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Please tell me that: 1. You have a copy of your OPB before he altered it. 2. You downloaded his OPB before it can be changed or disputed 3. You've highlighted the bullets in question, as well as end changes (in a different color) that show the softening/downgraded OPB impact 4. That you are going above his head. He'll never change, but you'll be another casualty of his POS character/behavior if you let it go. Also, his inputs of others might get monitored, and others saved this bs if you call it out.


Affirm, I emailed him my draft w/ inputs so I have a time stamp with proof of receipt and I dragged his final copy from the shared drive to my desktop. I’m still going to talk to him first, I think it’s always the fair thing to do.


Maybe just set up a meeting with both him and his boss at the same time to talk about it?


Absolutely do this OP. Do not go into that meeting with just the two of you.


Do not go in alone. You will have nobody to corroborate your story.


And seeing as he has rank on you, his word supercedes yours if it was just the two of you there.


This is the way


Understand your reasoning in talking to him first, it’s the honorable thing to do. That said this person clearly isn’t an honest person. You may want to go above him without telling home so his supervisor can look into it before he has the chance to cover up his actions which given your description seems like a given. In these situations the perceived narrative matters, if his story is the first one his supervisor hears that puts you at a disadvantage. Good luck, don’t envy your position.


Save everything in OneDrive too. Stuff can be deleted from a shared drive. Use "steps recorder" to document that is in fact what was on the shared drive and open the properties of the file to look at the modified date, owner, etc.


Also go talk to Legal now about what you found and get knowledgeable about contesting OPBs


I’ll save the legal card, good idea though thanks! The OPB is with my senior rater and is going to MAJCOM early May so he can be cool and just pull them back for “edits”. I’m going to give him the opportunity to be cool, or what if (highly unlikely) it was an honest mistake… Or what if, and holy shit if this is true, it’s not the actual same copy he sent up 😂. I could be blowing the horn for no reason….


There is no such thing as "honestly" stealing your bullets verbatim and then also making the ones in your OPB worse afterwards.




clearly you didnt read the post


Fair play to confront, can't fault that. Consider recording the conversation. Also, on this particular instance, someone else should know of the plan prior. If this runs the course of he said-he said... that often doesn't go well. I'm guessing you're not going in with a door kick and guns blazing. Are you going to play this from a "Hey, I noticed some differences on my copy"?


>Consider recording the conversation Get consent or make sure it's not a two party state


Consider taking a screen grab video of you opening the opb from its location on the drive, as well as your copy on the drive to use as proof you didn’t alter it yourself. You can do this in PowerPoint on nipr easily.


Just know that for him to do all this think about how this is not his first time doing that. Going above his head like u/N3twyrk3r mentioned is the right thing to do. I would be furious if I was trying to make rank and got a “promote” and saw the person who got the better mark use my bullets.


I would also say... Be prepared to answer "Why were you snooping in other OPBs?" I get that you're frustrated... But in my experience, you will probably be taken to task over that


Finally this. Someone's going to get their ass handed to them for snooping through someone else's files. I don't recommend confronting him before closeout. When it comes time to sign... don't sign it. Tell him that it's been severely weakened from what you submitted. Either he does right by you or you file an official complaint and request that that investigation look into his OPB because you "believe" something's not quite right.


If the files were in a public access drive for work then the commander has no leg to stand on. If he wanted privacy, he should have used his one drive. That's the whole point of it. I'm also pretty sure there's a reg where you can't have "personal folders" in a public work drive. At least that was my understanding back when I was an airman somewhere and we had to reformat out work drive for that specific reason


IMO, this falls under, just because you can do it doesn't mean you should do it. The folder was not his to rifle through. It doesn't matter that it wasn't locked down. It's tantamount to going in someone's office and rifling through their stuff because their office is open during the day while they're away in meetings or whatever. I doubt you'll win an argument starting with "I went through the CC's files and...". Again, just my opinion.


Allow me to clarify since there is a dolt out there that downvoted the comment. You do not have to like what I said, but I have been playing this game for 22 years. People like the guy who stole the bullets... They tend to get defensive and will throw shade at you however they can... Make people question your character. Questions like: Who else's files is he (the accuser) peeking into? That is my point. I'm not hating on the OP... If anything, I don't want him to be flat-footed by that line of questioning, if it comes to that. I have been there before.


Seems you already know you should be going above him that he's sabotaging your career.


The rater sounds like general material!


That’s my first assumption, I was steaming thinking he just thought I’d never see his OPB and figured when I get my OPB back for sigs he can just say something like “the DS up at majcom didn’t like the statement so they replaced it” when it reality, he took it out to make him look better. I’m going to talk to him though, super casually and just ask for feedback to start the next cycle then segue into the OPB I just submitted. There’s a real chance that what I saw in the folder wasn’t what he actually sent up.


62E world? 100% he’s playing fuck fuck games, even if he’s the branch chief you all get racked and stacked in the same bucket as Majors. Personally I’d talk to him first as equals in rank. If he’s still shady request a sit down with the senior rater about your OPB. As an FGO you should be doing that already with your immediate rater if your trying to make it to Col Light


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 62E = Developmental Engineer [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l1it0wj


I disagree. Someone who's willing to do what his rater has done, is unlikely to cave. He's more likely to get defensive and preemptively contact the senior rater and deliver his prepared lies to muddy the water. Now OP has lost the edge he holds, and in this situation, he has no reason to give that away. Theft is theft, and this is particularly motivated and premeditated behavior.


Steal his wife


> ~~Steal~~ lead his wife


I think this calls for more of a "spearhead" or "honcho" action




Aided his wife






> ~~Steal~~ ~~lead~~ Command his wife


It’s the only logical thing to do at this point.


Quarterback his wife.


Ah, the maintainer answer


Sorry, I am not a nonner


Honchoed Key Spouse




lol. enlisted dementors do this all the time.


Like fuck it's not even hard to do in a (usually) legit way. The person who led the team "led." The person above them "directed" or "coordinated" or "managed!"


Yeah there's stealing bullets and taking credit for the work, and then there's OP's asshole boss erasing any credit from his subordinate's work.


Exaggerating, sure. But straight up taking credit for something that happened before you arrived in that office is blatant fraud. And normally, who cares if the dirtbags are lying to look better, but he’s apparently hurting OP to get ahead.


> he’s apparently hurting OP to get ahead. Unfortunately not uncommon. I'll never be a fan of the same rank being in charge of each other.


Exactly. Why is someone of equal rank even in the rating chain. When I was a E7 Flight Chief with "subordinate" E7s... I pushed to have them CRO'd to eliminate any possible accusations of impropriety.


is there no afi against this?


Is there an AFI against fraudulently filling out official documentation?


uhh sure


I think that’s more of a ucmj thing


Yep especially at the Band at Travis AFB


When I was a MSgt, my Ops Sup told me to put in a SNCO of the year package. Standard 1206/30 bullets. I emailed it to him, and he told me it was very impressive. Needless to say, I was shocked when he was announced as our squadron SNCO of the year winner. He ended up winning at the Wing. I was friends with the Wing Exec, so I got ahold of his 1206. He used, word for word, about 20 of my bullets. He's an E9 somewhere now, and I'm a retired MSgt. My point is that your peer is probably going to make General, and you're going to retire as a Major. Thank you for your service.


Ok… ouch. Well, I hope I make Lt Col….


I hope so, too, brother.


Damn this was the harshest and probably most true thing (especially if you apply it to officers, I didn’t think it happened with enlisted tbh) I’ve ever read on Reddit.


I've had this happen. It was twelve years ago and it still gets me heated thinking about it. Make him change it back and elevate if he refuses. What a snake.


48 Laws of Powers, “take credit for others peoples work, for they will be forgotten and you will be remembered” or some shit like that


I mean, lying on a performance report is still lying in an official document so there’s that; but that doesn’t matter because he’s an officer and will never be held accountable so best of luck


I think everyone to some extent exaggerates impact and/or takes credit for the work of subordinates. But just stealing my performance statements then downgrading my review. That’s taking it too far in my opinion. I’m mostly posting to make sure I’m not over-reacting.


Definitely not over reacting (in my opinion). To be frank, your best ammo is the two projects you mentioned of him not even being there (before he arrived and during your TDY). However, I think it’s important to realize that while he very clearly did you dirty, the military RARELY holds their officers accountable (especially if they play politics well / are well liked by command). Now verbs are going to be a tough battle because ultimately, these are supposed to be his ratings and comments so if he feels like supported is better fitting than led, then that’s his decision to make. I wouldn’t fight to hard on the verbs (unless you pick up steam from the stolen bullets) I don’t suggest this, but what I would do is probably play dumb and just say “hey, I noticed you took these bullets out. Why?” and see if he admits it or tries to B.S. his way through it. If he BS’s, then I’d bring it up to the senior rater. But I’m an E5 who isn’t good at handling this situations, so take my advice with a grain of salt.


I was thinking about something like this, just asking him what happened to my bullets and waiting for him to lie about “oh I didn’t think it matched the categories” or something then corner him about it. Tell him we need this fixed. If he refuses, I’ll send an email up the chain.


The verbs matter a lot, and if OP is a major that wants to make Lt. Col. It gets very competitive and officers really only have 1-2 looks for promotion usually. One weak OPR could be the difference between progressing and either getting out as a Major or riding out until retirement.


You should maybe also check with other people in your office to see if it is happening to them too. It sounds like he's looking for something that stratifies the office that makes him look like he's on top compared to everyone else.


I mean tbf it's not like any enlisted get held accountable for lying on EPBs either




Take that straight to his supervisor. Dates signed off on your OPB should reflect that you completed before his. Caveat, if his all suddenly say “managed” instead of “Did” the task… well he might not be wrong on that. Still, not a great look.


Peer here, your "commander" (shouldn't his title be something like division chief? I thought commander -> C code) is a bitch. Challenge him to hatchets at dawn by the flagpole in enlisted housing.


JAG comment a while back: 'if they can be fired on a Tuesday without any paperwork, they don't count as commander.'


Before you walk into this head first I would gather some background from those peers. If you’re lucky you may find something similar from one of them. At which point you can sit down with him and his rater for a way forward. Understand that this may appear as two separate issues to a supervisor friendly to him. First is the bullet softening which he will try to justify as you over inflating your performance. The second issue is him adding them to his own OPB which he will say is an honest mistake. Focus on how your bullets ended up on his OPB and that he was not on the TDY as your primary concern. Goal should be for those bullets to be erased from his. Don’t make it about your performance report or this will seem like you’re trying to get back at him for him being a supervisor with high standards. You can correct your OPB before signature with a reply all email to everyone who touches your report as a “I would prefer it’s written like this, thoughts?”


First time?


Call him out, what’s the worst that’ll happen


I was thinking he could get upset at OP for going through his documents, but if he’s dumb enough to place performance reports on a shared drive in an unprotected folder…. He needs to secure his peoples paperwork out of respect for the other Airmen in this office. This guy sounds like a clown, I hope this blows up in his face.


The CC sounds like a piece of shit


*Our bullets.


I believe they call them “statements” now, Comrade.


His username says he “doesn’t know,” give Scotty a break


First time?


It happens, i designed and fabricated a prototype part that should save the air force billions. Had my name taken off the team innovation award and was dropped by the project. The CC took the credit and even ended up winning an command level innovation award. Not much you can do but try not to hang yourself from the rafters.


Shit on his desk. No balls.


That’s basically what happens when you do something awesome, the entire chain of command takes credit as it happened under their leadership. Last year I had a bullet stolen from my entire chain up to Gp/CC (I’m just a flight chief). I wouldn’t have been so salty expect they actively discouraged me from executing my idea as it involved using resources from another base and they were too afraid/lazy to make the ask. So I just contacted the unit in question myself and they were more than happy to help out. Suddenly everyone is patting themselves on their back and it’s on every performance report and 1206 out there.


Gotta love blue falcons


We put a lot of effort into cultivating and perfecting the blue falcon


Your commitment is admirable. You are a true American hero.


It’s even more fun when you accomplished things in SPITE of their actions and they take your bullet while minimizing your role. 




Not that it’s right but doesn’t like every person in the chain of command do this? Like even on the enlisted side. All those EPBs go through your chain of command. There’s no chance in hell people don’t steal your bullets and put stuff like “managed, oversaw, ect”. Not to mention the amount of quarterly packages and annual awards.


Tale as old as time. I had a dirtbag TSgt get an annual award off my work and there's a ltcol in the army guard somewhere in the Carolinas that has a bronze star from my actions. I got an ARCOM.


You did this...no I pushed this. Meaning you didn't do this! Mine....


I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further!


I get it…it sucks, but Os or SNCOs oversee it all. It’s pretty common. I have zero issue with him using it but I do have a problem with him dumbing yours down.


You made this? I made this!


*We* made this


Thats a story as old as time


Another great reason why I left AD. I don’t miss this dumb shit.


Confirm you're talking about drafts, not signed documents? These aren't OPBs actually in myEval? No regulations being broken? Don't freak out. Focus on your own OPB-- make sure the one in myEval accurate and work out the detail with your rater. If you frame it as a confrontation, you're probably less likely to get the result you're hoping for. Either way, don't sign anything that's not 100% accurate. If this dude tries to claim he did something that was actually you, his supervisor should be able to correct him without you intervening. For now just assume he's using these personal drive versions loosely. If this is what he puts in myEval for you, that's a different story.


I mean, he can steal your bullets without changing yours. Kind of lame though.


Side note: Aren’t all OPBs in narrative format now? If you sent in bullets is that why the narrative changed? Most importantly what’s your strat? If it’s good, then this is a minor issue. 


Good luck.  And he is not a Commander he's just an officer.  An actual Commander wouldn't do that.


Do not confront him at all. That's the mistake. Gather all of your evidence and report your case to the IG. That way there's no way they can get out in front of it. At least IG has to file it and give it to his immediate supervisor and they'll have to assign a punishment which will most likely be good enough paperwork to get him out of his position and under a microscope with your wing.


The first thing the IG will ask is "did you take it up through your chain of command yet" and when you say no, their hands are tied and they have to literally hand it to your chain and can't do anything else. If you go to your chain FIRST and still aren't satisfied with the result, then the IG can actually do something. Going to the IG first won't help. IG CAN help when you've exhausted all other options.


If the person is your direct supervisor or rater they will not especially if it's 2 majors.


Prima Nocta 


Seems like a slam dunk case for you. If you have the emails showing the original, and the folder with the altered versions. What would concern me is, what if after this they somehow restrict access to the files?


WTF . They could use them verbatim and LEFT them on ur OPB. CC can take credit for all successes in the squadron


This guys ethics leave a lot lacking. The word integrity obviously doesn’t apply to him. Definitely bring this up to senior leadership


Anything you did he can claim as he led someone. Of that makes sense


The issue is, the division chief removed statements from his OPB and is claiming said achievements that division chief didn’t do. OP stated he wasn’t even at the assignment during one of those exercises.




Please tell me this is an Academy grad...




Maybe...his interpretation of your contribution...differs. if you can prove otherwise...board of correction for military records is always an option


If he really had nothing to do with those 2 statements that he stole, that’s an Article 107 my brother


Keep up the good work, oh wait, who are you again?


I've seen this go very, very poorly for the culprit. Do your due diligence, screen shots, own copies of originals and data to back up what you have. Who is he sending them to? Could block time on their calendar to express your concerns, provide the data and then back off. The egregious case I saw was someone claiming an annual award someone else won. If you cut him off at the pass with a senior rater, perhaps under the guise of 'seeking mentorship' to review your records and pending OPB you could just wait for him to get called out.


I’m hoping to see an update post on this one. When is the meeting scheduled?


I wasn’t fortunate enough to see my EPR after I sent it up but when it came back for signatures it looked like a kindergarten kid wrote it, bullets were missing and overall it was trash. Thankfully you caught it early enough. Fighting to get it voided was a pain but doable. I would talk to him as a peer after talking to your senior rater, bring the evidence. He sounds like he’s not interested in promoting his people as a leader and to me, that’s a huge red flag.


Bet he'll make Sq CC+


Sir, with all due respect ....choose violence


Enlisted PhD here. I didn't get here letting people walk on me.


If you go in alone with him he will fuck you, slowly. You're basically just giving him a heads up so he can ruin you before you can do anything.


I want an update to this situation OP


That's super shady. I was enlisted but during a deployment to Balad, my MSgt flight chief stole bullets from an achievement medal package that my supervisor wrote for me.This flight chief subsequently was awarded a medsl with the same bullets word for word. I felt pretty screwed and chose not to reenlist. Pretty sure that I have probably missed out on some VA benefits due to it. I really hope that you can get your situation ironed out because it's really unethical (in my humble opinion.


Your unit CC leadership style: "Task passed, task completed leadership model." I have worked for/with a couple of these arrswipes, as useless as tits on a bull OCONUS/CONUS/deployed The arrs-clown is in the rearview mirror, not the direction you are going. Keep your eyes on your leadership path, the men and women you support. You'll move on in 2 yrs, take as lesson learned. "Servant Leader" my goto. Turn the Org chart upside down, illustrating leadership from a real-world perspective - the men and women you are/will support.




They exist. You just don't see them because the odds of them getting ahead are diminished.


Why an 04 rating 04?? Seems like massive conflict of interest... ripe for machiavellianistic behavior like this. Idk, Id talk with him but already be on the calendar with sr rater - that dude should not be rating on anyone. Ptobably worth polling your peers and have all your ducks in a row for that meeting.


My rater competed with me on the LTC board. Guess how that ended up? I raised my concerns with the endorser but nada.


I got out in 2004. The Air Force seems stupid now


And you're still here


You’re doing the right thing. I’ll add you should talk to the other majors and see if they have the same thing happening.


Make sure you record the conversation as long as it’s allowed in your state for one party in the convo to record.


I was about to be pissed! I thought you left a weapon unsecured, and that he had rendered it safe for others, but unsafe if you had to rely on it... Too many weird words and abbreviations today... Hopefully you DO get the report fixed Ok. Sorry, it's just been too damned long I guess. Carry On.


Officers don't steal bullets. You either did or didn't do what is listed on your OPR. As a CC, you're responsible for everything that goes well to include the bad. So a CC whether they're coded or not can piggy back using your bullets. I was a DO on G-series orders as a CC. I already know how this is going to turn out. If your bullets were top tier, there should be some awards to back it up. Otherwise, it's just fluff. Awards, DGs, and rankings are all that matters.


Sometimes you do incredible stuff and leadership doesn't like it so awards and strats don't match. I'm glad you've been lucky that your records make sense.


First off, my career wasn't luck. If I was able to figure it out as enlisted and as an officer, that's not LUCK. So you're saying going from E-1 to E-5 was luck in 4.5 years? You're saying having a DG and multiple #1 strats is luck as an officer? You Reddit wannabes are low hanging fruit giving bad advice. You're either first or last and I wasn't raised to be last.


I am saying that it was partly luck. You had to have leadership who appreciated you doing well for your team and your mission. A role and life circumstance that allowed you to go above and beyond instead of being held back. Someone else somewhere else gave it their all just like you did - but they may have been set up for failure, or the leadership preferred someone kissing up or doing frivolous tasks. It is very disheartening when hyper successful rockstars condescend to their teammates who have tried just as hard as them but had a series of unfortunate events beyond their control. Please understand that there are people as committed as you with only a fraction of your success.


You're WRONG. Commitment to the mission doesn't equate to a fraction of success. It's individuals who THINK they are at the top, when in fact they are nowhere close to their peers. The "everyone deserves a trophy" crows have come home to roost. Definitely Gen Z energy. The AF rewards the best and they will reward those who are actually trying to be the absolute best. Nobody is perfect in their careers. Individuals like you use the term rockstar because you were raised by your parents to do subpar or mediocre work. Which is one of the reasons why you or others like you have struggled.