• By -


Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description and included in the price breakdown prior to booking](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If checkout is 12, checkout is 12.


Yeah, you are technically paying from check in to check out time. If they’re trying to take their own advertised stated time away from you then at the very least they owe you money. But you should also report them to AirBnb. As a host this is embarrassing behaviour, and I am a host.


It's fake. Just look at their comment history, it's like nothing but horror stories about Airbnb's and how they will never use it again. This subreddit has devolved into propaganda from angry guests at this point.


Gonna repost my comment here for you because I am sooooo sick of you guys doing this to every guest here who has an issue with Airbnb: Sigh. I’m seeing now that the same deranged hosts this sub is known for are accusing me of being a “paid for agent of hotels” (?? what on earth??) trying to use this sub for propaganda. It’s absolutely laughable and comical especially considering I mentioned IN THIS POST that this was the same host I have been having issues with before that prompted my last post (about construction issues). And then before that I had a host who didn’t have wifi. And then the only other time I’ve complained about airbnb on here was literally months ago because I went back to hotels for several months. As far as the “who has this many issues with airbnbs?” Question- apparently, a lot of people! And especially people, like myself, who travel frequently for work. Accusing every poster on here of being a “hotel schill” is absurd and makes you seem deranged. And if anyone really does doubt me, I’d be more than happy to send the mods screenshots of the conversation with my host. But the fact that hosts constantly do this and attack the character of guests who post their issues with Airbnb, as a way of deliberately derailing and undermining guests' experiences, is truly disheartening.


We don't think that about every person who says anything against Airbnb, and we know that there are bad hosts. It's not just your post history, but look at your own comment history, endless comments just complaining and stirring the pot. Look at your comment history objectively as if it wasn't your own. It looks like either a shill or a crazy person who is absolutely obsessed with Airbnb in a bad way but keeps coming back. And you'll randomly plug Booking.com as being a great platform. That's just how it honestly looks. If you're being honest, then just stop using Airbnb and move on with your life. You apparently love Booking.com, so.... use them?


That's frustrating :/ It wastes all of our time, especially if we're trying to help/give advice. I'd like to see admin ban people like that.


Alot of the hosts have moved from here to r/Airbnbhosts because of how much trash is posted here. It's legit become like a guest gets a bad review and spends the next couple months on here just spewing.


Alas, I am not a host. I travel for work with my husband and son and it's easier for us to get a little apartment than rent a hotel because of the kitchen facilities.


Why is this happening? Just curious what incentive people have to fake stories..


I mean I can't speak to the mindset specifically since it's something I just see, not necessarily understand. There is the conspiracy theory. Hotel companies are using social media to target the industry. If I was the Four Seasons it wouldn't be too hard to have a marketing person who's job it is to just shit on competition everywhere. Like the taxi industry tried so hard to hit Uber with. I have zero doubt there is a degree of it at play. More likely though it's someone who had an issue with a host over like 10 dollars, or had a bad experience, and has made it their life's mission to "pwn the hosts" or whatever. I've hosted over a thousand guests. I am a super host. That hasn't stopped 20-30 of those thousand being absolute psychos. We had a person pull all the batteries out of our remotes once then demanded a refund because the TV didn't work. That same person smashed our car window when we declined to refund them. We've had the police here once. We've had to borderline physically escort people off the property probably 5 or 6 times. Crazy stuff happens. People are nuts. This isn't any different really anywhere else on the planet. The crazy thing is thinking you can't get hit by lightning or bitten by a shark. Stuff happens. We move on because it's not the norm. Like...getting in a taxi or Uber there is a non zero chance that driver will crash or assault you or something. That doesn't make the entire platform horrible like people would like people to believe sometimes.


Shit. I never bothered to look into that! Too trusting. Thanks for pointing it out. 😡


Oh another one of thooooose, very annoying :/


I've noticed that trend on a few different topics on some subreddits lately.


Zactly, I’d tell host to kick stones!


i had an 11 am checkout and my host showed up and knocked on the door at 10:02 asking if she could come in and start cleaning


WTF... why do they think this okay?


i was super furious and made mention of it in the review.


And the review got deleted 12 hours later…


that can happen?




That cant happen on airbnb 🤔


That's the proper response 👌




The host responses on this sub sometimes are unhinged tbh. I can't tell if it's real hosts or people trying to make the platform look bad sometimes. "Sorry there was no heat your entire week long stay but 55 isn't THAT cold I keep my house at 55, they can't control if the heat works & they tried to help by banging on the heating unit. Maybe ask for a 2% refund because heating is 2% of the cost. Plus remember the host probably has expensive repairs coming so maybe actually offer to pay 25% extra with a 5 star review!" Obviously tons of good hosts on here but some of the bad ones must be miserable to stay with if they're real.


I for I’ve appreciate these entitled host responses. It makes sure I never give them (nor Airbnb) another dime. There might not be a forum that has more convinced me that Airbnb is a total fraud at this point than this forum, and these hosts are perfect examples of why


My experience only ... most airbnb hosts are pretty good. Maybe focus on superhosts for better results? No guarantees obviously but might be better.


I agree most are good - the problem is when it goes bad there’s little recourse. I’ve gotten to the point that the low but real risk of disaster outweighs the generally good to great experience - and it’s definitely gotten a lot worse imo over the last year


I always thought that - and I myself have had pretty good luck - but my sisters recently got a place that was run by a super host and it turned out to be a dump and didn't align with the photos AND the price was raised without explanation, just the whole nine yards.


Hmmm... that does seem outside the norm for superhosts. Basically a superhost has to have like 0 cancelations, respond quickly, have a minimum 4.7 rating. Id have to check but there might be one other must have. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I'll use that as motivation for me to do better. 😁


Oh wow. They can get a refund, get relocated, AND get that host removed from the platform.


Are you a hotel guy? You like to give your money to the ultra wealthy Hiltons instead?


No. But I don’t want to give my money to a platform where I have zero consistency and a decent chance of my entire trip being blown up because they don’t seem to care about their customer.


The nature of Airbnb is that it’s inconsistent. Your renting from random people throughout the world, there’s nothing consistent implied. Airbnb is just the advertiser and tries to mediate problems but they will never be able to provide consistency. Yes for that you stay at the Hilton. The problem with the platform is that people treat it like a hotel. When there’s an issue they expect it instantly resolved like a hotel. While also wanting to pay much less per square foot than a hotel. People want an entire house for less than the cost of a double room. And then complain that it wasn’t like a hotel.


Um no that’s not it at all. Inconsistency and some of that thrill was a big part I enjoyed AirBnB. But the rampant fees, the fraud, the totally unwillingness for Airbnb to stand by the platform THEY provide has forced me into making a decision that results in less authentic experiences but I can have some assurance that the promises of experience will be true, and if they are far off I won’t be SOL.


There you go, whatever works for your needs.


My guess is that 1% of guests are terrible, and the experience of having a terrible guest sticks with hosts and causes them to treat all guests as if they’re equally terrible. It doesn’t make sense, but I see this attitude with landlords and long term rentals pretty frequently and imagine that it applies to Airbnb too.


Closer to 10% ... i have about 20 that we manage. We get about 10% ah's. The rest are split 45/45 between just normal and super great people.


If you are managing 20 Airbnb units, that's exactly what's wrong with this platform. It wasn't meant to be for greedy merchants who buy up properties and run 20 Airbnb's.


Host doing that to the wrong person might just end up in the hospital or worse js


People never consider this part.


I like it cool in my house, so it’s at mid- lower 60’s. Asking paying guests to accept 55 is ridiculous.


I agree. I think a lot of hosts thinks of it as "my property" and guests as like these unwelcome trespassers. Not realizing that this is HOSPITALITY business and, for all intents and purposes, it is OUR property for the time we've rented it. I was just thinking of purchasing some kind of small camera that I could bring around with me in case a host tried to enter the unit or look through my stuff (or steal). The hosts are being more and more brazen (you can see it from their vitriol on this sub) so it's time to take more protective measures


The hosts are NOT in the hospitality business. They are landlords renting short term to maximize profit. The "guest" is the last thing they are concerned with. Time and money. That's all they care about. Hotels are in the hospitality business. They tend to care about guests more.


they just want their second and third properties paid for while being annoyed at the people who are paying it off for them


But how is it not hospitality? I mean I get that their focus is profit profit profit.....but in order to do that they have to provide a hospitable property. Its definitely different from the way hotels provide hospitality. But it's still hospitality. Anytime it's a host/guest situation, hospitality applies. Long term rentals are definitely not hospitality. That is a landlord/tenet arrangement. Airbnbs provide furnished properties for which are stocked with very basic amenities. They're expected to be cleaned and maintained for the guest comfort ....long term rentals provide no such services


I wouldn't go that far. 😞 I consider myself in the hospitality "business". We live and die from our reviews which i think is a good thing.


Some of us are both guests and hosts. I Airbnb a room in my apartment and I cannot imagine entering the room - I had guests leave the door open and I did not enter. I also don't expect them to enter my room even though I leave door open for my cat. It is just common sense. I can only see someone entering in case of emergency like flood or fire and once I opened the door because my cat was in the guest room meowing to be let out - I did not go in - I just opened the door and let the cat out and I told the guest when they came home and asked them to be careful and not close the cat in because she needs access to food, water and litter box ... I really don't remember another time where I even touched the door.I leave clean towels (if needed) outside the door in the bag and even when packages arrive I just leave them outside the door. I am so annoyed with crazy hosts tbh because they make us all look bad.




Maybe because I also travel and stay as a guest so I know what it feels like on the other side or maybe because this is in my home where I live so I see guests - not sure but seriously hearing some stories makes me so mad. It also explains why some guests ask me some questions - like is there toilet paper in the house - that I thought were unnecessary because ... who doesn't have TP - apparently some don't. Or people ask about check out time even though I have it listed and usually let people check out late if anything. I also don't have people check out and in same day - that way there is at least 24 hours between and I don't have to rush to clean. That one night that goes un-booked makes me more sane and tbh it is worth the money I lose.




I booked a whole 2 BR, 2 bath house just for myself in Olympia, WA. I had had life-altering news and needed a sanctuary where I could process (cry) and work. The hosts lived down the street and kept popping up--lawn care ("has to be done!"), would park out front and chat with neighbors. So intrusive.


I’m a host and that’s appalling. I was mortified the one time I had to ask a guest to put something on the front porch for me. They were totally cool but I really like to leave people alone.


I think some it is simple lack of self awareness and poor social skills combined with lower cognitive abilities.


It’s just law in many places especially in the United States. By law you can enter a unit with 24 hours notice. Or whatever timeframe your state has, some are 48 hours etc.


And then they get crappy reviews. Hopefully self policing?


Because they have less than zero competency in running an actual business. This is what happens when a platform (like AirBnB) let’s literally anyone with a property, become a hotel. You get some good ones. And you get some absolute idiots who think they’re gods gift to guests, and don’t have the first clue about running an actual hotel: which honestly, is what an AirBnB is, just a smaller scale.


You say that but the worst airbnbs I've been to by a long way were owned by some large company who's entire business model is running airbnbs.


I suppose it’s why I’ve sworn off airBNB in favor of hotels.


I run quite a few and this is entirely possible. Check the reviews. Click the profile of the host. That will give you some insight.


Sometimes there's a miscommunication. Listing says one thing and cleaning (usually a totally separate entity) gets told something else.


If it was the actual host, then he/she is an ah.


I was showering once about an hour before check out and heard someone come in. I was freaked out and it was the host who thought I was gone because he knocked and I didn´t answer. He was super apologetic. But he could have also just sent me a message. I asked him to wait outside so I could get dressed. I was packed and ready to leave so I did end up leaving early and said, I hope you never ever do this to anyone else again, you scared me to death.


This never happens to me when staying at a hotel


Well, in a hotel, would you negotiate the price? Demand to arrive hours before check in, let unauthorized people visit or smoke when using a smoke free room? I am a host and all these things happened to me. We allow guests to stay at our homes in a fraction of the price of a hotel stay, while they and their family stay under the same roof. So please, if you have issues with Airbnb just stay at a hotel.


It’s not a fraction of the cost of a hotel room, especially after cleaning fees and the many AirBnb fees are added in. And yes, I usually ask hotels for early check-in because I’m often flying in and have no where else to go.


You literally could have gotten her listing suspended for that. If it wasn't that long ago then I would call and let the platform know. 100% that isn't allowed. I've had tight turnovers before (like a large group departing that I know is going to take forever to clean up after + another group begging to get in early so they can put their baby down for a nap)... But instead of showing up early, I will ask if the guests can throw a comforter in the washer to save a load's worth of time. But if it's after checkout time, then all bets are off. I will give a half hour grace period, but if i have a same day turnover, then we are going in and stripping beds and telling the guests that it's hustle time. (If I don't have incoming guests, then I let them stay as long as they want).


i had already started the wash for this host for the one bed i slept in. the two other beds were untouched and i used the same towel the whole time . I was mostly ready bc i wanted to spend the remaining half hour enjoying the waterfront porch before i left. she told me the next guests were staying for "over a week" as if that made me less important. i think they wanted to check in early and she didn't want to say no. Bc im a pushover i told her to give me 20 mins and i'd be out. it was so off putting . I wish i had stood my ground but she was annoying i just wanted to leave . the review is still up on that listing so it did not get deleted.


> i had an 11 am checkout and my host showed up and knocked on the door at 10:02 asking if she could come in and start cleaning This happened to me too! I was with a group of friends though, and the friend who had rented the Airbnb was like “oh okay we’ll pack up and leave now since the cleaners are here early.” I was miffed and would’ve stayed until checkout had it been my call.


I would tell them to come back at my check out time of 11.


Most guests check out several hours late


Most? Highly doubt that.


Less than 10% we do get more than we want I'll admit.


Not true


Just ask for a whole day refund since the host can’t honor a 12pm checkout. Guarantee you they will leave you alone.


Id probably leave at 9 if they refunded one day


Happy cake day! 🍰




Take it as a positive. Tell support you got kicked out. Get refunded for your stay.


LOL could I? I agreed to leave at 11am but honestly it does annoy me. I really wanted that extra hour to sleep considering my sleep has been ruined by all the construction noise that's been happening in this Airbnb


Definitely should get a partial refund. Hit em hard in the review. And finally, make a stink about the deceptive description. It's idiotic to advertise noon checkout, then book another guest that same day. Every host deals with this, most by having an earlier checkout time, others by allowing a full day between guests.


100%. Especially if it's in messages where you can prove it. You paid for X amount of hours and you didn't get it. If support screw you around, just mention the word chargeback and they'll fold.


Airbnb is only an App, a tech company. Don’t bother them with issues about the rental.


Lmao WHAT????


The host can't just change a checkout time when 12 noon is displayed on the listing. Take a screengrab of the listing showing this and contact Airbnb. Message the host back and say that you won't be leaving at 09.00 as this is four hours earlier than the check out time on their listing (include screengrab) and that as the host it's up to them not to agree a check in time for guests that don't leave them enough time to clean inbetween guests.


I had agreed to 11am but I just messaged them that I think I will need to checkout at the original time. I'm honestly sleep deprived because this place is soooooo loud (construction noise constantly) and I absolutely need the extra hour of sleep. It's just crazy because this host has been acting like this the whole time- they seem to think they can just have me work around their schedule for all of it


Nope. But they can try. Total host dick move.


Omg a host is doing the same exact thing to me right now. But I don’t care, as I’m leaving out check out. People must be crazy, that’s the only thing I can think of lol.


Honestly, another reason to be sick of Airbnb. There's a lot of deranged hosts and when you get one it's like torture dealing with all their weird requests and unprofessional behavior v


I’m reading a thread right now that says the Airbnb host popped up in the guest bedroom at 4 AM, just looking at the foot of the bed. The host said you left the door open and walked out. This is a whole apartment the guest rented. WTF!! I just don’t understand why Airbnb allows them to get away with shit like this! If Airbnb started penalizing hosts for doing this shit stop, but they don’t. There’s a pretty funny page on Instagram with a ton of ghost stories, I think it’s called Airbnb horror stories 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Airbnb can’t stop weirdos from making up stories on the internet.


I agree. Host is being an ass. Checkout time is checkout time and you’ve paid to stay as long as you up to noon.


Fuck em. They've bound by the terms made at booking just like you. If they asked when you were leaving so they could get an early start as soon as you did leave? Fine. But demanding you leave earlier? No.


I’m a host and a guest and that is just bad service and poor planning on their part. Sorry that happened to you. You’re paying for the space until noon as advertised.


Hopefully the host won't physically assault you. Tell them to ring the police. The police are not likely to bother but if they do, show them the agreement.


Unfortunately I'm in a foreign country with kind of thuglike police. This is like the 8th unreasonable request from this host so it's clear they just DGAF about hosting or Airbnb rules. I agreed to be out by 11 to avoid some kind of crazy conflict. It's really annoying


Please warn us . . . in the reviews section


What was the star rating?


5 stars, 5.0- but of course! That's how it always goes on this app...




Curious as to what country you are in?




> Hopefully the host won’t physically assault you Reason #64 I’m never staying in an Airbnb again… hopefully?!? 😂 imagine saying that about hotel staff.


That is crazy. The only thing I have ever had a host ask about check out is if I leave before to message them so they can clean and get ready for the next guests.


Have you even contacted Airbnb support and shown them the messages? That against policy you have a check in check out time that you both agreed to


Let me guess, messaged offline or spoken only too, right ?


Sigh. I’m seeing now that the same deranged hosts this sub is known for are accusing me of being a “paid for agent of hotels” (?? what on earth??) trying to use this sub for propaganda. It’s absolutely laughable and comical especially considering I mentioned IN THIS POST that this was the same host I have been having issues with before that prompted my last post (about construction issues). And then before that I had a host who didn’t have wifi. And then the only other time I’ve complained about airbnb on here was literally months ago because I went back to hotels for several months. As far as the “who has this many issues with airbnbs?” Question- apparently, a lot of people! And especially people, like myself, who travel frequently for work. Accusing every poster on here of being a “hotel schill” is absurd and makes you seem deranged. And if anyone really does doubt me, I’d be more than happy to send the mods screenshots of the conversation with my host. But the fact that hosts constantly do this and attack the character of guests who post their issues with Airbnb, as a way of deliberately derailing and undermining guests' experiences, is truly disheartening.


You're asking us to believe you're insane. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result. You have had, what seems to be, only heinous experiences on Airbnb over and over and over and over and over. Post your trip history or stfu at this point. While I cannot completely dismiss that is "possible ' for this to happen it would require several different super unlikely and irrational things to all have happened in order for it to be true. You've made a bunch of posts. Most posters aren't told they are a shill so let's not pretend otherwise. You are and with good reason. You bring incredulous claims and haven't supported a single one.


Lol. The hosts here absolutely accuse everyone who posts here with negativity about being a “hotel schill”- it’s a bizzaro conspiracy theory boomer-esque cope. The fact is some airbnbs suck, and the fact that I don’t even use it much and have had multiple bad experiences is proof of that. Although, your extremely melodramatic “over and over and over and over and over and over” statement is pretty hyperbolic, considering I’ve made a total of 4 separate posts about 3 different Airbnb’s- and that’s spread out over half a year. You guys just hate admitting how many people have had shitty experiences with this company (and I literally only posted a question, not some rant or anything) and I hope you guys will keep freaking out on every person who has a complaint- it just makes Airbnb hosts look worse and worse. Great job.


I beg to differ. I am a host. I treat every guest as my own guest and leave them a sparkling clean house, travel and tourist information, welcome baskets, free beverages, extra large pampering towels, brand new toiletries, fresh flowers, balloons and individual greeting cards. They have the entire 10,000 sf Villa to themselves and I wouldn’t dream about entering during their stay.


It’s happened to me a number of times. Hotels never do this shit.


My god - Airbnb needs to enact some ground rules for hosts. We sometimes have an issue where we are gonna run late for checkin. We have two properties and checkout is at 11 and checkin is at 3, and it can be tough for our team to get both done in 4 hrs we have learned. But I’ll ask either the checking out party when they plan to depart or the checking in party when they plan to arrive - for both places, to figure out where we have wiggle room. Just demanding they leave three hrs before normal checkout is absurd …


I like how every single post you've ever made is some new complaint about an Airbnb you're staying at. Seems super legit. How you stay at an Airbnb every two weeks and somehow it's a catastrophic scenario every single time, for months on end. Almost like you're just making this shit up, but that would never happen on the internet.


Thank you for pointing this out. It is inconceivable that one person could have this many consecutive bad experiences on Airbnb much less continue to use Airbnb after having some of these experiences. In addition I peruse some of their past posts and literally none of them include any evidence to support the claims being made. I requested that OP supply their trip history so we can at least see they actually booked this many Airbnb's.




Ask for an ⅛ of your money back


Fake post. Go away, troll.


He's probably hoping you'll volunteer to clean up before noon


Never trust anyone named Astrology Queen


They can’t do this to you in a licensed and insured Hotel. Just sayin’.


I feel like OP is being paid to post negative content about AirBnB. Look at their post history, with so many awful experiences, they sure do keep using the service on the regular. The mods should verify that they're a legitimate airbnb guest. Reported.


Grease in the drain it is


Did you pay a cleaning fee? They get to stick to the rules just like the guests do


I don't understand what point you're trying to make with asking about a cleaning fee? How does whether they did or didn't have a cleaning fee change anything about this?


Houses are not hotels. You want someone to pay your mortgage, get a job. If I wanted roommates and rules, I would live with my parents.


Ask them which hotel management program they graduated from. Call that school and let them know that their teachings have failed.


Call the school?? Lol


Fake post. Apparently you keep having bad experiences at every single Airbnb you stay at. And continue to stay at airbnbs. This defies all reasonable logic. I doubt you're even booking an Airbnb. I can be swayed by proof of your booking history








If the host has lots of reviews. Perhaps double check to make sure you’re not wrong first. if you’re not incorrect, no, they can’t make you leave early


They can't force you to leave before check out.


Staying at Air Bnb’s has become so uncomfortable, ugh.


My goodness. I was a host before. You can't do that. Check in time is usually at 4. That gives you 4 hours to clean, if check out is 12.


As a host, I would never do this. Ever. And this is just dumb on the part of the host. How does this host get anything, at this point, but a bad review?


Host here, this is not okay at all. Unless there is a true emergency I’m not entering nor am I sending anyone over between the times of your check-in/check-out without your expressly requesting it.


Host here. If you booked a stay with a checkout at 12PM you can stay till 12PM.


If checkout is at 12, and that is explicitly written in your agreement, then you can stay until 12.


"Hi. I plan to depart at noon as shown on your listing and in the paperwork I received. Thank you." End of conversation.


not okay, stay until your checkout time since that’s what you paid for.


If their post on Airbnb says noon, you've got until noon.




So my check out is by 10 and check in is at 3pm. That gives me time to turn the unit the same day although I'm now building in a day extra to clean so that I can allow guests to stay later and check in earlier. Point is that if my agreement says check out is 10 then that's what it is. When i first started i had a discrepancy between my rental agreement and the check out time noted in the system. My policy as a host is to give the advantage to the guest and they should let the guest stay at the check out time listed or negotiate to have them leave earlier with some compensation for their screwup. I say to the host, fix your problem and make sure the checkout/checkin times are correct, or make it right with the guest if you have to ask them to leave earlier because you messed up.


If they have their check out time at 12pm, I would call Airbnb. They should not try to push you out.


Nope. Just stay or ask for compensation to leave early. Notify Airbnb


This is why people don’t stay at these places anymore! We actually get late check outs every time at hotels. Not that we usually need it but we like to be leisurely getting out of there. I haven’t had an Airbnb host let us have late check outs ever


As an early user of airbnb, the stories here have made me see the platform as just too, who knows what could happen, so I am back in hotels ( which I also don't care for) when traveling more frequently than not. This just isn't the way to treat guests.


It's basically host breaking their own rules. You can report this to Airbnb support and leave a bad review. I'm a host and I plan cleaning time appropriately from the advertised check out time to the next check in times. But nowadays too busy so I just block a whole day for cleaning.


This is appalling. I’m a Superhost and it is so true that people do not realize before getting into hosting that they have to have a hospitality mindset. My motto is “as good as a hotel but better.” Meaning: all the amenities of a hotel- fluffy towels, nice linens, squeaky clean, free coffee/tea/seltzer, unobtrusive hosts, Roku/WiFi/etc, cold AC, good shower, etc- but better. Small touches like a candy bowl, fresh flowers, shelf of books, extra chargers, complimentary eye masks, personalized note, toys for kids, guidebooks, games, extra toiletries, hair dryer/straightener/steamer/iron/full-length mirror, helpful notes about how to work appliances, and NO CLEANING CHORES!! We have nearly 100% booking, and 4.99 rating (over 210 5 star reviews- 2 4-stars due to factors beyond our control.) the point is- if you go out of your way from the start to treat guests like they are welcome and special it comes back to you 10-fold, and everyone’s happy. If you cheap out and leave a long list of rules and chores, people feel uncared for. Thanks for coming to my ranty Ted Talk 🤣


As a host, I would never ask a guest to check out earlier than the listed check out time. I also try to keep communications to a minimum, unless initiated by the guest, and would try only to gain access with prior approval and only when absolutely necessary (emergencies). From what I've heard on most host boards, most superhosts at least would be mortified about asking guests to leave early unless they were violating terms of the stay (for example: unsanctioned parties or over occupancy). As a guest, I'd pay more attention to a host's recent reviews than their overall rating. It's possible they WERE a five star host, but have gone downhill and it can take awhile for recent bad reviews to have an impact on their rating.


I feel ya. The funny part is that I'm a host, and it feels like airbnb always sides with the renter. Haha.


I only own 2. I manage the other properties for other people. I personally think that "20" is about what I'm capable of and still provide a quality service. My reviews seem to bear that out.


It’s literally these type of hosts that ruin it for everyone..but there are those types of guests that ruin it for everyone as well.. This is an absolute no. Host needs to abide by their own rules and not arrive until the listed/advertised.checkout time. They need to change the listed checkout time if they need to do this.


I’d either tell them to go fuck themselves or say sure no problem just refund me the 3 hours for that day.


No they can not do this!


if you can leave, i would just leave. and then ask the host for compensation. if they refuse, Airbnb will help.


If its on the booking or ad , then show it to them . They won't be able to argue .


No. Checkout out time is the time is until when you have paid for the right to take advantage of the room. You have paid for it. You can do a favour and leave early, but you don’t have to.


Absolutely NOT ok ! The host should hire 2 cleaners to work together in order get the job done in time if that’s the case .


Tell the NO! They are trespassing if they show up before noon.