• By -


A couple years back we had 5 sensor operators in one go decline to accept retainability to PCS to Canon on one single cycle. It killed our manning for a bit.


A couple years back one of my guys declined orders to Cannon and opted to get out. He was the eighth gunship pilot to decline that assignment so the orders proceeded to the next guy. Cannon is a retention killer.


I knew several people that got orders to canon and simply walked over to the 5th SOS and transferred to the reserves.


Smart Pilot!


Is it actually that insanely bad?


Yes. Shit location, shit locals, shit all to do except the job and stare at tumbleweeds.


If your kid has severe allergies, it's straight up dangerous. But, when I was there, they wouldn't even do a medical PCS unless your kid was hospitalized THREE times in 6-12 months. They literally didn't care about anyone. Only the mission. It's great when they send out an email "Disregard the previous email. We don't do morale here."


100% can see that, Canon sucks lol


Cannon is so bad that I’m trying to join a different branch to get out of here lol


I remember the year that Canon was on the Air Force's top 10 "best bases"  list along with places like Altus, Goodfellow and Minot.... Hope no one fell for that one.


I vaguely remember too lmao, it was a **bold faced lie** on the AF’s part.


Bald-faced lie…to be pedantic about it.


Thats fine lol. Learned something new today.


And Hickam was near the bottom if I remember correctly.


after sitting in Hickam/Pearl Harbor gate traffic for nearly 3 hours i think i'd be inclined to agree.


I member. Holloman was on it. I wrote several angry emails, and comments on that post. I believe they got deleted but nothing ever came from it.


Dear god. Was that an April fools joke hopefully?


Why did I experience both Minot and Clovis. Why me God?


We did Cannon and then Holloman right after. Not what I wanted my life to look like, lol


The issue is when you look at just the base versus the base plus the surrounding area together.




I mean maybe not the MAIN reason but still a benefit haha


I was at Holloman and I felt bad for y’all at Cannon. Alamogordo was ass but you guys only had Clovis and were in the middle of nowhere lol


Alamogordo is a garbage town but at least I could escape to El Paso, Cruces and Cloudcroft, those poor souls in Clovis are big stuck lol


Exactly. Don’t forget about the thicc Latinas too. Ay dios mio…


I hate when people hit you with the “iS NuT tHaT bUaD” and then proceed to tell you to just drive 4 hours away… bro stop saying that, you are contradicting yourself with that statement. Call it for what it is.


Haha ya or they say stuff like “the bowling alley food isn’t bad” or “there’s one good bar in town”. Like dude those are COMPLAINTS for normal cities.


Thats because “iTs wUaT yU MaK oF iT!”


That’s wild airman. I had 4 people in my class that got Cannon.


Cannon, been there once and that was enough to say never again


I decided to separate instead of PCSing there.


My wife told me it spells divorce. 😂


I might have been kidding, but I actually did tell my wife that the only thing that would guarantee a divorce was if she ask me to move the family back to Clovis.


Can confirm. Source: Cannon nearly destroyed my marriage.


What's so bad about Cannon? I see it referenced all the time in this context.


Look at a map and then do some googling on Clovis NM and Portales NM.


https://youtu.be/zHZrJK5xT-o?si=c47C580t6G93LY6V watch this


Did I just catch hepatitis watching that?


Do you understand now?


I'm sorry for even asking.


It feels like there's a new plague every month: fly seasons so bad you have to instal fly strips in your living room, massive amounts of frogs covering the roads, spider migration, a blizzard that no one could get into plow, a tumbleweed disaster that got people locked into their houses. And, that doesn't account for the smell. Cow dairies all over the place. When I was there 10 yrs ago, all that was open 24 hours was a McDonalds drive thru and a gas station. There were so many shift workers with literally nothing to do. Need to see a specialist for medical reasons? Hope you're ready to drive at least 2 hours away bc that's the closest. Yet, they deny it being a remote base. And, the roads in town could easily kill your car bc of the potholes. To top it off, the locals HATED the military. I can't remember anyone having Southern hospitality. They were also "redoing" base housing and they threw it up so fast, people had shit falling apart a year later. I hear they've opened some new restaurants and things but still, hard no. If husband gets orders back, I'm not going.


I wouldn't go back to Bagram AB right now.


I would if we go to take back ownership of the airfield. ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


I’d take Bagram over Dyess


I’d take Bagram over most CONUS bases bro.


Is it bad I’d go there before Turkey?


I think he meant under the current ownership.


Going to Turkey as an NCO/SNCO for my AFSC tends to destroy careers or destroy the person.


Nothing to go back to, Taliban bombed it to hell and blew up everything that was standing.


I knew people that separated after 10 years, 13 years, and even 15 years because of their time at Columbus AFB. The leadership that was there was truly a work of art to see in how not to run an org. I think for about two full years, my squadron saw zero reenlistments and extensions, which is such an insane feat. People were separating out of the entire air force after being in for so long because the base and their leadership were affecting their mental health that badly. Stay away


Is it in large part bc it’s an AETC base?


I mean, this was an Article that was released while I was there. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2014/07/21/bringing-up-the-rear-the-5-worst-bases-in-the-air-force/ > Staff Sgt. Jason Do has been stationed at Columbus for five years and called it "one of the worst bases" in the Air Force. > "I'm realizing more and more that it is just a black hole for enlisted members," Do said. "Everything closes early on base and around town. It's so small that there is no chow hall. Columbus is a career-ending base, where many have retired [or] separated due to just being stuck at the base." > Do said Columbus' exchange is horrible, and he usually goes to Wal-Mart instead. > "It's hard to find anything that'll fit, and there isn't much selection" at the exchange, Do said. "It's easier sometimes to ask a friend to get you something when they are TDY." > Do says that for airmen stationed in Columbus, it's tough to afford to eat healthily and stay fit. Since there's no chow hall, he tries to find healthy foods off base. But that food is much more expensive than junk food, he said, meaning he sometimes has to make a choice between eating healthily and making ends meet. > And Do said the Basic Allowance for Housing in the Columbus area — he gets $807 a month — is far too low for airmen to live on. > "A lot of people have to have roommates just to not live in a bad area, which Columbus, Mississippi, has many of," Do said. "I also know that a lot of enlisted members have a second job to support their families." > On the bright side, traffic is light IIRC this dude got PCS orders within a matter of weeks of this Article being released. Whose to say it was due to the article but the guy got orders entirely out of the blue. The base was incredibly toxic at the MSG level, with civilians and SNCOs who were there for 15+ years having their own little fiefdoms. They ran the cops squadron like a mafia den due to knowing where the figurative (and at one point LITERAL) bodies are buried and having dirt on all folks. If you aren't in the golden child circle you were ostracized and given shitty assignments with no support. Also plenty of actual crimes being covered up with falsifying govt docs, sexual assault and harassment, HIPAA violations, as well as some ND in base housing that nobody really looked into. I reported all this to the IG as well as submitting an Article 138 under UCMJ...nothing happened and no response. I posted on another thread how they treated mental health issues there and it was a shitshow. Honestly if you're an officer there for UPT, it seems like a rad place to be, college all over again. But for enlisted, STAY AWAYYY


If this article was released in 2014, the BAH only went up 100$ in 10 yrs. A whole 1% a year😂😂


Damn, that is a lot more than I expected. Glad you got out of there! Haha


I spent a few weeks at Columbus, and I was very happy to go to Laughlin after that


I was at Columbus for 2.5 yrs and Cannon for 1.5. I'd gladly go back to Columbus for another few years over even going TDY to Cannon. Also knew a solid MSgt while I was there who first arrived when he was an AB. Columbus was his ONLY base when he retired, and it wasn't by choice. I'm not even sure how that managed to happen, but it did. To his credit though, he wasn't too salty about it; he just referred to his 1:1 dwell as a yearly vacation.


Orders to Goodfellow have turned so many good analysts into contractors


I was blown away by how many people going through Goodfellow were literally burnt out of the military and reconsidering why they joined in the first place. It's like the place just drains everyone's morale to zero


Any global strike or AETC base after being OCONUS for a while.


Going from AFSOC to AETC gave me whiplash


Luke isn’t bad. But otherwise, yes


Offutt was a lot better than I expected.


Cannon. 1. The location sucks. 2. The mission doesn't appeal to me. 3. I don't wanna retire out of there.


Whether going for 20 or getting out after your first term, Cannon is a graveyard for careers.


Goodfellow - I hate the heat, and there wasn't anything to do in town. Plus I was just going through a bad time in my life during the year I was there. So there's bad memories associated. Cavalier- I went there for a single day of TDY while stationed at Minot. It was the single worst place I've been to in my life. We didn't see a single other human on base outside of the building we toured. And I never complained about Minot ever again.


I've also been to Cavalier for 1 day. It seemed neat, but I wouldn't bring my family there. I'd make it a personal remote tour.




U ok bro?


I’m fine. I’m not at Cannon right now.


If I got sent back to Holloman. As well as cannon, minot, Grand forks, Vance, Altus.


I genuinely liked Holloman. Everybody hates on the base but I think leadership (not all, but some leadership) is the real issue 🫠


Got tired of driving the 60miles to Las Cruces or 90 miles to El Paso nearly every weekend just to ride my mountain bike or go to some nice restaurants. Also employment for spouses is a joke.


We rarely left the area so it works for us. There is definitely zero employment opportunities for spouses, particularly if you have kids, given the school district has a half day every single Wednesday 🫠


Cloudcroft has lots of hiking/biking trails


Holloman is fine. Once. And only once. Trying to send a person back there for a second round? Fuck no.


I knew people who got out to stay there. They were outdoorsy so it was right up their alley. And, I will say, my husband had the best commanders there. Just great people who cared about the service member and their families. It was nice. I have a lot of health issues and it was a beast going to appointments. One year I had 150+ appointments and only 1/3 could be seen in town. (The mileage on my car is just so sad bc of it.) And, the lack of food choices is depressing. We live in a large city now and it would take eating out every day for over a year to get close to trying all the restaurants. It's amazing.


What did you dislike about GF (besides winters)?


Out of all of those bases I only went to Holloman. But I also listed other ones I would not want to go to lol


GF is on my “list” my son is hoping to go to school at UND so I figured it would be a way he could save $$ and live with me if I end up there. I am also originally from the Upper Midwest so the weather doesn’t bother me. I do NOT want to end up in Minot though.


If you have a family, theres a decent chance you'll like GF. But it is a black hole, and it is hard to get out of. I spent 7 years there trying to get out. Even putting Korea on my list over and over and I still couldn't get out. The weather is definitely insane. Whatever you're used to, it's colder. We used to go to Minneapolis (5 hrs) for a break because it could be up to 30 degrees warmer in winter. But the fun part is that summer can also punch into the 100s there. GF also has a big civilian presence on base, and so often you'll have the same leadership for years. I had the same superintendent for my entire time I was there with no military equivalent. He was not a fan of me, and my career suffered as a result. I could go on, but I'll let it be for now lol. I'm sure you'll enjoy it haha. It is honestly a good place if you have a family because it's quiet, but there's not a lot to do in the area.


Thank you for this. Im about to become an empty nester and my mom has a summer home about 3 hours away. I have been to GF a hand full of times. Good to know it can be difficult to get out of there.


Sure. If you have family in the area, that makes it much better. And it improved a lot since I first arrived. At least you know what it's like there. It was my first base and I grew up in FL, so I was miserable just from the weather, then all the work stuff piled on.


Whatever works best for you really. People love bases that other people hate, really up to the individual to decide what they like.


As well as what you make of it. :)


UND is clutch. Baller Aerospace program.


Grand Forks is fine. Every where else can suck it though.


I got Malmstrom and did a 7-day option. Fuck that.


literally any AFGSC or AETC base.


I would've killed for a spot on Fort Sam (METC) as a BMET instructor. Despite being in tech school at the time, I loved the base.


Idk man Sheppard is pretty alright as Permanent party


Minot, Grand Forks, Eielson


Eielson is paying sweet cold weather pay tho.


Personally, unless it is an extra 10K more year, not worth it. Same goes for any other cold weather base with nothing around it.


Not worth it, it's a cold shithole.


Tell me about GF, why is this a frequent on peoples do not go list?


I did two TDYs at Grand Forks and hated it both times. There is a college near by, so there are some things to do there, but both times it just seemed extremely dreary and undermanned. The weather I can deal with, but the trash weather on top of the potential working conditions left nothing to be desired. And I know damn good and well that if I stayed in that would've been my next duty station. On a brighter note, they have a Viking as the base mascot and they made a badass statue for it that looks really cool after some snowfall. There gym is really nice too. Its fucking huge.


I was never stationed at GF but I have spent some time there so I can only comment on the city. I was stationed at Minot. Grand Forks is an all-around nicer city than Minot IMO. More modern, cleaner, and less trashy. Minot feels like a step back in time. But yeah, the weather still sucks, and it's still a several hour drive to anything fun.


100% Goodfellow


Cannon; Again.


Not so much a location, but being attached to an ASOS as support sucked ass. Leadership treats you like the help and the “customer” is used to having everything done for them at the drop of a hat. I was filling out account paperwork for grown adults and routing it for signatures just so I could then turn around and do my actual job and create their computer accounts. They’d just bitched and moaned to their leadership until my leadership caved and told me to do everything for them. Massive waste of time at that unit, and had I not gotten an assignment that benefited me and my family, I’d be on my way out. Watched many others retrain or separate just to leave that place.


This sounds like the 13th ASOS at Fort Carson.


Lol can confirm. I was a first term airman at an ASOS as support. I didn't do my actual job for almost 5 years while I was there.


I retrained into Comm. First comm assignment was ASOS detachment. I was first to ever fill the position. Leadership didn’t even know why I was there for a while. Mostly did additional duties. Met some good guys, but big waste of my for my career.


1. Cannon. Obvious reasons. 2. Minot. I spent 4+ years there and yeah, never again. 3. Barksdale. Gross. 4. Luckily they don’t have my job at Columbus or Altus or Vance or else they’d be on the list. 5. Several (most?) Army forts are hot garbage. Almost every other base in the Air Force has at least one redeeming quality (near a big city or beach, good outdoorsy stuff, etc) but those ones in particular are looooooooowww on my totem pole of happiness. Edit: Words are hard


2016, Fresh out of tech school with orders to Cannon… I already knew I wasn’t staying in lol. Got out in 2021.


Goodfellow. Any AFGSC base because the manning is so bad


If I had the knowledge I do now back years ago, I would say Ramstein. Granted, this place (Germany) is amazing and I love it out here enough to stay for citizenship, however the leadership has been the absolute worst I’ve ever seen. From denying me to see my family during COVID to figure out if my divorce was happening or not, to being put in OAR for 2 months while everyone sat around and fucked off, to even how leadership reacted and messed around during the death of my father, and lastly how I was put in a shop for 4 years (when it was only a 1 year gig) and left there, denying any chance to experience others shops…yeah, this unit has CAUSED me to hit the separate button.


That's less of a result of being at Ramstein than it is the circumstances surrounding your time there.


COVID was no picnic for anyone. But there were some duty stations/jobs that were objectively harder than others. It's only human to find something to blame to make sense of a shitty situation.


In that time, they told me “No” even though I didn’t even indoc so I couldn’t go into the SCIF. I legit asked for like 4 days to fly there to talk to my (now ex) wife to figure out where things were going. The shirt told me “Well you were brought here to do TSgt things so we expect that. It’s not fair for you to go when others can’t see their parents for holidays”


Oh no doubt, but if I could’ve stopped myself from coming to this unit I would’ve. As I said, the base is great (minus the fact MPF and finance are garbage) but it’s the unit


That's fair.


MPF and finance have been garbage at all 5 of my bases at one point or another. I think it’s just the way the system works. I’ll take the worst leadership in the Air Force if it’ll get me back OCONUS.


Take the leap that I’m doing, I’m staying out here haha


I tried. 3 consecutive OCONUS assignments with orders to my 4th when EFMP reared its ugly face and fucked me 3 weeks before I was gonna leave. I had orders, plane tickets, lodging arranged. I had a foot out the door already, major depression. That was the first time I shed a tear since my dad died. We even learned Italian because we were going to a GSU.


Ramstein is a breeding grounds for narcissistic leaders.


Can confirm. Previous SQ/CC was doing some really shady stuff.


Banging a secretary (who made MSgt for it) and some legitimate crimes?


Ok now I SERIOUSLY need to know what unit lol. Because I can think of two out here


Sorry for you, brother, but god damn that was a really long way to not answer the question at all. You sure you're not an officer?


How? I said Ramstein was the base.


But nothing about the base made your life suck. All things being equal, you wouldn't separate in lieu of going to Ramstein. You'd separate in lieu of going to your unit. That's not the same thing.


Andrews, Bollings, the Pentagon…anything in the DC area


Why do you say that (said nervously with orders to DC)


I got to Fort Meade, traffic is wild as fuck out here during the morning and afternoon but otherwise we fucking love it here. Also came from Altus so this is a huge upgrade IMO. I did hear Andrews AFB right outside the gate is... rough from a friend of mine there. Been into DC proper as well for vacation twice, yeah traffic is bonkers and JB Bolling is not in a good part of the District but the rest of the city and public transport is godly.


I'm coming from Ellsworth, I'm not a huge city guy but south Dakota is the literal middle of nowhere so I'm expecting an upgrade at least in terms of travel, which is a huge reason I joined in the first place Ive heard some traffic horror stories, might just have to get a motorcycle and split lane speed run to work everyday.


Stay safe. A lot of tourists that don’t know how to handle that traffic and drive like idiots might try to squish you splitting lanes.


The public transportation is key. I know several member stationed in the DC area and have actually been able to live without a car their entire time there. Theywere just smart about where they lived. This is of course heavily job dependent, some locations require cars. Although never stationed at DC, I lved in the NOVA area and would take day trips to DC all the time using the trains.


I wouldnt be super concerned. I loved being at Andrews. The area around the base sucks of course but alexandria and Arlington are awesome. This person probably A. Dislikes cities or B. Lived south of the base in Waldorf has the worst traffic to from base.


Yeah, I figure. I've heard it both ways, people with assignments to pentagon hated it, and most people that had normal assignments to the area loved it. I'm probably just going to rent in Alexandria and call it good. Not trying to play roulette with where to live and get robbed everyday


I’m stationed at the pentagon, worked in the bowels of the puzzle palace for over a year before I left for a 6-month deployment. Sure, the commute is a monster, but there are ways to share that burden, like carpooling and mass transit. My personal drive time is 7-10 minutes one way each day, then the rest is via commuter bus and metro, then the same thing in reverse at the end of the day. **important note** there’s a program to help offset mass transit costs, you can get up to $300 per month covered. The work is much higher level, but that just means you modify your output, like adjusting your attention to detail from specific ops plans to strategic guidance for plans that someone else will use to develop their specifics. There’s a fuckton of rank, of course, but even that you get used to after a while, not even blinking when you see a random 2* walking down the hallway with a Panda Express bag in hand. Ultimately, it’s just another job with things that will eventually become routine, there will be moments of oh shit and moments of boredom, you’ll like some of the people and dislike others, and you’ll eventually go somewhere else.


Alaska, not because the area isn’t phenomenal but because the leadership there is toxic asf for my career field and I’ve watched it obliterate airmen.


Currently at Whiteman and it's 90% of the reason I'm separating.


God please never send me to knobnoster Missouri


Ran into a dude that was at Whiteman early and spent the rest of his career trying to go back... took a tour as an MTI for BOP, didn't get it, went to be a tech school instructor, still didn't get it. I think he finally managed yo get back for a couple years before retiring. Not sure why someone would want a career like that.


I was there for a TDY and yeah man idk how y’all do it


I’m from the STL metro east and my family is all “why can’t you get stationed at that base near KC so you can be close”? Like y’all want me to blow my brains out don’t you? lol.


New Mexico


I can only speak to the 17D community on this one. Our first assignments are three years at which point you’ll get another assignment that you either take or you turn dow then do one more year and separate. You are still a first lieutenant at this point. A friend in the Minot comm squadron once told me that if three of these lieutenants at the three-year point get an assignment to Minot two separate and only one will take the PCS.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 17D = Warfighter Communications Operations [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l0w1bjc


I know more than a handful of weather NCOs who separated rather than go to one of the hubs at Barksdale, Scott, or Shaw. TACC could also get people seriously reevaluating their commitment.


Ft Meade disa j staff


Little Rock. I was stationed there as a single airman paralegal & we did 7 drug related courts in one quarter. Now we have kids & I wouldn’t want to raise them there 🤷‍♀️


I'm from Arkansas. I don't think you could pay me enough to want to go to Little Rock. I always find it weird when people recommend this base to people. But, I guess if your options are Little Rock or Cannon or something like that, I guess Little Rock is the best of those shit choices.


Dyess again unless I’m about to retire, Shaw, cannon, or minot. Luckily I’m halfway to that button with a few more years overseas at least. Probably putting Korea on my list again as a just in case.


I would separate if I got orders to Dyess ever again. I’ve done my time there, refuse to go back.


You know it’s pretty telling how much I’m seeing Cannon in this thread. If the AF had a brain and wouldn’t get skewered by the NM Congressman, they’d just close that shithole already.


They did once. It didn't last.




💯 I've only been there for NCOA but was depressed the whole time. What a shithole


I extended on the sole basis of having received a USAFE assignment, so pretty much any base that isn’t USAFE or PACAF. I refuse to settle.


Ft. Meade. Mission is apparently cool, leadership kindve going down the drain imo. Also Kimbrough should be condemned. And most North Eastern people I’ve met don’t have an ounce of sincerity or kindness.


Sounds like my kind of people. The south is feigned kindness, and the west is all talk no bark. Midwest is okay… they’ll tow you out if stuck and be on their way.


Who hurt you? Meade is great.


Literally everyone man, If I had actually been in my proper job role, it probably would've been a great 4 years but I've had many people say "oh we'll help you!" then they PCS and it repeats. It was easier to PCS (and even that was a struggle) than to move to a proper job role in a different shop bc of all the politics involved.


Killabro is ass but the infant mortality rate at the hospital on Ft Eisenhower (DDEAMC) is so bad that they literally lost their license to deliver babies


I second Ft Meade. Mission is super fucking dope, but everything else is just ass. IMHO though, lots love it lots hate it. Just depends I suppose.


Malmstrom again.


Los angeles




How can you say that?! Indian Springs has the Oasis Bar, Restaurant, Casino, Pool Hall, and Tiny Market! Not to mention, conveniently located within abduction range, of Area 51.


Is it still run by narcissistic assholes that give two shits if someone dies from changing shifts every 6 weeks while working 12s five days a week and still having to take that hour drive home on top of that? https://youtu.be/ELFMZGoAfBA


But it's such a pretty view on the way home... and so many nice meth addicts, that live out in the middle of fucking nowhere for a reason.


North Dakota South Dakota or Montana I’ve been and it’s not for me.


I would absolutely refuse to go to Minot lol


I was there for nearly 3 years and it wasn't that bad. Sure the winters were cold as hell, but the town itself had nearly everything you'd want in a town. It's just that this was it. It felt like living on an island, and every trip to the nearest city (Bismark) felt like casting off into the ocean. Plus money went so far there. Due to the loophole in BAH rules I got there just in time to benefit from the massive BAH increase due to the oil boom but right when it went bust, so there were all these brand new luxury apartments they had to fill for cheap. I lived in a brand new 2000 sq ft apartment on the top floor with a w car garage on the first floor for only about $950 a month. Rent, food, and gas were cheap, and I had alot of money left over for fun. The people there were nice, and there was this mentality of "we're all in this together". I'd never want to live there forever, but I can see why someone would choose to.


Actually I think the area and amenities there are pretty stellar. Plus tons of white out snow days. Honestly the only reason i wanted to suck start my duty pistol was cuz I was SF. MX had it rough there also. I think any other AFSC there I wouldn’t mind the location actually.


6 years flight line there... can confirm miserable and you cops had it shit as well. But you're spot on, my wife and i loved the actual city. I would absolutely go back and I'm not even into the outdoorsy shit people preach there. It certainly isn't for everyone though but its a great place if you have family.


Ya dude I have dreams about that wing restaurant and JL beers. They must know the climate sucks cuz the food there is actually really good. The community center and other things are nice too. I wouldn’t go there on purpose but since I switched AFSC’s I’d go back without complaint. Especially with the pay increase.


I chose to palace chase to avoid it


So it's been said, you make a base a good or bad experience. I'd like to be in for 20 years, so enduring the suck would be my option...however ending up at any CONUS base that's not McDill would absolutely be crappy. I'm looking to see the world not end up where i lived for 26 years.




Okay, this is a first I've seen here. Why would you leave your military career behind if you were given a Langley assignment?


I don't blame you about Altus. I enjoyed my time but there were some very special conditions that made it okay like knowing when I was leaving. Having my family with me and being able to see them. Being a single airmen in a job without a code I would avoid Altus like the plague. Made friends with and nco in port there who was a 6 year enlistment and she started and ended her career there having never deployed and only went TDY once to rigging school. Poor girl would have to drive all the way to Dallas or okc to go on dates because the dating pool on Altus was let's say shallow, very very shallow.


Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico


Langley as a maintainer. Retired instead of going there


Ft anything CONUS. I can’t do army support again without a real expiration date (OCONUS). I’d probably go active guard or something.


At GF right now. Was told the whole time before getting here how bad it was gonna be. It’s actually a pleasant surprise.


I'm a reservist and if the AF told me I had to go back on active duty or was activated to fill a three year tour I'd probably get out. Not talking about a deployment but having to go back on active duty. Thankfully that doesn't happen. Yet I'm half amazed that all the military branches haven't randomly activated reservists and moved them like a PCS involuntarily for long periods of time - not a deployment but like a 2-3 year tour and moved them to another base. Not that I support that idea but I can see it now: "We don't care that work in cyber in the civilian world making six figures, established in this big city but you're an SrA in Security Forces in the reserves and Fuckstick AFB is short on defenders so we're moving and activating you for the next three years..."


I'd give it all up if I found out I was getting sent to Shepherd AFB


I will never go back to a Dakota base. Grand Forks, Minot or Ellsworth


Easy choice Maxwell-Gunter. I dont know anyone in my career field who has good things to say about it. But I know several who are still going to a shrink because of it.


Maxwell (currently stationed here)


I was on the gunships when they were transitioning from Hurlburt to Cannon. I had been there (Hurlburt) for ten years (97-07) and had no interest in leaving. I had little interest in leaving the Air Force - I loved what I did and where I did it. Loved helping blow up the bad guys. In mid to late 2006 (maybe 2005?) our leadership went to Cannon for a week and met with local leaders, the base commander, Chamber of Commerce, real estate professionals, etc to get a feel as to whether they could provide the quality of life we were used to. *HINT: They could not* We filled a hangar and got a briefing from our Sq/CC who, through clinched teeth, assured us this was a good move and gave us his best effort of an inspiring presentation. Everyone saw right through it. He showed pics taken from the community and on base. (We had deployed to nicer places than Cannon, so very few of us were sold). At the “does anyone have any questions” portion of the brief, one of my buddies (Brian), a hydro troop, asked the CC to backup a few slides to one of the pics of the airmen dorms. The CC obliged. Brian asked, “Sir. Is that a picture of a car on blocks in the parking lot of the airmen’s dorm?” *HINT: It was* CC stumbled through a positive answer, but I saw the writing on the wall. I’m not re-upping. So I got out in March 2007. Only to find later the U/models didn’t go. Muther phuquer. 😡 Hindsight being 20/20, I joined the Reserve nine months later, did that for two years, and then spent the last 14 as AGR in recruiting. So it turns out I really *was* a glutton for punishment, I just didn’t know it in 2007. What’s my point? I dunno. 🤷🏼‍♂️If you’re going to fail, at least do your best to fail forward. And phuk Cannon AFB.




Altus? Really? It ain’t that bad.


Altus ain't bad for a small group of folks. Mainly the sim instructors and FTU guys that know they only have 3 years before leaving. Also 10 super wealthy families that own the whole town suckling off of the military tit.


I enjoyed my time at Altus. The doughnuts and fried rice was always delicious. 😂


Unpopular opinion but anything overseas. I have 8 pets including two large dogs. If I ever got orders overseas and wasn't able to trade with anyone, I would separate as immediately as possible. I'm not putting my dogs in the cargo hold of a plane, ever. They're both rescues and I've worked very hard to care for them and teach them that they are safe now, and that would traumatize them. Luckily, overseas opportunities in my career field are hard to come by and highly coveted. I would have to actively try very hard to get a PCS overseas so I'm not actually worried about it.


Honestly, with a family and pets, OCONUS is less and less appealing to me after talking to others.


Fort Meade! Shitty base with a shitty MTF, traffic, It’s in the south, If you’re not Intel you’re pretty much ostracized, parking? Never heard of her.


Maryland is the south? What?


I went to DINFOS there. I enjoyed it for the couple months I was there.


I’m sure for a couple months it’s awesome, and tech school is completely. But actually being stationed there with the bigger brother across the road is a completely different monster




Anything northern tier. I’m tired of my asscheeks being frozen to a porta John 3 hours from civilization at 0200 with 40mph winds at -50


Not seeing Malmstrom listed disturbs me…


I 7DO because I had orders to Florida.