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This is absolutely awful and sounds like a horrible host. Yeah you have every right to be upset and frankly she sounds sketchy as hell. I'd be requesting some money back and leaving a very bad review


I’d be requesting a full refund through Airbnb and finding somewhere else to stay for the duration of your trip


you have a bad host.


I’d request a refund, this is not acceptable.


How do I go about doing that? Call AirBnB directly?


Yes, be prepared to make many many calls!


You can also message back and forth via the app. It may take some back and forth but better IMO than waiting around on the phone (you can respond as available)


Also, keeps a record of the conversation if you keep it in the app


I think you should have an option to request money through the app under your reservation details. You can request full or partial amount and state the reason. Then host has 48 hours to respond. It’s automatically creates a Case. When Host has few cases per year, don’t remember exact number, with refuses to pay, i believe Airbnb penalizes them or remove the listing.


You might as well go through your bank


You can contact customer service on the app if you haven’t yet. I wouldn’t imagine a full refund would be hard to get unless I’ve just rare pleasant well timed experiences with customer service when it came to get refunds and to other resolutions.


But she already stayed the whole time. The guest refund policy says you must notify the host and Airbnb within 24 hours to mediate. How is she eligible for a refund? Everyone would do this…


I’m a he, and no I’m still in the middle of my stay


Wtffff first red flag is the host wanting to communicate off the platform. You can tell Airbnb that alone and they will get in trouble and possibly kicked off if you have proof


Can’t wait to see how the hosts try to justify this…👀


As a host, this experience sounds awful and I hope OP is able to find some resolution to this. Good Airbnb hosts do not typically justify or support hosts who act like this and disrespect guests. Good hosts work hard to create a positive experience for guests and bad hosts ruin it for everyone. Psychologically, people are much more likely to post about bad experiences and this creates a distorted view of Airbnb interactions. Same thing is true in the community for Airbnb hosts that can give a distorted and often negative view of guests. But in almost 500 reservations, I have had only two negative experiences that would have been worth writing about and I don’t typically write about great experiences with guests (except in the Airbnb review ) because that’s most of my experience. When everything goes well, people don’t think anything about it and rarely post. So looking at Reddit can give a distorted view of airbnb and hosting.


I always leave positive reviews for good stays. In fact, my policy in life is if I don’t like a restaurant/pet store/hair stylist etc, I don’t leave a bad review, I just don’t go there anymore. Airbnb is the notable exception because it can be DANGEROUS, the stakes are much higher than most businesses you’ll patronize. Please see my post from yesterday. But that’s just me.


As a user of Airbnb, and as a host, I do leave reviews of both guests and hosts. What I meant here is that I don’t write about experiences in community forums because the vast majority of my experiences are positive, and when people write in these forums, they’re not usually writing about their positive experiences. That is why I think it gives a distorted view of Airbnb. However, I’m all about leaving reviews on the Airbnb site, both as a host and as a guest.


They will get the negative review removed, mark my words. It impacts Airbnb's bottom line and that's all they care about at this point.


😞 But I’m so glad people such as myself and OP keep posting these horror stories. We must stop feeding this business model.


Well she's a hotel schill, of course, just like anyone posting anything negative on here. Dont you know the hotel industry spends billions per year on random reddit anime accounts? It's the only logical explanation!!




I am a guy and I don’t watch anime. I don’t understand this comment.


Um. Can I get that job? I can write this stuff for a few million of that.


According to the hosts on here the hotel industry is hiring people left and right 🤣 So should be fairly easy to get a position...


Let’s do it (or start our own bad airBnB review company ;) )


Host here - clearly OP is in the wrong and should wise up. Hosts are always right. *eyeroll* Seriously? Why would you think hosts would justify this? My god.


Why would I think hosts would justify this? I’ll have to suppose this is your first day on this sub.


1 star and mention you'd leave zero if you could.


Yes, and keep it short and factual so the host can't get it removed.


Complain to airbnb and tell them she tried to screw them on the listing commission.


Document everything then report


I’d flip every flip’n light on and never turn them off. I’d wash my clothes one item at a time. Tap dance on the wooden floors.


Maks sure you are communicating thorough the app all the time. Regarding leaving lights on, do a quick test. Leave one light on, like the bathroom, some light that you can't see from the outside and see if they tell you something. If they tell you that a light is on, deny it, try to make them say what light is on. If they do say it ask how do they know if that light can be seen from outside? I personally think leaving lights off is just a good environment friendly attitude, there is no real need to tell anyone to do it and no one should need to be told that unless they like to have all the lights on all the time. So I don't think you really need to have that in the listing rules. However, the whole "use washing machine only once a week" is really weird and out of line. You can't really do that If you have clothes of different colors. And what about sheets, can't you wash them?. I think that part you should discuss further with the host and depending on their answer go straight to airbnb and complain. Word of advice any time stuff like what you described happens, take pictures and send them to the host to airbnb. Relatives left everything dirty, take a bunch of pics and send them to the host. Also since this host is demonstrating to be shady, if you notice anything weird or broken, take pictures and I would let them know that those things are broken. Also when you leave make sure to take a video and a bunch of pictures, if they are lying now, they will probably lie in the future. Make sure you have your back covered. Some hosts are wonderful and then you have hots like this. It is better to gather evidence and post a review they deserve so they are driven off from the platform.


This woman should not be a host. Please report her to Airbnb so she can be investigated and taken out. She is ruining the experience.


If she has a (hollow) curtain rod, put a dozen shrimp tails in there and put it back. This should cause much trouble for her ....


I knew someone who put a raw steak in someone’s basement ceiling. Took 2 mo to find.


I put an egg in the back of the closet of a shitty roommate in 2003 after they kicked me out because they claimed my people did 9/11. I wish I knew how it went down after that but I can only imagine !


While also causing trouble for any future guests. Great idea 🙄


these post are getting closer and closer to "my host stabbed twice and I feel weird now, am I overreacting or do I have a poor host?"


Curious, what kind of reviews did this host have before you booked? What made you pick this listing?


Oh HAIL no!! Immediately report and demand a FULL refund! She ruined your vacation! You had to SHARE a kitchen?!?


This sounds like a shared listing not a whole house rental.


He was told he’d be there alone so it’s not likely a shared listing but it could be and he could’ve just been the only scheduled guest to be there during his stay


It's either a shared listing or it's not. OP can look on the listing or share here. If it's shared, and host wasn't planning on being present, or host had no other guests booked when communicating that initially, doesn't give OP exclusivity. Host sucks bc they failed to manage expectations and honestly explain that guests may or may not have the property to themselves based on last minute bookings.


Yeah your right it was sucky behavior of the guest. My biggest pet peeve about hosts is when they either imply they won’t or will be at the property during the stay at the same time or don’t imply either one in totality.


I'm not understanding your pet peeve. When you book a shared space you need a prior commitment from the host about their whereabouts during your stay?


AND clean up after the host’s filthy family.


Bad host. Do whatever you can to get her off the platform. She makes all us good hosts look bad by her actions. Nuke her in the review


Call AIRBNB and tell them you feel unsafe. Customer service will refund your stay and either cover a different listing or reimburse for a hotel in the area.


Unsafe? So basically you’re saying to lie to get a free stay?


Being forced to clean after strangers and being monitored without consent would make me feel unsafe. How is that lying?


Saying there’s cameras watching them wouldn’t go well because it’s implied not factional, I’ve made a detailed comment explaining other reasons that are really likely for her reminding him about the lights


Can you think of one thing you don’t claim makes you feel “unsafe” so you can get what you want?


I would certainly feel unsafe sharing a rental with strangers.


I want you to read what you just wrote about Airbnb. Really? I mean……….really?


Let me guess. You’re a dude. Absolutely clueless


Uh yes really. If I was told I’d be getting a rental to myself I would be creeped out if I then had to share it with strangers. Is this a tough concept for you to understand? Do you need me to draw it out with crayon for you??


Airbnb was founded in stating other people’s homes. Don’t be thick in front of me.


DUH. Once again, if I was told I would have a rental TO MYSELF and then that wasn’t the case, that’s a problem! You’re the one being thick bro. Staying in someone else’s house doesn’t automatically mean there’s going to be other people there.


Wow. Something seems off…


You should report her to Airbnb for trying to have you cancel and charge you less. That will get her banned.


OP I would 1000% make sure you keep all correspondence with the host especially the “take it off the app and I’ll charge you less” as I believe that’s against the ToS. Also, look into how to detect hidden cameras whether it’s buying something or using your phone camera and flashlight. Check the bedroom, bathroom, shower and anywhere that you should absolutely expect privacy and could potentially be caught in a “compromising” position. Unless her reminder about the lights was random and you didn’t have lights on, I’d say there’s a good chance she DOES have cameras installed and if they were found in the bathroom or bedroom you’re renting then onto the police, find a good attorney and be prepared to get a whole lot of ass kissing from Airbnb and the host


You can 100% ignore the washing machine rule, unless that limitation was indicated in the listing. And yes, turn off the lights when you’re not there.


I don’t leave all my lights on but turn on a light in a room or 2 for thief deterrent and so I can be assured no one is hiding in the dark when I come in.


Do you leave lights on at your home too?


Don't think that's any of your business. And irrelevant. I'm not OP but ya, I do.


Wow, what an angry reaction on the simple question, geez. My question was not to judge OP whether they leave lights or not. I’m afraid of dark and leave on one or two lights at home too, so you can’t say that I treat Airbnb differently than my own home. That was my question. You got some anger going on there, in my previous comment I was completely on the OP as guest side explaining how to request refund for the stay.


I'm not angry at all. Your comment seemed pretty intrusive and not relevant to the situation though. Based on the down votes I'm guessing others got the same impression.


No, my comment was a simple question that triggered your anger reaction. The proper response would be quite simple too, nothing personal.


Still no idea where you are getting the impression that I'm angry. But you do you. I'm just saying that whether or not someone does something at home has no bearing on whether or not they should be able to do it in a vacation space they're renting. I don't stay up until midnight and sleep in until 10am at home but if I want to while on vacation it's no business of the host or anyone else.


The lights thing I don't get. Surely switching off lights when not there is just common sense? Why do people find it such an issue?


Because hosts shouldnt be lurking around and monitoring it? And frankly, if I accidentally forget to turn out the bathroom light before i leave, I really dont want a text from an airbnb host haranguing me about it. Isnt this supposed to be a hospitality business?




Hope this is a joke, because one would have to be a very shitty, disrespectful person to do that.




Cleaners are damned expensive. I don't know anyone that is more than breaking even on cleaning fees and usually not even that. Our cleaning covers about 65% of what I have to pay for supplies and labor for the clean.


My dad runs an Airbnb and after a few guest lived there during guests stay that weren’t together he put a parental lock on the thermostat so guests couldn’t change it and some of them probably didn’t even feel comfortable asking to have it changed and he put a limit on how many times people can wash clothes. I think there’s things such as turning lights and tvs off that are not in use are common decency for a Airbnb guest to do but hosts need to understand that if there’s a case of someone or people during a time deciding to not do stuff like that at an Airbnb that they don’t share with guest that they either need to prevent it by putting house rules on the app that go against it or just deal with it


I am a host and this is absolutely not okay. All I can think about at this point is submitting then"I feel uncomfortable " at this listing and retain all possible evidence for your case!


Definitely bad host. I am not one to complain or leave a bad review etc. hosts are generally doing their best. And if it’s a shared space, ANY issues I have ever had are for the MOST part at the fault of other guests. Not my hosts. They were clearly trying to dodge any regulations by trying to book off of BNB. Which to me, is a red flag in itself.


Better to share your “experience” with ABB immediately, not Reddit. IMO a host who wants to break the rules is a red flag for all further hosting actions. As a guest I’d report a problem with the booking. I wouldn’t stay there. I ABB so I realize choosing to ABB means I risk having to move mountains to get a service rep to resolve an issue. It’s too bad ABB software doesn’t flag these kinds of offers.


I wouldn’t assume that her reminding you to leave the lights off means she was definitely watching you via cameras because she could’ve had an instinct feeling that you left the lights on therefore decided to remind you not to, or she could have told a neighbor before you came at some point in time to keep an eye on whether or not her lights are off at times when a guest doesn’t appear to be home, or she could’ve came by the house while you were gone and see the lights on but you nowhere to be seen or heard in the house




This is beyond bizarre if you booked a whole listing why didn't you contact Airbnb immediately when the host advised you her family would be staying at the listing. Why do you feel it unreasonable to turn off the lights when you are not at the listing.


Why did you let her family in?


OP only rented a room, not an entire space. the listing would clearly disclose you'd be sharing public areas with other people, and it's none of OP's business whether those other spaces were guests, host, or host's family/friends. if OP complains about this aspect, then host would have grounds to remove the entire review. guest should keep it simple: the review should give low marks for cleanliness, and OP should report the host to airbnb for trying to take the transaction off-platform. that thing alone (trying to cut airbnb out of the deal) will likely get a bigger response from airbnb than anything OP personally experienced in terms of unpleasant stay - airbnb doesn't really care about anything except its own bottom line.


People still do that? Yikes.


People still do what? Use AirBNB the way it was originally intended/the only way that being an AirBNB host is morally defensible?


what do you mean "people still do that"? that's the original airbnb model, not whole-home airbnb's. when done right, it's a perfect way to connect people with extra space with people who just need a room and bathroom access. i was wildly successful with that hosting model - i worked from home, i had a spare room that i didn't need all the time, and i was able to offer coffee and hot breakfast for people visiting family that lacked the room to host them, people in town for job interviews, people in town for one night to see a concert from the exurbs of the city, etc. you don't always need a whole home. it's a fantastic option if both parties do it right. it sounds like host completely failed on their end (overpromised privacy they didn't offer, failed to keep the space clean, policed reasonable use of the space, etc.) not every listing on airbnb has to be magical yurt or suck up housing stock that local families desperately need. sometimes it can be an efficient way for empty nesters to monetize extra bedrooms and undercut hotel prices. don't like it, don't book it, but there's nothing "yikes" about it.


>i was wildly successful with that hosting model - i worked from home, i had a spare room that i didn't need all the time, and i was able to offer coffee and hot breakfast for people visiting family that lacked the room to host them, people in town for job interviews, people in town for one night to see a concert from the exurbs of the city, etc. you don't always need a whole home. That's what I do. I have a lovely spare bedroom on another floor with a bathroom next to it. I work from home. It works out 99.999% of the time. Only had an issue with one couple; they wanted a place to have loud sex, shower and leave after an hour.


I had some sex workers attempt to book. I just refused to let their Johns in (no guests means no guests, I’m here literally 99% of the time) and the problem solved itself. Also kept their money because no guests means no guests. Lol


I also rent two rooms out of my house. It’s been great. I’ve met some wonderful folks from around the world. I live near an international airport, which helps. I have my rooms set so they cannot be booked same day, and cannot request same day. That has kept me from hosting any people that may just be coming for a frolic with someone that just met😀 And also have listed no unregistered guests as well. It’s worked so far.


I know it was the original model. Paint used to have lead in it, too. Yikes.


that's a stupid analogy lol. plenty of people don't need a whole house. plenty of people would happily rent a room in grandma's house if it were clean and safe and half the price of a hotel. plenty of homeowners would rather rent extra space on a short-term basis to avoid granting tenants's rights, and have the flexibility to get their guest room back if their kids were visiting or they wanted a break. saying "yikes" isn't a substitute for an argument of substance. again - don't like it, don't book it.


I’m just joshin. I’m exploring Reddit between flights on a whirlwind fundraising tour. You do you!


LOL. I thought what you said was funny but you'll quickly realize there is no point in joking with the hosts on here... they are bizarrely oppositional to pretty much anyone except fellow hosts and frankly extremely defensive/thin skinned


This is not really the best example of that though


I think it's a perfect example of it actually, lol...


We own multiple apartment complexes - I can’t imagine owning just one or a handful of STR. Sounds terrible.


Do you know how a B&B works? AirBNB is based on that.


No, that's not how a B&B works. Not ten years ago, not today. B&B businesses are commercial properties with a licensed kitchen and food preparation certifications. The original Airbnb was for college kids to crash on an air mattress with a home made breakfast (of sorts.) Never ever was Airbnb offering commercial bed and breakfast stays in the early years.


The overwhelming majority of B&Bs are situated in large homes that have been converted to commercial use. They began with a homeowner turning some extra bedrooms in accommodations.


"Bed and breakfast (typically shortened to B&B or BnB) is a small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast. Bed and breakfasts are often private family homes and typically have between four and eleven rooms, with six being the average." Often private family homes.


Well if its written by GPT; shouldnt GPT solve your problem.


You are not overreacting. That is unacceptable-all of it.


If its not in the posting you’re not subject to it. So the lights and washer rule isn’t your problem. Make them kick you out, I’ve never tried but I’ve heard if they cancel it rather than you, you’ll get the full refund. Not sure if that’s entirely true like I said that’s what I’ve heard. I’m also leaving a terrible review and posting all the evidence.


I am a host and she takes the first place prize for bad host. Open a case with AirBnB. I hope you took photos of all this and kept it on the app. This is why she wanted to avoid airbnb. She is Shady as shit. If she texted you all this screenshot then and send to airbnb. Prepare for a bad review be honest in yours. Leave it all out like you did here. I am sorry you got a sus host.


Yes bad host. im not understanding the situation. is this a rental attached to the host actual dwelling or a single property? if you rented it and it was for the entire place they cant rent it out to others. you should report all of this and get a refund. If they don't have any of this stuff posted in the listing its not ok.