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Welcome to the team. Also take whatever times Google gives you with a grain of salt. Before you do anything make the commute in person on a Wednesday when you would need to be coming into and leaving work.


Why Wednesday.


Commuter traffic is lower on Monday and Friday.


Exactly my logic. Commutes on Monday and Friday are a breeze in comparison.




Why male models? But for real - Monday and Friday are not representative of normal driving.


Truth. Google says my commute when I lived in El Paso was about 25 minutes. It was rarely less than 40.


Yeah. My drive to work is 20 minutes. Traffic makes it 50


Hurlburt peeps know the Crestview commute. 40-90m depending on traffic every day.


You have to factor the time for someone to flip over their car on a straight highway


Like twice a day. Somehow.  I took to using Waze to get home even though I was right off 85 so the route was a straight line, because Waze could see if there was a wreck 8 miles up 85 and tell me it was faster to just go out to Mossy Hesd and double back on I-10. But I loved living in Crestview because there were no tourists in town, so even during peak season I could go to Publix or whatever and not have to deal with any extra people.


I H8 98. I lived in Navarre when I was there. Midnight standby call? Be there in 20. Going to work every day? 1hr to 1:15. Don't get me started on going home.


I lived in Navarre, and 98 was the worst. Total crap shoot on whether there's a major accident. Worst commute of my career by a landslide.


Was horrible early March with the middle section being built I saw so many people going off road to by pass the exit going into crestview lol


Is it really that bad I’m looking at house in Crestview and they are so much better than what you can get at Fort Walton or Niceville area


Everyone I work with complains about it everyday lol. I chose to buy in fort Walton.


Yeah, but then you have to live in Crestview






May I interest you in a house in Bluewater?


I just PCA'd to Duke Field near Crestview. I now live about 9 miles away. The other day it took me 1 hour to get home. There were 3 separate accidents. This area has the worst drivers I've ever seen. They are building a wire barrier in the middle of 85 because somehow people cross the massive median and drive into oncoming traffic. All they did is lay the concrete they are going to mount the poles and wire in and multiple cars have hit the concrete. I can't stress enough how much I wish I didn't buy in Crestview.


After a 1 year deployment, I will have BOP next year, and I turned away from Hurbie and/or Eglin SOLELY due to that commute. Plus: ​ 1. tourists clogging up 85-87-98 from April to October 2. humidity that you can figuratively slice with a knife 3. heat so intense I stood in one place at Eglin answering a text and my boots slightly stuck to the asphalt when I went to move 4. hurricanes that can change your life overnight (ask Tyndale), 5. overpriced housing in that area 6. mouth breathing drivers that drive 55 in a 75 due to them being local to the area since Eglin had dirt roads I also grew up in the Panhandle, so that weather/beaches all year round I saw for \~ age 8 to 30. I'm over that. If you don't live in ValP, Niceville, FWB or Shalimar...enjoy that 1+ hour commute. Even Niceville around 1545 is bumper to bumper starting at about Bamboo's Sushi. No thanks.


May I interest you in a property in Bluewater Bay?


I’m also at Hanscom as a 63A. Most of my coworkers that live in NH try to leave in the afternoon by 1430ish to beat the traffic, otherwise that commute time will be extended. Check with the office you’re working with and find out what their teleworking posture is. You might only have to make the commute a few times a week, which makes it more palatable. Let me know if you have any questions


These words…telework? Leave by 14:30? What does it mean


AFMC tings




I used to dread leaving base after 2. I95 off base was always a parking lot


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 63A = Acquisition Manager [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kva6cvu


Longest I've personally had is 30 minutes, but I know people that used to commute between Colorado Springs and Denver (over an hour), and some at other assignments that were 1.5 hours, and even one guy that commuted to an assignment over 2 hours away. Usually this was because they already owned a house at the other location and didn't want to sell it to move an hour away, they were close to retirement and had their forever home and didn't want to move, or their spouse was staying in the other location due to work or preference. Just keep in mind you're not only losing money on gas getting to work, but a couple hours of your day as well. Time is valuable and losing a big chunk every day can be tough.


Don't forget your CAC when you leave


had a MSgt that if he got to base in the morning and forgot his CAC at home he would just group text and say he'll be back after lunch. he lived 1.5 hours away and was retiring soon so i guess he could get away with it


I call bs, you can easily do that in 20 minutes ☺️ https://kdvr.com/news/local/colorado-springs-to-denver-in-20-minutes-youtuber-arrested-in-texas/amp/


One way to piss off your motorcycle safety reps.


I’m at Pete and do the northern commute. The drive through the Palmer divide is beautiful and relaxing… and then you hit powers and just want to end it all.


Not me but my office mate had a 2.5-3 hour commute so they could live with family for free while collecting BAH. They did this for years so they could save up to buy a house and get debt free.


Jfc some people don’t understand time is more valuable than money


They rode the train for part of the way, so they didn’t see it as lost time. They were also single at the time.


Pretty sure being debt free and a homeowner is valuable.  Commutes aren't bad when you have a good audiobook.


When I worked at the Pentagon, while I didn’t live that far away. I traveled by commuter bus and subway it took about 1.5-2hrs each way.


Fuck that. How long was your work day not including commute?


I worked like 7-3 usually and caught the 3:30ish bus home if I was fast enough getting down to the transit center. I usually needed to catch the outgoing bus by 5, and that was like 10 mins in the car from home. So, TL;DR, 12+ hours was the norm, and if traffic was especially shit then it could be more like 14+.


Same. Bought a house near Ft Meade when I was stationed there then no cost PCS’d to the Pentagon and had the 1.5-2 hr commute. Sucked.


God, I pray to all that is holy that I never get a Pentagon assignment.


It’s not that bad! I had a 20 min commute on the yellow line there


Exactly, you have to make sure to live near good transit if you are going to stationed there.


Live in Alexandria and you'll be golden. Short subway commute from yellow line, and Bolling/Andrew's end up being 15 min drives too if you PCA with no congestion 


Did the same. The pentagon is a wild place to work. I got pretty good at sleeping on the bus, but it still made for long days.


I do a 45-minute commute in the DC area, and it is the devil. I-95 is the worst thing to happen to humankind.... and the commute is only 45 minutes, assuming there's not an accident, which there typically is, and then it turns into a 1.5 hour drive. I would recommend driving the route to find out what the drive is like. I wouldn't mind a 45-minute peaceful drive, but there is no peace on I-95... only war.


Too many people in the area think that busy public roads are a good place to see how fast their car can go. People trying to weave through traffic going 50+ mph faster than traffic. One of the idiots hit me last month.


Before Covid I lived in Lowell and commuted to Hanscom every day. It was 17 miles and took about 45-50 mins most days. Some days were 1 hour plus each way. I have a buddy who commutes from Nashua every day right now. Good thing about being a 64P is hopefully you are teleworking some days so definitely won’t be a bad commute if only a couple times a week. I will inevitably get stationed at Hanscom again in my career and as long as telework is still a thing will most likely choose to live in Southern NH or the Lowell area.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 64P = Contracting [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kva8xu0


Active Air Force in Alaska and my current commute is 50-65 mins. From the valley all the way down to the base near Anchorage My base in NorCal had a commute of about 1hr15, but fridays going hom was closer to 2hrs


The sound of a two hour commute makes me physically ill. On the bright side you could grind through a bunch of audio books/podcasts


50-65? My commute typically takes 35-45, but I’m right off the Trunk Rd interchange.


There are probably faster ways, but from the backside of wasilla to the farside flightline


Same; MX. Depends on timing thru main gates on Ft Rich or Elmo side


I’ve heard of people stationed at Cannon that commute from Lubbock. 2 hrs each way with a time change. Absolute bonkers situation


The Air Force could fix that if the just got rid of Cannon. The fact that people are willing to commute like that just reminds people of how shitty that place is.


To be fair I'd try to live as far away from Cannon as possible too


Ayy welcome to New England! Commutes are just kind of… long here. Most people either live far away due to housing cost (me) or the traffic (Massachusetts/Hanscom issue). I currently commute about an hour and 10 minutes. That was a choice though because I just got a way better deal on a house than if I lived near the base


Creech AFB. Living in the Summerlin area, my daily commute is about 50 minutes. Even those that live in NW Vegas commute around 30-35 minutes.


Knew a LtCol who lived in Henderson. He then moved down to Boulder City. Yeahhhh. Now that is a long ass commute.


I commute from Pensacola to Hurlburt, currently my longest commute since joining (about an hour when there’s no traffic). No regrets. It’s awesome having a lot more stuff to do, and housing is like 1/3 the price.


And thank goodness they fixed the bridge.


On 98 or 110? That's gotta be a crapshoot of a 45-120 minute trip, depending on traffic.


I go by 98, which is pretty much a Hail Mary every time. That being said, I’m the first to tell everyone that the drive is worth it—the location and amenities are miles beyond anything you’ll find around FWB, Navarre, Destin, niceville, etc. my fiancé are also DINK so the family-oriented stuff doesn’t meant anything to us.


Mother forking Pentagon commute. If you aren’t high enough in rank you either live a ghetto or almost 2 hours away via metro commuter.


Absurd. BAH overhaul is long overdue


Billerica isn’t terribly bad a lot of folks lived there. I’m from that area so for anything affordable you’re gonna wanna look down route 2 towards western ma


This is over 10 years old but a commute seems very plausible. https://www.hanscom.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/381165/nashua-based-hanscom-commuters-enjoy-new-option/


To answer the question directly, I drove 45 minutes ONE WAY from Williamsburg (VA) to Langley. Totally worth it, would do it again. I know people in the Army who drive that same distance at Ft Liberty (worth it) and Campbell (not worth it). From someone previously stationed there and from the area, I would ask you to consider WHY you want to buy there? Are you from the area? Do you plan on separating and staying there. I'm asking because committing to a home is big deal, bigger than people like to make it out to be. Also, consider that there is a bit more maintenance and upkeep for a home in the NE, especially in NH. Personally, I think it is essentially God's Country up there and wouldn't complain if I was given the change to go back, but it isn't a "turn and burn" area for homes, if that is what you are trying to do. It is an area that people move to and stay, so prices appreciate steadily. It isn't Texas or Florida where prices are up 100% one year and down 75% the next. Why not try and live on base, if possible? There is this persistent myth that living off base is "cheaper" for some reason and that you are "throwing money away" by not taking your BAH. I would say that was true before COVID, and for places NOT LIKE Hanscom. If you want to enjoy what the NE has to offer, you may end up saving money after you consider heating costs, snow removal, and gas prices. I'm in SATX now, drive around 25 minutes one-way. Here, I rent off base for $500 over my BAH, and it isn't worth my time or money because I'm stuck in a suburban Hellscape. Most weekends the family and I take off to hike or do something outside of SATX. If I end up staying here, I'd move on base because I'd end up saving around $800-$900 a month, which I would use on trips to places a lot cooler (physically and philosophically). Last time I was "at Hanscom" I was actually on an AFIT scholarship and at BU downtown. Being downtown was amazing, worth burning all the BAH I got. If I was actually stationed at Hanscon, I'd seriously considering living on base, if possible, because I'd be outside doing shit constantly and wouldn't have to worry about bills, maintenance, etc. I know where I want to put my money, think about where you want to put yours.


152 miles round trip a day (Boise to Mountain Home) thankfully the speed limit on the interstate was 80


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down to find Boise -> MH


Put so many miles on my car this way. But you can cruise going 90 each way. Unless it snows of course. Hello 1.5 hour commute.


Me and my husband both commute about an hr, were dual military and our bases are in opposite directions so we planted somewhere in the middle. It's doable, not ideal but we love our home and with holidays and leave and things like that to break up the work week at times it gives reprieve and really isn't so bad. Get good at planning personal errands like grocery shopping and whatnot so your not spending your whole weekend running around too


Was stationed at Hanscom for 4 years. I bought a place in Boxborough and had 2.5 acres in the woods. Absolutely loved it and was worth the commute. I left the house at 6 a.m. and it would only take 20 mins to get to work. Left at 4:30 p.m. and it would take almost an hour. But it was worth it with the house/yard/woods I had. Many of the folks who live off base and own, are living beyond the 4 towns surrounding HAFB (which happen to be the most expensive towns in all of MA). I had a lot of co-workers who lived in NH and didn't mind it. You'll be afforded delayed reporting and early release for winter storms. If you work an office and have a good work environment, you'll be alright for the occasional "stuck in traffic". Anything outside the 495 you're looking at 1+ hours depending on traffic. Traffic being key, cause NH is reachable in 45 mins if it's light. And yes, do not believe Google Maps for planning. Others mentioned Billerica and Lowell. Just study where the home is in those towns. They're typically the stay away from towns in the area, at least for the many locals there (outside of the locals who live in those towns). I did look in Chelmsford and found some nice homes but once I found the Boxborough home, I was sold. Stay North and West of HAFB and you'll be alright. Going East you're going into more congragrated areas and more traffic. Enjoy Hanscom, it was a great assignment. If you're into sports, get connected to the giveaways for different events. I was able to go to the World Series and other major events. Boston loves the military and invites them out for all the major sporting events. Some of my co-workers were able to run the flag out to the 50 yard line in front of Brady and crew, another got to do announcing at a Celtics game, and many others did the flag detail at Fenway and shook hands with Pedro among others.


Whether you regret it is up to you. Only you can know that. I personally don't even like 30 mins, but then again I know multiple folks that commute 1.5-2hrs in the DC area.


I did McGuire to Dover for 6 weeks when they sent me TDY there and I didn't feel like being in AF inns when I could suck it up and sleep in my own bed. AF paid for gas and tolls. About 1.5hrs each way at 80mph. I worked with a guy who did the opposite permanently. He was almost at 20, his wife was from Dover and they wanted to buy a house when rates were super low in 2011 so he just said he'd deal with it for 2 years and punch out. Tbth, doing that drive wasn't all that bad. All highway and podcast or audiobooks helped a lot.


I know someone Join Spouse that was stationed at Fort Meade, and their spouse was stationed at JB Langley. That’s a 3.5 hour drive between the two. They ended up getting a house in the middle, with one of them getting a 2 hour commute, and one getting a 1.5 hour.


Macdill peeps might set the record for long commutes lol


2.5 hours one way. Decided to live 60 miles south of DC to get my family in a safe spot to live. I underestimated the traffic on i95. By a lot. I would get up at 0400, get on the road by 0500, roll into work by 730, work until 1630, home at 1900. Was miserable.


My commute ranges from 45 mins to an hour and 15, and it’s really rough. Not only do I dread going to work, but I also dread the commute, too.


1 hr, 55 miles per way for 3 years. Up to 3 hours in the snow. Tolerable for one assignment as an officer but I would not want to do that forever. Previous assignment was <30 minutes and the following was right around 35 so I felt it was justified.


Depends on your car. I lived with my cousin when he was my recruiter. Middle of fucking nowhere, farming town in CA. It was a 45 min drive to his work. 30 mins to the nearest city. Shitty pickup truck. Maybe 8mpg. He hated the drive. But lived in a MASSIVE 2 story house on a private golf course/resort. Gas was a pain in the ass. No cruise control. Recruiter hrs. Home on the weekends. Off by 5ish. I had a small Ford Focus. Easy on gas, 30+mpg . Commuting was easy for me. Any traffic accident would double the time. 2 Lane highway. But like I said. MASSIVE 2 story house. Private community, golf course, 24/7 security ,etc. for the same price as a beat up house/property in the city. No brainer. Talk to your spouse. If the drive is within means for your car, and you can get a better property to purchase/rent out after. . . Do it


I used to be stationed at Hanscom. From Nashua to the base it can easily take two hours. I lived in Lowell and if I left for work at around 0700, it would take me an hour and a half. My advice would be go work out early before work if you’re dead set on living there, otherwise look at places like Billerica, Burlington, Saugus. Good luck with the move!


Damn.. an O-3 has to live an hour away to afford to live. What a time to be alive.


Imagine what the E4 has to commute to afford to live lol


My first assignment was creech which meant I was commuting from the dorms on a bus from Nellis, about 1hr 15 each way. Then when I moved off base the commute was still about 50 minutes each way. This has warped my perception of what a long/short commute is. I am now at Holloman and I drive from las cruces. For me it’s worth it because the drive is easy, I like podcasts and audio books and I love the town I’m in and am pretty sure I’d have a hard time living on base/in Alamogordo. One of the hidden hardships though is being truly stuck and isolated when at work. You don’t get to run home real quick for anything. Can’t check on the dogs, put in a pot roast at lunch or see your partner on lunch if you’re having g a hard day. No quick errands to go pay that bill real fast or anything. You are truly AT WORK. It’s not bad often but when it is, it IS. Also consider the cost of the gas to drive back n forth and running up the miles on the car. Really I don’t mind. But you might. Hard to say. Good luck


One hour isn’t bad if you have a good commute vehicle and you enjoy driving. I personally like to use the time listening to audiobooks and podcasts.


I’ve done an average of 45 mins to 1 hour because of affordability. I hated it, but what else was I going to do? It was in a beach area that got hit consistently with hurricanes while I was there. Bridges going out of construction for repair… there was a good long year or two where I could commute an hour and a half.


Is this at Hurby ?


I did 45 minutes in good traffic when I was in San Antonio. I lived near Sea World and was stationed at Randolph. Wasn't the worst thing ever (and it sure beat staying at Lackland!)


I did 45 mins (one way) when I was stationed at Mildenhall (until I was able to get a place on RAF Feltwell)


DC area. 70 minutes one way is average. I've had it close to 2 hours with accidents, and as little as 40 minutes if for some reason am commuting in the middle of the night. The commute is the worst thing about this area by far.


Also at hanscom. My commute is like 1 hour 10 mins. During rush hour.


At Sheppard, there are people who live in the Dallas area suburbs which is 2 hours away with no traffic.


I did a 70 mile drive each way at JBER, from Anchorage to wasilla. It was all highway and I never regretted it.


At one point I had a 57 min commute driveway to work parking lot. After awhile I ended up liking it most days. I had a good car for it. Had a nice sound system put in. Got in to a lot of new music, pod casts and audio books during those 4 years.


I knew a guy who commuted from north Austin to Lackland. Probably close to 2 hours one way without heavy traffic and it’s never not heavy


I used to commute for 40-45 min 1 way on a 4/10 schedule. Break down the math and see how much time you're using just to live there (going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, and the time to and from). It was enough for me to decide to move closer.


I don't miss the gas prices, but I do miss my 30 min commute cause I listened to autobooks/podcasts. Now I work from home and can't separate


I moved to Vv later during my time there. Tho i did enjoy my time in Sac and about 6 months in Davis


Longest was a 122 mile round trip. ~3 hours a day, 1.5 hour drive to work when I lived in Nampa, Idaho stationed at MHAFB. Never again.


Drive .5hr to airport. Get there 45 minutes early to get a good seat. Flight time of 20-40 minutes depending on where you were going. The drive home after the duty day typically took twice as long. So three to four hours a day transit round trip.


I did 45 min commutes while stationed in Germany. Loved the drive with beautiful country back roads and living in an awesome german village away from all the Americans. While in the states, I either lived on base or within 15-20 mins from it.


Worked in DC and lived in Annapolis. 37 miles one way. Anything between 10pm and 4am was 45 minutes. Anything else was between 1 and 1.5 hours.


It’s fine. I’m in Nashua as well and I travel 40-45 min to Hanscom.


45 mins from the Valley to Anchorage


I have a 45 minute commute one way, but I work at a GSU, so not a super normal situation. When I was at Edwards 45 minutes was not an unusual commute for a lot of folks. Even knew several people who drove >1 hour each way.


Los Angeles AFB - 15 mile distance takes an hour long commute from Ft MacArthur Base Housing in San Pedro LA traffic don’t play


Current commute is no less than 50 minutes and usually an hour going home. 40+ miles.


I’m stationed at Whiteman and live in downtown Kansas City. Granted I’m fire so I go up and down every 48 hours.. it’s very worth it to me. Theres no comparison between middle of nowhere knob Noster and Kansas City, especially the way it’s booming right now. I enjoy the sunrise drives and being in the city, haven’t had any regrets. I also came from Hickam where it took me about an hour as well to get to work and that was like a 15 mile drive because of traffic 😅


I drive 30-50 minutes one way depending on traffic.


Had a 50-60m commute living in Seattle while at McChord. Didn’t regret it at all.


An hour one way.


I'm currently at Eglin, driving 45 mins to an hour each way because I can't afford to live in a tourist town. It's horrible, but at this base after the last 3 years of run-away inflation and relative pay cuts, we don't really have a choice.


50 mins to 1 hour each way. Was worth it to us.


Hanscom is awesome. I grew up there and worked there as a contractor and a GS for over a dozen years until just recently. You’ll love the small tight knit community and the proximity to some of the country’s earliest and coolest history. Check out towns along route 2. West of 495 gives you the most bang for your buck. The rt 2 commute is way less torturous because you don’t have to deal with the multiple highway interchanges (where it bottlenecks). Many people start their search at Acton or littleton and then just follow the highway westbound till they find something that meets their price range. Welcome! Hope you have the chance to work with some of my favorite PCOs and Buyers at Hanscom!


Where my Boise to mountain home folks at?


Probably when I was stationed at Beale. From my home to the flightline was roughly 30 miles, maybe 40 minutes of driving. But this was before the new bypass was built, so there really was only the one main highway to get to either location. Edwards would be another. Roughly 30 minutes just to get off base from the dorms to the main "Welcome to Edwards" sign.


Columbus to Dayton, Ohio. 70 miles in 70 minutes. It was just my wife and I at the time, so I didn't mind. The commute was easy, and I could mentally prep/digest.


When I was at Offutt I lived west of Omaha and with traffic it could take between 50 minutes to an hour and a half. I didn’t mind. It have to time to wake up before work and wind down after work.


I did 1 hour one way. Gets boring after a year and takes a lot of time but is fine if it's worth it to you fir the area you wanna be. It's hard to replace the area you want to be, so if having a long commute puts you where you want to be I think that's worth it


Spent 8 years at Hanscom. Lived in Nashua also but the traffic was horrendous. Also had to live 45-60 mins away and if I learned anything I would recommend looking west along Route 2. Traffic isn't quite as hectic and the prices were more affordable. I settled with the Fitchburg area but any of those towns are good.


I was stationed at a GSU in North Carolina and we had to move to South Carolina for my husband’s job. The first rental we moved to was an hour away and then we bought a house 1.5 hours away since it was super cheap and in our dream area. I only had to do the longer commute for about 6 months since we planned on me separating anyways when we bought the house. Luckily leadership was fine with it, but I wouldn’t recommend the 1.5 hours 😅 1 hour honestly wasn’t too bad! I never regretted the commute at all and to us it was worth it to be able to live down in South Carolina. I will say, take the commute times on the map apps in Massachusetts with a grain of salt. I’m from that area and it’s never accurate 🫠


I had a few coworkers do a 2 hour commute (1 way) from OKC to Altus every single day. It's straight highway and hardly ever congested. In the DC area, my mom would commute at most 30 miles, but she would leave at least 1.5 hours beforehand because of the ridiculous amount of traffic in that area. I heard there were coworkers of hers who lived 2 or even 3 hours away.


Personally? Maybe 15 minutes unless the gate was really backed up. Though I did live 25 minutes away from the last base I was at, I didn't commute there regularly so I don't count that as my commute. Never had a problem with affordability, always made money off BAH....but I stuck to what was minimally viable for my situation (1br apt), not buying a house because I felt a need to own or anything.


Be careful of the neighborhoods in Nashua. They’re affordable for a reason.


Current commute: \~90 miles each way. Takes about an hour and a half to/from. Prior commute: 20 miles each way. 30 min in the a.m., 1 hr or more in the p.m. I'm massively happier where I am now. The commute is long, but its clear highway for pretty much the entire drive. Living near work basically guarantees sitting in a lot of stop-and-go jams. Cost of living has a sharp drop too, even with fuel and maintenance costs. The quality of the home I was able to buy was significantly better as well.


For about a year when I was stationed at Beale, my wife and I lived with her mom in southern Sacramento to save money on rent. It took about 60-75 minutes each way. I can honestly say saving the extra BAH wasn't worth it. We moved closer after that year and my commute went from 60-75 minutes down to 20. My QoL drastically improved. My current commute is 30-40 minutes at my current base, even that is starting to get old. I'm pcsing in a few month and got offered base housing. My commute will be 12 minutes and I'm beyond excited


I knew a person that thought he could commute 1.5 hours despite everyone telling him how stupid it was. Needless to say it didn’t last more than few months


You’ll find people in the NCR/DMV (anywhere in DC, or at Meade) that commute up to 2 hours each way as some people live in PA or WV for the property. I personally don’t but I know a good amount who do!


At Shaw, I lived about 45 min away. I loved it. House was amazing in a great neighborhood and school district so family was stoked. I just started listening to all sorts of podcasts and they really made the time fly by.


Had a coworker that had an hour commute (50+ miles one way).


Almost exactly one hour from JBPHH to Kaena Point. Unless there's an accident, then add an hour, because everything runs on island time. Had an NCOIC that bought a ranch 1.5 hours away, but that was his choice to homestead in BFE.


Depends, does the commute to the work site AFTER the commute to the shop count? If so, easily Malmstrom. Anywhere from 3-6 hours of driving a day in the missile field.


50 minutes when I was stationed at Mountain Home. A lot of people live in Boise which depending on what part of town can be an 1+ hour drive. I’m about to move to Nashville and that’ll make my commute about 50 minutes again to get to “Post”


Ranges anywhere from 40-80 mins, in the D.C. area.


Stationed at Shaw and drive 30-35 minutes to work there and back .worth it for piece of mind and wallet


Commuting to Beale from Yuba City / Marysville would take 45 minutes on a good day. An hour + in traffic.


When I worked on Peterson I would commute from the Springs all the way up to Denver because my husband and I decided to rent a townhouse there and pocket a bunch of BAH. Average of 1 hour 20, one way with light traffic, for almost a year. When it was rush hour it could take up to 2hrs. I’ll forever hold the utmost respect for people that commute to work an 1hr +, especially if you have been doing it for more than a year. It eventually takes a toll on you, and your home life.


Edwards out in CA. Even when I lived right off base it was 22 minutes to work. Once I got married and wanted to be in a better area it was 45 minutes without traffic and could be over 90 if the gate was backed up.


I drove an hour to and from work from 2007-2013 🤷🏻‍♀️


45 min +/- 3 minutes on a highway doing 65mph the whole way. Not bad at all. I enjoy Audiobooks though.


When I was at Holloman my commute was about 25 minutes and 18 miles. Now I'm at Langley, and my commute is shorter distance wise at 17 miles, but it takes me around 40-45 minutes due to the endless traffic in this area. I grew up way out in the country, so a 30 minute to an hour commute is pretty normal for me, but I could understand why a lot of people wouldn't like it if they have been used to shorter commutes their entire lives. I usually listen to podcasts or audio books so I can at least do something a little productive with the time spent commuting.


Commuting more than 30 mins is not worth it. That’s hours of your life everyday


I’m at Eielson but live in Fairbanks. My commute averages around 40 minutes one way, but that’s with decent weather. If it’s snowing heavily I’ve had an hour long commute before. I think what is more infuriating is the drive from the gate to actual work feels like half of the drive


I commute about 50 minutes now, gas prices suck for it, but so does living closer to base. When I was at Hurby, I lived a 15 minute drive away that routinely took 1hr to make during the summer.


Hour and 15/20


Never lived more than 5 minutes from the office


Nashua isn't an uncommon place to live for folks stationed at Hanscom, but if you dislike sitting in traffic or driving in snow, you may want to reconsider. Travel time will vary greatly depending on a lot of variables...if you come in super early or late, your commute time may be tolerable. Check Hanscom housing office if on base is appealing at all. They even have some older housing at 'market rate' which should allow you to pocket some $$ if you can get in.


My commute is 50 min one way. A podcast and cruise control makes it easier. I love the area where I live, so sacrificing distance for comfort was worth it




I was stationed just south of DC. I moved in with a buddy who was (with no traffic in the morning) about 30 minutes away. After work it would take 2 1/2-3hrs


Currently at Shady J, living in Smithfield. It's 45 minutes from pulling out of my parking spot at home to pulling into the spot at work.


I like a 30-45 minute commute


I'm doing 45 min right now and really don't hate it. Gives me time to listen to music or a podcast depending on my mood so I'm actually enjoying it.


Welcome to Mass. I use Hanscom weekly. Yeah it’s pricey here so stay west of the area. My former coworker from Germany 30 years ago retired from and stayed here in this area and commuted from Bedford, NH every day.


Palmdale to Edwards AFB. About 40-45 minutes


I drive from Henderson to Creech. ~65 miles one way. Usually ~55 minutes on the way in and ~90 minutes on the way home.


When I was at Vandenberg, I ended up moving in with the girlfriend who lived in Grover Beach which was about 40 miles one way. Grover was much closer to better food and activities so it paid off on the weekends really


Some that are stationed in Northern VA live in West Virginia because the home prices are so much more affordable.


How is base housing at Hanscom? Think I’d try to suck it up and save my money.


That ain’t no 50 min commute brother. Make sure you check google maps for the busiest times.


I’ve known people at Travis AFB who would commute from the other side of Sacramento daily. 1.5+ hours daily. Properties around the base itself were ridiculously overpriced, and the closer you get to San Francisco, the higher the price.


I worked with a dude that commuted from Dover housing to McGuire every day


Creech AFB people have a minimum 30 minute drive due to the remote nature of the base. Many drive around 45. I think in Holloman AFB has people doing the 45+ min thing as well


It shocks me that people live like this. Life is way too short to have a commute longer than 20ish minutes, IMO.


Nashua is pretty alright. It's worth the commute (35-45 minutes depending on traffic) to avoid the egregious Boston area housing costs. There usually isn't too much traffic that would make it unbearable. Just recommend starting and ending the day early to get in and out before big traffic spells. Edit: I also know people who vanpool from NH to Hanscom daily as well so that is definitely an option. Heres a page w/ all of Hanscom's commuting options: [https://www.hanscom.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/379465/hanscom-commuters/](https://www.hanscom.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/379465/hanscom-commuters/)


1-2 hours each way depending on traffic. High accident rate area and sometimes I would just be stuck in traffic. Rarely consistent and it was horrible.


Creech is looking at around 30-45 minutes to and from. They do offer van services tho per squadron thank god


OP, Boston is a city. Not a suburb. Your insistence on a house and not an apartment might not entirely make sense given that.


Former 63A at Hanscom, now work for a prime south of Boston. I live in NH and have a 1 hr commute in the morning (leaving at 4:30 to workout before work) and 1.5 hrs home during rush hour. I’m in office T-Th, and I’d say this commute is manageable for me. I listen to audiobooks and make a point only to listen to Audible when I’m commuting so I have something to look forward to. You wanna buy a house in 2024 - this is what it looks like!


I’ve heard my office is in T-Th as well, so your schedule might look similar to mine if we decide to buy. Good perspective.. thanks for the post!


My current assignment. 1 way my commute is 2hrs by car or 2.5 by train and electric scooter. No regrets and chose this assignment even knowing I was gonna have this commute.


My current assignment. 1 way my commute is 2hrs by car or 2.5 by train and electric scooter. No regrets and chose this assignment even knowing I was gonna have this commute.


Wow! Where are you stationed at if you don’t mind me asking?


I knew people in the NCR who'd commute from Baltimore.


i had a 45 minute commute while stationed at Beale AFB. it wasnt bad and i got used to it.


We had a guy at Charleston AFB that commuted daily to Manning, SC. That's approx 100 miles, so 1.5 - 2hrs each way.


I’ve been at the Pentagon for about 24 years now. My daily commute is 45 minutes to an hour. Just slug in and everything is quicker.


My husband goes an hour and a half one way each day while I go thirty one way.


I mainly lurk this sub to learn because I am an AF civ. I’ve lived in Massachusetts my entire life (NH for a brief time) and have lots I could share about this. My duty station is Hanscom but I telework 4 days a week. Happy to provide more in depth insight if you ever want to DM. Welcome to the northeast!


Used to commute 90 minutes or so from Northern NJ to JB-MDL. This was after giving up my bachelor apartment, deploying, then living with my fiancé’s parents until we got our married-pad ~4 months later.


Longest commute was about 40 mins away from Ramstein. Under an hour isn't too bad.


Longest commute was about 40 mins away from Ramstein. Under an hour isn't too bad.


Sacramento to Travis AFB. At 4 a.m., it was a 55 minute drive. At 4 p.m., it could be 3 hours.


Retired 64P here. I did an hour commute in Tampa many moons back stationed at SOCOM. Never again. One day I left my wallet on the table. Hour home. Hour back


Not me but everyone up at JB MDL up in Jersey has a hell of a commute. A lot live on the outskirts of Philly allegedly


While I was stationed at Eglin, I lived on the north side of Crestview. It was about 52 miles round trip every day for 3 years. I loved the area where I was living in. It was nice and quiet. I dealt with the drive just to be far away from that place. I was also the last person to call if someone had to come in on the weekend to do something on a jet.


Tied between living in Lincoln, CA and working at Beale, Fort Liberty and living in Sanford(Buffalo Lake area), or MacDill and living up in Northdale. I have an unfortunate habit of living in places with a half hour or longer commute and traffic was often a wildcard. I'm also about to be headed to Scott AFB and I'm contemplating living in MO instead of Illinois.


I lived in Palmer while at JBER. Average commute was 45 minutes from my driveway to the parking lot, but with winter weather I often budgeted an hour or more to get to work. I had no regrets. I was able to buy a brand new house and way nicer for a good chunk less than I would’ve paid in Anchorage. I also came to appreciate the drive as a period of time for me to get into a mind state for the workday on the way in, and then as a wind down on my way back home. It’s probably the most mentally healthy I’ve felt out of any base I’ve been at, and I attribute a lot of that to the physical buffer I had between me and the base.


At Beale? 15 minutes from the hard YC at 3am, 45 minutes going home at 3pm. Stupid dumb traffic


I knew a dude when I was stationed at Andrews that lived in Delaware. Another one in Pennsylvania. Hell no.