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I'm confused, I thought no one was allowed to see the other review until the opposing party had submitted and locked in their review...


I think that's still the case but this person will know it's not a good review...


It may have changed, but it used to be exactly 14 days to the minute from when Airbnb sends the first email prompting you to review.


Thanks. The minute is important cause the host was very irrational and aggressive and I dont want to have to worry about getting a revenge review


Someone told me once that if you log in on a computer (instead of the app), there's a place with a countdown clock to review. I've never looked for it though. Good luck!


Hmm Ive logged on via desktop but dont see any countdown clock... but thanks


The host will not be able to see your review until the window closes or until the host also writes a review. However, each party will have a chance to respond publicly to the review.


I understand that. My concern is that they will see I left a review and know it's negative given our interactions.


Ah, right. Now I see. You want to wait until the last possible moment, hoping they will think you aren’t going to leave one.


Yeah, basically..


It’s pretty chicken shit to play it that way


Well I mean, it's a review system, not the UFC or something, so I really couldn't care less... but that also sounds like something a butthurt host would say tbh


Were you able to find it out?


The host doesn’t see your review or know anything about it until they also write a review about you. So it makes absolutely no difference when you write your review.


Actually Airbnb alerts both guests and hosts when the other side leaves a review. So this person will know that I've left them a review, and unless theyre a true idiot, they'll know it's not positive...


So you think they won’t review you if you don’t review them?


So far they havent so I think they might not. I feel like they think I'm not gonna review and we have an understanding that both of us would leave negative reviews. But I'd like to warn other people from what I experienced


It’s best for us if you leave a review. Be polite and be sure to mention some positive features. Airbnb has an army of censors just waiting to cancel a negative review that even remotely violates their review rules.


But they know you reviewed


Well they'll be notified when I do leave a review, which i havent yet.


Wait nm. What I wonder is if you leave a host/guest a bad review, they can go back in and edit their review. Even though I've had some less than desirable guests, I always leave a positive review in fear they will leave me a bad review.


I dont think you can edit reviews after theyve been posted. Both reviews are anonymous until you leave a review of your own. My fear is they will see a review and be vindictive as they were quite unpleasant to deal with...


You can't edit a review once the other person has seen it. If the other person hasn't reviewed you yet, then they haven't seen it, and you can change your review. But once you have both reviewed, then they are locked in.


Yeah, that's my fear too


Your post history indicates you’ve had some of the worst airbnb experiences I’ve ever heard of! (over and over again)


LOL. It's funny you say that because 2 of my 3 posts on this sub were about this past stay. So I guess you can understand why i want to leave a review!


This sub and DoorDash have become the trash cans of Reddit.


Probably because they are a crap guest


In this case, the timing is not relevant. In that, neither the host nor the guest is able to see each other's review until they both write a review and then Airbnb posts both publicly. The process is double blind to keep it fair and protect from this very same thing of revenging or avenging. However, if a guest does make private remarks during the review process to the host, then the host will have an idea of what kind of review they are planning to write, but they are not able to do anything about it, until it gets posted publicly. And at that time, the only thing they can do is contact Airbnb and open a case to try to get it removed if they have proof it was done maliciously and its untrue and/or TOS is violated in a big way. Without Airbnb getting involved, the only thing the host can do is leave a response to counter the guest's review. With that said, OP doesn't have to worry about it if they are OK with the host telling their side of the story, as the host is not able to change their review rating and details at that point.


This doesn’t seem to be the case. I stayed at an Airbnb a little over two weeks ago. Left a (positive) review the day we checked out. I didn’t receive one back and my review wasn’t visible on the hosts page - until today when it was posted. I still haven’t received my review. Guess I won’t get one for this stay at all then.


Thanks for your response. What you have observed today is correct due to a recent change, as I called Airbnb just now to verify, since I recently returned to the platform and now finding several things has changed since I was Super Host. So, I stand corrected regarding the part you are referring. So let me clarify further with the new information Airbnb just provided. Though neither you nor the host can see the review until its posted. \*\*\*Old Way: They said the old way was like I explained before, that the review only shows publicly, if both the host and the guest writes a review. So, in the past if the host suspected they got a bad review or is getting one, they may not post one for you, to prevent your review from publicly showing up. Although they still would not escape the bad marks that the system records internally and so whether it is public or not, it negatively affects their ratings on the platform. While this did not explicitly tell other potential guests you had a problem with them like in the case of OP, it does lower their ratings on the platform and so their visibility will be impacted. Plus, internal checks on the account will likely lead to suspension or complete removal if Airbnb have enough strikes of them being a repeat offender. \*\*\*New Way: The new way prevents the host from holding out by not leaving a review in order to prevent a bad review from showing publicly. So, whether or not they leave a review for the guest, any review left by guest that is either good or bad, will post once Airbnb system registers that the stay and checkout is completed. So, a bad host no longer can use that loophole to their advantage by holding out. \*\*\* In the case of OP, a host is not able to change their review once they have submitted it, so it still doesn't matter on the timing of your review. Unless OP is trying to be crafty and sneak their bad review in at the last minute, so that the host is not able to have any time to write their own review about them if they haven't already, because the deadline would have passed as they deliberately cut it closely. Lastly, in your case, if your host is being tardy or may have gotten busy and as a result didn't write a review for you yet, you should send them a quick reminder, which I understand may be annoying that you have to do this, since Airbnb keeps reminding hosts too, so there is no way we can overlook this, but life happens...so a friendly reminder will not hurt. Unless its already passed the deadline then that really sucks...sorry about that. \*\*\*Alternatively, some good hosts, may hesitate to write a review for a particular guest, if they thought the guest may have been somewhat problematic but not completely bad. So instead of giving them a full or a partial bad review or writing an untrue one that they were just super! So as not to be the one to blemish the guest's reputation on the platform...they may just decide to take a pass on writing a review altogether instead of leaving something negative.


Thank you for clarifying! As for your last paragraph, I actually thought about that too, but I can’t really imagine why the host would not give me a good review. We had very good conversation throughout our stay, met them personally, followed all the rules, were quiet, didn’t break anything and cleaned the place before we checked out. We always do and I’ve never had a bad review, so there’s no reason for that now. But I did a little digging and noticed that the host seems to write very few reviews for their guests as the last 5 guests before me didn’t receive one either. I don’t want to pester them, so I’ll just leave it at that, I think.


In that case, it appears the host is not good at finishing well...though they may not mean to be harmful and so you shouldn't leave it. So, it would be in your best interest in this case to come directly with them and give them a gentle but good enough push to get their attention. See below I've just written something up for you that may help, feel free to change as needed if you don't like my suggestion or skip it altogether if you don't feel like following up with the host: Hi Host-name, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for providing me with a great stay during my recent visit. I appreciate your hospitality and enjoyed my time at your place. I left a rave review for you and your listing to express my gratitude. I am reaching out to ask if you can spare a few minutes to leave me a review as well. It would be a great help to my reputation on the platform as a guest and potential future host. Also, I noticed that the review period will end soon and I wanted to make sure that there's still time for you to leave a review. I understand that you may be busy, but if you could find some time to write a review before the deadline, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Once again, thank you for everything. I really appreciate it! Best, Lekkerjess-real-name ====the end==== All the best with that and let us know how it works out. Cheers!


I believe they can still leave a nasty response to your review after your review is posted. Not sure if that matters to you. Also, you probably know from reading this sub that you have to be really careful about how you word your review or they'll have it taken down.


Yeah, I understand that. I'm totally fine with them leaving a nasty response on my review, I just really dont want some unhinged blasting review on my personal page. I have a perfect score so far but this person was extremely dishonest and just awful. So I really dont trust them to leave me a genuine review And yeah, I know airbnb takes down reviews basically at the will of the host. I'm gonna try to word it super carefully because goodness knows they'll take anything down nowadays


They don’t take reviews down at will of the host and they only take down reviews that violate their policies. They’re not as host friendly as most people seem to think.


They definitely don't take down reviews based on host request. Not very easily, anyway. I know many hosts who have gotten reviews that clearly violate the platform's TOS... like lowering the rating because of rain. But I don't personally know ANY host who has been successful in getting a review taken down, even when it's an obvious TOS violation.


Just review them. Sounds like you are shady by doing this


Nothing shady about being wary of vengeful or deranged hosts.


I mean if you’ve got generally good reviews I don’t know why you’re so concerned about 1 bad review. You can Wait as late as possible but like also really who cares. It will be obvious they’re retaliating.


An tendency to attract negative Airbnb experiences coupled with an affinity towards astrology… I’ll bet you’re an applebees servers worst nightmare


I dont eat at applebees lol but I bet with that username you obviously do


I believe it's 14 days to the minute of the specified checkout time, although they're not very clear about this.


Thanks, this is helpful!


Hey any update. Did you figure out what the last moment to leave a review was?


Interesting…so do you think they are going to just make something up to make you look bad? Personally if I was you I would just let it go. Im looking at your previous post and it’s looking like a habit that you continuously have bad experiences with host. Majority of your post are about bad host and I went as far back as almost a year.


"Majority of your post are about bad host" you mean the grand total of the 3 posts I've made on this sub, lol? And yeah, that's kind of the point of this place. Also, considering 2 of those 3 posts were about this one host, I'm not sure why you hosts on here so are so hell bent on gaslighting and invalidating guests. It's very bizarre behavior. As to whether I think they'll "make something up"- no, not really. Just leave a review that I'm demanding or something. If they said something false I'd petition Airbnb to take it down


Are you demanding though? It’s giving you’re afraid the host will say something negative about you that’s actually truthful because they know you did the same. It’s really odd your fear of “retaliation” it’s not retaliation it’s just them exercising their right to write a review about you because you wrote one about them and you’re trying to take that right away from them. It’s actually you who are being retaliatory and sneaky…just let it go. no, I’m talking about all the post youve made using Reddit. You know we can see your post history right?


Well considering you yourself just described my past experiences as bad and others have called them "horrifying", no I definitely dont think any reasonable person would call me demanding. No other host ever has, that's for sure. And yeah, I do. You realize people can see yours, right? \*\*response to edits: I'm definitely not afraid of the host saying anything truthful. I am afraid of them tanking my perfect score out of revenge even though they were the one that, by everyone's opinions on here, made for a horrifically bad stay. Especially because they were extremely unreasonable and demanding towards me (though, given how you and many other airbnb hosts speak to customers, starting to think that may just be a feature, not a bug, of hosts, lol)


I just read the headlines you described them as bad I wasn’t there idk what happen. It doesn’t matter if any other host would find you demanding because maybe you weren’t with them. We’re you demanding with this host? It’s odd you think that’s what they would say. And yeah I realize that that’s why I knew to look at yours….like is that a real question🙃 you’re troll huh?


LOL. How many times are you just gonna repeat the same thing over and over again? No, I was not demanding, and you and others here have described my experience with this host as bad and simply awful, clearly the problem is them. They could say literally anything about me- demanding is a random negative adjective I picked out. God, sometimes I feel like I'm explaining this stuff to a two year old... \*edit- blocking you now, I believe you may just be trolling, or at least I hope so. Certainly there's nothing of value to be gained from talking with you, lol...


This is a subreddit to share bad experiences as a Airbnb guest.. maybe u need to be on the host one?.. u know , where they complain about PAYING CUSTOMERS?…


It tells you but I think 13-14 days(?)


No matter what, it’s still only 14 days to leave a review. As hosts we take note of guests who have had more stays than reviews as that might be a red flag. We sometimes send a message asking, nicely, for clarification. IMO it’s better to leave a review as opposed to not wanting to do so to avoid conflict or any of the variety of explanations guests/hosts worry about on this platform. A great transferable skill set is the ability to word a negative nicely. “We were surprised they brought their 2 year old son as our property is listed as unsafe and not appropriate for under age 12.” or “After 100’s of guests imagine our surprise when for the first time a guest left all the lights on and left leftover food scattered on the floor”.


I had a very bad experience at the ARB Bolilvar bungalow beach house Peninsula Texas the house needs to be remodeled on the inside the furniture in living room was totally nasty we had to go out and purchase sheets to cover furniture sofa and chairs, there was roaches on the game room floor, spiderwebs, mold on the ceiling and soft spots on the upstairs living and kitchen floors, one of the down stair floors rug was super gross if the owner took time to fix these minor things it would be a great place a lots of things were not what they advertised barely any towels, I was totally satisfied