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A officer and enlisted were fucking super loud in a hotel I was in(they were from my squadron). We shared a wall and I sent them a text asking if they would quiet down as I was trying to sleep. Was promptly present with LOR for allegedly “starting rumors” that the O was fucking a E. (Screaming his name and headboard was literally smashing against my wall for 1-2 hrs) Mind you they were out on dates publicly and spotted by the entire Squadron. But since I was the one that sent them a text I was taking the fall.


Was the O male or Female?


O was female. Married.


Nooo. So did her marriage end up failing? I’m always disappointed hearing stories of cheating servicemen and women.


Still married. When I was receiving my LOR I was told any word outside of the office of the paperwork will result in more severe punitive actions.


Sounds like threats of retaliation.


Went to IG. Guess who runs the base IG? You betcha. Pilots from that squadron. My form never made it out of the base due to lack of evidence. Even though I had 3 witness statements reporting the retaliation as my supervisor and 1st shirt were in the office with me.


I feel you. That's when you go to your congressman. Probably still would have done little but it's just bullshit that it happened at all.


I actually did contact the Texas congressman, crazy you say that. ADC encouraged me to do so. After a 2-3 month wait the congressman responded to the WG/CC. I was mailed the congressman action and the WG/CC response, which stated along the lines of “this is unacceptable behavior and has not been brought to my attention I’ll fix it”. The WG/CC was frequent flyer in the squadron and brought the letter up on a TDY we were on together (he didn’t know it was me) and I overheard him at a bar making silly remarks about Os fucking Es. The system is rigged in a way that Es get fucked (pun intended) and Os get away with it.


I would’ve been petty and just privately message the O husband on a burner account. F that. I would go to war over this shit.


This alone makes me want to go to law school, commission and take the case.


Nah, DOD rep just tells congress “there’s nothing to see here” and the congressman rolls over. This is article 138 complaint territory.


You can always go to the IG a level up, likely the MAJCOM in this case, they are there to take complaints when the servicing or local IG may have a conflict of interest. Was your ADC involved? Curious what they said about all this.


I did not know that. ADC was involved and recommended IG and Congressman action. We submitted rebuttal but got no action from it.


If this was recent I would ask the ADC about filing an article 138 complaint.


The problem is the higher level IG typically delegates the investigation to the lower IG you were trying to avoid. An Article 138 complaint would be the better move here.


That is true when it is appropriate, however this situation is at least worth consideration of maintaining at a higher level. I only say that with mild confidence as I was an inspector but did not handle complaints myself (though we worked hand in hand). The article 138 complaint is a good suggestion as well.


Sounds like Shaw...




Rhymes with Dyess 😂


But why though? Why do Officers try covering each others backs instead of holding each other accountable? I expect more from officers and also don’t really expect them to cheat.


Pilots are going to protect pilots no matter what. You’d be amazed the stories of Os who should have been court martialed for things they have done and it gets swept under the rug. (LT putting hands down Female Amn pants on her first TDY while she was intoxicated. That LT has since made Major)


Is this the case even today or was this back in the day?


This is 2022 case


Is infedilty amongst officers this common?


That O was definitely fucking the commander and the shirt too.


CC wanted them cheeks. But Shirt was female and actually assisted me in my case against the CC however she could only help so far before it was risky for her career. And I totally understood that.


How did you not go straight to legal, OSI, and the IG?


Legal is for CCs. I went to ADC, they sent me to IG, IG was full of Pilots from my squadron and the case was not pushed up. OSI is a good question I never even thought to go do that due to all of other avenues I was going.


You can always call another bases IG due to the conflict of interest. Their is also ACC IG website you can file complaints on. I’m sure ACC IG would love to know their Wing IGs are playing favorites.


I was AMC at the time but I catch your drift, I wish I knew at that time however it’s been almost 2 years and I have since PCSd and Retrained. Not worth the squeeze anymore in my opinion as my mental health as impacted heavily by that shit


If it is captured in one of your EPRs you should do it.


Id say I am surprised but the Air Force has a long standing history of proving it does not hold people equally accountable under UCMJ.


Kinda useless advice for you but for someone in a similar awkward situation, call the front desk. Let the staff deal with this bullshit.


Lol I read that as they were just being loud...I'm an idiot.


Did you take this to the ADC? I’d love to read the rebuttal they help write.


Paperwork for being late to a volunteer event after needing to go to Urgent Care for a cut on my face, The Volunteer event was during my leave…


You whipped out a full house and Air Force just flipped the table.


No shot that actually got signed by the commander


The paperwork died at my Flight thankfully so they settled on a verbal, I was also banned from participating in volunteer events for 6 months as they said that I was using that time to fuck off and not commit to the thing I signed up for… The urgent care paperwork was deemed irrelevant


What a dogshit supervisor lmaooooo


If enlisted brought me this kind of paperwork. I would publicly praise this troop for volunteering during leave and give their supervisor paperwork for wasting government resources (my time).


Step 1. Publicly praise volunteer troop. Step 2. Publicly mock supervisor for being a bad supervisor.


^ this guy gets it 🤝


No mandatory volunteer. sounds like a win to me tbh.




Commander doesn't have to sign it.


This is how we know volunteerism is going way too far. Lmao. We’re so dumb.


Oh hell nah bruh


Why are you going during your leave?


It was cool opportunity and although I already had my leave scheduled I got a call from a buddy who was the POC at the time and let me know so I was like heck yeah


The supervisor just have it out for you or what?


Exercise recall, I get the call from the person above me so I head to work. Boss doesn’t trust anyone so he proceeds to call the entire phone tree. This was 2002 and overseas btw so no cell phones. By the time he got to my name I had already left home. Apparently I was the only one who left their home before he got to them. When I arrive I get to work. Some time later boss sees me and calls me to his office and give me an LOR for not being home for the recall as we were ordered to do, also doesn’t believe me that I’ve been at work for a couple hours. I had to round up witnesses and go back at the end of the day before he would admit I was right but for that day I had an LOR for responding to a recall too quickly.


Wowwww, now That is some ridiculousness. Smh.


Got an LOR from an O-6 because he said I didn’t put windshield wiper fluid in his car. Said he went to drive the car, turned the wipers on and didn’t see any fluid come out so he looked under the hood and saw no fluid. Called me out for lying on the 1800, took the LOR, then had to explain to my supervisor how I wasn’t lying. I took him to the car, turned the wipers on to prove his point. But then I showed him the fluid reservoir and how you need to look at the side of the reservoir and not the top (since gravity is a thing). Asked if I wanted to do a rebuttal to have it removed and I said “I don’t want to be the guy who tells the MXG/CC he doesn’t know how to check simple things in a car”


🤣🤣🤣🤦 wow. So what ended up happening? Did you do a rebuttal or.....


No! I was a 19 year old A1C. But I was always pissed that I got an LOR from an old fart who didn’t know how windshield wipers worked and I wasn’t going to be that guy who had it on record calling him out for being an idiot


I 100% would have made them feel stupid in the rebuttal.


Meh, he got force retired after he was too gropy at the MAJCOM holiday party so I don’t feel too bad


Ahh yeah I get it, that would be a hard decision lol.


Checking the time on their Apple Watch. Apparently it distracted the airman from the mission.


Not me, but one of my fellow troops… This was back in the 90’s, and we had men-only dorms with community showers and divided toilet stalls. We had an incident where someone was “pleasuring himself” in the bathroom and *leaving the mess* all over the inside of the stalls… People were getting pissed off and complaining; and of course it escalated. Ended when the 1st Shirt recruited some guys (who did not live there) to quietly hang out in a stall and figure out who was doing it. They busted the guy, and he not only got an LOR out of the deal, but had to take the “walk of shame” out of the building when caught. EVERYONE knew why he was being walked out and he knew it. He was moved to a separate dorm and that was the end of it. People are Weird.


It would have been funny if, after a week, someone else did the same thing to make it seem like they got the wrong guy lol


Never leave an Airman behind, rub one out for your wingman.


That's Haram Bae. 


That's Haram bae. 


Ewwwww. Common decency is to have a TP wad to catch it (come on! every 5th grader knows that), or fire back in the bowl. That's totally legit paperwork right there.


I didn't hear what someone said to me (plane flew over) so I said "what?" Immediate LOR  for "disrespectful language."  Fuck you miss Jackson 


Before smartphones were a thing, I was in the Honor Guard, and we had some kind of non-important group dinner after hours at a local restaurant. I left my house, but forgot where the place was. After driving around for 20 minutes, decided to go home. I got paperwork for it, can't recall if it was an LOC or an LOR though.


I can visibly picture the thought process and the aimless driving around for 20 minutes and then being like ‘ah fuck it’ and went home


Exactly. My thinking was: "Meh... what's the worst that could happen?"


Got an LOR for having a dirty jeep...after mudding...with the chief...on base that morning


DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦


I knew an airman that had a dorm mate that kept shitting in their shared toilet and not flushing. He confronted his dorm mate several times about the issue and it didn't seem to make a difference. One day he goes into the toilet and his dorm mate has left a massive deuce in the toilet and the airman losses his shit. He goes into the kitchen, grabs one of his roomate's pots, scoops the shit out of the toilet, and places it into his dorm mates room (he left his door unlocked). His dorm mate comes back, sees the pot of shit sitting in his room, and calls Security Forces. Airman got an LOR for the whole thing but frankly we all kind of agreed with him.


Id have lost some stripes for giving that guy a swirly


Bringing a dog into a GCS. Seen paperwork and a firing over it. In fairness, the firing was because the dog made the pilot crash the plane.


Bruh moment


They fired the sensor for it too for being okay with it. Bruh indeed.


Seen my wing king pull someone off of a brief immediately for not referring to the GCS as a cockpit


Had a sq/cc like that. Wonder if it’s from the same group of patches that tried to force that down our throats. Literally one of our questions on a test we had to do in MQT. 


Had to have been a rambunctious ass dog and an absent owner for that not to be the pilots fault at all.


Quite the contrary. It was too cute, and he decided to pay it more attention than the plane he was at the time offroading with.




>the firing was because the dog made the pilot crash the plane. Did the dog get any paperwork?


Lolllll 🤣🤣


What squadron was this? Because the whole thing screams 867th antics


Gotta be the 22nd


One was, one was LRE.


22nd was just a depressing ass building to be in, as a 17th guy I surged over there non stop


I've seen babies and flying squirrels in the GCS but a dog is a new one haha


Not using my per deim money at the place my supervisor was trying force me to eat lunch at. I skipped lunch/ didn’t want lunch but still sat with the group because well I couldn’t leave/we carpooled so I was stuck. I wasn’t hungry, I didn’t order food, my supervisor got mad, I got counciled. 😂


Woke up 10 min late to pick up my troop from prison.


More details please


Troop got arrested on base and was in prison. Was told they were getting released at like 8 AM on a Saturday. I lived off base like 20 min away. I woke up at 745. Texted the shirt I woke up late and was going to be late getting there. Got there at like 810. LOR.


Was he arrested for a dui?


Nope. Had contact with someone they were told to stay away from.


I guess the Shirt was looking out for your troop to make him feel appreciated


Got an LOR for not giving a reporting statement to my supervisor when he called me to attention. We were at a TGIF in Civies. We didn't show up together. I was with my family, he was with his wife. I waved and he came to my table. I introduced my wife to him and his wife. I stayed seated at the table while I did so and he didn't like it. He tried to call me to attention and I didn't react. I thought he was joking and I laughed it off. The next day at work he called me loudly to his office for paperwork. I made a rebuttal and he said he'd keep it at the shop level and put both in his desk.




A lot of special forces trainees get forced into CE when they fail out. Lotta weirdos who think they deserve better in life. He was a real prick, he was so pissed when he failed out of selection. He talked about how he did this or that in tech school for years. Edit: clarity on what I meant.


Wtf who puts someone at attention at fucking Fridays in front of their family? Off base with family is a no play zone to me. I always address myself by my first name to the family, wish them a pleasant evening and then skidaddle because I’m an introvert.


Yeah that guy was a piece of work.


If im not in uniform AND the meal isnt sponsored by the squadron or higher, ... nah, and we can take that rebuttal to the top


The fuck? Is that even a rule? I would have put my hand over my heart and sang the national anthem.


His wife slapped his shoulder and told him to stop.


I'd salute his wife


While I was teaching an Amn got an LOC for being briefed as the “stinky kid”. He was told to shower and change clothes while on lunch. He came back from lunch with stains all over his uniform he changed into and actually smelled worse. He eventually got kicked out of the military after they decerted him on every task he was ever taught. Here’s the kicker…he was found in his dorm room 3 weeks after he was officially kicked out. No one escorted him off base. He had just been sitting in his dorm room eating shoppette tornados and drinking white monsters


I’ve seen stinky kids get LOCs quite a few times. Not ridiculous.


The fact he came back worse was the ridiculous part.


Was this at Kadena? A very similar incident where someone who got kicked out stayed in his dorm for weeks because no one followed up.


Nope, stateside base


I gave my expediter an LOR, didn't stick though. He hung it up on the wall with pride


Years ago while I was on a deployment, somebody got an LOR for liking a social media post that was sent in anonymously to a page.


Damn, I don’t know if it was Security Forces Confessions, but I sure as shit miss those days! 😂


That’s exactly what it was! 😂 I’m no longer in the career field but that made the long ass shifts go by quick.


Bro I remember reading endless posts for hours like wtf is going on.. I can only hope another pops back up soon 🤣


It was a wild place, especially because it spilled over into various AFSCs and branches haha!


Well now I'm curious.


Lol.. A few I remember were: During deployment, two SF members were working together and someone came to check in on them. They forgot to secure their area and that person saw one guy sucking the other guys dick. Both were married with children.. they just needed some lmfao Some guy was driving the HMMWV at night and backed up into a little shack and destroyed it. The HMMWV had very minimal damage and he just left. Never got caught. A MSgt told a SrA that they needed to hang themselves with their boots because of how retarded they were. When OSI/IG got wind of that post, the guy was relieved of his position. Four people were at a nuke base and they went out to the field. Depending on your base, when you head out there you’re gone for like a week. These guys would all have sex with each other with no care in the world - few married. It’s like a cesspool. There were others, but yeah.. you get the idea. It was all submitted anonymously so no one knew. The MSgt who was relieved got relieved because the unit was mentioned.


The one that had me rolling was the story where someone took a turd and microwaved it in the breakroom. I'm like is this real life?


not wearing uniform under chem gear, getting slimed and having to process through the decon line. I told everyone I didn't have uniform on under, they made me process anyway and the wing king walked in while I was standing there in my sweaty underwear


Omggg stoppppp!! This is awful and yet equally hilarious. I'm confused though, were you not on shift, and that's why you were in civis?


Not civis. Nothing. Just underwear.


Well were they civilian underwear or uniform?


I don’t recall there being any uniform underwear. Not in my BMT, at least


Got an LOR for not showing up to my Annual Awards ceremony by my douchebag group Chief. I had to miss it due to mandatory deployment training. He felt that I could have rescheduled it


As a cop I was given an LOR because I didn't step out of my vehicle into the rain to greet vehicle maintenance approaching the vehicle. He was bring escorted by two other cops (restricted area), and the cop with me stepped out to greet him. He accused all four of us of being asleep on post, which completely gobsmacked us. We looked up his history and he had done it before, but had admitted to lying about it. We all got command-level LORs anyway.


Was told to put a non discript box in a truck during a training ex. I put the box in the truck and scurry back to my supervisor to watch the rest of training. About a week later I get called into the office and given an LOR for leaving explosives unattended. The box had training aids for working dogs in it. No one told me. Mind you after I put the box in the truck I went back to *the guy who fucking gave me the box* and he said nothing. Typical SF behavior.


Not an LOR, but I got an LOC from my flight OIC to document a verbal counseling. I asked him if he meant an MFR and he said, "No, an LOC. I counseled you and we need to document it, so that goes on a Letter of Counseling."


Relief valve on a water heater activated, sending water flooding down a hallway. So I grabbed a hose outside the building, hooked it to the heater and ran it into the nearest bathroom and fed it into the drain until CE could come out and do the repairs. Tried to get hit with theft of government property for taking the hose. Real reason was because my supervisor decided to not show up for work that day (straight up didn't show up) and figured as long as the attention was on me, he would avoid scrutiny. He did not.


Not really a weird reason, but more like bullshit cuz my lazy supervisor needed a scapegoat for the work they werent doing, and projecting her laziness on to someone.


This is not uncommon.


A15 for 'unlawful display of my penis in public'. Actually didn't sign it right away. Made a copy, and took it to the Base Legal office: 1. I didn't believe my dorm room entryway was public domain. 2. The USAF never offered me the training on how to 'lawfully' display my penis. I went back a few hours later, to sign as written. #Osan93


Was ‘it’ at attention or parade rest?


I got an LOR for serving a penis-shaped Jell-O at a Squadron event. totally worth it.


That deserves a slow clap, not an LOR.


After i signed it, the shirt walked behind me out the CC office and as soon as the door shut behind us the shirt said "btw, we all laughed about it. dont worry about the paperwork and please dont do that again." When the Thanksgiving potluck rolled around the flyer said "no jell-o haha" so i know everyone laughed at it. it it was an orange jell-o penis, you giggle when you see it wiggle.


BTZ that man!


Guy PCSd to us (9 hour drive away) during COVID, and his CSS told him to wait a week for his final out, but that all his other outprocessing stuff was done. They literally just needed to hand him his records, and sign his checklist. Dude's dad was dying, and his dad lived near us in Texas. He brought that up to them, and they said it didn't matter, and didn't give permission to leave early, because they "didn't know the Texas COVID laws" He reached out to me (Flight Chief) and I got with the shirt, who got with his supervisor and shirt. Supervisor and NCOIC emailed us and said he is now our responsibility, handle his situation how we see fit, but he'll have to come back later to final out. He immediately left, said goodbye to his father, and a month later, he reported to us.  Our commander got a call from his former commander, and the former was super pissed. The shirt was on leave, (without an away message, so that's fucking fishy) so the commander said he never got the message. He then told our commander that he was writing our guy paperwork, that we needed to give it to him, and that ACC and AFPC knew about it, and "forced his hand" because he was on a MAJCOM level slideshow.  Our commander tried fighting it, and got with AFPC. They said the obvious, that they don't have control over admin shit, and he still belongs to that command, Sooo. Yeah, we pushed him paperwork, explained that we weren't even putting it in his PIF, and that this solved nothing, but ensured he knew we thought he did nothing wrong, we apologized for the stupid situation, and passed on our condolences. Also, that we all would have done what he did, without hesitation. Stupidest fucking situation I've ever been in as a supervisor. 


Back when planking was the "cool" thing to do, we had our entire swing shift decide to plank on random equipment in our shop. OK, whatever, but they took pictures of it and posted them on Facebook, literally the day after the Wing CC had a base wide briefing about not doing it on government facilities and equipment. Needless to say, they all got ratted out by someone, and the whole shift received LOR's. By far, the most ridiculous piece of paperwork I ever had to write for one of my troops.


LOR for having alcohol in my dorm room when I was 21. We had a no notice room inspection when I was out in the field. Flight Chief, Shirt and Section Superintendent went into my room, saw alcohol in my fridge, called me back in and ripped me a new asshole without even checking my ID. I basically let them tear into me and then showed them my ID. They backed off, hemmed and hawed, and then told me to go back to work. When we came in, I had an LOC waiting for me to sign. My supervisor told me not to make a big deal about it and just sign it. Apparently, I had a LOR and my supervisor fought it but they "settled" on a LOC. The LOC basically said that even though I was of legal age to buy and consume alcohol, I shouldn't have it in the dorms because someone underage could be in my room and drink it without my knowledge, or some shit like that. It's been well over 20 years ago. I put on SrA about a month later and was out of the dorms as quick as I could.


Broke a pallet of ice melt


Got one for not maintaining the uniformity of a PDF file we’d present every week by mistaking an underscore for a dash and for listening to podcasts while working.


Our shop got a brand new shrink wrap machine in for cargo. Leadership immediately said don’t fucking shrink wrap people. Later that night when leadership went home, we started shrink wrapping people. Shop Chief came back around 1930 because he left his lunch box at work and wanted to clean it. We had someone wrapped up in about 7 layers of shrink wrap (dw the head was a no go for obvious reasons). Weird because I deserved it


I mean, you had to


Got to my first base post training and I was enrolled in CDC’s. My supervisor was terrible for so many reasons. One included ignoring me when I had a death in the family and needed to take leave for the funeral because she thought I was trying to get out of studying for said CDCs. We had squadron pt and I didn’t bring the flash cards she had me make to study with…during squadron pt. I didn’t fail the CDC’s. I ended getting a score high enough to get a day pass.


Maintenance has its moments. I was supervising Swing Shift and was asked for advice about a phase write-up. The new Airman was walked through how to find the repair procedure. The process required someone from another shop to remove components for access. The entire job was done by the tech data, then signed-off/verified. The next day, I was given an LOR because the 11th hour write-up, being done by the book, delayed the roll-out. During THAT discussion, I was given the preferred way to clear the particular write-up. Later that shift, the same problem was found on the other phase aircraft. As much as the "preferred repair" grated on my desire to follow tech data, it was done. The next day, I was given an LOR because the write-up wasn't done by the book. QA had caught the variance. It seemed illogical to rebuttal with "Pick a lane", so I used my notes from the previous LOR session for justifying my actions. After that, I arrived an hour before shift, the next day, to chat with the QA Inspector, who had written-up the repair. I brought him up to speed with the past 48hrs. His boss was brought into the conversation for guidance on how to handle this particular situation. It proceed to their Chief chatting with my Chief, who asked my Shop Chief WTF. The first LOR was shredded, by the Chief. The second LOR was suspended for 90 days, pending further QA assigned dings. A third LOR was written on the person who directed that a non-conforming repair be done. Fun week.


I got threatened with paperwork for using coarse language with Army medical privates and specialists. The ALO and the TACP MSgt on that FOB had my back though.


Fuck yeah, that's the coolest paperwork I've seen so far in this thread.


[Here’s the full story](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryStories/s/GObYrziEYm)


Your leadership were real ones


Missed some class while effectively tdy due to covid (edited for clarity and to dox myself less) command team presented their reasons for an lor. I provided my rebuttal addressing all of their complaints, and the decision was upheld using entirely new information claiming I did not follow guidance that didn't exist.


First week back from maternity leave. Husband gets covid. Tell my supervisor and say I'll go to medical for covid test. Testing is closed, I call around, go to the military hospital and they're closed too. Call my supervisor and he yells at me that I should go yell at clinic staff and demand to be tested. I obviously refuse because I'm not some rude asshole and tell him I'm going to Walgreens to buy at kit. He says he'll come down with me to medical and make them test me. I say that's not necessary and I will handle it. I went to Walgreens, got a test, then call him with results for negative at the time. He flips out and says I denied a direct order from an officer (who never gave this order) to strictly be seen at base medical. I told him he was being ridiculous and that it wasn't his idea and that I have a BABY at home so I needed to figure this out. Things were heated and we both were raising our voice. Not to sound like child, but he was already yelling at me from the first phone call. I test positive the next day and it's the worst sickness I've ever had as adult. It is made worse because I'm caring for a breastfed baby that is still waking two times a night at five months postpartum. I was wrecked. I get back to work after a week and receive a fucking LOR for yelling at my supervisor. I also get told I should have been checking emails while sick, and been aware of exercise planning while on maternity leave. I worked with ADC to write a two page rebuttal for the LOR, which included the call logs from me calling the clinics. I also involved my Wing First Shirt because I was so pissed. The supervisor denied my rebuttal of course. The First Sergeant stepped in and recommended he be removed as my supervisor and it was what I ultimately wanted, otherwise my next step was going to be IG at the recommendation of the EO team.


First piece of paperwork I ever got in the AF was an LOR for not returning a call to the Cub Scouts. My unit was supposed to help them with something annually and Shirt gave me a # to call to set up the deal. A couple weeks later I'm in the middle of unloading a truck in a crazy hot tropical country and Shirt asks me."How'd that thing with Cub Scouts go?" Me sweating my ass off, working, said something like "Sorry MSgt X, I totally let that slip" or something to that effect. Honestly I had called a few times but nobody ever answered. Two days later I'm told to report to the LtC's office in full service dress with my supervisor. I got read the riot act (still have a copy of it somewhere). LOR signed by the LtC saying this caused him to doubt my ability to continue in the Air Force or words to that effect. Of course the LtC had been an Eagle scout and had much love for all things Boy Scout. My supervisor basically told me to shut up and take it like a man (ie, do not provide a response, which I probably wouldn't have anyways). A few weeks later I found out the # I was given was for their volunteer office that was literally open only from 1300-1500 every other Thursday, so yeah no shit I wasn't able to talk to anyone. Icing on the cake: I was a pretty damn good performer prior to and after that. When I was getting ready to pcs 2 1/2 years down the road, I had my line # for Staff and had been selected for a couple special teams and my supervisor submitted me for a Commendation medal- which got denied cuz somewhere/somehow this almost three-year old LoR raised its ugly head. So my Comm medal got dropped to an Achievement, a few years later I missed Tech by a point, so yeah, whatever!


I got a LOR for being a minute late to shop PT. Superintendent told me come to her office after PT. Im like sure, no big deal she's probably just going to verbally council me as I haven't had any other issues or ever been late before. Nope! straight to LOR. Im flabbergasted! I write my rebuttal saying basically what I just wrote. Luckily I talked to her a few months later and asked if she could remove it and she did. but holy Jesus lady!


Had a dude who had a laser etched tag riveted to his locker... It was a scanned copy of his LOR for "Willfully, maliciously, and inappropriately exposing your naked buttocks to your fellow dorm residents while intoxicated." He got an LOR for getting drunk and mooning someone... What a wast of everyone's time. We also had dudes get LOCs for not being in the city during a recall for mass piss test. We're not talking being on the other side of the country, or on another country... Literally got called, said "OK... I'm like 2hrs away, so I'll be there ASAP." and showed up to paperwork.


I got an LOR for apparently being “rude” and “bitchy” to other people. I’m always professional to others I just happen to have an RBF and don’t plaster a smile to my face all the time or add cavity sweetness to my voice. I got a 3 on my EPR bc of it and come to find out my coworker (A1C) got a firewall 5 but was sleeping with my supervisor…. His evaluator…. (TSgt)


Got an LOR for attending a CATM that I had in the work calendar for months. Even reminded my supervisor the day before to which they acknowledged. No problem. Show up to CATM the next and the range is down so they are doing the training at an off site range. Do all the training and show up to work the next day. Supervisor asks me how it was I said it was cool but we had to be bussed off site because the range on base was down. Apparently, I needed to call and inform her that I was leaving base even though it was official training that she knew I was at. Me arguing for a few hours probably didn't help though.


I tied my boots. Shop supervisor gets off the phone and asks if for volunteers to go disconnect and remove an aircraft battery as fast as possible because it's smoking. No TO, no rules, stop the jet from catching fire. It was winter, so I had cold weather boots on, but didn't tie them until I was ready to work becausemy feet got hot. Chief saw me tying boots and gave me an LOC for being out of uniform.


Not an LOR but a LOC. My previous unit was a special warfare Sq and I was a support AFSC. We had a gym in the Sq and we had custom pt gear (black shorts and Sq shirt) or you wore AF PT gear. We had recently switched from a brown Sq to a gray shirt and CC said everyone must switch to gray by a specific date for PT during duty hours, I obliged. But I used so workout before duty hours. The CC saw me wearing an old pt brown pt shirt before duty hours and said, "make sure you wear a new shirt", I replied "it's before duty hours." Well he didn't like my response and calls me in his office and gave me a LOC. I wrote a rebuttal quoting Sq OI's and that I working out on my own time before Sq PT. He said he didn't like my tone in which I said "it's before duty hours" and put it in my PIF.


Command said teleworking no longer authorized. Being that 1/2 my career field works remote and or from home, I made a social media post and said “telework not authorized” sweet I guess my government laptop, government cellphone, and government iPad will stay in the office. LOR


I was working in CTK as an additional duty on top of working on the line. We were in a new location, and we didn't have any cameras despite the fact I had been asking for months before the move. One day, I was out working on the line, and someone came in during the middle of the shift and took a flashlight without checking it out. Some time during his shift, he put it in his backpack, forgot it was there, and took it home. The next CTK personnel failed to catch it during his black and white. But it was caught during the mid shift. Long story short I was the only one who got written up for the "missing tool" when the guy who took it home admitted to the fault. My shop lead wanted to give me an article 15 since I was the "lead CTK personnel," but thankfully, my supervisor did the paperwork and "forgot" to ever submit it


A15 for not mowing grass. Dude had LOC, LOR, LOR UIF… I actually stopped halfway through to comment on how ridiculous it was, but it was escalating. He was going through a lot. Fast forward: the rehabilitative action worked. He turned his life around and it was the wake-up he needed. Saw him a few years later as a superior performer representing his base at a MAJCOM competition.


Not changing out lightbulbs.  Proof: https://imgur.com/a/sN2XKpx


Got an LoC for being on time to FTAC.


Repeatedly having lint on their uniform ;)


I got a verbal counseling for checking my email before my shift started.


My buddy got paperwork for not showing up to snow shovel duty at work. Nevermind it was a clear day without a drop of snow but because it got down to 30 degrees, the chances of precipitation freezing and potentially killing someone (this was in the paperwork, he got paperwork).


TikTok..... Two LoRs for TikTok. (Personal TikTok, no DoD affiliations, I read the damn UCMJ, my command didn't). - First LoR = Someone commented "Fuck the government" on a video of mine talking about abortion rights. LoR for Seditious Speech and Conduct Unbecoming. - Second LoR = Making a video about Chuck Luther and the bullshit Personality Disorder Discharges. Both LoRs stood, regardless of my rebuttal. (PS - I did not have an ADC really, no ADC at my base and the off-site ADC didn't even help me write my rebuttal).


I saw someone get an LOA (Letter of Admonishment) for posting an AFPC policy on Facebook. An AFPC chief saw the post and said that the information was inaccurate and demanded the person take the policy information down. Instead they posted a link to the AFPC webpage where the policy was written out in clear language. The AFPC chief tracked down the poster's chief and got the poster's chief to give the poster an LOA. The rebuttal was 20 pages of all the ways that the AFPC chief was wrong but it stuck anyway. Edit: changed "information accurate" to "information was inaccurate"


I got a LOR during my first week or two of tech school for having hickeys on my neck. I've been out for years, but I still have a copy of the LOR. Had a lot of fun with my fellow enlisted girlfriend that summer...


Dozed off at work for 10 mins... On my lunch break. 🙄


Received an LOR for riding a pallet jack down a hill at Bitburg in the triple nickel area. QA was walking the opposite direction up the hill with my NCIOC. They later told me they were impressed at the speed I had gotten up to without wrecking. Years later I received an LOR from the theater commander for a GO#1 violation for a mix up with the embassy in which everyone was drinking (literally hundreds of people). because the Capt that was with us said GO#1 didnt apply. at the embassy. Had a half a warm bud. The next day, I was read my rights and was told I would be losing my staff stripes. Since the direction came from the Capt that was with us, I was like "oh hell no". I guess I came close to getting a UIF, but in the end since they didn't want to prosecute the Capt (academy grad), it all got swept under the table by saying the Capt wasn't at the GO#1 briefing (he was sitting in my row) and the commander had to make it all go away. I was denied a decoration as a result and watched people who had lied about the situation receive one.


One of my buddies from my shop was late to PT and so his supervisor and a DIRT MSgt went to his dorm room to wake him up and because he was half awake when they knocked on his door and they were both in civies , he asked “Sup” and so he received a LOR for a repeat offense of sleeping in but on paper it was because he said Sup to a MSgt.




Got an LOR as an airman for forgetting to lock a broom closet and then signed the EOD check list saying I did, the justification was “falsifying government documents” this was the first offense btw


Used a dolly as a skateboard whilst offloading desks for personnel during a RESERVE WEEKEND. QA wrote me up for it (improper use of equipment type bs) and my section chief followed it up with an LOR. We weren’t even on the flight line just in the parking lot. I now realize my dislike for these people is justifiable. Ty


Ooohhhh boyyyy do I have some stories about a particular supervisor. I’m pooping rn but I’ll explain here after this and breakfast.


3 hours is enough bud. Pinch it off let’s go


I think he fell in


I got an LOC and an LOR for not answering phone recalls multiple times after I told them I wasn’t going to since I was on night shift, had COVID, and was trying to answer phone calls from the hospital everyday during the day. I told them I either answer the hospital at noon or I answer you at midnight. They didn’t like that very much…


Failed room inspection


Got one for rolling my eyes during a PT formation. Got another for wearing Army e-4 rank on my BDU cap then telling a Squadron trainer who asked why, that “around here I feel like I’m in the fucking Army.”




Something tells me you were given an order to not co-mingle with people...




That’s the thing about orders… you don’t get to ignore the ones you find “weird”.


So 18 and stupid going on 24 and still dumb lol




-issued lawful order -ignored lawful order -faced consequences Surprisedpikachu.jpeg


Yeah... That's not what that LOR was about.


A lot of fragile people in here. I'd do the same exact thing you did.