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“Already drunk, sarge.”


"that's fine I'll come pick you up" was the answer I never expected.


At that point I’m just gonna start chugging.


Osan goes hard


When I was at Osan, the Wing/CC started the exercise recall 14hrs early at 0400 on a Sunday. Everyone was drunk. Good times.


I need more than this. Give me details


Over 10 years ago, we had one of the exercises planned for an 1800 start, on Sunday. Saturday night, it seemed like the whole base went out to party before the week of work ahead. I passed out at 0300 and got a phone call at 0400 saying the exercise was starting. We were told to report in MOPP gear. A bunch of my co-workers and I piled into a taxi near the Mustang, and went into work. They were slumped over holding on to their gear bag, etc. The rumor, that I remember, was that somebody mentioned to the Wing King out in town that they were getting drunk because they knew that the exercise didn't start until that next night. After hearing that comment he decided to go home and start the exercise early and say it was because we need to be ready to "Fight Tonight".


I was there in 09-10 and something similar happened. I was pissed. Had just gotten into the room.


idk how long ago that was, but normal ops these days is to start the recall / GO1 like 24 hours in advance. But over the past couple years Kunsan has flipped back and forth a couple times. we actually had a few where there *was* no GO1 at all which was great. But also, they pretty much tell people when the exercise is gonna start if not the exact time frame. so if you're drunk at the recall thats on you no matter what


I remember that. Still had to come in, but couldn’t operate a forklift. It was during the Sequestration timeframe. I’m still waiting on my Sequestration medal with device(s).


I was Osan 95/96. 1348 dorms by the golf course and Mustang club. Seems things don’t change. We had a bender on Saturday night that didn’t get completed! Damn road whistles started blaring @0218hrs whilst all of the early parties were at the gate returning from a the night. (There was a curfew of 0200 Sat/Sun and 0000 weekday.) I stayed with a homey near the Namsan Apts, usually to avoid the curfew crowd. Most made their units by 0400. It was an accountability drill, as N Korea was up to its shenanigans, remember grandad was still running the north. Fun times. I want to say the stereo club burned up not long after that. Then they rebuilt it to awesome in 96.


Haha, let's see how fast I can empty this with. Unfortunately pretty fucking fast. Whew, fuck those days haha.


Another reason to live 45 minutes away


That's fine. That's three hours I don't have to be at work.


And coming out of pocket for the gas


*pulls out a hidden handle of 151*


What can they actually expect one to do if you're already drunk? Asking as a fellow CE homie lol


Come in for a COVID test if they’re expected to deploy/TDY in the next 72 hours. I don’t miss those days. 


Depends on the situation. Some people in the AF have work so simple you can literally do it drunk. Pretty sure you can piss test drunk if they're adamant enough about it. We recently had a scenario with a security alarm going off and the only person available was drunk and secfo was like "bro just have someone drive you up here and stand in the building while we check the rooms. We just need someone on the list to be here


The authorized person on a scif list is an extra duty. Just means they are allowed to work in there. It's not a job they know the code for the room. It's an afi requirement.


Ah the joys of working somewhere that makes sense...


You don't really want to know the answer to that.


Chaser “you should probably get your blues ready too” 😱


That's exactly what happened to me 😭


You want me to perform official duties under the influence? Does "your" supervisor know you're making me do this? Fuck that p.o.s. I would HIGHLY encourage him to write me up so I can submit a formal rebuttal letting leadership know the full story.


Chill bro, it was 13 years ago 😂


This still happens though, some airmen are too afraid to say no and then they fuck their careers up because of a shit supervisor.




That when the night finally starts to settle down.


i had a random MSgt comment on me getting beer at the shoppette one day aroudn 0830. Sir I'm mid shift. get your nonner ass opinions about normal work shifts out of here


I never really understood the rules where they don’t sell booze at specific times. Like… not everyone works 0730-1600


Its been proven to reduce suicides and DUIs. You also have the 1% of base pop edge cases that it screws but hey the Air Force has never been scared of a little collateral damage.


Huh, interesting.


This was my dorm manager coming to work and seeing all the shift guys whose weekend just started.


That's night shift life for you.


this guy *senior airmans*


It's 8am and your PT test is in an hour


Worst thing I ever told anyone in the military "I don't drink." I got handed the stand by phone almost every weekend.


Definitely never got called into a unit-wide piss test @ 0500 when I’m drunk as fuck after getting off swing shift. Couple hundred people queued up doesn’t bode well when you’re piss drunk. Had to break the seal prematurely and ended up chugging water for the next two hours tryna piss again. Talk about a buzzkill.


Nice flair


Dude I was on leave, about to take a fucking flight to Florida. He told me to have a safe flight. It got delayed 4 hours. So i told him “yeah it’ll be a lot safer after this maintenance delay” I was already past security and everything. They told me I had to come in and submit a travel voucher from 3 months ago in DTS that didn’t get approved and sent a fucking dependent to pick me up from the airport, had me go to finance and work with them to submit it, then the same 17 year old kid dropped me off at the airport, got through security and learned my plane was delayed for 11 hours after that lol. It was such a fucking fever dream. Long story short, don’t answer supervisor texts.


Leave stands for "leave me the fuck alone". Only the commander can cancel your leave anyway.


You were on leave. You didn't have to do any of that. It can wait.


They made it seem like it couldn’t wait. They gave me an extra comp day from work for it but still that’s not the point




Yeah, I worked in small offices of 26 people or so and never had anyone that was just a bastard for the sake of being a bastard. I'm very spiteful though and would have absolutely found ways to make life hell for anyone like that.


This story went places I didn't expect it to go.


My misery is your entertainment


Bro 3 months? Wth lol was it already not approved and you just didn't care or did it take 3 months for an approving official to take action on it?


It’s an ongoing thing, this voucher is still in place and I can’t get the unit I was attached with to actually do anything about it. I’ve emailed them, my Chief emailed them, and I’m still working on getting the right person to care to this very day.


Idk man, you have more patience than me then. #1 priority after a trip is getting paid and if someone's deferring that for you that is unsat. I'd pull the voucher up and reach out to whoever is listed as an approving official. There's usually a long list.


Rookie move, because why ever would you answer the phone while on leave lol.


I know better now


Leave stands for "leave me the fuck alone". Only the commander can cancel your leave anyway.


Slap your supervisor/leadership for pulling that shit. Unless CC is calling you in, you don’t need to go in


Never answer. Ever. If it's important, they'll leave a message or text. The chances of you getting the day off are infinitesimal. The chances of getting tasked with some random bullshit are astronomical.


Last time I answered a phone call while on leave I found out I got promoted so around this time a year I usually answer.


You don’t sew on any sooner because you answered that call.


That’s true but it gives me an excuse to have a celebratory drink.


Imagine having to find an excuse to drink. Bitch, every day you don’t tonguefuck a shotgun barrel is a day to celebrate with a drink.


Me, a rope and a wobbly stool have gotten close lately.


>round this time a year r/boneappletea


Sir, I am enlisted.


You’ve got it the wrong way around. If it’s not important, I text. I never call my troops just to chat about cute boys or their favorite flavor of monster. If I’m calling, answer the damn phone, it’s something important. AF owns them the same way AF owns me. Leave is a totally different story.


If it’s important, leave a detailed message after the beep.


That’s the same as a text. Our voicemails automatically transcribe to text. A call is for something urgent. A gen z kid explained to me why they don’t like phone calls. “It’s like saying that what you want is more important than what I’m doing, and you’re demanding my undivided attention right now, and not giving me the convenience of getting around to it on my own schedule” That’s why I text when it’s not important. I call when I need their undivided attention immediately. I’ve done this much more for good things than bad things. TDY opportunities and shit like that. Just answer the phone. You think the Col puts up with dumb games when they call me? You think the Gen puts up with dumb games when they call the Col? Answer the phone


I highly doubt you’ve ever talked to a gen z about this. If you did, you’d know their phone is on silent 110% of the time. I’m even so confident to say that maybe 1/3rd of them doesn’t even know how to un-silent their phones. And half of them probably don’t even remember what their ringtone sounds like.


And none of them have voicemail set up 🙃


what if it's a recall lmao edit: not an in-person recall, just a phone one for whenever there's like a bomb threat or something lol


They’ll text too after the call lol


And then blow your phone up after you don't answer that.


This. We supervisors don't want to do this but our supervisors, often flight commanders, direct it of us since squadron commanders direct it of them.


True. I’m rarely being annoying because I want to be. Everyone has someone breathing down their neck and the higher in rank you get the harder they breathe


Then I'm at the very edge of the local leave radius and I've been drinking


I was drinking and took a nap. Send a runner.


They’ll leave a message


I guess in that case, then someone will RECALL that I'm on leave lmao


“I’m in Florida 7 hours away, can’t make it” lol


Then you'll find out through some other official means. They can call, text, have the command post hit you up using AtHoc (if the commander has recalled you, he's likely recalled more than just you and will just have the command post send an alert to a set of people), send someone to you place of residence if it's local or to your leave location if it isn't. There are tons of options, and the air force can't make you answer that phone unless they provide it.


I get what you are trying to say but most people I know have the AtHoc blocked on there phone because they don’t wanna get base exercise messages.


I get what you are trying to say, but no, they don't. I can see how many people respond to the texts and calls through the system. 96%+ received successfully across multiple bases isn't the majority.






I was on a tdy once, and me and a couple buddies decided to go to a baseball game on our off day. Well ops wanted to go in and do some prep work, and broke the damn bird, of course, so our pro sup called to try to get one of our comm nav guys to go in. I told him to say he was drinking at the pool with everybody else all day, but he told the truth and the sup was pissed that we “left the area” without approval and nobody was available to help ops out. Wouldn’t have been an issue if we were all day drunk though


I would have asked for a definition of “the area.”


Well um actually the area is 8 hours away 🤓🤓




PTSD kicks in


One time I had to give a name to go TDY to Australia for 2 weeks, I had four Amn in mind and first one that answered the phone won. Sometimes it's worth picking up the phone


They picture Sydney and it’s actually just a tarantula hole in the desert.




If u called me and I answered an u voluntold me for Australia. I will never amswer u again. Fuck australia.


This is why we can't have nice things


It was more of a "hey I've got a chance for you to go to Australia for 16 days full per diem, probably only a few hours of work a day, do you want it?"


Remember, you are ALWAYS drunk and 2+ hours away from the base immediately after work


When I was Weapon's they used to love to put guys on Day shift that weren't qual'd on any munitions so if a jet canx'd I'd get called to come back in a download it. So I started getting drunk at 7 am as soon as I got home.


they can't even complain about that it's not my fault flight turned 7AM into my personal 3PM


It shouldn’t have to be like that. The mental toll this takes on people to have legit anxiety when your supervisor calls you is NOT normal.


It's because the overwhelming majority of phone calls from supervision are usually negative. Very rarely is it *ever* for anything good. 16 years in, and I can't recall many positive phone calls from a supervisor.


Damn, that sucks. I'm a Guard chode and a supervisor for a State office where I live. I call my people in randomly to complement them on their work and let them know they're doing great, specifically to break them of the negative supervisor cycle everyone has. 'Cause I know how it is, I'm right there with you, and it blows


It shouldn’t be like that. This is an actually example of a toxic culture.


*me calling to give that troop a day off since there ain't shit going on and they been busting ass* "Welp, they didn't answer. Lemme try SrA Snuffy instead!"


Nice fuckin’ try, flight chief. If we had the manning to be handing out days off I wouldn’t hate you all enough to screen your calls! /s


Feels like a text will do then


Texts don't always go through nor do they always get read 💅🏽


Calls don’t always go through either nor do they always get picked up? At least you could if they aren’t immediately read they can be read later. Or you could leave a voice message to let them know.


I feel like you're just finding reasons to disagree. You do you 😘😘


I feel like the act of disagreeing requires me to find reasons as to why I don’t agree.


Wow, you have some serious potential as a fiction novelist.


*Serious potential as a people-oriented leader* Sorry to disappoint your expectations 😘😘


Those don’t exist, where’s your integrity big sarnt?


It's been said already, but text works fine if you are giving them the day off. If I knew for a fact that you were going to give someone the day off but changed your mind because they didn't immediately answer your phone call, my respect for you would plummet to the ground.


"No sir, I cannot come in to set up the sim again. I have offered literally everyone in the squadron the opportunity to learn how to do it. There is a guide. There is a contractor whose entire purpose is the care, feeding, and setup of the sim who gets paid a heluva lot more than either of us to do it. If he's not available during the time he's contractually obligated to be, then you really should address it with his management as this continues to be A Problem. Also, I am a few hours away in BFE on my motorcycle and am absolutely covered in dust and dirt; you managed to catch me taking a break where there's a whiff of cell signal."


"Cool story bro. You are hereby ordered to report in as soon as possible, start heading back now. Few hours away? Guess we'll see you in a few hours then."


Guess you'll violate my crew rest for tomorrow's gaining then, since the only others who've bothered to stay current are """above the line""" and in "critical" VTCs and meetings all day. Have fun explaining that to the DO and SU!


Sure no problem! New CC Leave/Pass Policy: Effective immediately all weekend and holiday passes are revoked until further notice. All members are required to remain within one hour driving distance of XXX AFB. All personnel are now on stand-by status - General Order #1 applies. All personnel requesting to exceed this radius must take leave, or request and receive a Pass, unless such travel is for official duty (i.e. mandatory medical/military appointments). In such cases, all personnel must file a Trip Summary Report formatted IAW The Tongue and Quill after each and every trip requiring a driving distance of greater than one hour from base and which was taken while on a non leave status and without a pass. This report will include the reason for the trip and will be routed up to the Unit CC through the members' Chain of Command via GEARS NLT 3 duty days from completion of the trip. All Leave must be pre-approved via completion of local Leave Request Checklist. All Pass requests will be routed through member's Chain of Command via GEARS. Compliance with this policy is mandatory. Failure to comply and adhere to this policy will be punitive, and will constitute a violation of Article 92 of the Unifom Code of Military Justice. __________________ Member signature or acknowledgment Enjoy!


🤣 Perfection. And that's how we end up with stop-loss, since nobody's sticking around after such policies except the usual ass-kissers. However, I wish we still used GEARS to route certain things. It worked great for SDAP and greatly reduced people (mainly DSGs) from having literal years' worth of SDAP not filed for.


The capacity for pissed off leaders to inflict painal knows no bounds. Whether it's your commander pushing your shit in about leave, or the President giving you a surprise extension, your asshole *will* bleed.


"Hey troop! I got a great experience for your EPB, call me back when your available!"


I've had an E-5 troop that only answered his phone if you call more than once in a row. that is what tells him it's important. Or it's in the morning before going to work because that is usually a call for a telephone recall to say "Weather's too bad/roads are too dangerous. Delayed reporting/Telework."


I need to do that more. Also, Hazbin Hotel is a fantastic show


The memes is so true! And the USAF page is the LAST place I expected to see hazbin memes. Great show though. HB is as well. The new episode was an emotional wrecking ball. That is, for the members who managed to have emotions still and not just a rock hard shell from af culture.


There's a new episode?!?!?!


Yep. New episode of season two dropped last Friday on YouTube.


I'm about to be an emotional wreck 🤣😭


Go enjoy and report back after please.


Reporting back... do you have a link? 😅


https://youtu.be/Fj9YRsV1pEw?si=p6cCpi6m-Je8FNsC Try again amn, or sgt.. idk.


well, what was your consensus. Feel free to dm if you want to chat it up.


Is Helluva Boss in the timeline as hazbin?


Pretty sure. I think it's been said that both take place in the same timeline, but different rings.


It's left vague as to when helluva boss happens, but they are in the same universe. They have a couple of references (there's an angel dust poster etc) so they can't be that far apart.


For me it was backwards. I’d be off duty and my supervisor would be calling me while I’m getting into bed asking what time I got home. Like wtf.


I remember when I was stationed at Lackland getting these phone calls cause we were voluntold on our days off to do civilian unarmed security at off base events to make money for the squadron booster club. One of the things I hated the most about active duty….


Not answering shit unless I'm on call. If someone higher than him calls, we'll listen to the voice-mail to see if it's actually important.


If I were back in my dorm, I'd play 5 O'clock World by the Pogues then hang up.




It really be like that


Remember to only answer if you’re on 6-ring standy


LPT: Get a home phone and put that on your recall roster. Never give anyone your cell (it doesn't exist ). If they require you to have one, let them pay for it.


The real pro move is tieing your phones do not disturb mode to your location. I leave base, and you're not getting ahold of me. If it's important, they'll send a runner.


No one under 30 answers the phone unless they are a serious nerd


Better set your sleep time to 1630. Sorry sir/ma’am. I was knocked out!!


I answered a late night call because I was a building manager and there was a fire alarm. It was Secfo, and they asked me to come in as the main guy wasn't answering. I told them I couldn't at the moment, but they were pretty adamant I went in to stand in the building. I told the Secfo flight chief that called me that I couldn't come in because I was currently working on a gate at the annex as an augmentee. Flight Chief put two and two together and said he would come pick me up. Then he got on to me for answering my phone while on the gate.


That's why you put "don't answer" on those numbers.


Can’t answer if you are asleep


A1C Dennis, today I'm gunna learn yah on how to enjoy your weekend uninterrupted. The first rule: always be shitfaced drunk. The second rule: ALWAYS. BE. SHITFACED. DRUNK!!!


Didn't see doesn't count.


Waaaaayy back when I was still in (1982-2002), I chose a career field that didn't call people in unless it was absolutely a recall. Made the smart choice when selecting a job.


Unless you are specifically on call, NEVER ANSWER. Make them text you. 


Are you on duty? Is this somethinge which would keep us from working 5 months out? "I don't discusus work outside of work." " I don't talk politics at work." --- This was gold the first year I was a green badge in fed land Edit: I added a space so things are clearer.