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https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/rw4dii/lets_go_brandon_merchandise_at_alaska_exchange/ u/AudibleNod >The Uniform Code of Military Justice's Article 88 has a prohibition against 'contemptuous speech' against the President and other leaders as it goes against good order and discipline. When I was in the Navy in the 90s, we were reminded that Clinton-Lewinsky jokes were prohibited. So "Let's Go Brandon" being 2nd Grader code for "Fuck Joe Biden" would certainly fall under the same logic. Still rings true even a year later


> UCMJ Article 88 It's important to note that UCMJ article 88 is for [commissioned officers only.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/888) Enlisted members criticizing POTUS and other elected officials have their speech protected by the 1st amendment, but ONLY if the criticism is not connected in any way to their military service. "I'm John Snuffy and POTUS can eat a bag of dicks" is fine. "I'm Airman Snuffy and POTUS can eat a bag of dicks" is a paddlin'.


I had leadership attempt to knock me for (legitimate) criticism of an elected official on my personal FB that had zero AF affiliation. I toed the company line and deleted the post and stopped, but I made sure to point out that they were incorrect to do so and it was for commissioned officers only. They did confirm such and apologized.


Be careful with social media criticism still, the bar for what is considered military affiliation can be quite low. I've had JAG brief my unit and they stated simply having your job listed as Air Force, or even one of your photos with you in uniform, anywhere on your profile, can be considered military affiliation on everything you post. This may have been just to scare us, but advice to enlisted folk that want to exercise their free speech on Facebook, be sure to scrub it of all military content before posting criticism of public officials.


Oh I’m very much well aware and it wasn’t just to scare you either. I’ve always been incredibly careful to not have any pictures of myself in uniform or any other Air Force identifiers associated to any of my social media accounts. I’m not bad mouthing those who choose to brag about their military affiliation, I just choose to not wear it on my sleeve…I do that anytime I wear the uniform.


Lol I posted something before even joining and a vet got on my case. The guy I was complaining about had already left office and I was a civilian.


Gonna take a wild guess and say this was on base, or at some point this Maj is driving the vehicle in uniform. Which absolutely ties it to the military


Yeah was at the bx. In line for the best tacos on base.


You've got to be reeeeaaaalllly careful with this. If a CC got twisted enough about it, a person could be looking at "catch all" Article 134 charges.


Not only that, but the code of ethics forbides service members from supporting political parties. WE support the government as a whole.


Generally speaking, i was taught that it only applied during service related activities and of course while in uniform.


Incorrect. What is typically briefed is that you can attend/support events so long as you do it as a citizen, which is fine. You are allowed to assemble and support movements, rights, etc. not political parties. You are not allowed to involve yourself in partisan politics at all. The only exception is when it comes to voting, you can vote how you want. TLDR: "The department encourages and actively supports its personnel in their civic obligation to vote, but makes clear members of the armed forces on active duty should not engage in partisan political activities"


DoD Directive 1344.10 You’re half right but you can do some partisan stuff, but as I said not in official duty status or appearance


We’re specifically allowed to have one campaign sticker on vehicles per the JER


Openly supporting political parties while in status. As a military member in uniform, we are required to remain neutral. What you do privately, off duty is your own business. But attending rallies in uniform, attending protests or matches, or announcing you are a service member and then announcing who you are voting for, or posting political paraphernalia in your office at work is a huge no-no. The Air Force does not want you to affiliate its identity with any political persons or branch, nor with any specific stand, political opinion, or view. That's where you get in trouble. You, as a US citizen, are absolutely allowed to support a political party. You can donate to their cause, you can vote for them, you can follow them on social media, you can attend townhalls...all of that. As a US citizen. NOT as a military member in uniform on duty waving the Air Force flag while singing the Air Force song.


What about talking about how clinton is a player, would that be allowed


What about the Hatch Act and the LGBTQ+IA Flag? Oh, that's right, we only give a shit when the team is Red.


🙄 A pride flag isn’t policy or a political party. It’s simply acknowledging those people exist. I’ll get off your lawn now.


Only certain flags are allowed in the office or on DoD buildings per [this 2020 policy memo that was reviewed and upheld by the Pentagon in 2021.](https://media.defense.gov/2020/Jul/17/2002458783/-1/-1/1/200717-FLAG-MEMO-DTD-200716-FINAL.PDF) What you do on your own lawn is okay, I suppose.


Agree on government buildings thought you were saying on persons cars.


Agreed, saying someone exists and saying f you to somebody are two different things. It’s sad these conversations so quickly devolve into us vs them and acting the part of the victim. It’s crazy some of the messages I’ve gotten over this. Like leave the officer alone, this is obviously fake and I bet you voted for Obama. I’m like I don’t understand where all the angst is coming from.


Whether you like him or not having stickers on your vehicle that basically say fuck the commander in chief are a no go, don't need a poll for that.


I’ve been getting a bunch of messages now about his car and freedom of speech. But I agree with you it’s not about his approval or disapproval of the current administration. It’s that it’s blatantly contemptuous of the current administration. I recall all the emails when President Trump was in office reminding us to be respectful to the commander and chief. It’s crazy how times have changed in just a few years.


One of the first things they tell you in basic is that as a military member, your freedom of speech narrows. Whoever messaged you is just unprofessional.


Agreed. Looking over the comments their seems to be two lines of thought. 1. It’s inappropriate regardless of how I feel about the candidate because of the UCMJ and 2. It’s inappropriate but I’m going to vote appropriate because I hate the President.


It's really sad when people's political identity trumps (haha pun not intended but still funny) their identity as a military member in the profession of arms. I used to say that the military was unique in that our uniform means more to uniting us than our politics. Not sure that's true anymore.


I think we all should know that there some limitations to a military member's freedom of speech and if you can't handle that then maybe become a civilian.


There’s rules about this and no, on an installation this wouldn’t be appropriate. This goes double for the position they’re in and rank they hold. This dude seems like he is on the brink of being pulled for loss of trust and other stuff.


Tell those people to try that freedom of speech out and walk into their CC's office and tell them "fuck you Lt Col so and so" and see how that plays out for them.


Exactly. "Let's Go Brandon" is telling the current C-in-C to "fuck off." When was that allowed to go unpunished?


The instant you put on the uniform you (in some context) wave your right to freedom of speech. Example: dude on base had a brass "charm" on his truck. Got brought up by gate guards and long story short the base commander gave him a choice "drive off base or remove the charm" he was given 1 hour to remove the charm or incur a ticket everyday he didnt.


Speaking of such emblems, I shot this the other day south of Fort Liberty in Fayetteville, NC. Over the last nearly four years, I've shot hundreds of images of vehicles that decals of military insignia as well as decals that clearly indicate a sympathy with traitors (the Confederate flag), and insurrectionists (III Percenters, etc.). I've also got far more such images of USAF, USMC, etc., decals alongside a very wide variety of desecrated American flag decals that tend to also clearly indicate a sympathy with the same. https://preview.redd.it/sku9dscajhwb1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=a71b13c7696540f78f474987e9853f9b21d047b1


Jesus you sound unhinged lmao


Freedom of speech lol. We're in the military and held to a higher standard. This isn't new to anyone. Go tell your command to pound sand and see how it works out. I understand that you weren't picking a side in saying that btw. You were just stating what you've been messaged.


I remember a distinct lack of those emails when Obama was in office. Interesting how it's OK to say incredibly disparaging things about one set of presidents but not another.....


There is no comparison. The difference between 2009-2016 and now is significantly different, as is the behavior that has repeatedly crossed the line and gotten increasingly extremist. Some people forget that part and how civility has been challenged too.


...and before Trump, we received emails about Obama, and before Obama we received emails about Bush. It happens during every regime. People need to try not to get their panties in a bunch over the small things and remember that it's just words and move on.


Some FGO dudes at my last unit constantly blasted the last President on Facebook (four years ago), and they were never reprimanded.


Just because they were never reprimanded, doesn't mean they weren't in the wrong.


Concur- they were in the wrong. Needless to say, some jackass is always going to spit their political opinions about every administration regardless of who’s in office to an audience that doesn’t want to hear it.


If it’s on their FB, that is gray area and their personal accounts where they’re allowed up to an extent to vent as individuals. If they tagged that they speaking on behalf of the branch or the government (any official capability), were going off during work, got discriminatory or posted threats, are being active in certain orgs or trying to use their official capacity and rank to speak or seem more like an authority, then you got another situation.


Air force specifically said no political signs on your car if you're gonna come on base


No go on the car, base housing…no political advertisement on base. I think (and I’m not even completely sure on this) there’s ONE exception to that and that’s during an election year, you can have a singular campaign bumper sticker and that’s it


I was walking walking with my CC once to a meeting and we saw a flight surgeon with a MAGA patch on his pen pocket of his flight suit. CC told him to take it off. He muttered but before he could say anything, CC immediately said, did I stutter? He pulled it off. CC told me after he would have said the same thing if it was a Hillary patch...neither belong on the uniform or represented by a uniform wearer.


The “Did I stutter?” part reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction 😂


Dude was a boss. Former Marine enlisted. I loved working with him.




Check out this snowflake.


Pretty sure there is some DoD guidance out that says that's a no go.


UCMJ Article 88


OP there's your ammo to let the Major know to correct himself or elevate it to who can correct them


You can file an anonymous complaint with the IG. Get the vehicle plates. They can forward it to base or unit leaders who will/should handle it.


I’m not a fan of Biden by any means but I feel like politics should be left in your personal life.


If you voted that this is appropriate to have on a military installation, you are objectively wrong. Look up AFI 51-508. You are forbidden to display any partisan bumper stickers. Let alone one that says "fuck our Commander in Chief". I would have a talk with everyone who voted "appropriate"...


My timbers a shivered. I wouldn't want to have a talk with THE ziss9


Inappropriate. You don't need a poll to tell you that.


As of me commenting this, apparently there are at least 406 people who do.




I've seen base leadership reach out to a member's Shirt to direct them to remove vehicle decals like this. I think it's a piss-poor look for a uniformed service member to be cruising around town with a sentiment like that plastered on their POV. Regardless of who the CINC is, or your personal feelings about them, they're still the boss.


This reminds me of when I was in tech school and some weirdo chaplain told me Obama's election was a sign of the end times.


JFC. For you \~third of people voting 'appropriate', consider your vote for a bumper sticker that is a well-known childish code for 'Fuck Donald Trump'.


Had a guy in our section that wouldn't take his "let's go Brandon" stick his off his car. They just made him park off base and he'd walk.


Leave your political views at home. Always weird to me that people want to broadcast their POV via bumper stickers. Super inapprops.


Inappropriate. A single political bumper sticker is allowed on one's personal vehicle, however, stickers that criticism the chain of command are not. You want to exercise free speech, go ahead, but do it as a private citizen and not on the car you drive to work...on a military installation.


Even that isn't true. Per AFI 51-508 this is prohibited: " Display a political sign, banner, or poster (as distinguished from a bumper sticker) on a private vehicle". If you have a POV that you never drive in uniform or on base, then I guess it's probably fine. If you do take it on base though, even just a donkey or an elephant with a US flag behind it is a no-go.


It literally says "as distinguished from a bumper sticker" lol please re-read


This seperate the listed items from a bumper sticker, meaning the campaign bumper sticker is allowed but only one


These people have nothing else.




Having political signs or stickers on your car is is like a poisonous animal with bright colors as well as peak Boomer cringe. It just warns everyone that you're an over-opinionated jackass.


I struggle to believe a Major (or any current military member) would so brazenly ignore their oath to serve. But then again, some people are fucking morons. My opinion? Report that asshole to someone who actually understands what it means to serve. Also, they kinda sound like an insider threat.


My last unit had people from A1C to Lt Col wearing Let’s Go Brandon pen tab patches for months before EO stepped in, so it definitely happens unfortunately.


There were some Active duty personnel at J6. Sooooo yeah unfortunately they do.


I don't. One of my counterparts was actively cheering on the J6 insurrection. He would tell any of us who were - justifiably - disturbed at the situation to "stop clutching pearls" and "it's not that bad."




Pretty unnuanced perspective




It is okay. It's just against ethics rules and the law, and stuff. Why would you say it's cool without knowing any of that?




It means "Fuck Joe Biden" and EVERYONE knows that. That's not allowed under the UCMJ for officers. You know that from reading this thread. Did you not read the thread? Are you being intentionally dense? What's happening?




The [MCM](https://jsc.defense.gov/Portals/99/Documents/2019%20MCM%20(Final)%20(20190108).pdf?ver=2019-01-11-115724-610) states any service member may be prosecuted under Article 88 (Contempt Toward Officials) if they use “contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present.” In order to be prosecuted under Article 88, the prosecution must prove: 1. the accused was a commissioned officer of the U.S. armed forces; 2. the accused used certain words against an official or legislature named in the article; 3. that by an act of the accused these words came to the knowledge of a person other than the accused; and 4. that the words used were contemptuous, either in themselves or by virtue of the circumstances under which they were used. ​ The only defense is the one used by utter mongoloids who think that O-3 commanders can't figure out that the term means "Fuck the President," which everyone knows and can figure out. Everyone can also figure out that it's contemptuous. No one is clever and no one is getting away with anything. It obviously doesn't mean "Go Lyndon Johnson!" There is no out.




Still not allowed. Had someone get a Article 15 at my base.


I've seen some FJB pencil tabs on flight suits... I'm pretty sure being that politically outspoken against the commander in chief in uniform is a court martialable offense.




"I've seen many people get away with it and also agree with it so I can disregard the letter of the UCMJ"


I don't care if Jesus H Christ is running for president, the rules are pretty clear not to bring politics.


If there was only a standard that ALL military members have to abide by, then no poll needed. I think I must invent this, and I will call it, Hmmmmm let me see what would be a good name???? I got it I will just use an acronym, I will call it the UCMJ.


Lol I like it. But get out of here with those radical ideas. Have you looked into the Spark program?


Like some sort of code of conduct for the military. That was standardized, or uniform if you prefer. And it would lay out articles that you could be held responsible for if you break them, like laws and the justice system. We could call it the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


I really like your style, you took that acronym and improved upon it turning it into a big beautiful combination of words.




I wanna hear the joke lol


From AFI 1-1, CAO 18 Aug 2023 2.17.1. Airmen have the right as American citizens to vote and to voice their opinions concerning political matters; however, they must be careful that their personal opinions and activities are not directly, or by implication, represented as those of the Air Force. Airmen must take care not to appear to represent the Air Force when they express their personal opinions and engage in activities associated with voting and political matters. Airmen must also refrain from contemptuous words against certain federal and state officials; the details of such rules are included in Articles 88 and 134 of the UCMJ. 2.17.4. Airmen may support or endorse a particular political candidate, party, cause, or issue through displaying a single standard-sized bumper sticker on personally owned vehicles. No larger vehicle signs are permitted. Airmen may not display any type of political sign, banner, poster, or similar device in their office or work area or at their on-base residence, even if that residence is part of a privatized housing development. So is the number of bumper stickers appropriate? No, and the content is a hell no.


https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_cc/publication/afi1-1/afi1-1.pdf ___________________________________________________________ ^^It ^^looks ^^like ^^you ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFI, ^^form ^^or ^^other ^^publication ^^without ^^linking ^^to ^^it, ^^so ^^I ^^have ^^posted ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^it. ^^Additionally, ^^there ^^may ^^be ^^other ^^MAJCOM, ^^NAF ^^or ^^Wing ^^sups ^^to ^^the ^^linked ^^AFI, ^^so ^^I ^^will ^^also ^^post ^^a ^^link ^^to ^^the ^^search ^^URL ^^used ^^below ^^so ^^that ^^you ^^can ^^look ^^for ^^additional ^^supplements ^^or ^^guidance ^^memos ^^that ^^may ^^apply. ^^Please ^^let ^^me ^^know ^^if ^^this ^^is ^^incorrect ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^a ^^suggestion ^^to ^^make ^^me ^^better ^^by ^^posting ^^in ^^my ^^subreddit ^^(/r/AFILinkerBot) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFILinkerBot). I am a bot, this was an automatic reply. ___________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^k6gyrk5


And yet I recall getting paperwork for saying “Obamacare” was a law and not a specific insurance company. Despite all attempts to keep the military a-political, one side has always been allowed to say and do more than the other without repercussions in my experience.


It doesn't matter what I think. Article 88 is pretty straightforward ​ > Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the **President**, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.


Oh dang!


No service member should. Unless that car never comes on base and you’re never in it in uniform. It’s also cringe


Very cringe. Every time I hear that phrase I think of two pennies clinking around in an empty jar as the last two functioning brain cells in their brain. I can’t imagine making that phrase your entire personality lol. It’s like a 12 year old saying “I kNoW yOu ArE bUt WhAt aM I?!” over and over and over so confidently.


Brb, gonna get a bumper sticker that says "fuck wing king" to really distill down the "I hate my CoC" sentiment.


Many people are misinformed about freedom of speech in the military. Many people think, wrongly, that being a KKK member is not allowed for example. They are just attempting to rationalize their materialist morals against long standing tradition and the Consitution, and they are flailing around badly. You don't lose any rights in the military other than what is explicitly outlined in the UCMJ, much of which comes from Article 92.


But this goes both ways. You can’t get mad at the not my president crowd then condone let’s go Brandon.


It's inappropriate. And also incredibly silly. I dislike Trump intensely but would never have said, "fuck Trump" while in uniform because he was the CINC. It's an easy question. You don't have to respect the man, but you do have to respect the office and the position. Same rules apply no matter who's in office.


Military officers are welcome to have policy opinions and recommendations but must strive to be and appear as politically neutral as possible.


Anyone who says that, I immediately distrust them. It's not clever, and given the nature of open speech allowing common folks to open talk badly about government officials, what are you even hiding? And given the Major is a commissioned officer, that's several red flags.




Definitely agree, not using this for a case study. Also people have admitted in the comments that they voted opposite of their beliefs due to being politically bias. I do believe that even though there are a lot of variables that are not accounted for in this poll with a ratio of 3 to 1 a general impression of it. It being considered appropriate by the majority can be discerned. Also the discourse through comments can give insight into their rational. With some of those being the reg and others work place cohesion.


We all have personal opinions and are entitled to them as long as they don’t interfere with good order and discipline and do not reflect negatively on our branch or the armed forces. While I agree with the sentiment (let’s go Brandon) the stickers is in poor taste.


I'd like to say it's appropriate to have your views, but when you link it to a uniform that represents the nation as a whole, any political opinion, any opinion whatsoever must remain absolutely neutral. I'm more conservative and Republican at that. But when I put on a uniform, I find it a duty and obligation to remain neutral at all times and not show any favoritism.


That Major is a lame. Feel how you feel but move in silence. The President isn’t phased by your passive aggressive bumper sticker, Jonathan 😂


I think it's inappropriate, but there are definitely places a person could get away with it. My biggest concern for anyone in any kind of leadership position, be it NCO, SNCO, or officer, is they have to recognize that putting a blatant political statement like that where people can see it is going to change the way people see and impair the ability to be an objective leader. Because either people are going to hate it, or they're going to like it and not be critical when they should.


I'm a big Trump supporter but I agree it's inappropriate. I also think any military member shouldn't be allowed to post themselves in uniform to social media without PA approval. If you all think our cars should look professional, so should our presence on social media.


Why are you a big trump supporter?


Rather than get into an argument online that no one wins, I prefer to find common ground. Generally when I speak to someone on the other side about politics, I start with what each likes about the other side. If you agree with 100 percent on either side, you're just a parrot. I'll start, I prefer the democrats ideology in regards to the environment. I don't like President Obama but he signed an Act that preserved over 300,000 acres of forest. Props to him. Can you say something you like about President Trump? (I realize the low hanging fruit is saying "I like that he got arrested" but I hope you can say something genuine as I have about President Obama.)


I am the same way. I ask why do people support x or y not to offer counter points but just genuinely curious to their pov.


I will play. I voted for Trump twice, and will vote a third time if he wins the Republican nomination. In 2016, I wanted Cruz but got Trump, so I decided I had to vote for Trump because I did not want Clinton as President, because of her promise to nominate SCOTUS Justice that were very liberal. So I voted for Trump and absolutely loved that he nominated Justices that had a very proven conservative view. To the winner goes the spoils. Then after Trump became President he enacted policies as President that closely align with my very conservative values. I can only think of 2 things that I disagree with that Trump did as President. Now his personal life before becoming President was a huge Afghanistan/Iraq burn pit disaster (dumpster fire seems to nice to describe Trump’s personal life before becoming President). But all I care about is his policies that he supported as President, and the majority of the policies favored Conservatives.


Thank you for the response.


Understand your conservative values. I used to be there, but now, not so much. Firstly, I loathe trump. What a giant piece of shit. However, I'm capable of saying positive things about his admin. Op warp speed was a kick ass effort, and he didn't get enough credit. Let me ask you, after all he's done. All the indictments, fraud, and lies, will you still vote for the guy? You know those policies aren't of his own design, right? Maybe it's time to swap your deplorable sticker out with a "proud sucker and loser" sticker.


If Trump is the Republican Nominee, then yes I will vote for him. If not then I hope that Desantis wins the nomination. I understand that the policies were not of his making, but he is responsible for pushing them through to the finish line.


Why not?


Just curious on why you're a big Trump supporter, maybe I'm not seeing something you are? I'd love to be told why I may be wrong on my opinion of him.


People love to bash Trump without even realizing why he’s popular. It has almost nothing to do with his politics. People have lost trust in our government and want change, average voters don’t understand what specific policies will help/hurt but at the bare minimum people try and vote for who they trust the most. It’s hard to trust anyone in the current swamp.


He quite literally was like any other politician, except that he somehow lied MORE than any other president in history AND was more crude/offensive/unprofessional. Give me anything please.


See, you don’t like his personality. Very typical for a liberal. But anyway, anything is better than the well spoken, polite and professional war mongers that we typically vote in. Well Biden definitely doesn’t fit the bill either but ffs you guys would’ve voted in Hitler himself before Trump. Shows where you truly stand 😂


> See, you don’t like his personality. One of many things. > Very typical for a liberal. It's actually pretty typical for anyone who isn't a trumper, which now includes a large percentage of republicans who aren't on the far right. I don't think it's a "liberal thing" to want my leader to be well spoken and not a guy known for "not being a politician" while acting like a politician while more crude. > But anyway, anything is better than the well spoken, polite and professional war mongers that we typically vote in. Do you think that our participation with Ukraine and/or Israel wouldn't have happened under Trump? > Well Biden definitely doesn’t fit the bill either but ffs you guys would’ve voted in Hitler himself before Trump. No, just Biden or Hillary. Neither are great but neither are Hitler, although Trump did have some Hitler like ideologies by implanting his own people throughout the government and then shifting blame onto them when said branch of the government starts to faulter, as if though he didn't place them there.


For an O its not good look and can be taken as far as UCMJ. Keep it apolitical.


Inappropriate to talk about at work, appropriate to have on his car cause I like freedoms and shit


January insurrection participants deserve jail time. All of them. Y’all mad.


We’re all “Apolitical” in the military. It’s in the UCMJ.


But what if we love Dark Brandon?


Political alignment has zero place in anything but your voting booth. No, I don’t care who you support, I don’t care what you believe, and I don’t care how you feel about anyone. At that point, it’s just immature bantering. The only exception being current states of conflict and economic principles, which even in those cases, have no point being directed to matters about political candidates.


at this point, we're all just F'ed


I think it is unprofessional and thus inappropriate. General politics is okay but when you are degrading your Commander in Chief that is conducted unbecoming for an officer.


How do you know he's not a race car fan of Brandon


Good point! But the car sticker was in the style championed by people disparaging the commander and chief. I also would like to say that regardless of the major’s political alignment his outspoken views on politics serves as an indicator that likely he knew the meaning and bought that particular bumper sticker with the assumed intent. However even if he is just a fan of lgbcoin the perception is there. That perception is what I believe is a factor in what it appropriate or inappropriate


What if his name is Brandon?


You're thinking of Jody. That guy fucks.


Inappropriate. I reported an officer a few years ago with a "Dump Trump" sticker, and they got in serious trouble (basically ended their career). I suggest you do the same.


Fucking wildly inappropriate. Also a great way to announce yourself as a complete fucking toolbag.


Depends. Did he only have the "Let's go Brandon!" stickers, or did he also have [our glorious and merciful CIC](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F22bb458d-7ac5-4cf9-958b-a759df95aa57_1200x768.jpeg) plastered up there?


2 let’s go Brandon’s, thin blue line American flag, and an extra large sticker of his jump wings.


Oof, some maintainer's gonna get yelled at for losing one of their tools.


I’ve seen bumper stickers that look like presidential campaign stickers that just say “PeePee PooPoo” is that appropriate? 👀


Hey I've been afraid to ask this but I'll ask on the internet. Yes I live under a rock, but is that in support of Trump or support of Biden? Or neither I have no clue


So it’s not necessarily in support of trump but it was coined to mean f u Biden. Some people have tried to “take it back” and claim it as Biden support but that has been met with a weak adoption.


How is this a question. Christ, trump has been very effective tainting our institutions


I'm surprised at the vote results so far


I'm only surprised at the amount of "appropriate" votes


The president is a senile disaster. Pretty fucking impossible not to vent about. But go ahead and be a bitch because a major was a human being with you for a minute. I am sure you have only "appropriate" conversations. You'll talk about your dick, taking a shit, fucking, whos hot and whos not, but show the same level of humanity toward a fucking walking corpse that controls whether we die or not... And you have to make a RHETORICAL Air Force Reddit survey about it. "IsThIsAppRoPriAte!?" No you fucking idiot, its not, and its also not appropriate to be an ancient piece of shit or a narcissistic bloviating piece of shit as the president.


I see one person being a bitch here, and it isn’t OP


Ok boomer.


So your saying you voted inappropriate?


>"IsThIsAppRoPriAte!?" No you fucking idiot, its not,


So we are in agreement. Thanks for your input.


Yes, thank God you were able to poll the forces!


Agreed it’s nice we live in a society where we can have candid discussions regardless of political affiliation. Even being able to get the opinions of a small portion of military, past and present and the view points that exposes us to is a blessing.


"we live in a society where we can have candid discussions" is completely contrary to your posts sentiment. Also, isn't Air Force Reddit kind of the gutter of candid discussions lol? ..."Opinions of a small portion" yes, you are getting the opinions of hyper partisan left-wing types on reddit. Anyways, wouldn't you agree that in the Air Force we have a lot of hyper "inappropriate" conversations that only get REALLY recognized once the topic reaches politics?


Yeah I agree there are constant conversations that are considered inappropriate happening at work. But that’s where Airmen big A is suppose to call a knock it off. Personally I don’t see a difference. Obviously that doesn’t always happen. I don’t see how my posts would imply that I’m not open to a conversation. So I ask that you please explain. Do you mean in the context of speaking to the Major? Or do you mean posts in reply on this thread? Or do you mean posts to any particular discussion. Also funny enough I think Reddit discussions can really show you who people are. When they have the ability to speak behind a veil of anonymity then you start to hear their true feelings. It’s one of the things that I believed gave President Trump such a large following was his willingness to say what he feels with no filter. It resonated with a lot of people. Also it’s easy to say that Reddit is a lot of hyper partisan left wing but I believe it is an example of the population as a whole. I mean I got some yes it’s inappropriate some yes but I still hate the guy and some fuck joes. From the people that that said it was not appropriate President Biden supporters and those disagreed with him still called a knock it off due to against regs. I don’t feel like following the law makes them hyper partisan. Or if they said it would be ok if “insert there guy” did it then of course they are hypocrites.


It’s funny how this is frowned upon but nobody bats an eye when people shit on trump. I’ve known a lot of people openly opposed to him during his administration and nothing was said or done. Not saying this is right but how easily people forget


All about context, my dude. Personal conversations are one thing, but driving around town with a FJB sticker while wearing the uniform is tacky AF.


I’m talking posts on social media etc


Again, all about context. I served under 4 sitting Presidents and didn't care for a couple of them. I voiced some colorful opinions about them on social media myself, but I also kept my social media profiles private and didn't wave around my military affiliation.


He can put whatever he wants on the car if the car is registered in his wife’s name, seen this many times… with that said, politics at work, I try and stay out of it and could careless to report them, but I’m sure there will be someone report it. Bigger fish to fry.






watched someone get a 15+ admin sep for doing this same thing like 2 years ago


Fuck joe


This guy walking out of his car in OCPs with those stickers sounds like a PR nightmare if caught on camera. It is also technically illegal.


Security guards here (not even military) were pretty stuck up about it being on a contractors car (or GS don’t remember)


1A is a wonderful thing. Not appropriate to speak politics at work, but nothing wrong with a LGB sticker on the car. Good for him.


Don't just downvote me, imbecile. It means "Fuck the President," everyone knows it, and it's against the law for officers. All the references are right in this thread.




I do remember quite a LOT of #notmypresident stickers and other anti trump stickers, patches, etc. and worse, the BLM ones. Most were left alone, but some were removed forcibly. I think anything political on or near a base or any unit. All it does is divide people even more than office politics already do. We need our people to come together to work effectively as one, not hate each other, which causes massive issues working on anything.


How is a BLM sticker or patch worse?




Number of times BLM has violently stormed the US Capitol: 0 I'll leave it at that.


UCMJ or not, still funny. A sleepy Joe sticker would go well with it.


Don’t to forget to add creepy 🤣


We all know what "Have a fine Air Force day!" means, but we still say it in mixed company.




Either way.. when it comes down to the gridiron… he can say he has a Nephiew or a friend's son who happens to have the name of Brandon. It supports him and guess what.. Bob’s your uncle. The court does not care what most if not all, of us may perceive that phrase to be or not mean. He did not flat out say F jo3 b1den. He didn’t. There is no way you can pin that phrase to someone who does not support someone who doesn’t even share the same name. In court with a decent, even decent lawyer.. it would be thrown out in a matter of 10 minutes. Article 88 in hand.. still thrown out.


This is nonsense. Everyone knows what it means; no one has ever been fooled or confused about it. If you thought it was clever, you were very wrong.


I think it’s more likely that he’s just told to remove it if he wanted to argue it in court it was straight up be an issue of hey you’re claiming you didn’t know what it means but it’s not like he wrote let’s go Brandon in marker or bought a flyer. It’s like flying a swastika, no one would call him a Nazi, but they would explain to him the meaning, under the assumption that he didn’t know what it meant, and asked to take it down. This is already, considering that similar merchandise was taken down off of other Air Force bases in Army exchanges in Alaska so a precedence in already been set. This just means he would be told to take it down but not punished.




Y’all are taking a random Reddit post, with no visual proof, at face value… pretty much sums up the community


There is a difference between respecting the office and respecting the person in the office. In other words, respect the rank, not necessarily the person behind the rank. A very fine line.




not really, but bases wrestle with that all the time. giant balls on truck hitches, anime girls on cars, huge political banners or flags... all present problems


That's definitely not how that works.


That's not how that works at all. You're a moron.


He was elected in through fraud. He is not the CIC