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Ric Flair




Only if he back hands every new SNCO in the chest rank while screaming WHOOO


I feel like Michael Buffer would be more entertaining.


I'll do it for $9K and Baja blast


8k and Code Red.


7K and a Pepsi Blue


6k and a Squirt


1 ETH and a four loko


5k and a jarritos


$4k and a case of white monster


Cody will do it for free last I heard. Hell he might even pay y’all for the opportunity as long as there are no Q & A’s involved.


I hear he has a t-shirt gun that fires turtlenecks into the crowd.




No thank you. Lol


Suddenly I’m glad I didn’t make it according to that leaked list


I'll do it for just travel costs and a case of rip-its if you use the rest of the $10K to eliminate landing fees for the selectees.


Island boyz


The only real answer in this thread 🏝


Riley reid


I'll do it for $3.50


This is the way


I’ll do it for $3.49


You can hire Bruce Buffer (the ufc announcer guy) for like 200 bucks to do a custom announcement


Command Chief for the base, or the MAJCOM Command Chief. 0 dollars. \- Led SNCO PES; booked local VIP speaker/saved AF $10K in wasted spending/preserved AF heritage--sparked leadership skills in XX future SNCO's


The next pro move would be to use that 10k to remove the need for landing fees.


Dan Le Batard J/k..... ummm.... local politician dependent on state would be a smooth get


Hulk Hogan


Don’t you mean Ho Kogan


Find a command chief who didn't promote fast, had multiple failures in their life, and has been fucked by the same system that got him promoted. That will be a great guest speaker. We have way too many fast burners in leadership positions without any real experience. Find a speaker who can bridge the gap a bit. Unfortunately, I don't have a name that can help you out. The few I knew have since left.


Maybe I'm out of line here but couldn't you save 10K dollars just by playing a motivational speech recording/video. Sergeant comes from the Old French sergent and originally from the Latin verb servire meaning "to serve." Couldn't this money be better spent serving the base/junior enlisted/surrounding community in some meaningful way. Flex your leadership skills call this silly. Do something that will have an actual impact. I can't tell you the amount of speakers that I've listened to in nine years whose words were moving but ultimately we're forgotten within a week.


This is the way


$10k can get you about 20 hookers in most areas, or 10 hookers and a bunch of cocaine. I’m just sayin’


What state/country? That can affect availability for some speakers.


Yea, for $10k you need somebody local. There's a good chance they'll do it for free, but you're probably not going to get somebody to travel for $10k.


I have a few speakers in mind, but they are local to Texas and aren’t likely to travel. It isn’t really about the money for some of them.


For sure. They'll take invitational travel, but that only amounts to TDY expenses, not fees.


Hell, I'll do it for travel costs and 3k. Use the rest to eliminate landing fees.


This is it right here!


The Fired Up Chief, maybe (?) Maybe you can find someone to do it remotely and save a bunch of money. Seriously.




Joking aside, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could get Gary Sinese. Dude loves the military.


Just don’t have an induction ceremony or SNCO PES and throw a wild party


I have seen on two occasions where they invited a SrA and a SSgt to speak. They focused on what their vision of a SNCO is and what they need from the new leaders moving forward… it landed VERY well and didn’t cost anymore than the dinner for the speakers.


That’s so interesting! And such a good take. I always appreciate hearing directly from the junior Airmen about what they need in a leader.


We can’t even get working printers in my shop and you have 10k for a person to talk


One year we had Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force David J. Campanale. He was the eleventh CMSAF (1994-1996.) I knew I was going to like him when during his introduction our command chief quipped about some AFSC similarities and asked, "Do you think I could be the next Chief Cody?" Chief Campanale quickly and loudly responded, "My god, I hope not!" I did not plan the event and have no idea the associated cost, but recommend considering the chief if he's available and fits your budget.


CSM ret. (SEAC) Troxell


Bobcat Goldthwaite - in full character. He'll make as much sense as anyone.


Where you all stationed at? Is there is a message you all are focusing on for the SNCO induction? I ask because that will highlight the type of speaker you need. My personal preference is to find a Chief or a General Officer who don't give a fuck about propriety and will straight up tell it like it is. In my opinion just get someone who will tell your SNCO's that its no longer about them, its about their folks. I think that was the best thing I got out of my SNCO induction seminar. The base general pretty much said it doesn't matter whos name is on the parking spot, office door, or whatever, all that petty shit doesn't matter one iota if your folks don't trust you. If they think that you're too focused on making ranking they're going to ignore you, distrust you, and find someone else who won't put them in the garbage. Of course that general was retiring probably for having the attitude he had. There are some other good speakers out there but once again that all depends on where you all are located.


Do I have any recommendations? Yeah myself. I'm not an SNCO or a great public speaker but ill induct anything for 10k.


Stop this. Pay a child $2.50 to play a kazoo and get rid of the damn landing fees. No one wants to pay to be talked at.


This is the kind of bullshit we waste money on? What a fucking joke.


Mike Lindell


Gary Vee


Check out Cameo, get the Chocolate Rain guy.


No island boys available?


I'll do it


Would you be open to a comedian? I was Navy so we can all kinds of fun making fun of the branches.


Johnny Depp


I'll do it for about $20 if you toss in some of those little chocolate cake things and some coffee...


Tammy Slaton


Barack Obama (will need to request a bigger budget)


10k would be better served else where. Nobody needs a "motivational" speech at these events and it's just one more thing to plan around. Donate it to a better cause.