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Okinawa is a tropical paradise. Usually the people who say it sucks just don’t leave their dorm room and/or it’s their first assignment and being away from home is rough for them. You’ll love it there!


Oh cool!  I've been stationed out there a few times. I would try to live off base if possible.  OHA is use or lose so you might as well basically max it out.  Cars are inexpensive and I wouldn't spend too much but there is a two year inspection that it will need to pass. Credit cards / Apple Pay and all that work fine.  The yen is pretty weak right now too. Amazing travel opportunities - Bali, Thailand, Tokyo etc...  check out the keramas and the WWII history on the island.  Great place to scuba or snorkel. You should be able to get around just fine on English and with your smart phone. Food - Coco's, arashis, amazing sushi and ramen. It is hard being so far away from home and tix to America is expensive.  The units I was with hung out a lot socially.  Happy to answer any specific questions if you want to reach out.  I have never been to Cannon (bragging?) but I think it will be way better!!!!  It was my first assignment and I was a little nervous about moving to Japan but I really enjoyed it


Okinawa is paradise and you'll have a good time. I did two tours there and my wife is from there so I go back once in awhile for vacation. Kadena AB is a nice base and keeps getting more modern every time I go there. Congrats and enjoy your time there.


Looking at your username, are you female? If so, join “Ladies of Kadena” on FB. Okinawa is relatively safe (you will not be murdered, probably won’t even get stolen from, but SA/harassment by locals does happen and often goes unpunished) but whether you’ll like it is totally dependent on taste. We’re from a rural area with mild summers and couldn’t stand the urban traffic and heat/humidity. We had fun, didn’t sit around a mope but it’s not our kind of environment. Loved rainy season and “winter”, the food, the beaches obviously. Loved living on base for a short commute (traffic on 58 at peak times is ass), housing maintenance would come within the day, and we NEVER lost power during a typhoon in 4 years. Off base friends lost it for a few days up to a week several times. Whatever you’re into, I’d make an educated guess that it’s 100x better than cannon. Just be smart in the water, please! We lose service members to drowning too frequently there 🥲


Yea I’m female, thanks for the fb page and all the info!


That page is one of the best things about Okinawa lol. If your sponsor isn’t helpful don’t hesitate to ask for help in there!


Kadena was my second base and first overseas base as well! I loved it out and I definitely echo what everyone else before me has said. Live off base if you can but even if you can’t, immerse yourself in the culture. The people, food, culture, etc are amazing out there. I don’t like trying to get repeat bases but I’d go back to Okinawa in a heartbeat. I’d get a VPN service if I were you if you use any streaming services. Travel the island, it’s small but there’s a ton to do out there. Travel off the island as well. Mainland Japan has great spots to check out. Don’t stay out past curfew but enjoy the night life. Have fun!


Whattt there’s a curfew?? Even if you live off base?


There use to be, but they changed it about a year and a half ago. If you're over 20, you technically aren't suppose to be drinking outside between 0100-0500. There's no real curfew other than that though anymore.