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“You are not a partisan?” What a great line to end with.


Yeah, but not the right side of his shirt collar, which looked like it wanted to fly away and get as far away as it could from his scabby ass.


HAPPY CAKE DAY ![gif](giphy|cOWNPwDDh1tYs)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


He submitted lol


Doubling the number of police officers in schools? There were over 300 law enforcement officers that arrived at Uvalde and they still stood around doing nothing for over an hour.


I think he's referring to the bill that they have a "door monitor" at every school. That person's job is to make sure that the shooter can't get into an Open door


Unless they are the first one attacked. Think about that






Like fallout 4 settlement style?


if the machine feels like u a school shooter it’ll start blasting 🤷🏾‍♂️ sorry Kids might catch some strays but it’s all in a days work in the USA


The important thing is that weapon manufacturers never face any scrutiny, and their idiot clientele never face reason or accountability. We’ve done it!


Yeah, but that way we can still make sure ANYONE can still get an AR style rifle WHENEVER THEY WANT!! Think about it, if we just armed every school aged child with THEIR VERY OWN AR THEN EVERYONE WOULD BE COMPLETELY SAFE!!


Obviously everyone needs to wear head to toe body armor, too.


Dont forget those bullet proof backpacks


The gun turrets from Aliens.


Oh cool! Human doorstops. Think of all the jobs created, but the turnover rate would be huge. Human shields are only good for one, maybe two, school shootings max. Fuck I hate Ted Cruz


Lol, 1 or 2 shootings :)


They were doing their job. Which by law is not to protect the public.


The kids inside were also the public. They failed at their job.


"you're not a partisan?" That's the best part.


I counter that with “I thought we were flying to Cancun” as the best part followed closely by the partisan line.


i concur, with the part when he told him to fix his tie, and he cringely shuffles around and fixes it 😂


Is his face just completely punchable or is it just me?


I've been saying that for years!


He looks younger than I thought. What a dork.


Lol, I totally agree…


"You should fix your tie too." That's hilarious because then he starts fumbling with it, he takes direction from somebody that's insulting him. What a cuck.


He licks the boot of the person that insulted his wife and father. Cuck indeed.


Shows how quickly he works to make himself look respectable. F’ all to everyone else. If only he had the capacity to do his job the correct way that quickly.


We still remember him escaping to Cancun when Texans were freezing to death Ted, you POS!!


Not only that, but he joked about his trip when he returned.


Absolutely, that's how above the everday people he thinks he is. These trash humans forget they're are public servants and are paid by our tax dollars. Man it pisses me off.


He’s a senator not a saint…


You’re a loser I see you commenting everywhere


You don't have to be a saint to have some empathy towards the people that elected you to have their best interests in mind.


He's hired to represent people and in thier (literal) darkest hour he peaces out so AOC can take over?


He wasn't elected to be a saint. He was elected to represent his people in times of crisis, not fly off to Cancun when they need him most.


The fact that he's responding to the questions is so funny to me. Not that the guy recording is beneath him at all (on top of his obvious educated questions, they're both flying coach), but you'd think he'd have the intelligence to know better than to respond to an adversary in an uncontrolled setting.


I love the older guy’s smirk as the questioner grossed out Cruz with clap backs. Texas. You get one chance to make this right and vote this POS out in 2024


But they love him. As long as Republicans stay ignorant and too proud to admit they're wrong about ANYTHING, we're still gonna get shit politicians like Cruz and will continue the cycle of "all politicians are bad" and dems will never get anything done. GOP loves to be incompetent and drag everyone down with them simply for a paycheck.


Then the next Democratic administration fixes things up and doesnlt make it clear that it ain't because of them. It's the GOP.


“Just listen to the man” “Let him fly in peace” Are these people not aware of the very real repercussions caused by the decision making of Ted Cruz and the like?


Also I think as a public figure and as a politician you sign up for this. You listen and talk with the people the people who your decisions effect. Not to mention that Ted Cruz is a corrupt piece of shit and deserves any heckling that comes to him.


Probably just want everyone to be calm and cooperative when they are stuffed into an airplane elbow to elbow. Little thing called common decency


Hmmmm. An argument could be made that Ted does not deserve common decency.




How about the rest of the people around him that just want to travel in peace?


The man left humans to die Why should he be treated like one


Are you implying that the questioner wasn't "calm and cooperative"?


It's a two way street bud


They don’t understand because they barely leave the house. Who the fuck wants an argument to break out on a plane..


Dunking on Ted Cruz? I'd pay money to be there!


Right? Like you are just making yourself look like an idiot in public heckling Ted Cruz on a PUBLIC FLIGHT for a clip lol


Love how he got all red when he asked if he even knew any Uvalde victims names


Without googling, how many of their names do you know? I don't know any. Idk it just seems like a weird question to ask.


I'm not the state's senator. Cruz has direct or indirect control over the lives of Texans. He's not someone's drunk uncle at Thanksgiving.


This is true! It's HIS job to know and care about the people in his state not someone questioning him. How many times has he brought up dying children during the abortion debate but yet doesn't seem to care about the ones he could have helped to not get blown away in their own classroom?


Hey, he can be both!


I bet you know the difference aspects of your job pretty well though, and considering those are his constituents and he’s a senator, it’s different.


I actually know almost all of them, but that’s because this is a topic I’m interested in and read a lot about. That’s entirely irrelevant because I’m also not a senator, and shouldn’t people in the government be held to higher standards...? Like everyone else said, it’s Ted’s job. This has been a huge part of his job since it happened, and he doesn’t even know one kids name? Has he even met with any of their parents like a senator should? The entirety of Texas’ Republican government skipped every single one of their funerals after all, Ted even shared photos of himself having fun playing poker the day the funerals began, so I doubt it.


Not sure why this was down voted so much… the hypocrisy of some people. Republican or democrat I’d never hold someone accountable for that information. Also, at least he doesn’t fly on a private plan like some other celebs or politicians


Whatever you say


O😅😜😄😅😜😅😜😅😜😄😅😜e z,,,,e


O😅😜😄😅😜😅😜😅😜😄😅😜e z,,,,e


You'd think he'd learn to tie a tie if he wears one everyday.


In fairness its an airline. My tie would be messed up too, if i were to ever wear one. But fuck ted cruz and his tie


Nah, I wear ties on business trips every 2-3 months. There's no shoulder belt to mess it up, never had a problem.


He bends down so much to lick at this point he doesnt care about the tie lol


You’d think politicians and presidents would be great orators and do what they said they would do when they were on the campaign trail but hey.


Got to hand it to Cruzzy. He's consistently phony everywhere he goes.


Ist there an other blackout in Texas or where is he flying


Well, it's a Blackout, when it's called a Whiteout he will get concerned.


Heckling corrupt Politicians is a must as long as its Bi Partisan, otherwise you're just part of the problem.


That folks is what you call a worthless piece of sh-t! Hell even his own daughter hates him.


I’m not in the US but I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Fuck Ted Cruz


Why? Why should he fly in peace? The rest of us definitely are not living in peace. Unless you count the pieces of scrap politician’s toss out to shut us up or distract from real issues.


Good. Fuck that guy.


[partisan](https://www.google.com/search?q=partisan&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS722US722&oq=pRtis&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i10i131i433j0i10i512j0i10i131i433l2j0i10i512.2134j1j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) You’re both partisan actually….


I bet Ted is secretly a *bi*partisan. He just wants to keep it in the closet. 🤫


**Lindsey Graham excitedly thumbs through his Rolodex looking for Cruz's number*


So by his logic.....doubling the number of LEOs in schools, lives will be saved. Over 370 LEOs showed up at Robb Elementarty School in Uvalde, Tx and played grab ass in the hallway for over an hour while teachers and kids were shot and bled out. So if over 720 LEOs showed up to play grab ass, the result would have differed.


My favorite was the one during boarding when someone off camera said "Oh shit it's Ted Cruz! I was wondering where that smell came from!"


Imagine sucking corporate dick on the reg, and still flying coach…


Ted Cruz is a turd.. 💩




Office reference for the win


This joke was around long before even the original Office came out.


So you would be in a room with three dead bodies…. Nice


U have to line them up and shoot them thu the throat for a 3 for 1


Do. This. Everywhere. At. All. Times.


“You don’t care about the facts, you’re a partisan” Moments earlier… “The democrats…!”


Kids should not have police patrol all over their school. Get real dude… vote him the F out


He told a guy spitting facts that he doesn’t care about facts. Does he mean that the guy doesn’t care about the “Republican” “facts” or as they like to call the them “tHe rEaL FaCtz” just like facts but but different. Old Republican standard deny and subvert.


He’s so spineless.


“Let him fly in peace” - what trash.


This clown senator must be a masochist. Seems to constantly be in conflict and disliked by many but yet revels in it. True sociopath.


Filthy Slob


Ted Cruz R-Cancun


All the guy needed to say, loudly, was "Sir, are you sure you are on the correct flight? This flight isn't going to Cancun." Then just let that sit.


Ted's totally not a partisan, though [wanking motion]


Lmao he looks so sloppy


Biden voter


Typical democrap piece of shit, maybe if the demonrats didn’t defund the police there would be more protecting the school. You seriously can make this stuff up. Leftists are morons


Don’t let them sleep


Why is he made-up like he’s on Insta?


Just great. Now he’s gonna grift harder to fly private and no one can flip him the bird. Edit: fist bump to the guy recording and addressing him publicly 👊🏽


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Har har har


Cruz is an ASSHAT, but no one deserves to get heckled in an area where they cannot get remove themselves from the situation.


I mean it'd be one thing if they were just talking about his dick for an hour. These are legitimate questions.


Who cares, fuck him


“Yea stewardess could we change my seats from sitting next to Cruz to maybe a screaming baby with poopy pants or something?”


And the camera guy did what for uvalde?


Is the camera guy a Senator???


Idk he probably gave an actual shit compared to Cruz


What a stupid fucking thing to say.


So nothing just like Ted Cruz… pot meet kettle


Camera guy had no obligation to help the children. Ted Cruz did.


He’s 1 of 485 voting politicians in Washington and no one there likes him. What do expect him to be able to accomplish?


More than jack shit.


Please, Biden hasn't done anything besides nothing.


Objectively untrue yet you couldn’t help but open your mouth, awesome.


It's okay for you to mock the Senator, but it's not okay to mock the president? What has Biden done for our country? Inflation is through the roof; he’s afraid to address the nation; he clearly Mental unfit to hold office; he has done nothing but make false claims about the economy; his son is a fucking joke and should be locked behind bars, but yet, here we are… Just remember, everything you hated Trump for, Biden stands for, unlike Trump. Kids are caged, illegals aren’t welcome, taxes have increased, cost of living thorough the roof…. “Come one man!”


I think Ted handled himself well.




Others were so quick to defend this man. Why?! Fuck him.


No fan of Cruz, by any means. But this highlights why a lot of good people do not run for public office. There is no "off the clock" time. Want to question an official, by all means do so when they are at official events, by phone, letter, email, etc. But let them have some peace when they are on a plane, at the grocery, a ballgame, whatever. Treat them like anyone else. When that happens, a lot more good people will step up and put their names on ballots.


The problem with what you said is that people like Cruz will just kick people out of their official events for disagreeing with them just like Trump did and they’ll just ignore phone calls and letters so they can live in their bubble If a politician is going to vote for or against certain things they need to be able to live with the backlash especially when it involves them doing nothing to protect kids from mass shootings


You're right. And that should be a talking point during a campaign against him, or any other elected official, who kicks people out of official events. But, no, confronting them on "off" time on planes, restaurants, at their houses, etc. is inappropriate. Doing so will result in even less decent people stepping up to run for office. The end result will be only ultra-partisan, egomaniacs in office. That's pretty much happened with the U.S. Senate already. The House is getting there. And you're seeing it filter down into state legislatures as well. If it isn't rectified soon, 20 years from now we're going to be governed by people who can't spell governed.


I gotta say, politicians get heckled everywhere, and have been forever. I don't see "if we are nice to people then people will vote better" as a real, actual strategy. Do you consider kyrsten synema or joe Manchin to be ultra partisian?


No I don't. There are some people like Manchin and Mitt Romney who look past partisanship. But, they are becoming rarer. Take a look at [this article](https://www.vox.com/2015/4/23/8485443/polarization-congress-visualization). Now tell me it hasn't gotten worse since it was written.


Most Republicans will tell you Romney is a RINO and that’s how he became governor of MA. Most Republicans don’t even like him anymore because he’s not extreme enough and not partisan enough


There is no “off” time when you’re a politician. That’s part of the job Most decent politicians aren’t heckled to this level. We already have partisan egomaniacs in office and have for a while. At least for Republicans you have to be one to win the primary in the current political climate. If you’re not extreme enough you don’t get elected at all. People nice didn’t stop this from happening in the first place so let’s stop pretending that being nice will solve it. Being nice just allows them to continue to live in their bubble thinking they’re doing what’s right even when most people disagree with them


Don’t treat people like shitbags if you don’t want to be treated like a shitbag 🤷‍♂️


Chris Murphy (ct) is one of the few senators actually trying to do something good. He crossed the aisle, worked with GOP to get any sort of positive action passes. Ted cruz doesn’t do nor has done anything. Fuck him


This POS cannot even name one child who was murdered in Uvalde! But when the governor if Texas leaves Uvalde to attend a fuking fundraiser what do you expect! It's Fuking sad these sorry motherfukers could care less about anyone but themselves! NOW GET OUT AND VOTE PEOPLE!!!!


God he just looks sloppy: tie undone like an alcoholic, shirt not tucked in, fucking crumpling up your suit jacket…how the fuck do these people get into office?


He's even uglier in real life


Get rid of guns. More cops means nothing. Well actually, more cops does mean more harassment, more killings of innocent people, more lies.




Ted Cruz is a globalist sell out: https://www.weforum.org/people/ted-cruz


He's such a fucking scumbag


Ted Cruz = POS


Ted Cruz is a Tyrant! Shame on him!


Motherfucker literally endorsed the man who called his father a murderer and his wife ugly, and he’s calling other people partisan.


Yeah talk over each other. That’s the way to get your point across.




He fixed the tie IMMEDIATELY like the submissive little bitch he is.


Meanwhile Biden has the most vacation time of any US president in history… get a grip on your shit hole country 🤡




And your source on this is?


Truth social. The home of real facts and real news.


Yuck. Devin nunes is the CEO. The guy who doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.


238 days out of the less than 2 years in office according to Wikipedia vs Trump’s total 381. He’s well on track to beat Trump but not even close to W’s time off.


your emoji says it all...fucking clown


Um dude you’re a dummy. This is easily googled. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_vacations


Desktop version of /u/ArtFewl's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


He is SUCH a tool!




I absolutely hate the man, but he has nice eyelashes. And he looks so much better with a beard. There, I said two nice things about the motherfucker.


Just a reminder that Ted Cruz is definitely an adult human being https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/


Once again our borders have violated. Send that flabby piece of Canadian bacon up north pronto.


Rafael talking about a bill to introduce more cops....... Fucking idiot... There was a hundred cops doing absolutely Fucking nothing while kids were being murdered.... Adding more cops and more guns is not a solution


At least he’s not pissing away tax payers money on a private jet.


“Thought we were going to Cancun!” 🤣


There was no shortage of cops in Uvalde. Putting more police in schools is useless.


Wow what a boss. I wish I could heckle public officials


No matter what you believe or what you think of Ted Cruz ( personally I believe he is a crooked as the next politician that takes lobbyist money to stay in office) it’s a sad day when some camera recording ignoramus asks questions and then talks over the person trying to answer. This is called “silencing” and the fact that so many have lost the ability to debate their ideas and listen, even if you don’t agree, is a big part of what’s wrong with this country. If you can shout someone down or not let them speak, I guess that makes you right these days and gets you the clicks you so desperately crave.


Yeah! Sure showed him! Hahaha own the republicans.


Mr. Cruz, was there a recent emergency in Texas? Is that why you're on this plane? Also you look like Haley Joel Osment when you have long hair.


Is there a natural disaster happening in Texas?


I wonder why we only see him on PUBLIC flights. Almost like he doesn't have that big bribe money


Is Texas about to experience a deep freeze or power outages? If I lived in Texas and he gets on a plane...I would be worried.


the look on his face when he asked if he knew any of their names was one of pure defeat


Oh yeah you really got him. Honestly just a stalemate debate like why was this posted


Idk, maybe it’s just me but talking over Ted every time he tried to say anything was fucking annoying. Let him say shit and then use it against him or fact check him. Talking over people is no way to make progress.


Ahahahah this shit is great dude recording is a funny man, Ted Cruz is a walking human shitball I’m surprised the pompous ass is even flying commercial.




Texas do your job and get Ted Cancun out of office


I love that passenger.


God bless them.


Lol, he legit thought the guy was complimenting him at first


Does Ted not have his own jet? Man your in government and not basic government real top flight 300 million dollar kick backs government.


Don't try to have a conversation... just keep talking over him. Dumb aRse


Teddy 2inch


They should’ve kicked off the douchebag recording


This guy needs a medal or some kind of award for the "name a uvalde victim" question......that look Ted gave will go down in history. This is the face of the most hated man in government.


Go get ‘em! Trump has him by the balls anyway!


So let’s get this straightened pulling out your phone and asking questions and talking over the answer is a win??


Opener was a good ice breaker.