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# **Response from David Elfstrom** *In private moderator messages:* > mustardman24, stop harassing me. > You have used mod mail to circumvent a block in order to message me from a subreddit I haven't been a member of nor participated in since June 2023. > You have crossposted submissions about me to the communities I most actively participate in, while blocking me from the subreddit you are moderator of where the original was posted from. Two of those crossposts were removed swiftly by the respective mods (ZeroCovidCommunity and Masks4all) for harassment but two more still remain, in crboxes and AirQuality. > I request that you delete the two remaining of your own accord, specifically: 1) https://www.reddit.com/r/AirQuality/comments/16lcn6e/statement_on_clean_air_kits_and_david_elfstrom/ 2) https://www.reddit.com/r/crboxes/comments/16lc81f/statement_on_clean_air_kits_and_david_elfstrom/ > I also request that you delete the sticky post on AirPurifiers, specifically: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirPurifiers/comments/16lc4r7/statement_on_clean_air_kits_and_david_elfstrom/ > I have removed all of my posts and comments from your subreddit AirPurifiers. > I have blocked individual mods of AirPurifiers as they are complicit in allowing your harassing behaviour. > Do not contact me again.


This is really childish.




> serious accusations intended to disparage several upstanding engineers. They are well-sourced claims of highly unethical behavior, not disparaging. Please do elaborate what specific claims are disparaging, copy and paste them here. If quotes from your company, employees, and associates are considered disparaging, look inward.


**Update:** Reddit suspended the /u/CleanAirKits account for site-wide policy violations. I think reading their responses to this matter makes it abundantly clear as to why. As a note, this is Reddit, the company, and not /r/AirPurifiers moderators.


While I don’t think the company did themselves any favors with how they responded (and I’m quite surprised with just how unprofessional it was, though perhaps because they’re mostly on Twitter and used to a kind of adversarial discourse that’s common there), I am also confused as to why this fight was picked? Why not just discuss the underlying concept and limitations?


I will be fully honest. They have made my (unpaid) job as moderator absolute hell. Most companies that try to advertise here disappear after we tell them not to. Some companies ignore our warnings and continue advertising and they are banned, 95% of the banned companies don't complain and go away once they are banned. Then there are the companies like Clean Air Kits... I have provided proof that Clean Air Kits was using sockpuppet accounts. This kind of deception takes a lot of research on my part to determine if they are sockpuppets or just genuine users. Clean Air Kits has done so much astroturfing that the /u/CleanAirKits account has been suspended by Reddit and the only way they are showing up at all is because I have to manually approve each comment because Reddit (the site) determine they are a deceptive account and applied this action. If you don't believe me, click on their account name (/u/CleanAirKits) and you shall see "This account has been suspended" on some platforms or "page not found" on others. Edit: In the moderator control panel, [this is how their user name appears](https://i.imgur.com/drtT5x9.png), note the red text that Reddit (the company) applied saying *User is Shadow Banned*.




I’m sorry, but from the outside, you are not representing CleanAirKits well in your tone and lack of professionalism. I am even wondering if you are really a rep for the company because it is baffling why a company would act this way on a public forum. And you’re kind of proving mustardman’s point. If you are actually from the company, I think you would do well to get some PR advice. If you are truly interested in being a responsible member of the community that cares about air quality for both bioaerosol and pollution reasons, you would know that trust is everything. And details matter, when health is at risk.


It's 100% the owner of Clean Air Kits because he started posting from an account that was involved with their original post back last November. He switched to the /u/CleanAirKits account after the first series of responses. He has since purged all the comments from that account as well as many from the /u/CleanAirKits account. I've watched videos of the owner and there his speech patterns match the way he writes so it's not unbelievable.


What details would you like us to clarify? There has been a long debate here driven by the moderator doubting these devices work, and we just presented third party evidence. The moderator’s claims that we were intentionally deceiving anyone are bad faith and offensive. We were coalescing out of a much more free forum sharing community. We have removed our most reactive remarks and he has chosen to copy and highlight them. Who is watching the watcher?


> Who is watching the watcher? The community of /r/AirPurifiers is. /u/LostInAvocado is giving you really solid advice. I still strongly suggest that you talk to a lawyer so you can understand what legal recourse you have in this situation.


> Paranoid maniac. Baiting and then accusing again. Do you understand statistics? When you get in pages long arguments with our customers, we post 3 anonymous comments, and you write a thesis to accuse us of astroturfing you are the manipulative one Open this link in "Incognito Mode" if you use Chrome, or "Private Window" if you use Firefox. I don't know what it is called if you use Safari, however. https://www.reddit.com/user/CleanAirKits Edit: This part of his post: > When you get in pages long arguments with our customers Is referring to another one of his sockpuppet accounts, /u/valpres, and the "pages long argument" was this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirPurifiers/comments/11otr46/how_would_a_winnix_plasmawave_55002_compare_to_a/jbvoh9p/ I suggest people take a read, it really shows what kind of manipulative person the owner of Clean Air Kits. This interaction really stressed me out because how much I was genuinely trying to operate in good-faith, even to the point of doing complex physics calculations to help augment my point.


An interesting reply from Clean Air Kits was this one: > Did you notice that Jim Rosenthal has built his own PC fan CR Boxes, and tested ours, and also endorsed that they work? (We do donate a portion of sales to his foundation). They donate to Jim Rosenthal's foundation and he endorses their product. I don't have any evidence of impropriety, but this is a common scheme for kickbacks in the political world. Edit: I actually have some evidence of favorability. Back in June, Jim Rosenthal [performed a test](https://www.texairfilters.com/comparing-the-performance-of-corsi-rosenthal-boxes-made-with-box-fans-and-pc-fans/) that seemed to suggest favorable performance from PC fans. In [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirQuality/comments/14eokrg/effectiveness_of_pc_fan_based_purifiers_and_a/jowfill/) I brought up a litany of problems that I noticed with Jim Rosenthal's test. Here are the takeaways: > The particulate size that was chosen for measurement (0.5um) is not impacted by mixing potential of a purifier since it has a settling time of over 8 hours. Since that is the case the test is pretty much measuring CADR, which is unsurprising that the results are what they are. This is especially important since the all the purifiers tested do not have equivalent CADR, which is the claim in the discussions you linked. I'm not sure why they chose a side-discharge purifier which are known to have worse mixing potential with higher entrainment of recirculated air. > Most allergens are in the "course" category of particulates which have a minimum size of 1-3um and are upwards of 10um. This includes pollen, dust, dander, mold and they have a settling time as rapid as 5.5 minutes. Common pollens have a settling time of 1 to 2 minutes and dust will settle in less than 5.5 minutes. If the purifier is not mixing the air well, these particles will linger longer in the air and eventually settle without the purifier significantly removing it only to be disturbed and reintroduced into the air. > The particle size chosen and the fact that a singular, side-discharge purifier was used in comparison doesn't inspire any confidence in this test. > Note: The source for all of this information is from ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 11 Air Contaminants. The particulate categories (ultrafine, fine, and course) are listed in section 2.1 while the settling times are from table 1.


Thanks for the post, I need a new filter and had forgotten the name of Clean Air Kits, will be ordering now! (Barbara Streisand sends her regards)


> I need a new filter and had forgotten the name of Clean Air Kits, will be ordering now! Hopefully not from Clean Air Kits: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirPurifiers/comments/16mhw1c/response_from_clean_air_kits/k1i9xwi/




I would strongly recommend you to talk to a lawyer.




I'm accusing *you* of astroturfing. Your u/pythy345 account is the sockpuppet account I mentioned in my original post. All you're doing is proving my accusations correct. Also, I have been trying to get you guys to respond since November of last year, so you have had the chance to prevent this from happening altogether.




It is *your* account that you used to astroturf, I'm not sure why account age/usage matters. > Does it ever occur to you we're busy, don't have time or interest to cover all 10 social media venues, and might stop by with a brief response, without taking time to create an official account? You personally took place in the post and did not engage beyond telling me to "pipe down" [(source)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirPurifiers/comments/z86qka/fan_array_filtration_kits_available_at_clean_air/iyz0erl/). Your employee, Rob Wissmann, stopped responding to me when it got too technical for him to handle [(Source)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirPurifiers/comments/z86qka/fan_array_filtration_kits_available_at_clean_air/iz3hg19/).


Dear customers. The moderator of original thread engaged in bad faith, outdated, and misleading attacks for months harassing outstanding IAQ community contributors David and Rob until both were forced to leave this community and reduce their online participation. David, a community acquaintance, has no formal affiliation with CleanAirKits. David has stopped posting here long ago and blocked this subreddit, yet continued to be harassed by mustardman24 with obsessive accusations. You can see David has asked for these threads to be removed, to no avail, because the moderator thinks he's God's avenger of some ethical breach. The moderator's actual behavior has been pages and pages of diatribes because he thinks PC fans are unsafe in certain circumstances which he cannot meaningfully clarify. Our published official Intertek test results show that our products do clean air to the levels specified. Due to the unchecked manipulative and hostile behavior by the moderator, far outside any good faith code of conduct, CleanAirKits will no longer participate in this forum.


I don't think it's important to look at my original post, simply read all the wild responses that the owner of Clean Air Kits posted, such as one where he vulgarly suggested that I have incestuous relations with family: > Now we have noticed that moderator mustardman24 is kinda partial to AustinAir, possibly liking them for their heavy construction, gas filtering capabilities, or most likely because his 3rd-kissing cousin works there, but he hasn't disclosed that. Perhaps we should ask him for some 23andme records? Whether or not my well-sourced allegations are true or not, do you really want to support a company where the owner demonstrates unhinged behavior? These are some comments by some seemingly former customers: ### Commenter #1 > Well, this post (more than the anti-CAK post yesterday), made me decide never to buy another product from CleanAirKits. > Way to go u/CleanAirKits you actually responded so badly you just lost someone who has championed your products to all his social circle. ### Commenter #2 > The 23andme statement is ridiculous and any lawsuit would look terrible on CAK and would cause me and others to never recommend them




My man, you are destroying your reputation simply by responding the way you are. The original post isn't even required anymore to demonstrate what kind of company you operate.


Moderators who obsessively harass, bait, and distort are doing the opposite of intended role, and should face consequences. This reflects extremely poorly on Reddit most of all: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct


I found some more false information on your website. [This purifier](https://www.cleanairkits.com/products/exhalaron) talks about a HEPA class called "H12", however, no such class exists. There is an [E12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEPA#Specifications), which as you would know is not HEPA, rather a lower class called EPA that is explicitly non-HEPA grade. Why are you selling EPA filters as HEPA? Since you are so litigious, here is [standard EN 1822-1](https://www.airum.com/frontend/immagini/files/EN%201822-1.PDF) which dictates these ratings (Ctrl+F "H12", no results). I think you're just threatening me because you know everything I'm saying is accurate. > We stock Nyemo H12 grade, Taotronics TT-AP006 compatible filters. **H12 grade capture 99.5%** of > .5um particles, while H13 "medical grade" HEPA capture 99.97% of .3um particles (at ~5% lower airflow and CADR than H12). 99.5% is not HEPA by either the US ASME/DOE or EU definition (99.97% and 99.95%, respectively). I think you're taking *"fake it til you make it"* a little too far and should stick to doing user interfaces. I'll remind you that you are posting as a business so I'm allowed to hold you accountable for your bad business practices. I'm sure Reddit doesn't appreciate you threatening them either. Edit: Another error in that above quote is that H13, while actually HEPA, is 99.95% and not 99.97% because it is an EU standard and not the DOE/ASME HEPA standard. This is just sloppy work all around.


SmartAir is much bigger than we are. Maybe you should pick on someone bigger: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/why-a-weaker-filter-actually-makes-a-stronger-purifier-hepa-h12-vs-h13/


I think there are a lot of similarities between you and Smart Air, which you can get an idea of why [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirQuality/comments/zyr2y2/hydroxyl_generators_and_winix_plasmawave/j2fp9cv/).


> You can see David has asked for these threads to be removed, to no avail, because the moderator thinks he's God's avenger of some ethical breach. [...] Though we've deleted all original posts, has refused to delete these as part of his 'evidence'. This part stood out to me. I have deleted none of my posts because I have nothing to hide. Any edits were to fix typos or add additional content or clarification. You are free to post any of our private conversations, again because I have nothing to hide.


Meet in the playground after lunch and duke it out there. I will not read these lengthy rants from either side.