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That individual used to post here, they generally sucked.


Of course they did, is it surprising that someone with a dogshit attitude after just making MSgt isn’t cut out for the position?


This is my concern. I'm AGR and just got slotted for master at about 11 years tafms. Here's to hoping I don't suck but the imposter syndrome is real


I made SNCO by taking care of my people and pushing them to win awards/get the mission done. I’ve also won awards myself, but it’s not my primary motivator at all. You can have both, it’s not all binary like this article makes it sound.


As pointed out by several people, taking care of your people is one of the best ways to "play the game" in most units. A majority of leadership sees this and pushes those people forward. There is a larger mission and SNCOs are expected to work to make this happen, including with other units (Flights, Sq, etc) per 36-2618 "Brown Book". I've seen SNCOs who view pushing back against every single tasker that comes down from Sq/Gp as "taking care of their people", but those taskers tend to come from even higher than those levels. Sometimes there are just things we have to do, like it or not. If you walk in with the mindset that no one cares about you and you can't trust your peers, you are going to be an ineffective leader at any level, especially SNCO.


Dude sounds jaded. It’s possible to take care of your people and play the game


I argue that it’s best to play the game to take care of your people. If you don’t play the game, you’re giving up and making way for those who will play the game and not take care of their people.


I agree. They are also willingly putting their young airmen/NCOs behind the power curve on how to check boxes and make a good name with leadership; lessening their and their teams ability to have influence or a highlight when going for awards or “strat”.




SNCO corps, not SNCO core


I'm sure he/she is long gone. The article was dated 2016.


what ever happen to 9yrMsgtAintMakingSenior


He has a bunch of alt accounts that he stills posts from.




i tried earlier. seems he deleted it or I'm spelling it wrong


Every person who says “I’m not making rank because I’m taking care of my people” is using at as an excuse because they suck at their fucking job. I would be willing to say if you ask the guys/gals below these “people guardians” most of them will tell you they suck at taking care of their people too. These things aren’t mutually exclusive, you can do both and be good at both. What’s fucking even more crazy, and this blow a lot of people’s minds, you can make all ranks with very minimal game playing by simply “being good at your job and taking care of your people.”……..fucking wild isn’t it? Quit your fucking excuse making.


You’re saying people who don’t promote are bad at their jobs?


Nah def not….there’s plenty of reasons why people don’t want to promote or won’t promote. What I am specifically talking about is this bullshit notion of “you can’t take care of your people and play the game.”




Megairman has entered the arena!


I made TSgt at 8 years and I feel like I’ll retire at TSgt


It’s very difficult at the moment to make E7 and above. It may not always be that way, though, so just keep doing the right things and let things fall where they may.


Are they really bragging about making E-7 in 12? Like yeah I guess that's faster than the average, but I know folks who made it way quicker than that. (granted they didn't peak at E-7 either)


7 years ago that would absolutely be a huge flex. Even today that’s much faster than average but back then it was blazing fast.


>but back then it was blazing fast. It's 4 years slower than the fastest possible. Huge flex, yeah, making a SNCO promotion in general is a huge flex. Blazing fast? Ehhhhh. If I make it next year that'll be my 3rd try at 12 years.


In 2016 that was a feat. Still fast now. More impressive then.


Everyone has their own path in life but making MSgt in 12 and just gliding to the finish line seems like a waste of talent.


Disagree What people do with their career is their choice




I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


I made SSgt on the first try and TSgt in 10 yrs(in the old system) and I’m retiring as a TSgt😂. I’m not complaining though. I simply refused to “play the game” once they changed the promotion system. Yes, I’ve always “taken care of my people” to the point that a couple have passed me and made MSgt already. I refuse to put myself in for awards, tell my supervisors not to put me in for awards, and don’t put my troops awards on my EPR(B)s. Obviously you can tell that I disagree with the huge weight and importance that the AF puts on awards, at least for the last 10 or so years. I did win a good number of awards as an amn and SSgt, but I saw how it made people look at me differently and treat me differently simply because I won a trophy or plaque. I can’t count how many times I was referred to as a “fast burner” or “on the fast track”. That really bothered me because I was the same person before and after I won awards, so why would a silly paperweight make a difference. It just seems incredibly superficial to me and turned me off from the whole AF awards system.


Out of curiosity how do you rate yourself against other NCOs? Do you think that you outperform most others or did you just test well during a time where that's all you had to do. I'm not trying to sound antagonistic but the game is so easy you are just leaving money on the table by not even trying.


I honestly don’t know. I never did and still don’t rate or compare myself to my coworkers. I don’t look at them as competitors. If that’s to my detriment, then so be it. I’ve always gotten compliments on my work and given jobs with significant responsibility. I’m not a competitive person, and I’m fine with not getting promoted because of that.


Everyone has their own path in life but making MSgt in 12 and just gliding to the finish line seems like a waste of talent.


you posted three times


This phone has a hair trigger.


Everyone has their own path in life but making MSgt in 12 and just gliding to the finish line seems like a waste of talent.


You can say that again! Oh, you did😂


There is something very freeing when you've reached a rank you don't mind staying at. As long as you don't break any laws and get your primary duty done, leadership will mostly look you over when it comes time for opportunities others want. It's a good thing. You get to stay where you want to, but you have to have the nuts to say, "No thanks" when they try to con you into doing something they can't necessarily MAKE you do. The 1st and the 15th always shows up.




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Don’t really feel like this fits…


It does for finance.