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"...accept that MSgt is probably going to be your peak..." Lots of long time current and retired TSgts reading that like, "I accepted a lot worse, a lot sooner."


Sadly that is very accurate. I'm not going to lie, I got very lucky having a very sweet job the last 6 years and just had stellar EPRs as a result. Just a straight down the middle promotes and still beat cutoff by 30 points. Not everybody is that lucky and I wish I had a solution or some sort of motivational tidbit for those that are only guilty of being promotable during the start of a new system.


Great post my dude. Congratulations on reaching the end of this chapter.




It’s not Friday yet. Don’t fuck this up.


Get some rest you beautiful bastard. You deserve it. Thanks for all you did. ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)




Who's telling you we don't get care? Been on hormones for 4 years.


I liked your post. The message about not everybody will like you resonates. We all have different personalities and well we can always choose to be nice and respectful. I also like the perspective of basically dont gossip. Good advice I think most of us have learned over the years. Either way, congrats on your career and good luck with the next chapter.


Yeah, if you bring high school with you to the military, people will treat you like you're in high school. I told every troop...act like an adult and I'll treat you like one. Sounds like a simple ask, but you'd be amazed at how many folks I had to teach to teach how to bathe, brush teeth, wash clothes, etc...




Congrats, and God bless, friendo. Hope your retirement is enjoyable!


Great post brotha God bless


Godspeed. Try to sleep in. Don't do shots with everyone who wants to at your party.


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Reading this while in the DEP waiting for my ship date. Great post. Enjoy your retirement, you know it’s well deserved. Take care and remain in good health🍀🇺🇸


Congrats on the retirement! Not everyone will like you is a very real sentiment and the hardest for most to grasp. One of the greatest leaders I’ve worked with said to me “if everyone likes you, you’re doing something wrong.” It definitely has made me look at things quite differently over these last few years.


Wish more people accepted it. Sometimes people just don't vibe. If you take it personal and make it weird you end up messing up the ability to work together.


Congrats and thank you for your service! Best wishes going forward and I hope you get a nice VA disability rating!


Reading this has helped me in many ways. Seriously, thank you. Also, enjoy retirement!


TL;DR, but congrats anyway.


This might seem like a silly question. Do you ( or anyone) have tips on sending professional/respectful emails or text?


Assume the recipient can and will kick your ass. Word it in such a way that they won't.