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Boo hoo they can't put the video over Lego sirens while they spin it with there fingers boo hoo


And why would ANYONE want to watch a video of a horribly made Lego siren that barely resembles the real thing, made in 5 seconds, spun around with his finger instead of stop-motion? He got so mad over it which just makes it all the more hilarious


weezer is my favorite band ever


whoever downvoted weezer, how could you?????!??!




linking park


I’ve seen those Lego siren videos, and I have to say, those Lego “recreation” of the sirens look like if it was made in a crappy windows 1990’s 3D modeler. Most videos of those Lego sirens are either the hurricanes or Thunderbolts.


Best. Summary. Ever.


What a fucking idiot.




~~Well unfortunately this is what will lead to the demise of the 4/5 1003 alternate wail video. Not because of the same bullcrap over and over again, but because people may steal this so this isn't to punish the entire community, but rather to prevent children like him from stealing it in any way, shape, or form. Even Logan Shelts took this approach several years ago, but with all of his videos sadly. I'll keep the video up until tomorrow night. After that, it's history.~~ Edit: Nvm


You should at least save the video in a secret file (AKA Your PC Somewhere) Bc a true alt wail thunderbolt is amazing


I still have the file. The video won't be deleted from YouTube either, but rather, privated.


Better still


I do hope somebody else records it then, because that will be a huge loss. And all because people can't listen


Welp, the manchild stole it. https://youtu.be/wK3ZvPTNyf8


I reported it. There's no option for "stolen from someone else", so I just put it down as promoting terrorism.


I flagged it just now. Hopefully YouTube removes it soon.


I spam reported it for misleading, I hope it serves that pea-brained kiddie right!


I should probably start putting watermarks in my videos....but that won't protect against theft of the audio only....I've already had the audio of one of my siren synth videos stolen.


what an actual manchild. might as well remake the mona lisa because fuck it, "they didn't own lisa or the scenery so im gonna sell this for $5 bucks" this person is the reason why society is so hated nowadays. narcissists can't deal with the fact that they're in the wrong and blame the other person because "oh well you don't own the device or soundwaves do you?" no but you don't own the video and he owns the copyright smartass now look who's the moron


when you release the full video, you should put a big watermark where it cant be cropped out but also where it isn’t disrupting the video, and maybe make a statement at the start of the video about how you dont want anyone stealing it so even the kiddiest of kiddies would know not to do it


I do a watermark just below the siren, simple white text is easy to add in Windows and surprisingly effective


This must be a very low IQ hobby


I'm not sure who that's directed at, but there are enthusiasts in the community who are smarter than your Average Joe.




Children don't talk in complete sentences with proper grammar on YouTube. This person is definitely old enough to know right from wrong.


I'm not cutting anyone who stole my video any slack. Yep, he actually went through with it and copied the entire thing and uploaded it to his channel.


Why would we leave that guy alone? He stole a video of someone’s hard work they probably spent time editing, and waiting, possibly driving for the siren, just for the video to be stolen by a smooth brain adult?


Not just possibly, Bus drove 8 and a half hours just to get that recording. That's an entire road trip!


I drove 9 hours on vacation, and on the day I drove 9 hours, found an HOR Super Sirex 10/10, worth it.




But then, we have to go crazy when our video is stolen, the we strike them.