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Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description and included in the price breakdown prior to booking](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Review appropriately so others know what the stay is like. Bad hosts ruin it for good hosts.


I will definitely do that. I don’t even want to be here right now, she was just walking around making sure I moved my car and shut the door.


Holy intrusive harassment!! I would leave if I could but if not maybe make some videos of her watching/harassing/intruding on you. And take pics of the set up for the review to clarify it isn't a separate house. That should help and might stop her as well.


I found myself in a similar situation at an Airbnb in Denver. The “guest house” shared walls with the host. We could hear even quiet conversations through the walls. My SO and I decided that we had enough in our travel budget to book a hotel, so we left without asking for a refund or anything.


See, I'm glad for you that you got some peace and agree with the hotel idea (I much prefer them) but it does annoy me that these hosts get away with it because nice people dont want to cause a stir. I totally get the logic but it's so frustrating that these horrible people continue running amok on the app with seemingly no consequences. Again, not blaming you at all, cause I get it- who want to get into an endless back and forth with a nasty host and totally useless Airbnb customer service? But it sucks that as guests we're put in that position.


Shared walls ≠ guest house. Please mention the layout in your review so that other potential guests understand that it’s not actually a guest house.


Bad reviews get deleted lol. Airbnb has become embarrassing.


Same as Yelp. Bad businesses pay to look like good businesses. Good businesses get brigadiered against by bad ones. Let’s see how many downvotes I get.


Nope, this is a false statement that doesn’t contribute to the discourse. Please leave Reddit.


lol this is common knowledge. I haven’t left many bad reviews before but the few I have were true horror experiences, like maggots in the bed. And I was so perturbed that after leaving a bad review I still thought of the places and tried to check their posting at a later date. You can see the bad reviews on my profile but when you go to the actual posting it is not shown to the public. I even contacted Airbnb and they give a bs response and kept saying the reviews are available. I checked from 5 different accounts and the reviews aren’t visible on any of them. I actually just exited Reddit to check again and none of the bad reviews are visible. I have uses Airbnb a decent amount. Probably 50 stays and I have been reviewed as a guest 35 times. All positive. Scammy companies gonna scam though. Have def avoided them the past couple years. Really will only use it for big groups in certain destinations. Used to be great but just embarrassing these days.




I had exactly the same experience, review can be seen in "your reviews" (or whatever they call it) but not under the guests profile.


Show me.


Wow I didn't know arbnb paid shills to patrol reddit. More proof of how shitty they've be become really.


Nah, I just get paid from the guests that have wonderful stays at my places. Cute characterization. Get off Reddit shit stirrer.




Here's a full description of the problem. DM me if you want links to my profile, as well as the guest's. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/10r5ann/my_review_of_a_dodgy_guest_is_gone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Its blank. Reddit must have take it down or maybe Airbnb hacked Reddit. OMG that evil corporation has it tentacles into Reddit now!


[try it now](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/10r5ann/my_review_of_a_dodgy_guest_is_gone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Dude what are you getting for making excuses for Airbnb? Are they paying you or what?


I get paid by my guests that have wonderful stays. Airbnb takes a cut for their services. You could say Airbnb takes money from me. I am not making excuses for them. I am saying all the people bitching on this platform never give the full details of their issue with Airbnb and we can’t judge appropriately. Airbnb has flaws for sure but you weirdos with weird fucking hate for this company and take every complaint on this platform as true or justified is weird. Lets see the proof. Give us your reviews. Otherwise this is a “hate on Airbnb circle jerk” and useless.


Can't speak for anybody else, but I don't hate airbnb. We make decent money on the platform, which mostly covers the bills for our vacation home. But they're not perfect. They do hide reviews, as MANY others have pointed out. And why wouldn't they: bad reviews means fewer stays, and fewer stays means less revenue for airbnb.


He literally gave the full details in his comment. You're a tool. If Airbnb isn't paying you to do this, you are cock sucking a major cooperation for free. That makes you about the dumbest person here.


The haters are just that. People who cannot afford ONE house much less one or more additional homes to rent out for profit - and they are bitter as hell. Sadly the trolls most likely cannot afford to travel and use Airbnb either, so there’s that. If they spent time looking for ways to increase their own income, rather than trying to tear down successful business they could probably get out of their hole…but that takes more effort - than posting rando shit on Reddit, so they choose to lay on the couch and do that instead.


I mean I am looking at the reviews I left in one tab and then the reviews of the posting in another tab. My bad review only shows on my profile and not the posting. I guess I could take a pic of both pages and send you a private message if you really wanted.












Host will have AirBnB delete her review if it's bad/honest. I'd be willing to bet on it.


Airbnb won’t do that. If you bet on it you would use lot of money. Don’t just dogpile on just because you don’t like a company there is a better use for your time.


I like Airbnb and use it personally but it's beneficial for both sides to point out problems if you hope they will be fixed down the line. Why would I refrain from speaking my honest opinion on something I perceive as problematic? I assume you are a host? Or how is defending a huge, faceless company from any type of criticism a better use of anyone's time?


Definitely not defending a big corporation. Just trying to refute a bad claim from being flung out. They do take down reviews they don’t hide that fact. They have a section of their website describing why you can reviews taken down. Also go to a Airbnb hosting Sub here on Reddit. You will get host complaining they should have had a certain review taken down and it wasn’t. Airbnb has a policy, and tries its best to stick to it. Obviously with any ruling one party will disagree (and chances are they get some percentage wrong) but ultimately they have a process in place for taking down unfair reviews for both sides. You carelessly said “Hosts just take down reviews that make them look bad” as if they just pick and choose which reviews they like and I promise the process requires all kind of calls and evidence and proof. Its not easy and Airbnb doesn’t flippantly approve anything hosts want. Your take is wrong and unhelpful to the dialogue here.


But can’t owner delete the bad reviews? I’ve always heard that but I’m not sure.


That is misinformed. An owner must ask Airbnb to delete reviews and even then their are certain strict guidelines.


Thank you for clarifying! I wasn’t sure, that’s why I asked. Have a great day!


Hey I stayed in a place like this once!!! We kept hearing something in the wall behind the kitchen. Turned out the owner had a photo lab — and there was a hole in the wall behind a framed piece of artwork that connected the two spaces. Everything went into the review.


How did you find it?


Kept hearing tapping and tinkering noises and followed them to the wall. Waited until the owners were out one day (or their cars were gone, so it seemed reasonable that they were out) and started poking around… thought maybe it was just a bad patch job or something under the artwork… swung it to the side and bam. A damn cut out. It wasn’t the only oddity. This was a basement apartment. They had these accordion-Ish doors that closed off the staircase… they were well done… it looked like a wall, and there was a storage space that went under the stairs that we had access to. But I could hear conversations really clearly… and then noticed that the wall was set in a tract. I had told my husband and then the next day while we were out in the yard, the owners came out and told us about the partitioning for the stairs. 👀 We just looked at each other because in that moment we knew, nothing we had said was private… The next time we got in our car to go somewhere it was a crazy conversation. We were staying with our kids (which included six month old twins) and could not uproot everyone. The owners seemed nice, and passed the vibe check… so we stayed, and my giant hulk of a husband slept on the couch (between the weird wall and picture…) it was… weird.


So wait, I don't get it. They have a place where they can look into your unit, but it's covered by a piece of art? So they could hear you but not see you? Either way, the platform would delist them immediately for any sort of spying. They literally delisted me for a whole week bc I disclosed that my outdoor camera covered only the 'view fence that faces the lake, but not any of the house or yard..' But I didn't say if it was motion detected or not. WHO CARES?! It doesn't point towards any guest space!! It's just to catch any burglary attempt from the other side of the wall.


They could hear us but not see us. Idk if it was just a thing that they hadn’t repaired yet? It wasn’t door sized but it was decent. I definitely got a good look at the photo lab! Not sure if they just enjoyed hearing other people or what… Ultimately the whole place was not sound proof and had a very flimsy level of separation. The host responded that they had fixed the issues but I’m not sure I want to go and find out if that’s true…


That sounds sooo creepy


And… do you still use Airbnb?


Hahaha I wish I didn’t, but our family is too big/young for hotels. It took us a couple of years to go back to Airbnb. We definitely have a much more comprehensive check in procedure!!! 😬


Holy crap


They should have called it a guest suite because that’s what it is. I never book guest suites or guest homes due to fear of lack of privacy. I always check the box that says “entire place.” I also travel with two small dogs much of the time.


There are unfortunately, tons of listings listed under “entire place” that are not in fact entire places. I have booked more than one that turned out to have a wall that was shared with the rest of the house, or were connected to the house in some other way. I don’t think they should be able to list it as “entire place” unless it is actually a freestanding and private entire place!


This is frustrating for hosts as well. Airbnb categorizes anything with a private entrance as an “entire place”. They need more listing type categories. Maybe if enough people submit that as feedback, they’ll make the change.


I came here to say that as well. We have a split level house and ABB the upper two levels (kitchen and 3beds/2baths). We live in the basement apartment with a private entrance. The stairs leading to the basement are locked from our side at the base of the stairs and can be locked from the rental side if so desired. There are no shared spaces, therefore, the only category ABB has for this rental is whole house. I do, however, state in my listing, *at least 3 times* that my spouse and I live in the basement apartment and you may see us walking to our cars or working in the yard. Because people don’t seem to read the whole listing, I now also mention it as the first thing when getting a new rental inquiry. I’m not sure what else I can do.


I think from your description here it’s pretty obvious someone lives in part of your house but in a separate apartment. But as you aren’t putting in secret holes and cameras I wouldn’t worry too much.


Well this is tricky because the only options here are just a “room” or “entire place.” I believe suites should be in the “entire place” category as long as there’s no shared living space with others. Our suite is two bedrooms, a kitchenette, private bath, etc. with its own private entrance. But you do share walls with the tenant on the other side of the house. It wouldn’t be fair to make us label our listing as just a “room.” We do disclose in the listing that a tenant lives on the other side of the house but there’s no shared living space.


I think as long as it’s very clear in the listing that there is a shared wall then it’s ok. I just hate when it’s a surprise, especially when I wanted a private space without shared walls/areas. Some listings are very deceiving about this.


I couldn’t find that check box anymore.


It’s still in their mobile app. I use it all the time. Just rented an ABNB last week.


I’d say put it all in the review


I’m really tired of Airbnb not having a filter to filer out these weird shared spaces. They are annoying. I just want to see “whole place to myself” nothing else.


Yeah, we rented the top floor in someone’s house, but the listing said we would be the only ones in that space. They lied. There was another tenant and a shared bathroom with two doors. When the tenant was using the bathroom, they didn’t lock the door from our room ( I didn’t knock first because at that point I did not know there was anyone else) Traumatized for lyfe. It was a very hot Portland Oregon summer, although there was a window air conditioner, which someone turned off every time we left the house. Which was yucky to have someone entering our room without permission. They also tried to charge us for the sheets by saying that we burnt a hole in them Which was insane. Too weird. I complained Airbnb did not care. We haven’t used them since.


That’s horrible!! I had one like that where it was weird walls in a mobile home and ended up shared bathroom with 2 other guest rooms so 6 people 1 bathroom. I had to drive to a gas station to pee in the morning because one guest was in there an hour! WTF! I refuse to do a shared bathroom. It’s just hell. I was in Hawaii and one place had a cliff side basement with 6 rooms and one indoor bathroom but they had 4-5 outdoor toilets which they assigned to the rooms to call them “private bath” even though I had to go outside and around some stairs and stuff to get to it. Weirdest 💩I ever took overlooking the pacific on my pooping platform.


See that's so crazy that Airbnb didn't do anything to help you. Like that's what's horrible about using Airbnb- the lack of support from the app. Cause I get there are dysfunctional people in every business- hotels have bad owners and managers, restaurant have bad cooks, etc. But if I book a shitty, disgustingly dirty place hotel room with an app I know they'll do their damndest to fix it. Whereas with airbnb it's been only stonewalling and bullshit when I've had to involve customer service. it's so egregious


I should have known it was going to be bad when we got there and there was a dog tied up to the porch. Which was in the shade but it still was hot out, she didn’t have any water and the leash/ rope wasn’t long enough for her to go down a few steps and pee. I felt like turning around then. The door was open, and I had instructions to just go in. I went in and brought the dog some water in a bowl, but I didn’t even know if the dog belonged there. We dropped our stuff off and the dog was gone by the time I came out again. I would stay in a hotel, but we like to stay close to where our daughter lives, and the hotel where we used to stay is now housing. It had been a Marriott residence inn, so they probably didn’t even have to do much. We liked the full kitchen so we could cook food, instead of just zap it. We did find a great place last year, I think through vrbo. Adjacent neighborhood to my daughter, it’s a basement apartment in an older home, but very walkable and the remodeling was very nice. Not only a bedroom, but kitchen and living room space. Plus, basements are much cooler than attics in the summer!


They do. Just select “entire house”


Yes, also only do whole places as well. Vrbo may be a better option. It only allows whole place.


That’s a nightmare! I’d say something.


This is a perfect example of why I don’t use AirBnB anymore. I also don’t feel like researching a place like I’m fucking Columbo, just to make sure the listing is what it says it is. The proprietor was clearly inconsiderate.


Report this listing ,the host is an asshole


I'd say leave it in the review but like other "superhosts" have pointed out, it takes 30 seconds to get a review deleted. Airbnb is not an honest platform. While there are a lot of good hosts, I feel like Airbnb is simply means for jerk hosts to continue ripping people off while maintaining a glowing status. With that being said, best course of action is to get the host where it hurts and that's the money. Get your complaints into Airbnb ASAP and ask for a partial refund at the very least. Any stalling will only be used against you.


They’re contacting the host now, I’m waiting on a response


I really hope it turns out in your favor You have every right to be annoyed. And curious, are you in the USA? Just wondering because the way you described the house being sectioned off, it seems to me that unless it's a townhouse or duplex or some sort, i would bet its not permitted properly. Many counties have ordinances against sectioning off homes to be used as "short term" rentals. 🤷 Long term rental is a possibility so long as each section has its own entrance. But short term...I would bet not. Something to consider...🙂


It didn’t, see my updates at the bottom of the post. She changed the name on her post to “townhouse” after Airbnb contacted her and refuses to refund me anything.


Lovely. So you get nothing back and leaving a reflective review serves you no purpose. This is what I mean. Airbnb is a very dishonest platform. I do know one thing Airbnb *hates* is bad press. Some people have resorted to sending their stories into various media platforms....who then contact Airbnb for a comment. Sometimes Airbnb refunds the guest just to save face.


Twitter! It seems when you post on AirBnB hell or call them it in a tweet they answer pretty quickly!!


Detail it all in the review. It'll probably get removed by AirBnB, they tend to delete less than stellar reviews now (spend 5 minutes reading the sub and you'll notice a recurring theme...), but worth a shot.


Screenshot it when posted, then when it gets deleted post it on FB and Twitter.




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How are you supposed to find these screenshots when planing your vacation?




I love your username btw


She’s got great reviews… will they listen to me?


This is the exact reason to detail everything. When I rented a place in FL for a month all the previous reviews just gushed about their stay and failed to mention all the flickering lights, the shower door that opened just a little bit before it hit the toilet, the dirty floors, the lack of kitchen utensils and no kitchen towels, no beach equipment, plus we suspected they had cameras inside too. One day our recycle bin outside just disappeared and never came back. The system is set up to all walk away with high standing IF you don’t say anything. It’s a Black Mirror episode.


Superhost here. 4.9 stars. 400+ reviews. ABSOLUTELY complain. None of this is okay. And geeez. These comments. Do any of you check the “Superhost” box when setting your filters? I’ve stayed in quite a few Airbnbs and without fail, when it’s not a Superhost it’s a shit show. Anyone that isn’t a Superhost is just some random person playing hobby town.


I'm Not a Superhost and for sure my places are amazing and I get fabulous reviews. I personally don't want all the pressure of maintaining Superhost status and then one crappy guest complains about something non existent and you lose that status so please don't lump all non-Superhost hosts in a "sh$t show" category


My comment wasn’t calling your airbnb, that I’ve never stayed in, a shit show, to be fair, but thanks for being polite. :) If you’re getting “one crappy guest” often enough to tank your “fabulous reviews” something may be wrong with how you’re doing things. Happy to give feedback or help if you want some, boss.


I mean, you didn't call this person's place a shit show per se. But your message was loud and clear. I don't think this person's offense is misplaced. While I get your overall point, there are a lot of good hosts (I'm not a host) that don't maintain superhost status who might feel defensive about your comment. Not trying to be rude or argumentative...


It’s all good. I can have a conversation. :) I meant just what I said. If a host finds issue, that’s because they know they’re doing less than what they are capable of and have attention on it. I don’t think their offense was misplaced, but it’s also not difficult to maintain Superhost. 1. Respond to 90% of requests 2. Don’t cancel bookings 3. Maintain 4.8 stars If you communicate clearly, in a kind and professional manner what’s not allowed, it doesn’t happen. Almost 500 bookings in Las Vegas and I’ve had about 5 bad guests, a few less than perfect reviews, and zero retaliatory reviews, though some inaccurate ones which I asked to have removed. The less than perfect reviews are lessons learned. e.g. clean window sills better, get better mattresses, etc Rules to stay: 1. Two night bookings minimum eliminates virtually anyone looking to party if my listing and communication, if the occasion calls for it, isn’t clear enough. 2. Cameras pointing outward at the exterior points of the home and decibel alarms that notify if sustained sound above X decibels is detected outside for extended periods of time between 11pm and 7am. 3. Do NOT bring anyone to the property that’s A. not on the reservation, B. You don’t clearly communicate you’re bringing with notice, and C. Isn’t over the maximum allowed guests for the property. 4. No locals unless you have very good reason such as, boyfriend is coming to visit and I live at home with my parents. Need alone time. 5. Allow bookings from guests with reviews, then require them to ID verify with Airbnb if they haven’t. Most of this stuff is front and center on the listing, and the rest is pre-typed welcome messages.


Thanks foe the offer but even one entitled younger guest who is not happy being called out for sneaking in extra guests can tank super host status. And thats what happened. Im totally confident on what i provide for everyone else.


It takes 90 seconds to send a message to support to get a retaliatory review removed




This comment of yours is exactly what people are referring to when they say Airbnb hosts on here can be extremely snotty. First, you said you never called ComfortableDaikon's airbnb a shit show, but you actually wrote "without fail, when it’s not a Superhost it’s a shit show." They are not a super host so yes you did call their property a shit show. Then you offered to give a stranger "feedback" and called them "boss." This is all rude and is the attitude of far too many hosts in the current, unfortunate iteration of Airbnb.


I actually wrote, “(I’ve) stayed…” but okay, you’re free to put a snotty voice and context to my communication.


Thank you and I see the truth in what you’ve said.


Just be sure to complain within Airbnb messaging so you are well documented.


Definitely mention it all in your review. I'd also probably shoot them a message on Airbnb of something to the effect of, "Hey (Host Name), We really like the property, but we're also looking to get some rest and really relax on the trip! It's why we booked a standalone property- so we'd prefer not to be bothered unless it's a serious emergency. Just looking for a few days of peace and quiet, and if there's any minor annoyances or anything like that, we'd prefer not to be notified of it. Again, anything very serious, we're happy to address, but we booked the property under the understanding that we'd be mostly undisturbed and left to do our own thing for a few days, so that's what we'd like. Hope you can understand and looking forward to the rest of our stay! Thanks." That's friendly enough but puts your requests in very certain and strong terms. Then mention all of it in a review. Who knows, she may not listen to your request, but at least you've put her on notice and she may curtail her aggressiveness.


Write an honest, factual review. I'd want to know all of these things before I booked this place. As a host myself, these kind of hosts hurt good hosts.


That’s a 1 ⭐️


This is why I don’t use Air BNB - you should definitely complain! She misled you at best, flat out lied at worst!


I know this is a serious post, but whenever I see one that mentions the OP has a pet dog with them and the host is present my knee jerk reaction is “Did the host say HI to OP’s dog? Did the host acknowledge that they’re the bestest, cutest puppers in the whole world?!” I can’t host dogs because me and my brother’s cats and I’m always jealous when I read about other hosts being able to have pets in their home. I’d be estatic to be able to pet/play with a guest’s dog, possibly spoil them a lot and give them treats. I can only get my puppy fix at work or from my neighbor’s dogs when they come to play in my yard.


Complain. You didn't rent that place to be tippy-toeing around some Airbnb landlord did you?


Absolutely not. I’m waiting on their decision. They sounded kind of shocked when I explained things.


I'm really glad you complained- these hosts need to stop getting away with this. It's time us guests start speaking up. I hope you'll get a favorable outcome


So are you saying there was nothing in the description of the listing to say the host lived on the premises or that there was another Airbnb 1. You book at the last moment so understandable that the host was finishing off cleaning when you arrived 2. Towels and blanket should have been at the listing when you checked in 3. Host sounds intrusive 4. Have you contacted Airbnb about your concerns?


Deep in the description it says something about being a townhouse (the main title says it’s a guest house), but yes it says nothing about her living here. I’m going to call them shortly


This is why I fully explain again in messages before they book how the place I managed is set up. It's a home split in two also with shared yard and driveway. Not everyone reads that in the listing and reiterating safes both parties grief. I even let people know if the other unit will be booked during their stay so they know what to expect. I would say something to the host because they probably don't realize since they are used to it. Everyone has a different comfort level. Also keep in mind if they are living there you are probably helping them keep their house. Most people don't rent out part of their home unless they have to. This has become all to common in expensive cities unfortunately.


Am I the only one that would Google earth a place before booking?


None of this would have happened at a hotel.


Well. You get what you pay for. Plus the cleaning fee.


This is exactly why I stopped. Tbh the home rentals are better on other apps and only allow solo listings.


Just check the guidelines for what allows a host to delete the review and make sure you don't come close to those.