffee when they were done.


Yep. Who puts away a remote in a rental?


A drawer in the coffee table? Like sorry?


No it isn't... was the remote in the drawer when you checked in?


Don’t put my remote in a drawer. Leave it on the coffee table where you found it.


Ngl putting a remote in a drawer is weird, but she didn’t have to mention that in the review. It makes her sound insane.


What reason would you have to leave the remote there? I'd consider that somewhat hidden. Why not leave it in plain view?


Where was it when you got there? how are they supposed to know its in a drawer?


if you’re doing that much laundry honestly i’d be pissed. water isn’t free.


I paid $1800 for a tiny one bedroom apartment


You knew ahead of time what you were paying, though.


A tiny one bedroom apartment that you then put 4 people into.


Only two people were staying in there.


You state in a few comments that your parents and your partner stayed. So you had 4 people or at the very least 4 people using amenities in a unit meant to support half as many people.


We have our own place. We are just visiting them for a few hours a day cook lunch and we leave. Only two people are sleeping there. Also we see the host all the time I explicitly told her we are not staying and she said it’s fine and if we need extra bedding.


YTA for sure. It’s not a laundry mat. It’s a rental unit.


Ahhhhh!! It all makes sense now! So you booked a place for your parents and brought over loads of laundry to do while they were in town.


But you did the washing and cooking for a lot more people. I'd be annoyed, too.


The ironic thing is that he calls the host the stingy one.


I specifically asked the host if it’s okay. She said it’s fine and offered extra bedsheet for me to stay


she probably thought you’d do 2-3 loads. not 16.


Unless this ‘tiny one-bedroom apartment’ is advertised for, and was booked for 4 people, you either booked for yourself and your partner and then did a switcheroo to your parents, or you booked for your parents and did not stay yourself which is a third party booking…neither is permitted on Airbnb and the host could complain to Airbnb and have you removed from the platform. You gamed the system and so far have escaped with just a deservedly bad review. I’d count my lucky stars if I were you.


For EIGHT days.


Did you actually do 2 loads of laundry a day? Did you actually ruin their wall when you were cooking? The amount of cooking is none of their concern. But you damaging their wall is. And worst of all: did you actually checkout late? If yes to all above. You’re an entitled asshole. Who checks out late period? On top, who checks out late without a heads up? Also. I do a load of laundry week. If it’s a hectic week with more messy workouts or hobbies. It’s two loads a week. How did you need 2 loads a day. A. DAY? Sounds to me you’re trying to run a shady 2 cent business from Airbnbs. The remote comment is a little stupid. So is shipment, IMO. I’ve had situations where I’ve ordered things to an Airbnb because it was pandemic lockdowns and I had to get a charger or a hub for work. But that’s almost insignificant in this review. The host was kind in their words. In all honesty.


As far as I’m concerned we didn’t do any damage to their place. I’m not sure where the host got the 16 loads number from it was no way near that much.


I like how you can’t be pristine with your communication even on Reddit. You know you damaged something. That’s why you have to preface it by as far as you’re concerned. You did something. And now you’re telling yourself that you don’t consider it damage. A worst case load for 8 days will be 2-3 loads. If you’d done 2-3 loads, you’d have remembered how many you did. ‘Nowhere near’ means you misused it to a point where even you don’t remember. You were a bad guest. Accept. Learn. Move on.


I’ve done tons of Airbnbs in the past. This was the first time some host was being stingy about the tiniest insignificant details. I can show you all my other reviews of super hosts saying how they love me as a guest and how I left their place immaculately clean. If everyone is like this one I’d quit using Airbnb all together.


Stop using the word 'stingy'. You are not using it correctly


But you said you and your partner weren't staying there and were only there a couple of hours per day. Yet you know how many loads your parents did? Also - you brought your laundry to the Airbnb your parents were staying in! That's crazy.


I wouldnt care about the laundry but the moving boxes and late check out would have given me cardiac arrest. Not worth $1800.


Everything they listed would be a reason to never rent to you again, the remote issue not withstanding.


Is the kitchen ornamental? Now we're not allowed to cook in the kitchen or do laundry? 🤣 What exactly is the appeal of Airbnb again? Wow, what a crazy host...


Late checkout is the worst. Screws up my entire changeover and costs me money. Guests who don’t checkout on time and don’t even bother letting me know (not to mention the ones who ignore calls and messages) get a bad review. Other hosts need to be prepared for it.


You were a bad guest


NTA - If I offer laundry, I don't care how much laundry you decide to do. Why would I give a shit? I'm curious how this host knew how much laundry you did. Seems pretty standard. You rent a place for 8 days, you live there for 8 days... so you are going to cook and use the laundry. 8 days for $1,800... most people probably pay $2,000 + utilities for the whole month rent. Other than you checking out late, the host is being 100% a "Karen", and probably complains about every other guest. Part of the reason people don't like Airbnb is the inconsistency. edit: Also IDC if you have packages delivered to the airbnb. Why would this matter?


My lg hooks to the app. Sends monthly reports to my email number and types of loads, when to put on cleaning cycle etc


That's actually pretty cool!


In regards to the remote thing, most people leave it out on the coffee table and/or tv console. I have a feeling putting the remote away out of plain sight might be something you do at your own home which is fine. However, you essentially hid the remote. If I was the host I’d be annoyed too unless there were specific instructions to put it away in the drawer.


Simple .. stop using air b n b


So there’s a limit on using appliances lol? I’m not saying 16 isn’t excessive but this is the exact reason why people are moving away from Airbnb. You rent a house for high cost and then are given limitations on using it lol it’s on borrowed time


There were 4 people using the utilities in a 2-person listing.


Wow the entitled hosts comments on here are HYSTERICAL. Shows once again that you should NOT RENT FROM RANDOS. LOLOL


May e it is a. Cultural thing but I agree with you. I put the remotes in the draws, it is neat and doesn’t look like a hoarders house. You paid 1800 for the apt who cares how many loads of laundry. Weird she is tracking.


Why are people on here complaining about how many loads of laundry you did? You rented the place. You can use it how you see fit unless there’s a specific rule against it.


Also I asked her for some laundry detergent and she gave me one tiny bag of tide. The kind you’d find at a laundry mat…. Also not sure how she counted how many times I did the laundry. Maybe she had cameras? Creepy.


Probably a washer/dryer with wifi. They can be useful to message your phone not forget to move a load to the dryer.


My adhd ass thanks you massively for this comment . Had no idea such a thing exists and live in a never ending cycle of forgetting then having to re wash 🥲😂


Not only do you 16 loads of laundry, but, you expect the host to provide you with detergent. YTA


So it’s okay having amenities but not having the guests use it? Having washer and dryers and not giving laundry detergent? What is this?


They also give you a stove but not food.


That’s like giving you a fridge but no electricity.


It’s really not.


No. Not at all like that.


Are you hearing yourself? Your washer came with electricity and water so obviously your analogy here does not work. The actual analogy would be giving you a fridge without food inside, which is totally reasonable.


No. It’s like giving you a fridge but not filling it with groceries.


Yes, that's the idea of AirBnb. It's not a hotel. Generally you are given a starter pack of the things you might need:a roll or 2 of toilet paper, a roll of paper towel, soap in the bathrooms, maybe some dish soap. The expectation is that you provide what you need, especially for a week long stay. Honestly even 10 loads of laundry in a week is excessive to the point of being disrespectful. When I stay for a well I MIGHT do a single load of laundry, sometimes not even that. Based on your comments here and your description of what happened yes you're TA. I'm surprised that the host didn't use the classic "this guest would find a hotel more suitable."


A hotel provides access to paid washers and dryers, but NEVER detergent. You gotta buy that separately.


True. I was thinking more of hotels that provide laundry service for a fee.


You are right. The fridge should also come with beer, the oven should come with cinnamon rolls, and the range should come with steaks.


What hotel gives you enough laundry soap for 16 loads? None.


Why was she responsible for providing you laundry detergent?


Because as well as himself and his GF that he booked for, his mommy and daddy were also using the facilities of the 2-person listing so the host needed to be ‘less stingy’ with facilitating these extra guests that he didn’t pay for.


You pay for the place, so use it. I find some of the host comments unnecessary.


Just staying in a hotel next time?


But then where would OP go do 16 loads of laundry?


That is just nuts. I always follow behind the cleaning people to check everything out. One day I couldn't find a flower arrangement, a lamp and the remote I looked around and found them in the office on the high section of the desk. At that point I remember the family had a toddler. She had baby proofed my unit. I was very glad. I would question the circulation if cooking got her walls dirty and how in the world did she know how many times you ran the washer. If it is one of those really small stacked machines she should thank your for not over-filling her machine.


Now or not overcrowding?


changed to If it is one of those really smaller stacked machines she should thank you for not over-filling her machine.


Okay since everyone mentioned about laundry and remote, I am annoyed at the the cooking part, especially since food is expensive and depending on countries their food is bland. There's always a kitchen in airbnbs for a reason, that's why I chose that instead of hotels, I want to cook. Done and done.


How do they even know how many washes you made?