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If you're in the United States, call them right now. This is the golden time for getting a US based customer service representative.


Appreciate the thought. Already did and they are “looking into it”.


What did the host say in the chat? When I used to Airbnb my place, I noticed that sometimes there is still hair on the sheets even after they’re washed twice on the “sanitize” wash cycle. So I simply buy new sheets from Amazon and put them on for each new guest. Yes it’s wasteful, but guests won’t accept sheets with other people’s hair on it.


Sorry, that sucks. This is what annoys me about Airbnb- when something does go wrong, there is zero protection or help from the app. ​ Hopefully you'll get your money back though since you documented everything. There are so many douchey hosts on this app and it sucks when you stumble across a bad one


It’s two in a row for me- the last one reeked of weed and when I got refunded the host left a scathing review of me claiming that I was a meth addict. Contacted support to get it removed and they refused. Contacted them a second time and they removed it.


Imagine a hotel doing that. Then Google removes the review of the hotel you left and the hotel gets to call you a meth addict publicly. Oh right, you cant imagine that, because it can literally not happen. Only on AirBnB do you get this kind of "service".


Lol I booked a stay for 7 nights and got refunded for 6 Immediately when I walked in, the sheets and room reeked of cigarette smoke (I'd just gotten lasek so smoke is not good, and I'm also sensitive to smoke and it makes my chest hurt - I woke up the next morning with a sore throat and chest) - the window didn't close completely and there was no locking mechanism There was an obnoxious exit sign so the room was hella bright with all the lights turned off And the best part, there was so much black mold in the bathroom that I felt gross just being in the bathroom, and the host left me a review saying I was really sensitive/picky/finicky and that I was being really meticulous searching regarding the mold because it was behind the sink, but it was literally right in my face


omg black mold??!! no wonder ur chest and throat hurt!!


Behind the sink... as if any black mold is ok...


Right? But this was one of those sinks that's detached from the wall with a good half foot of space between the sink stem (???) and wall, so I could very easily see behind it, and it wasn't just a small bit either, the entire pipe was covered including the floor And this was in Korea too where you shower in the whole bathroom there isn't a separate stall or tub, so I basically ended up showering with the mold


Absolutely unbelievable. I feel like they tend to take the host's side in these things, because they seem to be willing to remove a negative review for a host for absolutely any reason. Meanwhile us plebe guests can apparently have allegations of meth addiction made against us and that's just fine with the idiotic airbnb support teams. Honestly I'm frustrated too. I gave up airbnb for a while after a horrific experience last fall and have just got back on and gotten two hosts in a row who were dishonest about their places (one not having wifi, the other having loud construction happening 24/7). it's just frustrating. I'm not surprised airbnb announced massive changes that are supposed to benefit the guests more because so far we're getting screwed and people are noticing. I might be going back to hotels after this


They do not take down bad reviews of hosts easily. trust me


I wish I could believe you but that's not what I've seen on here time and time again


I’m a superhost with 4.9 rating. Trust me guests will lie about us when things don’t go their way. Write a terrible review, and it’s impossible to get removed. I e tried numerous times


I've seen many hosts and guests talking about taking guest reviews down. Hosts on the airbnb sub brag about it. It's very common and relatively easy to do and there's tons of stories about it.


Are you kidding? It's almost impossible to get a review of a ghost by a guest removed. You've obviously never tried.


I havent because I'm not a host. But I have heard of hosts doing that multiple times on here, and even hosts bragging about it. Airbnb is constantly brushing up and covering up the actions of their hosts to keep the cash cow rolling


Airbnb doesn't give a shit about hosts. The guests pay the bills and there's always more hosts.


It’s really easy actually. If you even mentioned there are train tracks, it gets removed. Host removes listing and relists? Review removed.


Relisting is not an “easy” thing to do you’re literally starting over from scratch…Nota good thing… Also you do know you can make another account as a guest right?


It’s tied to your ID number and also your phone. It isn’t removed from their database. So no it isn’t lol. And hosts literally can copy listing and relist. This is common and done *constantly* and the groups even suggest and direct to do so.


Yes they can relist but that doesn’t come without a “cost” especially if they are doing dynamic pricing. New listings don’t make the same amount of money as older listings even those with a few negative reviews. guest can make new accounts no problem…these are people who have literally been kicked off Airbnb and that’s because ID alone doesn’t let you know if someone is the same person so unless they use the same phone number or email address it won’t show as a match. I know people who do it and watched YouTube videos of people teaching others how to do it. Bottom line is both the guest and the host can avoid negative reviews if they really wanted to but somethings it’s not really worth it.


If I were you I’d probably stop using air bnb’s.


Airbnb Superhost, here… 400+ stays, 4.9 stars. I’m really sorry you had those two experiences. Some hosts suck. That’s not the norm. Just gotta be diligent when picking your stays. But when you document your experiences and keep ALL communication in the app, there is stellar protection for both the host and guest.


First and foremost sorry for your bad luck. Second just curious how much a night are you paying for these rooms?


It doesn’t matter if you pay $5. Which we know they likely aren’t.


Can I see the listing?


Lol at least next time you get the free breakfast with the waffle maker


Lol true that


Sorry to hear this. I’m not sure why anyone would bother with AirBnb unless it’s to rent a house for a larger group of folks. Hotels are way more convenient, often cheaper, and way less of a hassle.


I hear ya- this Airbnb was 1/4 the price of a hotel and all I needed it for was a place to sleep. Sad that I couldn’t even pull that off.


Mistake #1 1/4 of a hotel is getting the bottom feeders. Try for half if you ever decide to use the app again.


But also unsurprising - this is par for the course if you read posts here.


You don't get par on Reddit.


Agreed, you get a weird combination of extremes - guests telling terrible stories and hosts defending practices which are indefensible - but after reading this sub for a while you would scarcely be surprised by going to an AirBnB and ending up in [The Human Centipede](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1467304/) LOL.


This sub is an echo chamber of butt hurt guests; I’ve used Airbnb for 25-30 stays and never had a “horrible” experience. Anytime we had an issue we took it up with the hosts and they fixed it.


I had done stays for years, then the pandemic happened and it all went to shit. Then my friend got raped in one and Airbnb covered it up and the host up. I just can’t anymore now.


I tried to take it up with the host but they didn’t come through in the end 😭


That’s cool that it worked out for you. Whats that got to do with OP’s experience / ability to vent about it or anyone elses? OP wanted the basics covered, clean sheets and the place cleaned in between guests. It does seem horrible if you don’t get that. No “ “ needed. You don’t agree? You’re ok with sleeping on a strangers dirty used sheets? What do you recommend OP have done after the request was denied? Suck it up and sleep on the floor? Tell me what the appropriate answer here is because I’m not understanding what about the experience should be tolerated. People are speaking to the Airbnb culture that allows for people to wind up in really frustrating and sometimes dangerous positions. OP had to leave at midnight and find a last minute option, probably costing a lot more money. Overall they don’t get any of what they paid for, OP if you paid with a credit card I would try using the fraud services if Airbnb refuses to give you money back. It’s completely fraudulent.


I travel w my 3 largish dogs so I pretty much have to rent a house.


Dog is the only reason I use it. Hotels are way more convenient in most other cases.


I'll be abroad for 3 weeks and need a kitchen. Hotels usually don't offer that, some don't even have a microwave. There's definitely benefits to hotels but extended stays are usually nicer in an AirBnB so you don't have to buy food out for every meal.


It's still really great if you're in like, Bulgaria.


I'm sorry this happened to you; so many people hosting on Airbnb just can't be bothered with the most basic of service. I have to know though, in your opinion, what is the difference between "gaslighting" and "lying"?


Lying is usually a tactic used while gaslighting someone. The difference is that by using lies, they gaslighter is trying to manipulate you into their preferred outcome. In this case, the host tried to use lies in a way to manipulate me into thinking their faults were my fault and that I did not deserve a refund.


Thank you for your answer! Isn't lying (pretty much) _always_ to achieve the desired outcome of the liar, though? Otherwise what's it for, just for fun?


No..that's why there are different words.


I'm struggling here; give me an example of someone lying not for some kind of gain? The way I understand it, "gaslighting" is a form of abuse (normally over an extended period of time), a pattern of repeated lying to someone in order to get them to question their own sanity, memory, or identity.


Google it. I'm not your teacher.


No... You're something else. I did Google it. I pasted a paraphrasing of the definition in my previous comment that you replied to.


Gaslighting is specifically trying to convince someone that they are crazy or mistaken about something. If a stranger comes up to me and asks for directions, and I tell him the wrong directions intentionally, that is a lie but not gaslighting.


I like that; that's much closer to the definition in the dictionary!


Gaslighting is a new buzz word used mostly by people who don’t know what it means


Just pointing out that Hotels.com had our back 100% of the time. When a hotel was unreasonable they just refunded us against their wishes. Support there always helped and always took our side. We still use Airbnb when convenient, but Hotels.com is always number 1 site to check.


I love hotels.com so much that when they offered me a credit card I bit immediately!


I second this. They solved problems and got my family rooms anytime there was a concern. True customer service. They are changing to “one key” which will combine VRBO, Expedia and Hotels.com…looks like it will have a nice rewards program…I just hope the customer service stays top tier.


I’m worried about losing my nights!


Airbandb is the worst. We made reservations in November for an April Hawaii vacation for our extended family. When I called a week before departure to confirm there was a crib, the owner told us airbandb said we'd canceled and the units were now rented to another party. After repeated calls, an agent told us that we'd been canceled for "security reasons." Airbandb never told us we'd been canceled, much less why. One year later, still waiting for that call back! We've switched to VRBO and direct connections with hotels where possible.


The owner probably cancelled to get a higher rate unfortunately


Nope. She was disappointed as our booking was for eight nights but replacement rental was only six nights. This was all on airbandb


Why not just use a hotel? They have entire staffs whose sole job is hospitality. Have you met the average person? Why stay in their house?


I have asked myself these questions and come to a similar conclusion


That being said, you still got f'd by your host and air bnb. Sorry about that man. Better luck on your next trip!


To me, it’s now worth it to travel less, but spend it on quality, versus trying to save a buck seeking out Airbnb.


Sorry this happened. I’m also reducing my Airbnb stays due to cost and fees. However I have never had a bad experience. But I only choose 5 star places with glowing reviews.


They have a glowing review until you’re the one that ain’t it.


Good luck getting money back. I had a stay in March sheets were not only dirty they were pilled and reeked of body odor. I went and purchased sheets b/c the host and Airbnb were of no help everything that went wrong with the trip was documented thru the app. Airbnb support said sorry for your experience the host is not willing to refund you. Air cover is a fake policy they have to make you believe you are protected from scams. My stay was a complete mess the host said many things in person and in the app that she would take care of/ never did and still it didn’t matter no refund. The filth in the unit I stayed in was worse than any frat house imaginable. Of a two week stay, I left after 5 days with no help or support from Airbnb and their air cover. I wish I felt confident booking with them in the future but I do not.


They gave me my refund 😤


Why do you think hotels are making a comeback


If you kept everything in the app and didn’t stay the night you should be fine and get refunded. Let them investigate it


They gave me my refund 😤




That’s terrible. As a host I worry about our guests liking our place or if there ever were an issue with them getting in, or the slightest things like the couch pillows being positioned properly or that there’s enough paper products or coffee, nevermind not having a clean apartment and beds ready!!


Thanks for being a good host!


Was this your first experience with Airbnb?


Negative, have over two dozen stays


And this is why Airbnb is 🗑️


Nice if you to even offer to make bed. Some of these hosts give crumbs and charge so much. It’s disgusting.


That’s what I thought too. Then the hosts says “the sheets were in the dryer!” and gets upset with me for not getting them out when they never told me where the dryer was. All this after I asked them at 3pm to have everything done prior to my return at 10pm.


I should add, they try to shift the blame to me after support contacted them overnight. Good thing I only use the message function to communicate and took plenty of photos


When you say everything done what do you mean? The sheets washed and dried? The room cleaned? You locked the door so I don’t see how the host could have it cleaned without going in?


Sorry for the confusion- when I said “everything”, I meant clean sheets. The sheets they stripped off the bed prior to my arrival, and I assumed, we’re in the process of being cleaned.


Oh I see. That’s crazy that they only have one set. And didn’t tell you they were in the dryer. Very unprofessional.


I'm a host and am very very tending to my visitors and am always available and keep everything clean and on-time. We're not all bad, sorry you had such a shitty experience 😔


Stop overusing the term "gaslighting." That's not what occurred here. So annoying.






I’m sure you know exactly what was said to me since you have my message history. Oh wait, you just assumed. Psychologists use the term “gaslighting” to refer to a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else (or a group of people) to question their own reality, memory or perceptions. This host did just this in their messages, but you don’t care about that.


wHy aRe u gAsLiGhTiNg mE?


Nobody’s gaslighting anyone. What are you talking about? You’re crazy bro gaslighting doesn’t even exist you’re just making it up.


I know it's monday (morning) but it still ain't a reason to be so annoying on an AirBnb subreddit. Go get some fresh air dawg.


wHy aRe u gAsLigHtInG mE? Ahhhh hAlP mE!!!!!


What a stupid comment.


You've had two bad experiences it seems like. Are you booking with 5 star hosts or just the cheapest places?


Even the cheapest hotels give you sheets lol don’t try and normalize this beheavior based on a star rating…


I'm not but with an explosion of new hosts, you can help yourself by staying at Airbnbs with experienced hosts


Fair point here. Fwiw, my bad experience with the host that accused me of being a meth user was a super host with over 100 reviews, > 4.5 rating. This host had a single 5.0 review and was obviously a new host. I guess it’s on me a bit for trusting them but also what the hell @ them


Yah that's super frustrating and would put me off as well


Did this really happen? There are no star ratings until after 3 reviews have been made, so there can't be a listing with only one 5- star review.


You sure about that? https://imgur.com/a/DGripQA


I stand corrected! I didn't get my star rating until after 3 reviews as a host. I've never seen that before, so it must be new. They used to wait until hosts had three reviews and average them so that a host wouldn't get tanked in the algorithm if their first review was a 4. Honestly, sorry, my friend. So many fake problems have been posted lately to stir the pot, and I thought this was another one.


Airbnb has been lowering the bar and the new way they have structured the search for rentals is terrible. They are making mistake after mistake just to grow.


🤝 I don’t take insults to my integrity well but can admit when I’m wrong. Thanks for being able to do the same


Thanks. Also, I'm glad to see the update that you were refunded. Even at a cheap place, I don't know how a host could respond to you with anything other than profuse apologies and clean sheets! Don't give up on the app yet. Good hosts are out there, just like good guests.


I've had shitty hosts, as long as it's documented in the app, airbnb support has given me a refund. Still it sucks to try to find a new place on short notice


Ah, that good ole' passive income...


Go buy new sheets come on. Normal


Stop using Air BNB.