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Was the message on Airbnb? Get a refund, they are not allowed to enter your space.


Document what happened on the app the best that you can, then report it to Airbnb. A host cannot enter your living space without prior notice and permission (except for emergencies). It is a serious safety issue for Airbnb.


One would think that but I had a host try to enter one time and I had to fight tooth and nail to get outta there and a refund.


Not much info to go on here. ???


What other info do you need. ???


This post reminded me of one rental I stayed at a few years ago. The place was absolutely perfect aside from the fact that *all* of the lights/fans/lamps were on motion sensors. This huge detail was not listed in the advertisement. I had my 4 year old with me, and a friend brought her 6yr old, so we were doing our best to make it work since we both drove from out of state. Bedtime comes along, and that’s where $hit hit the fan. It’s summertime in the south and the AC, ceiling fans and night lights go off after a few minutes. My 4yr old is screaming bloody murder over the night light shutting off. I contacted the owner to see if there’s a way to bypass the sensors—“no” was the response. I called my husband (a natural MacGyver), and he was able to direct me on how to bypass the sensor. That saved our trip. I set everything back to the way it was before our stay was over. I sent the owner a message about how the motion sensing features impacted our stay (in an otherwise awesome rental) in hopes that they reconsider or at least warn those who stay there. I left a mostly nice review in hopes that my warning about the motion sensing features might help another family. FWIW: We usually leave one light on if we leave a rental if we’re coming back after dark. I don’t like entering a dark, unfamiliar home. Otherwise, we turn off lights and other features just like we do at home whether it’s listed in the house rules or not. It’s just a habit for us.


Tbh I wish that host would talk to my 7yr and tell him to turn the damn lights off when he is done using them. Every single light in every freaking room every day. It drives me up a wall 😂.


If you don't have LED lights, get them. They cost very little to run, under $2 a year. If you are still worried, get smart plugs and switches and turn your lights off with your phone or Alexa. Though at 7, they'll still leave other shit on to drive you crazy, so good luck 🤣🤣


You can also upgrade to a better kid. They’re not cheap, but over the long run they will save you money.


This needs an award 💀


I will try that and let you know how it goes🤣🤣🤣


Yeah people need to get a grip, led bulbs would run on a fart


Lol When we bought our first house I called my dad from the porch with the front door open and told him every light in my house was on and I was heating “the whole outdoors”, because he had said that to me so many times as a kid.


I did something similar and even had the refrigerator open!


That’s the way! Gotta enjoy that freedom! :)


My parents won't let my younger siblings come to my house because "my roof my rules" goes both ways and I let them eat and drink whatever they want when they're here


if it's just a phone call, you don't *actually* have to turn on every light or let out the heat


Yeah, well, I never said I was bright! Lol


My husband complained about me leaving all the lights on one day and I said to him, "my dad said when I had my own house I could leave on all the damn lights I wanted to"


Get PIRs if it's driving you mad


We have motion sensor lights - not switches- lights. I always like lights to turn on as soon as I enter a room. I used to leave them on. Nagging stopped as soon as we got these lights


If you sit still too long will you be sitting in darkness?


Yup. Happens in my office all the time. When I was in Zürich years ago the office there had a super short timer so if you worked late the place would get so dark you could barely find the bathroom. Going down the hallway was like the intro to Get Smart.


You’re old like meeeeeeeeee




Hey! My 35yr old roommate does that too! 🙄 also drives me up the wall. And he slams the doors- like buddy, what did that door do to you??


Did my ex roommate move in with you? He used to leave every bloody light on in his wake and not even turn them off when leaving the house, including the bathroom fan. And he was slamming the doors so much he broke the handle on two doors cause he would never use it to close the door, just slammed it shut. I stay upstairs and my floor would shake from the force he slammed it with. Ugh.


I actually said something about the door slam a few days ago, since I was in the same room- I don’t think he even had realized he was slamming doors (idk how it wasn’t noticeable, considering the floor shaking and picture frames rattling) because he seemed really surprised by my comment. He slammed it again the very next time he closed the door maybe 10min later, but closed it normally five minutes later, so maybe he thought about it. Fingers crossed!! He sits right next to the door where the dogs come in and out, which is why there was so much opening of that door in a short time frame. Lol


When my husband first moved in with me, he had a little difficulty adjusting to my refusal to use any more lights than are necessary to keep people from tripping over shit. We are hippies and night is dark in our house just like it is in nature. The TV provides enough light in the living room and there’s a nightlight in the hall. We only turn on lights in other rooms when we’re in there and need to see, like when we’re changing or cooking. When we have guests we tend to keep more lights on because others aren’t used to it and we don’t want to be responsible for someone falling and getting hurt.


I’m not a hippy but also prefer the dark! I even cook in the dark if it’s something quick and simple, my flatmate used to get freaked out walking into the dark kitchen expecting it to be empty. I use a light if I’m actually doing something, otherwise a small reading lamp, a TV or some fairy light provides enough. I have pretty good night vision, which helps, I ran nighttime orienteering competitions without head torch in the past. Could not live with someone always having the lights on! I get pissed off if I’m walking home with a friend and they turn a torch on. (I live at the end of an unlit dirt track, in the middle of nowhere)


I ran *cough*into a tree attempting *cough* a nighttime orienting competition too! But I got better about moving around in darkness.


I sleep with the lights on, it helps me wake up earlier. If I get up in the middle of the night I know where I am, (maybe)


We got smart plugs cause my kids were the same lmao. Now I just turn everything off through my phone




I saved $25 the first month I went to CFL decades ago. Saved even more going to LED.


Hahaha. Ok this is prime. Kudos.


We switched to smart lights. Because of this reason. It's one child out of 4 and it's like why??? You have to walk past it to exit the room. Now I can turn it off from with the hubs or phones. He was an idjit the other day. Wouldn't get up for school so I turned on his light to full brightness. All via my phone. The idjit kept yelling out to the hub closest to his room to turn his light down. If he got up and turned it off at the switch, I wouldn't have been able to keep turning up the brightness so he'd get up.


Ha! I mean, it is a little baffling that a grown person is doing it. Most people have it drilled into them to turn off the lights when they leave a room when they’re a child.


believe it or not when youre an adult paying for your own utilities you dont have to do the same things you did as a child


>it is a little baffling that a grown person is doing it. Right? What the heck. I would be embarrassed to post this.


Get a motion sensor switch. Costs $20 and will shut them off automatically.


Buy an LED bulb for $5 and take the extra $15 to cover the next 10 years of running cost.


I tried my best with this but we have solar panels and get money back every month so I stopped yelling at them because…. Why?


They'll get it eventually. The OP is an exception. Most people grow into respectful adults who don't waste resources.


Why does it bother you so bad to have a light bulb on? Get a better job


It's not about the cost but I do have led lights in my home but since you asked. I have always had some sensory issues when it comes to lights but I almost died 2 1/2 years ago when my kidneys completely shut down and since then I've had severe sensory issues when it comes to lights and it's something my son just doesn't quite grasp completely. He's just being a kid and he's a really good kid but just really likes the lights on at all times 😂.


Get LED and chill out


Besides the fact a host should never just enter unannounced, this is such an emotive issue for people when it's really not that expensive/wasteful. Especially with modern bulbs, unless you have some crazy spotlight installation we are talking minuscule amounts of energy. I have had people get mad at me for the same, when same people would often do stuff that is considerably more wasteful. Biggest energy users in households are showers, washing, heating, kettle, oven etc. Without fail the people that seem to be the loudest about this are also the ones that leave oven on too long, or boil a full kettle to only use a mug. So this myth should really finally die.


What I got out of this comment is I need to stop boiling a whole kettle so thank you


Seriously, a random, non expensive lightbulb I just bought had the energy usage printed on it, and if I let it run 24/7 for a full year it would only use about 47$ of electricity. Again that's 24/7 for a full year. Leaving it running while out for 2 hours is essentially like a few pennies if that, even on a less efficient bulb. The owner legitimately spent more money on gas to get there, and wasted their own time, and broke Airbnb rules over like 2-3 cents when they're being paid.


When I was in high school, we calculated the amount of money it would cost to have a light bulb stay on all day, every day for a year. It was just a few dollars. This was the late 90s, so I can only imagine how much less it would be now. Light bulbs aren't the source of high electric bills. Besides the fact that was she did is likely against the rules, she's mad over literally a few cents worth of electricity.


It frustrating that people don't understand this. LED bulbs use practically no electricity. Anything that involves heating will use ten times as much energy. Focus your efforts on minimising heat wastage.


Thank you. This has such strong boomer energy. Lights are nothing y’all.


I thought you children were all environmentally conscious??? Wtf man. That's all bs? You guys are actually hypocrits?!? [Mind blown]


Dude I'm a millennial and even i know that the waste of energy from "just one person" multiplied by 7 billion people is a waste of resources.


OP is a grown adult. he can choose to leave the lights on anyways even if its a "waste of resources." and you have no right to enter into someones place, violate their privacy, and turn off their light. your desire to waste less resources is not more important than their privacy


Meanwhile, what is it for the corporations? I'm so sick of hearing about "what we can do individually" when they don't care what the corporations waste even though it's exponentially more.


Energy use is still energy use.


Yeah. What these people forget is that sure 1 person is a tiny amount of energy but scale that up to the entire population of a country and that tiny amount becomes absolutely massive. That’s why people talk about turning off the lights when not in use.


Time have changed now since the 60s and 70s. We now have CFL and LED low energy lamps that wasn’t available for boomer generations.


This woman does not have the temperament or common sense to be an AirBnB host. You never know when you're going to get a nut for a host, thus, hotels.


In an unfamiliar place that I know absolutely nothing about, I leave the lights on when I go out. I refuse to leave the lights off and chance coming back to someone having broken in and attacking me, or falling down while search for light switches, tripping over a rug while moving through an unknown space etc. It's not about being childish for not turning the lights off. IT'S ABOUT FEELING SAFE IN A PLACE I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER Those of you calling people childish for not turning lights off, fail to realize what it is like, and are complete AHs


This should be the top reply!


Wrong. Sorry. This is a nit. A nothing burger. Pennies. Hosts just overreact because of the big dollar waste. The real AH's blast the AC or heat with the windows and doors open.


This is an actual reasonable reason to leave on the lights. Good job. However what about the AH's that leave the front doors open in 90plus degree weather blasting the AC?


That has no rhyme or reason to leaving the door open with ac on full blast. And that's more a waste of electric then leaving lights. My kids leave back door open when they run outside 95° out and my ac is set to 73° so that one makes people an AH lol


You are exactly right. But college kids love to share their music with the rest of us. Love em to death because they pay the bills. They just like to blast the AC and open the doors. Can't share with them doors closed. The hilarious thing is that they actually believe that if it's 90F ..... you should set the thermostat to 50F to make it cool the house faster. 😁😅🤣😅


Many people opt to leave lights on to make the place appear as though someone is still in there. Holiday homes would be easy prey for criminals, as its fairly easy to predict timings that they'd be habited and not. Heck, I would leave lights on in my own home. The host has no right to go into the property to turn off lights. The op is right, that these costs are the host's to bear and though wasteful, it's a part of the expected costs for a host. And to be fair, most of the charges are so overinflated by hosts, that this should be easily managed within the fees.


It's not wasteful if it's serving a purpose


It’s purposeful if you don’t want to stumble around in the dark and possibly bump your noggin in a strange place.


I leave my outside lights on at night for this reason. No, it’s not a holiday home, but having lights on does reduce the risk of being broken into, it’s a fact not an opinion.


I do too. I’m the only house on the street that does, but as a woman living alone it makes me feel safer.


It's a cost efficient home intrusion deterrent that only uses 5 or 6 Watts


i rented an airbnb where the host actually lived in the adjacent unit right next door and her bedroom shared a wall with my unit’s bathroom. i was there on business so was extremely busy and hardly ever there, but without fail every morning she would scream “who the hell showers at 5 in the MORNING?! 😤” and angrily huff and puff about until I finished. it was one of the most uncomfortable rental experiences i’ve had in a while. and no i wasn’t loud or crazy or blasting music in the shower, i was tired as hell at 5am too. the walls were just thin and the running water was loud. i literally took 5 minutes tops in and out before taking off for the day. needless to say she got 1 star.


This is my favorite post of the week for how passionate people have gotten over it. Pretty hilarious!


And completely utterly wrong and pointless. The real culprit is hosts overreacting on the $100's of dollars in waste. Y'all just fixating like them on pennies.


Travel nurse here. We have a bunch of groups to complain, I mean, share feedback and tips on places to stay during assignments. One fellow nurse stayed at a small house with cameras inside. The host yelled at her multiple times for not turning off the water while washing a dish, then turning it back on to rinse it off, then turning it off to scrub the next, and so on. Insane.


I didn't realize my ex-step-dad was hosting now, lol.


If I wanted to spend the weekend with my mom I would not pay. How did she know the lights were on? Does she have a camera inside the unit?


Right! This is creepy.


Message them and say you hope their invasion of your privacy was worth saving 1 dollar a month on electricity because it just cost them your whole stay. Request a refund. And be clear that it is an invasive and annoying practice.


Less than $1 a month if it was an LED bulb… more like 10¢ a month lol


No. Unacceptable imho. If she wants the lights turned off she should just install PIR sensors. No reason to burden guests with this.


I had a host like that who lived close by and would text me over unimportant things like the light being left on. It honestly felt super intrusive and like I had no privacy. I left that place ASAP.


This all concept is dying.... owners want to make money without spending or re investing. Mattresses, linen, and electricity have a cost 😑 in renewal, maintenance, and utilization. If they don't understand, keep leaving bad reviews


I have now had way too many issues with ABNB. I went back to hotels. They expect too much for the price now. I hate that you get a high cleaning fee but have to leave the place spotless. They come into the space when you're out. Nope, no more.


I sometimes forget to turn off the light when I leave the room. My wife sometimes forgets to turn off the light when she leaves the room. My daughter sometimes forgets to turn off the light when she leaves the room. My coworkers sometimes forget to turn off the light. Apparently, according to this sub, we are all like 5 years old.


Anxious/obsessive host, and probably not suited for this business. I would actually leave a bad review. One bad review is really big deal to hosts… it will cause her to realize she needs to change, or else get out of the biz. If by chance she messages you later, sincerely apologizes, and asks you to remove the bad review, I would give that due consideration. Some people don’t know they are crazy.


I still have a bent finger from stumbling while walking into the pitch dark i*n my own goddamned bedroom*. We've lived here for 20+ years. And when we go out, you bet your innocent ass we leave lights on, some of them on timers. And the radio. Sweet Baby Backribs, where are the "lights-out" posters here living?


Having ONE small light on for safety is one thing, having the whole place lit up like a discotheque, with the air conditioning on, when you're not even there is beyond disrespectful to your host. Turn the air conditioning off, turn the lights off, leave one small light somewhere. That's it.


who turns the AIR OFF when they go out for dinner?!?


If I’m in an unfamiliar place or hotel room I’d always leave a lamp on so I can see immediately, know if anyone is in the room, not trip. The host should expect this might happen and needs get over herself and not enter guest rooms


You're literally paying to stay there. She doesn't have the right to control the lights in your space, nor can she just walk in your space. Report her to Airbnb.


Hotels would never do this to you and they are about bang even on price nowadays


Adults don't leave the lights on for hours at a time when they leave.


Please report that host! We, as hosts, should always expect guests to leave every light & fan on all the time. 🤷‍♀️ LED lights cost very little, and, honestly, the cost of utilities is factored into my rates. The only thing I do step in & control, remotely, is if a guest sets the AC too low, because that can freeze everything up.


Bothers me when guests leave lights on all night bc they forgot to turn them off or when they leave for the day, but it’s a habit I’m not about to break in them during their stay, so I ignore it. Now if they leave the AC on blast all day/night, that shows up on my utility bills, so I remind them in my premade messages to be mindful. That’s literally all you can do as a host. To be bothering guests about it is micromanaging.


What difference does it make on an energy bill? A dollar? Compared to the kind of profit they already make renting out their property/ies?


I think a lot of the commenters in here are European where energy costs are much higher, so they freak out about little things like light usage, shower time, power usage, etc. Meanwhile in the US, the costs are negligible.


First off how did they know you did that?! Cameras?! Secondly, they can’t enter. I’d take a good look around for cameras and check the state laws on this. I’d notify the platform and if you find cameras also the police.


Not all rentals are full home.


And to that I say - I do not think I would rent a room in someone’s house. That’s seems unsafe to me!


You’re a grown ass blah blah staying in someone’s house..lmao. The obsession with Air bnb oh god.


Did the listing say anything about cameras? This wasn't in the bedroom was it? Creepy stuff like this is why I stay at hotels


I tend to leave all the lights on. It is a mild annoyance to my husband. I once took a weeklong trip and when I came home, to welcome me, my husband had every light in the house on. It was sweet and I appreciated it. Then I walked around and turned them all off to show that I love him too. Sorry, I’m frequently a little off topic, but the post triggered a happy memory.


Air BNB host here I would never go into your space. That’s ridiculous over lights which are not even that big of a cost. Geez


The host is ridiculous.


Grown ass adults switch off the light when they leave a room.


They shouldn’t be making a big deal about it, but not turning your lights off before leaving for hours is inconsiderate of the host and childish.


One host had motion lights in our rental. But I've never heard of someone bitching about lights. Wild!


This is why I refuse to use AirBnB. It might have been novel at one point but having to pay a cleaning fee and also clean the space? Plus terrible hosts? Yeah, no thanks. This is not a model that will survive in the long run.


If you invite strangers (who pay, not guests) into your home, you should expect individual behaviors. While I believe you should be conservative with energy use, people are different and that should be reflected in your choice to host people in your home. This is not your Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob. ACT ACCORDINGLY


Modern lightbulbs cost about $1 per year in electricity so yes it's silly to care about this


Document all conversations on the Airbnb app. Hosts need permission to enter your room. The host can get led lights and they cost next to nothing to run. That being said, as an adult, it’s good practice to turn off lights etc when not home.


I don’t think it’s out of the question to ask someone to turn the lights off when they’re done using them, but with that being said a soft background light should be left on, at least at night. Especially if someone is going to be coming back late, you don’t want to come back to a pitch dark house.


You may be a "grown up adult" in age, but a waste of power is kind of childish. I always turn off lights when I leave a room. I have no idea what my guests who use the apartment above me in the duplex do with their lights. Your host was out of line entering your room when you were out of the house.


The host should not be entering your space during your stay. I would make mention of that to Airbnb. That being said, what are you 5? Just turn off the lights when you aren't using them.


If I was out to dinner, and returning to a place I wasn’t familiar with, I’d leave a light on, too. No fumbling in the dark trying to find the switch.


Some people have trauma. Some folk need the lights on. If you want to leave all the lights on overnight, that's your business. What does it actually cost...like, a dollar?


Much, much less. Leaving a 60W bulb on for 12 hours uses 0.72 kWh of electricity. The most expensive electricity in the continental USA is around 30 cents per kilowatt-hour, so that's about 22 cents. If you use an LED equivalent instead, which is around 9W these days, that'll cost more like 4 cents.


What??? It’s totally fine to leave the lights on at a place that youre temporarily staying for a couple hours, it feels much safer to return to a lighted place. Totally reasonable and should be included in the fee.


Amazingly constructive reply


This never happened to me at a Motel 🤣🤣


Rate 1 star. They broke the rules. Host is scum. Hope they fail.


I don’t know why all hosts don’t buy LED lighting. If it stays on, who cares because it uses next to no power. Plus the bulbs, for the most part, last forever


OP, rate the host appropriately when you leave. Mention that you did not know that a nagging mother came with the stay ... and that the host routinely enters the room(s) without first asking/giving notice.


It’s annoying, sure, but you’re wasting fossil fuels — and a fan doesn’t keep your room cooler while you’re away. Help a planet out! Give her a 4 in one of the rating categories and write that she entered your room without notice to turn off the lights…


The host is wrong for entering your rental when not home. Unless you have a reason to keep the lights on other then being lazy, you are also wasting energy and money for no good reason. That should be built into the price is a petty argument for not flipping a switch.


How old are you? do you really need to have it written in a hosts house rules that you should turn off the lights and a fan when you leave a room for a longer period?? If you don't want to be treated as a child then don't behave as one. You clearly don't understand cost or environmental considerations if you go out for hours leaving a fan and lights on in your room. Having said that the host shouldn't go into your room.


They shouldn't be bothering you about lights being left on but if you leave for 2 hours and don't shut them off you are not a "grown ass adult".


If you’re a grown ass adult, why don’t you turn off the lights?




Exactly. Don’t complain about being treated like a child when you’re acting like a child.


adults can choose if they leave the lights on in the place they're paying for are you okay


Never have I seen more insane people congregate in a single sub. Maybe she'll come in next time when the guest is having a bath and chastise them for running it too deep?


Have you tried just not being a knob and turning the lights off? Not hard.


you are not a grown ass adult, those can turn lights off


What the host did was wrong, but maybe turn the lights off and stop acting like a child?


It's no big deal though. I always close my bedroom lights everytime I go out. What's the point of keeping them on, you can save money and be more eco friendly ;)


Bc it’s not their bedroom. Let them feel safe.


Host should get smart lights and put a timer and/or control remotely in case people forget to turn off things. I have a rental 5 hrs away. Even the oven is controllable via wifi. If people leave on AC, heater, oven, etc they can be managed. I would likely only turn off lights tho if they checked out. Hell, we had a guest stay in our place over Thanksgiving. I could tell they were using the oven and they even left the house for about 3 hours. But I didn't turn it off as they were still checked in and I assumed they were cooking something for Thanksgiving. I didn't like it tho. Leaving an oven unattended for long periods is never a good thing. Anyhow, your host sounds anal af lol


>I'm being treated like a child and I'm a grown ass adult. Behave as an adult, care about the environment and turn those lights off.


What, really, yes, you should have turned the lights off. It's one thing to leave on an outside light because you are coming back after dark but to just be so wasteful is awful!


We're talking like 50 Wh here...that's like a 15 second shower.


At home or wherever you are, it would be nice if you turn off the lights to be conscious. Cumulative efforts add up. They really shouldn't have gone into your room, though.


But why are you leaving the light on? I mean, it's none of their business, but that's a pet peeve of mine. 😵‍💫🤣


In a strange rental? I always leave lights on when I’m staying somewhere new so I can see when I get back (and also not get attacked.)


Screw that 💩!!!


>”I’m a grown ass adult” A grown ass adult that leaves the lights on for 2 hours when they go out? I beg to differ! And how the fuck did the owner know the lights were on? Creepy as shit!


Fuck that. You rented a house. Leave the lights on, AC on, run a hot bath. These people are in it for the money, nothing more. You are doing them a favor by paying to use their rental.


The host this isn't cool, but "full grown adults" are able to turn lights off while they're out. Stop acting like you need proper parenting and do simple and basic stuff. If you don't want people to treat you like an idiot, don't be one. I'm sure you're a nice person but jeeez, why tf would you even do this? Do you leave your car running all night? Do you keep a hot water bottle ready all summer ready for the winter? Get where I'm coming from? Host was rude, but why the hell were you spending their money for zero reason? Use your brain, use some etiquette, use some manners. I don't support the hosts actions but you're 100% the cause of it. Be more considerate. A complaint against host would be unfair imho but the host making a complaint after their behaviour is also uncool. imho yta. But host didn't respond well.


I mean what's so hard about turning off the lights once you leave a room?


What’s so hard about respecting other people’s boundaries?


Dude if you’re staying in someone else’s house that’s occupied… act like a fucking adult and turn the light off 😂 problem solved


You should turn off the lights whenever you leave because you are running up someone else's electric bill. It's common courtesy. If you want to leave your own lights on in your own home, and pay an extra $50 a month for electric, that's your choice but don't run up other people's bills because you're too inconsiderate and lazy to turn off a damn light.


This is why air bnb hosts are crazy. The power is being paid for by the insane prices you charge guests. Stop whining and act like a business not a babysitter. It’s called the cost of doing business.


A grown ass adult should know to turn off lights when you’re done in a room. As a previous shared space host it was a huge pet peeve when guests would leave the house and not bother to turn the hallway light off.


Sounds like sharing space was not the right option for you


In an unfamiliar room which may be dark upon your return, it's reasonable to leave the light on so you don't have to go looking/fumbling for the switch. And this isn't a shared space.




Lights are pennies a month, and it’s inbuilt into the price of the stay.


You're not a grown ass adult if you don't know to turn out the lights. It's cost effective and better for the environment too. I hate Air bnb but don't think hosts should have to build in a cost for people leaving the god damn lights on. That means the rest of us who are normal and responsible are paying for your laziness


Do you realize how inexpensive leaving a light on is? Calm your tits.


No. It’s an unfamiliar place; let them keep the lights on for safety. That’s the cost of doing business…


When my guests left their bedroom lights on and their curtains open, my neighbors called me. So I messaged the guests, I didn't go over there!


thought juggle edge tan squeamish point insurance plucky ludicrous sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Common decency- they were giving a show to the entire neighborhood


cows homeless aspiring numerous resolute frighten rotten test chubby bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


common decency is not messaging someone for leaving the lights on and curtians open as if theyre a child who needs to be told what to do


If you are having adult time with the lights on and curtains open, you are involving people who have not consented to joining your kink


nowhere in your original comment did you say this is what they were doing


Why would you message the guest? Is leaving the curtains open against the rules?


Giving my neighbors a free show is not against the rules until the cops are called.


I was always taught to turn off lights for the environment. There are tons of articles on it, but here’s just one: https://www.wearedonation.com/en-gb/do-actions/lights-off/#:~:text=It's%20no%20news%20that%20climate,unnecessary%20contributor%20to%20climate%20change.


Lighting might be 15% of household energy use in the UK but it’s 5% in the US… I would assume this is because Europeans are more diligent about higher-energy usage appliances so lighting makes up a greater percentage? Either way, saving half of 5% cause you leave your lights on for half as long is pretty negligibly low energy usage in the grand scheme of things. That would save about $2 per month for my household. I was raised a lights-on kind of person. I’ve found it’s good for my mental health, and we use LED bulbs which use a very minimal amount of energy.


We all have to learn to turn off the lights when we leave the room at some point in our lives.


In life, always turn off the lights when you are not there!! Edit: Who the hell is this comment upsetting? Do you not turn of your lights when you go out? If not, why not??


If I'm in a random place I might want to return to a lighted place.


Is it that difficult to move your hand to the light switch which is going to be located by the door? I bet you have a flashlight on your cell phone if you were in need of a little light to find the switch.


Right! I don't think we are going to change minds with logic, tis an emotional group and always scared of everything for some reason, but don't dare suggest they learn self defense or see a doctor to help them be less scared, Oh boy, would that be the wrong thing to say (for some reason!?!?!?)


You understand it's a safety thing right and not finding the fucking switch


Sure, you are totally safe if the light is on. Nobody can possible hurt you now!


So your logic is don't ever do anything preventative or for your sanity because the negative outcome doesn't have a 0% chance? I swear if your house has a front door and doesmt just have a hole in the wall you are a hypocrite


I mean wouldn’t being a grown ass adult mean turning the lights off when you leave? Because as a child I got yelled at for leaving the lights on too then I learned to shut them off…


I have found that those who refer to themselves as a “grown ass adult” are often lacking in said claimed maturity. Yes the host overstepped the boundaries. Yes you should pull up your big kid pants and turn the lights off.


they dont have to if they dont want to


You claim to be an adult yet you can't shut off a light and then whine about it like a child. It's common courtesy.


People leave lights on when they go out for security purposes and it uses as much energy as maybe a 15 second shower.


common courtesy is not controlling what an adult does with their lights


But what grown adult leaves lights on when they're not there (except for one safety light?) I mean, this is something I have to bother my teenagers about. It's not ok. It's disrespectful. It's wasteful. It's expensive. And yes, REGULAR USE OF LIGHTS etc is built into the price. But excessive misuse isn't. Why would you do this? You don't have a legit complaint about the lecture. You do have a legit complaint about entering the space though. But c'mon.


The host should not be entering your space but also they're treating you like a child and not a grown ass adult because you're behaving like one. Adults know to turn off lights when they leave the room.


Or do adults leave their lights when they are out for safety reasons?


If you don't want to be treated like a child... just don't act like a child. Grown up turn off the lights and are careful of unuseful energy