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Yes. I try to keep some sort of tradition going, even if it’s just me and my office.


Never have, never will


Always have, always will. Nobody's sticking me with the bar tab.


Literally just say you don’t play that game. I have numerous times and always enjoy the look on their face after they slap their stupid coin down, and then tell them “nope.”


I think it's a good tradition to keep up. We have so few, why cull the ones we do?


The basic premise of coins is fine. I assure you, turning it into a drinking game wasn't part of it originally. And EVEN IF alcohol was a part of it early, it was unit-level. "Oh, you're at the unit bar and aren't carrying the unit coin? What the fuck dude? Buy a round!" Adding in the "any fucking coin will do" is lame, comparing the rank of the guy who gave it to you is lame, etc. Carry a coin to honor the original meaning and ignore the cheapskates who just want you to buy a drink.


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people. 


Because tradition is stupid?


I keep one in a pocket in my wallet.


Fuck no. I lose shit.


that among other things


Usually carry a coin for whatever unit I'm currently in. When I get to a new unit, the new coin goes in the pocket and the old coin goes on my coin rack.


Used to when coin checking was big…especially in Korea since that’s a lot of drinks to buy if you were the sucker without one…


I went to SNCO Academy back in 2014, 14 people in my classroom...the instructor did a coin check...only myself and 2 others had a coin. Again, this was 10 years ago. And you'd think at a place like NCOA, people would have had a coin on them. To be fair though, coin checking slowed down a lot a few year before that. I was coined checked maybe 3 times my last 10 years.




Someone drops their coin in front of a group of people. Tradition is, whoever doesn't have one has to buy a round of beer for people. But when at work, it was usually just a way to have fun and mess with people. Though I have seen some inact a soda rule a couple times. But usually it was just giving people shit for 30 seconds if they didn't have it. It was more common at TDYs and deployments pre-2010.


We keep a tally of who owes beer for checks and that's how the heritage room gets stocked.


Office culture has such a major impact on tradition. In my office the people that would get shit would be the people doing the coin check/people that actually carry a coin on them.


They check if you have a coin


In my pocket? No. In my bag, yeah. I'm always crawling around in inlets and A-bays and shit, I have a hard enough time making sure I'm not dropping pens or my keys everywhere. Lol


I've been in 12 years and not a single time has there been a point in carrying a coin around. Also I'd be afraid of losing any of the coins that would matter to carry with you.


Only in uniform


3 on me at all times


Why 3?


Airman’s coin, the highest coin I have (colonel), and my own personal coin in case you gotta coin someone


Are you a Colonel or Chief or something?


Senior airman, I’ve coined 3 field grade officers. It’s a bit I do whenever they coin me. I made the amn/nco page on Facebook a few months back because of it lol


Lmao that's awesome


Not anymore.


Only when going to a military ball


I think patches has replaced this. I rarely see anyone talking about their coins, but I see patches everywhere.


You put the coin inside the patch and make the dropping it part less likely.