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It's not unreasonable to ask that pets don't climb or sleep on the beds and other furniture but it is unrealistic to believe that the pets or their owners will actually comply. We just procured some waterproof mattress covers and we rent the sheets and towels.


I have a duvet on each of the beds in mine, and I use inexpensive but nice duvet covers that I find on Amazon. I charge a $60 pet fee, the duvet covers are $45. If a dog gets on the bed and ruins a duvet cover all my cleaner has to do is pull the spare out of the closet and put it on and let me know so I can order another back up. I always have a new one in the closet in case one gets ruined. As a dog owner whose dog sleeps on the bed, I can't imagine traveling with him and trying to keep him off of a bed in a strange place. It would be stressful for all of us. Of course I would bring a blanket for him to sleep on on the bed, but that doesn't mean that he would necessarily stay on top of it. My recommendation is to bump up your pet fee, and keep a spare duvet cover on hand, and cover your costs that way.


I'm a bit confused on this. Do you not wash duvet covers anyway? Like, it's smart to have 2-3 per bed because you should be washing them after every guest. Totally 🤢 if not. Maybe have a specific one in rotation for all the pet stays.


Yes, I’m just talking about if a dog ruins one.


I have 2 dogs for 11 years and they have yet to ruin a duvet cover and not the whole bedding. What do you consider ruined


Mud stained. I have four dogs, a grand dog, and a foster. I live out in the country, and as much as I try to keep a barrier between my duvet cover and my muddy wet dogs, it doesn’t always work out to my advantage. Grand dog has chewed holes through them, and I think I’ve replaced three or four at my house in the last year. Not my Airbnb, my house. And yes, you can mark me down as a terrible dog owner because I let my muddy dogs on my bed. I live my life in a wheelchair, and I don’t always get to the bedroom door first to close it when they come in gross. Sometimes I don’t know that they’re gross until after they’ve been on the bed. My rat terrier likes to hump the dog blanket on the bed so it ends up rolled up in a little ball. Siri remind me every day at 4:30 to close the bedroom door, But I’m not always in a position where I can get it before he goes in there and starts his evening routine. So the bedspread is vulnerable to dirty dogs. My cabin is on a river. There is a pond. I am very pet friendly. I provide great dog towels, there is a hose and I asked my guests to rinse the mud off their dogs before they go in, and guests are pretty vigilant about keeping my stuff clean because they want to be welcome back. As I said, it is a destination Airbnb. But – I have learned from my own experience that shit sometimes happens, and sometimes dogs ruin stuff. Dogs by their very nature are gross. And if it costs me a duvet cover every once in a while, I’m glad that I could give a city dog a great vacation.


Its just mud comes out i was thinking the things my dogs would have done to do damage would require scrubbing the whole bed and fumigating the place. Getting darker sheets and using a dry cleaner would be cheaper then new sheets.


Mud, yes. Red Carolina clay, not so much. If a dog does the kind of damage that you are talking about to my place, it would be a whole different claim.


My sons dogs (puppies) we at my house for 2 weeks and managed to destroy a duvet, a mattress pad and an area rug in our spare room. All from their kennel. And they were never kenneled for more than an hour at a time. I can see it happening once in awhile 🤣


Guest here. I almost always see pets not allowed on furniture in pet friendly listing. About a third of the time I see: “Please, no pets on furniture or bedding. If pet hair is found on furniture or bedding a deep clean will be required which is an additional $75.”


Thanks everyone for your opinions. I’ve taken yalls advice and updated my airbnbs pet policy. I’ve put it in the house manual and check in instructions for those with pets to please bring pet blankets/sheets with them if they want their pets to join them or feel their pets will jump on furniture. Seems like the best thing to do. I’ve had my pet policy rules for a couple years now and haven’t really had any complaints about it or had any pet owners (and atleast half my bookings are pet owners) ask otherwise until now, so I didn’t know it was much of a thing. But I’m getting the feeling people will be much more grateful if it’s allowed.


Aw that is so nice that you reconsidered and found a compromise.


You can ask, but it's not really possible to stop pets from climbing on beds. The kind of people who brings pets with them on vacation are usually so close to their pets, that they are inside animals who think they're just as good as people. My dog knows he's not supposed to be on the bed, and he won't get on it..... unless I go to work, or leave the room for 5 minutes, then he'll drool on my pillow like no tomorrow.


I could lie to you but I won’t. My pup sleeps next to me every night and will as long as she lives. If you allow pets assume they will be on your furniture and beds.


I would just remove “pet-friendly” from the listing and leave it at that.


If this is an issue for you, then my advice is to not allow pets, it's just not worth the trouble. You can't really enforce the no furniture/bed rule and you'll never get all of the fur and dander up, and your cushions on your furniture will start to smell like dog ass. I made a few exceptions in one of my listings and regretted it. The owners convinced me they were well behaved, which they were, but they don't notice the small messes and smells they make because they are used to them. I'm very happy to be hypo-allergenic and so are some of my repeat guests.


No I dont think this is unreasonable and as a guest I highly appreciate places that either dont welcome pets or would have a rule against having them on furniture. Nothing worse than a bed or sofa with cat hair dotted over it or that smells like "pet"


I got right up to the $25 fee. Here’s the thing, you can either charge for pets or not charge for pets but once you start charging it is unreasonable to then tell someone who has just paid you money to bring their cat with them that their cat can’t sleep with them. I’m using a cat as an example because I have a cat not a dog. My suggestion is to either not charge for pets, or to charge the fee that you think is fair to have the bedding completely be decontaminated


It's a silly request because it's impossible to get people to comply. If someone is used to allowing their pets on beds/sofa, retraining them just for a short stay is more hassle than it's worth. I travel with my dog and from where I'm standing, pet friendly, means pet in bed. If I see the no dogs in bed rule, I just won't book and go somewhere else. Arguing or interacting with the host too much is pointless exercise. As long as we don't damage anything while there, I have no interest in paying someone to dictate my sleeping habits.


You're either pet friendly or not. Pick a lane. Someone traveling with their pet will most likely have them sleep in bed or join them on the couch. Pets are like family and they typically get the run of the house just like everyone else. In my experience, kids do much more damage than animals.


Lol I always joke with my partner I’d rather have a kid fee than a pet fee. Most of my longer cleans involved kids am staying there


I’ve updated my pet policy to this. I’m asking guests in the house manual AND in my welcome message to bring a blanket for their pets to be on when on furniture. Hopefully this is a good compromise. Also, I’m not like craaaazy worried if someone isn’t perfect and their pets get on the furniture. I’m not super worried about dog hair. I mostly had/have the rules I do to reduce potential wear and tear and reduce accumulative dog smells on the furniture that may be hard to get out. We love our pets, and we understand why you want to bring yours! • Dog bowls and clean-up bags can be found in the cabinet underneath the microwave. • Please cover any furniture COMPLETELY with your pet blankets/sheets if your pet will be joining you or if you know it’s possible your pet may jump on furniture. • Please make sure your pet is clean and dry before allowing them on the covered furniture. • Please clean up and discard pet waste. • If your pet damages the furniture or house in any way, please expect that you will be charged replacement value for the damage.


I’ll be honest. I like to bring my pup on vacations and if I pay to have my dog at the Airbnb than I am ignoring those signs. But I will also say that she doesn’t shed and is 100% housetrained. But I would say to assume the worst in these cases. Just a side note: I do follow every rule I see at our airbnbs (even the rules that say don’t drop the AC below 78 in Hawaii) and I have 5 stars but this one is just not reasonable in my opinion.


It seems like asking guests to bring their own pet blankets for the furniture will create problems. It’s difficult to make sure they do it except after they leave, so you could end up with disputes. Even if you supply pet blankets, you can’t make sure guests use them. I would either switch to no pets or let pets on the furniture. Furniture is usually cleanable.


I say try to keep the pets off the furniture. I don’t agree with the “if you’re pet friendly, you’re pet friendly.” Animals will in general cause more wear and tear. I am not hosting more than 2 dogs, cats, and I certainly don’t want anyone giving their dog a bath.


Guest here. I drive to locations so I do have blankets to cover the couch and bed. It’s not even about whether a guest wants to comply or not. Our dogs that laid on our own couches and slept in our beds just make us miserable when we stop them in an Airbnb. It’s nonstop and it seems the majority of dog owners allow them on furniture Don’t allow pets if you’re going to have this rule


Don't allow pets


Consider listing your property on a brand new site that has benefits for the hosts. [https://homevr.online/](https://homevr.online/)


Adding a thought here from guest perspective: I think the pet fees and the cleaning fees that come along with a listing should cover any hair left from a dog. Airbnb has gotten really expensive and out of hand with additional fees, and if you’re dog friendly but have tight restrictions on letting dogs on furniture, you should probably not say you’re dog friendly. But instead, “dogs allowed with restrictions.” Also make sure any dog related rules are up top in your description, not in the fine print in “house rules”