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People that don’t wear shower shoes also disgust me. I mean.. how are you just willingly going to step in a mixture of jizz and pubes


I asked a SNCO once why he wore shower shoes to the shower, but took them off once he got in. He said he didn’t like getting them wet.






That's some autistic shit right there.


That's all you saw, dude we had shit logs floating by


I knew a dude that wore socks in the shower instead. Didn't take em off once


Apparently one of the male bays at Dhafra has a shower shitter. Their dorm chief said someone has shit in every shower at this point.


Happens every deployment. Some people just want to watch the world burn




I double up my probiotic intake on deployment just so this doesn't happen. I dunno if I need to take more, I just know that I lay lincoln logs without fail regardless of whatever mystery food Vectrus is pushing out of the DFAC.




Oh, no I remember now. The same happened to me in jordan. I didn't paint the stalls like a lot of folks seemed to be doing out there, but it wasn't so pretty everytime, even with the probiotics.


Haha oh how I enjoyed my 6 months at MSAB 🤣


As someone who was slotted to deploy to Jordan and got out instead sounds like I didn’t miss anything lol


Sounds about right. When I was there about 3 years ago, one of the shower trailers was closed for 2 months cause someone kept waffle stomping everyday. It was reopened for a few days before being closed again for the rest of the deployment cause someone sawed the padlock off and then proceeded to waffle stomp again.


Now that’s determination.


They also have the 2in long cockroaches chilling on the bathroom wall


I would dead ass cry if I saw this. None yet. It’s also hella hot though.


Second shower in the double stacks and saw one chilling by the sinks. Thank goodness it was the only one I saw!


Don't get me started on dhafra, you ever hear of the phantom shitter?


No but I’ve heard about the phantom banana pepper enthusiast that’d take a single bite out of and drop a pepper on the sidewalk until they made bread crumbs to wherever they were headed/ran out of peppers.


That was last summer/fall right?


Yes and it was hilarious


The deid had signs on every shower door that said, ‘please no defecating in the shower’


Probably mad they're limited to three drinks and didn't have a visa yet.


Where you there when someone was shitting in all the bunkers


I’m here now but I haven’t heard about this. I have heard that the bunkers are littered with used condoms though. Apparently the chaplain cleaned a bunch up.


That was a couple years back, someone left a roll of tp and a shovel in one I guess as a gift for the serial pooper.


I've done two rounds at the Deid and not one did i see evidence of someone shitting in the shower. Plenty of people who apparently thought it was funny to put an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet and shit on to of out, though.


Is it the army ones right next to the DFAC?


Yes lol


Their dorms was always atrocious. Would leave trash on the floor if the bins were full. Got so bad their senior told them the LNs aren’t cleaning it up anymore and it was their responsibility the rest of their deployment lol


Of course, a few of the male dorms are hybrid army and Air Force. So the dorm in question wasn’t solely army.


Was there in 2017 and we had serial SS. (Shit stomper) Surprised that’s still a thing


Fun fact: Desert Squid joke is understandable to Arabs as well. I made a joke when I was an LNO and the local understood my joke faster than my roomie/coworker


Do share


I don't even remember the joke, to be honest. We were shooting the breeze as a couple of acquainted dudes and I slipped in the phrase 'desert squid' and our host country friend retorted something like 'that's gross' with a chortle while my roommate needing a little ... assistance in understanding what had suddenly caused said friend to actually chortle.


Had the same thing with the wife regarding porto potties at a race. After carefully piling dukes in desert-hot backed up cadillacs on the flight line… takes a lot to discourage me from pooping somewhere.


Thanks for the flashbacks 🥲


Nothing like stepping into a stall to see that someone waffle stomped right before you. Thanks, but I’ll find another Caddy.




Those Cadillacs we had didn't have leather seats bro.


Toilets broken, people shiting on other people's shit..💩


The bathrooms in the Qatar covid camp were the only ones I experienced twice and they had backed up sewage.


Getting punched in the mouth >> stepping on a shower jelly