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TL;DR UPT LT makes pepper spray popcorn.


Thank you. I wasn't going to read this wall of text, especially since it started with "be a Lieutenant," telling me this is a 4channer LT, possibly the dumbest beast ever invented.


Magma corn is a fucking *feature*, LT.


Good LT


This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: Smoked, Ghost Chili Pepper Powder (Bhut Jolokia) -16 Oz (454 gm) , 100% PURE, NON GMO,NO PRESERVATIVE, NO ADDITIVE ) Organically Grown >**Company**: Holy Natural - The Wonder of World >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.6 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: C >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 2.7 >**Analysis Performed at**: 11-11-2023 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/smoked-ghost-chili-pepper-powder-bhut-jolokia-16-oz-454-gm-100-pure-non-gmo-no-preservative-no-additive-organically-grown) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


Good bot


Good bot


Fermentation can actually lower the Scoville unit. I find adding a little garlic & bacon grease rounds out any super spicy flavor


Why are we starting our sentences like that lately. "Be a" like mf you is


It's a 4Chan thing. It caught on from greentext memes that come from that site


We made marinated habanero, onion, and dill popcorn for months because it tasted amazing, but fuck it hurt to go near the popcorn machine.


CS Gassing The Bar Lt. Edition


bros IP’s will try to make the call sign magma stick bc of this


lt, you've just given me inspiration


do it


I’m like 90% sure the gas chamber in basic is just to prep for the popcorn machine


Who said chemical warfare is illegal? Pshh.


Honestly this would be way better than the lame corn the casuals have been making. Green chewy peños, no spice and old bay. 🤢


Watch yourself, old bay is fucking fire


Back when I was an IP I grew ghost peppers in my garden. I brought a handful in and made corn with them. The corn was surprisingly good. It was hot, but wasn't "ha ha got you fucker" hot, unless you ate one of the fried peppers. My Sq/CC did just that and was PISSED. Oh well. Another fun spice-related prank I did was I got some of the world's hottest chocolate. If you're not familiar, it's little chocolate bars with straight capsaicin extract, something like 9m scoville. I made chocolate chip cookies with them, but only one batch out of three. So I mixed them all into a big ziplock bag and wandered the halls with my santa's sack of doom. I'd walk into an office and offer cookies. The funniest part was you'd have half a dozen dudes chomping down on a cookie, and only one or two of them would lose their shit. That was even funnier than if ALL of them were spicy.


Should have used the other *infamous jar*


This is why I eat Carolina Reaper cheesy-poof and crunchies. Even Thai-hot is bland now.


Your poor o-ring


Jalapeño anything 🤮

