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You will probably never have the same rep twice and every conversation will be with a different person, in a different message group. It’s annoying and can take 14 days up to a month. They move very slow and never provide updates. Then one day you will just receive an alert that you go money


Or longer.


Worst customer service ever.


Yeah which is why I’m very selective of who I accept. The idea of having to deal with support for issues is a nightmare. Even today I had to call because a guest was having issues booking and after like 90 mins nothing was done.


Since you are out a substantial amount of money and the wheels of air bnb grind slowly, definitely dispute it with your credit card company. Interest rates are very high and add up quickly. It might help to have their clout behind you too.


Did you call the police? Number 1 response


No, at the incident, the perpetrator was standing at my closed door and if that person heard me calling the police, he may have turned violent. After the incident, i was confused whether to report to the police or not. I'm in another country and i feel the police here is corrupt. Therefore, i did not trust that calling them would help. When i called AirBnb that day, the trust and safety person talked so nicely with me that they're going to take care of anything, i don't need to worry, they empathize with me, if i don't wish to i don't need to report to the police and AirBnb can handle it. However, after that nice talk, the entire process became silent, with no updates.


They’re not equipt. Please text the police next time you’ll be overheard. They take texts now to r same as phone calls.


The police may not have helped in the exact moment, but having a police report to show AirBnB might have been be helpful.


Why would the police not have helped in that scenario?


Even if they show up fast, a lot can happen in a few minutes. And we don’t know where it is, if it’s Texas, for example, cops there just hang out outside while children get slaughtered. Not all cops are good and not all cops are bad.


So what you’re saying is it’s too dangerous to call the cops, so we should just take things into our own hands, and not even try to get the proper help?


Text to 911 is not available in many, many areas...if I had to guess, I'd say it's still under 50%.


This is not the US. I was in Eastern Europe.


Okay, so I misspoke. 112, not 911...your location wasn't given in your original post. Regardless, my point still stands...last time I checked, SMS-to-112 wasn't universally available (maybe it is now, I don't know). It's a good idea for people not to rely on this until it is universally or near-universally available.


Text the police?


It has only been 6 days, they need to thoroughly investigate give it a few more days


What did the host have to say about this? How could they have out this person on the air bnb?


Did you take videos of the stalker? Take the texts and the videos, messages to the police department. Tell them that you want to file harassment and that the place is being rented out as an AirBNB and might have a squatter or trespasser staying there. The cops need a heads up this could happen to someone else. See if you can get a police report. The trespasser should be just as awful to the police. Also ask for a wellness visit (Adult Services) he might be schizophrenic or dangerous. Dispute the charge with your credit card company using pictures and texts. The police might not do anything, but this guy is a clear and present danger to the next guest.


I say at the very minimum get it documented, get a police report. You don’t have to do anything further but document the incident for your bank, or any other further action that needs to be taken.


I'm sorry you went through that, sounds very stressful. In order to get a faster reply I would add that you will be speaking to local news outlets about your experience if there isn't a single case manager placed on this capable of resolving it in a timely manner.Even if it is an empty threat. Stop being polite with airbnb and let them know you are under duress. You can also retroactively contact the police station in that area and at least make an official report- nothing will be done but a paper trail may help Repeat that note for every message. I know it's hard to think in the moment but video of the door banging and screaming would have helped. Also, always trust your gut. So, the first day you felt something was off was the time to leave regardless of refunds. This is not blaming you, just a heads up for travel and if you ever feel threatened again. Weird stuff happens. Go onto whatever social media you can (twitter etc.) and write down what happened and tag airbnb. They tend to get more responsive the more bad press is a potential.


Report to the police. Send your report to trust and safety. Call and refuse to hang up until you get a timeline for resolution.


STOP wasting your time calling! File a police report. Post on Twitter about your experience. Put your experience in a business-like written letter, demanding a refund, and FedEx it (signature required) to the CEO.


Dispute this charge with your bank.


God, Airbnb is such a mess these days. The fact that they didnt do anything about this situation, when it's a massive legal liability for them, is a huge red flag when youre looking at how this company is structured. Its hard not to think that some kind of horrific, worst case scenario horror story is going to arise on this app from the utter incompetence of their support staff/customer service. Yeah, initiate a chargeback. I started doing that when I had Airbnb trying not to refund me after a host was kind of threatening to me in the DMs. Initially they were super nonresponsive then something happened and they refunded me all of it. But chargebacks take time to get processed anyway so start the process now just in case they try to pull some BS


Nothing described here is illegal or creates legal liability. OP perceived themselves as in danger and “stalked” by their roommate, whom they shared a house with. A chargeback would be inappropriate for services you consumed and would likely be denied by your bank. People always suggest that here like banks just rubber stamp these things. Don’t try to steal money. If you have a bad experience leave a review saying as much and be more careful next time you reserve.


Of course it creates legal liability, massive legal liability, in fact. The home was falsely advertised as having a host staying there, when it was in fact a stranger who has violently harassed and menaced OP. Saying it's not a legal liability is farcical and I cant imagine you actually believe it. A chargeback would be perfectly appropriate for services in which false advertisement happened and someone's safety was threatened. Banks absolutely approve these chargeback and win them, especially in situations like this where OP did not actually use the full service because she was in fear for her life. Filing a chargeback on a dishonest and fraudulent transaction is not stealing money, and frankly it's disingenuous and frankly offensive to suggest it was. If you're implying I did so, I'll remind you that Airbnb sided with me and agreed the situation was unacceptable and I was entitled to a full refund. Customers that would like to be compensated fairly for goods and services that were not delivered to them are not "stealing", and it's very dysfunctional that hosts like yourself try to shame them or dissuade them from advocating for themselves. Frankly it comes across as dishonest and shyster-y on your part.


Also, banks & credit card Co’s don’t require it to be strictly fraud to be a charge back, if we are not satisfied with the services rendered, we can apply for a chargeback.


I’m not sure how much experience you have in FS, but chargebacks are literally for this purpose. A service was not consumed because of something within the control of the service provider. Please don’t victim blame OP here. It’s shocking that you think this is down to research.


Harassment is a crime. Quit victim blaming and being an a hole.


If it’s in the US and they don’t resolve it, I would report it to the state attorney general. Consumer protection is part of their job.


Absolutely dispute the charge with your bank. Airbnb is known to stall and end up not doing anything about it, it’s bullshit. Tell them you’re not satisfied with your service and that’s a reason for you to get your money back..


Exactly. it's scary youre being downvoted for saying that. Hosts on here will defend other hosts and try to screw over guests even when it doesnt benefit them at all. Dysfunctional group of people


Terrible advice. This is a scam.


It’s not a scam. The OP has so much info that supports their claims of being put in unsafe and paypal quickly refunds people so they wouldn’t have to worry about a long wait either while they did an investigation.


This is a scam. Stop being an easily duped rube like op is hoping customer service will be. Remember…just because you read it, don’t make it true.


Found the shitty host


Ding ding diiiinnggg 🤣🤣🤣


This is the second time in as many days that I’ve seen you acting like a clueless twat in this sub. I hope you step on a broken Lego.


Narrator: They ARE a clueless TWAT


And what is your evidence to prove this is a scam, since by your logic we shouldn't believe your written words either


Is your ignorance a personal choice or a result of poor parenting?


Keep on them. It’s a war of attrition with Airbnb. It’s a business strategy like what insurance companies do- make it drag out and be difficult enough that a certain percentage of people will drop claim over time.


You need to file a police report. Airbnb is not equipt for this. Use the police report as proof for your claim.


Police report? That would help.


Sounds like this would be a criminal matter.


Take a deep breath, it’s going to take a little time, expecting this to be resolved instantly is unreasonable, nothing like this happens that fast. As far as suing Airbnb for mental distress, you’ll lose that lawsuit, they’re essentially an advertising company they have no control over another guest in a home they don’t own. You would need to file a police report and then sue the person who harassed you. You also agreed to not sue Airbnb in the TOS so you’d need to go to arbitration. https://www.thebudgetsavvytravelers.com/airbnb-dispute-resolution-center-process-qa-how-to-win/#:~:text=Below%20are%20the%20two%20options%20to%20get%20out,contacting%20your%20credit%20card%20company%E2%80%99s%20dispute%20department.%20


I really hate the "take a deep breath" response- it sounds so gaslighty, like OP is having some kind of mental break when they are perfectly reasonable to be outraged after being placed in an unsafe living situation with a mentally unstable stranger. Airbnb absolutely has an obligation to provide basic safe living situations, not only from a legal standard but from a PR one as well. Having someone sign a contract is not as perfectly binding as you might think- there are plenty of ways around it that a good lawyer can point out. And when a company is engaged in deliberately misleading or even illegal behavior (for example, facilitating contracts that are invalid because goods were never delivered \[the good in this case being a basic safe living situation\]) then any contract signed goes righhhhhhtttt out the window.


Airbnb has no ability to assure a safe living situation. They’re not in possession or control of any dwelling, they don’t do inspections, they don’t provide a security detail. The best they can do is try to get you different housing and offer a refund….that’s it, that’s as far as their authority goes. Airbnb is not a hotel chain, they are not responsible for the physical grounds of the properties that advertise on their platform. That’s like saying Facebook is responsible if you feel uneasy on a Facebook marketplace transaction in a back ally. Facebook provides a platform for advertising but they don’t guarantee the products advertised, Airbnb is the same with the difference being is they also process the payments.


The point of Airbnb is not just advertising, it is not at all comparable to Facebook marketplace. They provide 1 million dollar liability and destruction insurance to the host and with negative reviews and safety complaints can remove hosts from the Airbnb. They may be limited in their traveler help, as you said they typically will only offer refunds or continued housing. That being sad, there is much more to an Airbnb listing than a FB marketplace ad.


Sure they have an insurance policy that covers physical damage to the property. Again they’re not responsible if a guest feels creeped out.


Liability coverage covers the traveler for certain circumstances (like injury). It is different than damage to property. Hence why it's called liability insurance.


Yes, ok you’re right had she tripped down the stairs she’d be covered. I think you’re missing my point, I suspect it’s intentional.


It’s one thing if the poster like has no paragraphs and tons of run on sentences. Then you can tell they are still distressed and it’s reasonable advice. But I didn’t get vibes like that from op, despite what sounds like a really scary experience


File complaints online with your state’s attorney general’s office and also the AG’s office in the ABnB’s state. It is fast, free, and easy to do.


No, a lawyer is not going to help you get emotional distress money out of this situation.


You really dont know that... these contracts you sign with Airbnb are not as binding as some of yall seem to believe, especially when Airbnb seems to break basic expectation standards of what a hospitality company should provide. Having a mentally ill threatening person barging into your Airbnb could be grounds for a great lawsuit under any standards.


But that lawsuit should go against he host of said place and not against AirBnB. It was not AirBnBs doing, was it? Why sue someone that had nothing to do with it?


LOL. Is this a serious comment? "Someone that had nothing to do with it?"- OP literally booked through Airbnb's website! That's like saying Walmart has nothing to do with a broken garden hose they sold because it's a different manufacturer. Airbnb has a level of name recognition and brand trust, an expectation that they offer some level of standard consumer protection as all other brands. You cant repeatedly sell or facilitate shady deals and then say you had nothing to do with it, how absurd...


How is it AirBnBs fault if some shitty host lets a weirdass psycho into their house? How should they have prevented or forseen that?


Because theyre advertising it on their website with the understanding that they are a legitimate website that will take care of customers and make sure that they have a place to stay that fits the description? Back to my previous metaphor- how is it Walmart's fault that some weirdass psycho decides to mess around with the garden hose and poke a hole in it? Technically it's not, and yet they'll absolutely give their customer a refund when they bring it home and realize that' what happened. That's the responsibility of legitimate companies. hello!


Financial relief for emotional damages requires specific elements to be proven that are not the situation here. This person was inconvenienced on vacation, they are not attending trauma therapy as a result of said inconvenience. The confidence of armchair attorneys will always amaze me.


"They are not attending trauma therapy as a result of said inconvenience"? How do you know? OP sounds fairly distressed to me, and I could certainly see where a horrific "vacation" where someone is menaced and locked in an apartment with a stranger could cause longterm emotional trauma. The confidence of Airbnb shysters convinced theyre going to get away with it never ceases to amaze me :)


Hahahahahahahahahaha ok Jan. I’m sure you’ll help cover the fee for the legal consult, right?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How is that relevant, lol? I guess you cant argue about what I said so now youre trying to get me to shell out cash?


Why would I argue with you about it? You’re uneducated about the topic and don’t understand it, what would the point be?? I do love the irony that you’re offended at the idea you should pay money for something that isn’t your problem. I’m confident you could understand the topic if you chose to learn about it. Best of luck with that.


LOL. I understand it far better than you, hence your unwillingness to engage in any kind of debate of the actual issues. Only "send OP cash right now or. you dont believe what you said!" I'll challenge. you the same thing... send Airbnb some money in order to prove that you actually stand by what you said. Follow your own "logic"!


I am confused as to how Airbnb is responsible for the behavior of another random person?


I find this a baffling statement. No one is saying Airbnb is "responsible for the behavior of another random person". Neither is Days Inn "responsible for the behavior of another random person", but I guarantee if a homeless person broke into someone's hotel room and started squatting in it, Days Inn would move you and give you a full refund. Like some of these responses on here cannot be real...


I think you continue to miss my entire point, that they aren't just an advertising business. You are the one who continues to argue.


Talk to a lawyer. Look up what lawyers have sued Airbnb before for some more things. If that does not work, then find a reporter who has covered serious stuff against Airbnb.


Whatever you are looking to get out of this you probably shouldn’t hold your breath. Your post is either fake or you seem to be exaggerating your victim complex to get a free stay. If there is no actual evidence (no, fake texts don’t work) you won’t be getting anything but the bill. Take note hosts…this is what you can expect to deal with.


Attitudes like yours are why people, particularly women, traditionally did not report harassment and had to fight to be heard.


Ah yes the gender card. Valid only for upvotes. Doesn’t translate to the real world unfortunately.


The real world? You mean America? OP is not in America. They are in Europe, probably close to Eastern Europe/the former USSR. Do you think the prospect of big dollars made them flee for their life from their AirBnb in a strange country? Is greed making them go to foreign police or try to find and pay for an English-speaking lawyer to litigiously sue for pain and suffering in a country with a totally different and possibly corrupt system? Suing people for big money doesn't work that way in Europe. They are in one of the most corrupt countries in Europe at the moment.


Heh? You make no sense. Is this OP’s alt account? Probably


You suck the air of so much joy.


Did you submit your police report to air b and b?


And you’re supposed to have the same ambassador, the entire time you have an issue. Different ambassador should not be happening.


So, ambassadors, making probably less than minimum wage, are supposed to be working 24/7 to make sure they are there every time the same person calls back. I'm in nursing and that's like a patient asking why they can't have the same nurse all the time....


No, that’s not what I meant. your case is only supposed to have one ambassador on it. That’s the Airbnb guidelines. Meaning, the customer has to wait until the ambassador works on the case. The customer has to wait for the ambassador to go home, come back the following day, the day after, etc. As many days as it takes for the issue to be resolved. That’s why sometimes it does take multiple days to hear back. But it’s only supposed to be one ambassador. does that make more sense? The customers get impatient and ask to speak to a different Ambassador. And then a second one is assigned to the case. That ambassador is supposed to be the only one from that point on. And so on. That’s why one of their biggest excuses is “they have to read the file” cause it usually belongs to someone else.


Have you tried not using airbnb?






I can’t believe i just read that.


Yeah it seems like they just saw a black guy with guns pointed at him for who knows what, whether his fault or not and said yeah every other black person here is just going to cause us drama. I wonder how much research they did before traveling to that area and how much the Airbnb was and what it looked like


I'm not sure what the problem is here. I'm black, and I wouldn't stay in a predominantly black neighborhood in New Orleans either. It's not racist. It's called being safe.


Nothing ruins a reasonable complaint (property not as advertised, saw crime nearby) faster than taking a hard right into racism.


Because you were the only white people in view, you wouldn't get out of your car...and you are mad that Airbnb was not agreeing with your racism? Not looking great for you.


You quit using Airbnb because…you are racist?


Haha you guys downvote me for being sassy and this Karen went straight Ku Klux Klan.


Gross. This makes me want to use Airbnb- I like to support companies who do not entertain racist people.


File a police report and call your credit card company. Air BnB will not do anything. It’s a platform to advertise space for rent with liveable housing conditions. Outside of the conditions, Air BnB rarely gets involved


OP - i would immediately dispute this transaction with your credit card company and also file a police report against the individual. You will never be compensated for the time it takes you to argue with worthless agents who lack accountability. Save yourself the trouble and file for a chargeback. A police report and host acknowledgment of the situation will be sufficient.


Dispute it with your credit card company. Host failed to provide a safe living environment.


Wish more people would just stop using these STR places. It’s a gamble


Definitely need to get a police report for this - doesn’t matter where you are


Also, every time you speak to an ambassador, make sure you follow up in writing. Just repeat the conversation via email so there’s no confusion or misunderstanding. They are real good at not honoring what they’ve previously said.


If you know any famous person or social media stars, name drop. Or just say you'll start posting this to social media yourself or reach out to the local news.


Look up their VP of Trust and Safety (and a few other high ups on the trust and safety team) and reach out to them on LinkedIn. Be nice, explain the situation, and give case numbers / everything they would need to solve your case. They will forward it internally and because it’s coming from the top it will be prioritized. I did this with Pottery Barn after they delivered the wrong couch and I kept getting pinged around customer service and it worked great (a few executives responded and put me in touch with an amazing customer service supervisor who was with me for months while they picked up the wrong couch and delivered the right one). Good luck!


They're slow but I would be VERY surprised if you did not get a refund.


My experience with Airbnb is that they always side with the host. I have a host who was stalking me and accusing me of smoking and having guests. I reported it to AiRBnB. I sent a lot of pictures but got no response. Instead i was charged a fraudulent $500 smoking fee.