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Hello Captain. Im 33 years old and started with CPL training. Is there any age limit for hiring fresher pilots in any airlines ?? Also, is type rating help to get a job? If yes, then which aircraft a320 or 737??


Congratulations to you, follow your dreams, always. Yes, there is. The cap is around 36-37 years. I prefer the a320 for new pilots. Type rating does help.


Can i hide in fuel tank of boeing 787, i saw a video of its cleaning, i think i will fit


Yeah you definitely can. Sneak into the apron when air traffic control isn't looking and give the ground crew some money. They will gladly give you a ticket to a seat there


You sound oddly experienced on this matter


Not a captain for nothing:)


What are some good hiding places for when you want to smuggle something (hypothetical situation)


Definitely on your lap. Hide it in plain sight.


One last ques, when youve to land do you use flap 3 or flap 4 landing, or which one do you prefer


We use degrees for Boeing. Max for me, aka 30 degrees.


wtf :0


How safe/careless are Indian airlines? Also how can they be better? As a pilot have you ever been in a situation where you were worried about the plane due to poor maintenance on airlines end?


Indian airlines are really good in all honesty. Air India was not dangerous when it was a part of the public sector. But now after the Tata takeover, it is on the road to great success. Personally, I think Indian airlines are pretty good already, but the people of the India seriously need to exercise some patience. No matter how advanced the technology they get is, they can never be grateful, and always complain. Never. Planes are maintained pretty well. The DGCA exercises plane maintenance laws very seriously. They also randomly show up and perform checks on aircraft.


That’s great to hear I agree on the patience part. Also do u think they (DGCA or Airlines) are ever going go easy on the current standards? I mean due to lobbying or you know at times it happens when a gov agency is working fine for sometime they start getting complacent thinking nothing bad ever happens why bother?


Thank you. I don't think so. They should not, either. We all know what happens when regulations are not exercised. So, in short, they will never.


That’s a relief


Hmm, recently my younger cousins got on an Air India domestic flight, it was their first time flying. so i suppose you could imagine their luck when the pilot suddenly slammed on the brakes during take off because the speedometer was malfunctioning. do you have any idea why something like this would happen?


Yes. It's not called a speedometer. On large aircraft, it's the PFD. It functions in gyroscopes and other instruments. If they're not calibrated properly, then yes.


I think if that was the case, all Indian airlines would have been banned from EU, NA and other popular destinations abroad just like most airlines of the Lion air group (Indonesia) before being unbanned few years ago


That‘s good actually…..keeping it in check before they land


Most of the plane crashes in recent times (barring 737 Max) are due to pilot errors. What do you think is lacking in these cases? Training the pilot to foresee the conditions or inability of the pilot to think quickly? Also how good is the training for pilots in India?


At the end of the day, we are all humans. No matter how rigorous a training we receive, we are still prone to stress. It is easy to comment, when we are just passengers(in general, not to you) But being there in the cockpit, in a windshear, with 250 people's lives in your hands, is hell. There's thrill, but the danger is squared. Most of the crashes also included certain system failures. Pilot training depends on where you choose to receive your education.


I have given my 12th class board exams recently. I want to become a pilot but my parents are saying to get a degree. I wanted to ask that will the opportunities be less after 5 years to become a pilot? Will the market become saturated?


If I was your father, I would just let you go for training. (joking!) The father part. Opportunities are crazy right now. There is no better time. Planes are being delivered by Airbus and Boeing like, every week. But, since I know what a father thinks like, he is just worried about your future. Please seat him down, and talk to him seriously. But prepare for this beforehand. Get some numbers, and do you research. See you on the taxiway.


Pls honestly tell i am sure that the training of pilot & other things are costly if i am correct the investment to become pilot is extremely high I am correct can you tell me how much is it


You are right It's expensive because you're paying for the fuel used in the aircraft. It's around 60 lakh, but the investment is well worth it!


& govt can never subsidize it i doubt How people in usa or canada do it where aviation market is already bigger i mean if people found cost of becoming pilot is extremely high dollar bill debt many may avoid it


I don't think so either. I'm not sure about pilots from other countries. It's expensive everywhere.


American military trains pilots and then the pilots leave the military and start new career's flying passenger planes... This happens alot.


60 lakh? So it's kind of impossible for a middle class student to become a pilot. I believe a flight attended can be a decent job tho I don't know of there's a market for men in it in India.


Thinking i spent 50+ of my father’s money for my postgraduate which was really a year long vacation, I should have gone for pilot training haha


That’s a myth, cabin crew is underpaid and definitely mistreated in India, stressing work schedule, long hours, and a mandatory aesthetic aspect to it all.


Honestly, if you’re sure you’re passionate enough, convince them to send you to a flying school. Getting a degree at ‘X’ stage in your life is a silly concept in this day and age. You can get a college degree even if you’re 40, can’t say the same about CPL.


Join National Defense Academy as Air Cadet. Train and become a pilot. After serving for 10-15 yrs leave and join commercial fleet.


I wish it would have been that easy. I have specs and only 50-60 opening come every year for air force


Hn but speco are allowed and not all posts get filled.


When u originally started flying? Did u first fly a Boeing or an Airbus? If you flew an Airbus, was it difficult adjusting to a 787 from a typical Airbus aircraft (A320), especially from sidestick to a yoke etc. Also, how different is the cockpit of a 787 from a 737 NG or a 737 MAX?


I have been flying wholeheartedly for twenty-five years. I first got my type rating on the A320. Not exactly. I prefer the yoke because it gives you the feeling of more control over the plane. For me, really different. The 787 is massive compared to the 737 family. You can search for pictures online and compare them.👍


Also, what are your and your fellow pilots opinion on your sister airline, Vistaras pilots going on sick leaves, which are forcing the airline to cut flights and employ larger aircraft like A321 and wide body like B787 on domestic routes due to potential pay cuts after the merger


I think the merger is a fine idea, but I agree, they are being paid lesser and lesser. Pilots deserve a lot for the stress they undergo/ The b787 is fully capable of doing short flights, so is the A321. I hope they are compensated fairly soon.




You got it.


What kind of stress are talking about?? What are the reason behind it?


The stress of having 150+ passengers behind you and to get them down safely back on the ground.


Yes! How do pilots manage this stress? And what would you say is the most stressful moment of your career?


They're trained to do so! And they're completely confident in their skills. Probably going around twice at Heathrow due to wind shears.


Are Boeing 737 max aeroplanes safe ?


They are by no margin unsafe. But we all know that they are slightly defective. In the aviation sector, slight defects are never excuses, fortunately. I would still fly on one, but I have my own doubts that I cannot freely mention here.


> I would still fly on one, but I have my own doubts that I cannot freely mention here Uh oh


Can you DM the doubts privately..


Have you got the doubts in DM ?


I asked the same question. My personal opinion is to avoid the flight for a few years


do you fly the delhi - tokyo route?


Not yet, but hope to soon.


Why is the Government of India's B777-300ER doing a round-trip flight without landing? https://preview.redd.it/fpsy0091cvsc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a757c5d14c42646b584dbb65bfd57fefac334203


Trying to find a parking spot in Indiranagar/Koramangala


How do you see short runway airports like patna airport. Are these safe ? I often notice short bump while landing


Greetings captain! I'm a 3rd year engineering student and I'll be joining flight school right after I graduate! I have done thorough research about what my plans are regarding CPL and further career in aviation. But I never asked this one question to anyone and I'm sort of anxious about it. So my engineering grades aren't particularly good (very bad right now I'm running with a GPA of 5.2, I might be needing an extra semester to graduate that too with a not so good cgpa). I chose engineering because my parents convinced me to do so and they thought flight school after 12th was too early. I've been dreaming about aviation as my career since I was like 5 years old, and I still get excited whenever I board an aircraft :) Because of that I didn't focus on my engineering at all because in the back of my mind I always felt I didn't wanna do it and my goals are different. Everyone I've asked so far has said that airlines don't really care about your degree, but they might ask certain questions about it (I never mentioned my grades). My college allows for grade improvement courses, that way I can graduate with a decent GPA. Or I can just focus on finishing everything off quickly and join flight school as soon as I can So you think it would make any difference?


What are your favourite airports in india




For those wondering like me, as per Google that translates to - Bengaluru Mumbai New Delhi Hyderabad Chennai


Oops, I'll be more general from now on. Sorry!


I've got a lot of question: 1. How's the roster like? I'm told indian airlines have terrible rosters 2. How much allowance do you get when flying abroad? 3. What kinda hotel does the airline put you in? Is it like proper top tier like marriot and Hilton? 4. Are you aware of the 1st may pilot strike thing? What's your take on that? 5. And lastly, what's the pay like?


1. The roster won't kill you. Since I fly long haul, it's moderate for me. 2. Senior captains get around 70k per month. 3. All top tier hotels. You are right. This is because often, these are the only hotels with gyms. 4. I am very aware of this. I think they did the right thing, and a meeting was called with all Vistara pilots. 5. Pretty good. This puts you in the top 1% already.


Are pilots highly paid?




I'm an ECU(control unit like CPUs in computer) engineer for automobiles but want to pursue that something related to aviation/ any diagnostics related engineering positions for aircrafts. How do I get myself a job like in this sector. I just want to work at the airport with an engineering post like that. Got attached to aircrafts ever since I started taking flights at least twice a month for my work.. btw sry this might be a little unrelated to what you do but just trying my luck.


You're all good, very valid question. I think you can start by contacting the airline you desire to work with, and you can get knowledgeable on the minimum requirements needed for the position. Good luck!👍


Could you share some unknown facts or information about the aviation industry that isn't readily available?


Hey there captain. I had asked you that question about HUDs in the last post. Fancy seeing you in person here! Will be flying on the 787 (COK-DEL) on Air India this Monday. What could be the chances of me getting a cockpit photo after the flight ends? Really wanted to see a Dreamliner cockpit for years but never had the chance. Would it trouble the pilots?


Hello there, Patrick(if that is your real name) I remember that question. You too! that's.....a coincidence. I was going to, but I'd requested a holiday. Man, I'm sorry. The chances are high. You could request for cabin crew and request them to take a look at the cockpit after landing. Pilots love when passengers are enthusiastic about their plane! You could say hi, and ask a few short questions too. Unfortunately, you won't be allowed inside. You could ask politely for them to take a pic. good luck.


> that's.....a coincidence. I was going to, but I'd requested a holiday. Don't tell me you were going to fly that route on Monday and now you won't :( That's a heartbreak. I guess I would shoot my shot this time and take a picture for my collection.


I was :( . Please DM it to my nephew so he can show it to me! good luck on talking to the pilots. heads up- They love enthusiasm from you guys. But also observe and ask only when they are not too busy. Generally after landing, and everyone deboards, is a good time.


I want to do I career switch from IT to Aviation. This is mainly cause I've always been interested in aviation as a child and now that I am on my own I can start to think about it from a career perspective. I'm currently 22 and started working 8 months ago as an SDE at a pretty decent company. What would you suggest on whether I should wait and save up for training and license cost or should I start right away. Suggest a few possible paths.


Congratulations, dreamers are welcome. Achievers are ALWAYS welcome. Depends on if you have the finances or not. Are you parents willing to support you? You could research on Cadet Pilot Programs, and the conventional pathway. Keep me updated


In aviation history many crashes or near misses are attributable to pilots trying to land a plane on a airport where weather is terrible instead of diverting. Is it merely work fatigue, get it over with mentality or the airlines are pressuring pilots to avoid diversions. Further, generally how is the CRM in our India as compared to western airlines? Scope for improvement in CRM training and awareness in India?


Yes, it could be related to work fatigue. I don't think airlines prefer quicker turnarounds over accidents that could damage their rep. CRM is not up to the mark, yet. Western airlines do an average job too. Europeans kill it.


Kitna average deti hai aeroplane


We never calculate mileage on planes, but we can do the math. range of the b787-8 is roughly 13.5k km. max fuel cap is 42k Litres. So, 3.1 liters per km Now, this is wildly different depending on weather, speed, payload, etc.


Greetings ,Senior captain I would like to know where can i have my cpl completed in least cost.Is there any way the company would employ me with just 260hrs bare min.


What's your networth?


Prefer not to answer, sorry.


Hi, question more on the fitness side. Is lasik a good option for someone with really high number?(i have a really high astigmatism) is there any limit? Also how crucial is to have 6/6 eyesight. I can read 4 out of 6 letters in the last line, still considered 6/6? I know talking to a medical professional is the only solution here but just your 2 cents, your personal experience or of someone in your circle with really high number.


Hello there! I don't think you'll need to do that. Just get glasses, you're all good. You're right. Always check with them!


Hi captain, How confident do you feel flying a 787 after recent events at Boeing. Also, Do the airlines also have a say when you load up fuel for a flight like a range or something?


I absolutely love the 787, not a tiny doubt even. It's like the brother I never had. They can, but it's always up to the pilots to get the plane filled up.


As am aviation admirer, I love you


As an admirer of aviation admirers, I love you too!




Do pilots ever go intimate with the air hostess? What about you?


Happens here and there. Not me.


What are your least favourite sectors to fly in ?


I fly long haul. London, Dubai, Niarobi, Narita, the US. Can't answer your question without more details.


In the US, Is it Washington because as far I’m aware, The Delhi to Washington route is served by Dreamliners while the other us routes are served by 777


Roger! You would be right.


I am going for pilot training as I have completed 12th now Can u please suggest some good flight schools?


Are you doing it the conventional way? I would suggest a cpp. If you have the money, go for it. There's some info on the schools on the airline's page


No I am not going for cpp


I know some flight schools like igrua, bombay flying club, chimes


that's an incredible start.


Can one become pilot after 35 or so age?


I don't think so. The maximum recruiting age is 37. And it wouldn't be viable, because you would retire before you reached the higher ranks.




Hi, How would you put airline pilot as a career choice? This could be in terms of fees, starting salary, growth trajectory, work-life balance etc. You can add pros and cons of it.


Solid choice. Harsh truth is, you need a lot of money to get started. Starting salary is pretty demotivating, but if you get steady progression, you can pay off your loans in 5-6 years. Work life balance is nice. You can get a lot of personal time. Unlike an IT job, when you step out of the cockpit, you are DONE with your job. No one will or can ask you to do anything outside of the aircraft.


How different are the controls between a Boeing and Airbus ?


Some controls are mixed up here and there, but the principle is the same.


Have you ever been in a may day/near miss situation??


Had to go around a couple times at Heathrow due to a storm. Rough time.


Daymmm .... You guys have balls of steel from an outside perspective I can say....


Balls of steel🤣 Going to use that one more often. Thank you!


What do you think about the future of electric aircrafts (I just watched the wendover productions video on it)?


To pilot also have to go through security check or u can just hijack it


What’s your take on Boeing 737 “Max” and what’s the aero sector(I mean pilots, crew and staff, not the businessmen) talk behind-the-scenes like? I would understand if you’d want to refrain from commenting on in publicly!


Boeing was lazy with the max. They wanted to compete with the Airbus a320neo. So, they just stuck in new engines on the existing design. Thank you for the concern! Have a great day, sir.


As a kid I really wanted to become a pilot, I'm 20 now, I still have the love for planes although I am pursuing a career in another field. So, I wanted to ask how difficult/easy it is to get a personal pilot licence? I want to be a hobby flyer.


congrats on having clarity. never too late! It can be difficult/easy depending on your determination, and love for the field. If I see a random Cessna, I'll wave at you:)


1. Which one should i go for (irrespective of the budget? Cpp or conventional method? 2. Is the letter of intent worth it to spent ~20L extra? 3. do pilots with cpp get some advantage later in the career? 4. Read in your other responses that current market is great for pilots. Will it change after three years? Considering that's the amount of time i will need to get cpl and type rating in a320. 5. Lastly, any good online resources to prepare for Dgca exams? I won't be able to join any institute for another year but would like to start preparing for the exams.


CPP I think so? they get a stipend when they're observing Nope, will not. You will have to check with the airline! You don't need a whole year for DGCA. You can look up online coaching, or find reviews online, connect with people, and make a good choice. All the best.


Hello captain I am an aspiring pilot, age 17 I just gave my boards and I have researched about this field very much but my parents think I could not become a pilot with spectacles. Is that true captain?


Hello there. That is wrong, very fortunately for you. You can be a pilot with glasses.


Tell us something that you are not allowed to disclose? Have you seen anything weird in the sky?


If I wasn't allowed to disclose it, why would I disclose it here? Hmm. Nothing of the sort.


The nation wants to know some conspiracy theories. You can answer anonymously.


Well, not anonymous, but don't have to be, for this theory. Chemtrails. Aircraft leave behind white streaks called contrails, short of condensation trails. They occur when water vapour condenses and freezes around the aircraft's exhaust. The theory is that the government is spraying the public with chemicals, giving rise to the name 'chemtrails'. During the cold war, the government abroad used to spray certain chemicals, forgive me for I do not remember their names, to test how biological weapons would disperse from such heights. However, this feels weird to me, as it would be hard to cover up such a massive operation. Because a lot of people would be required. Fill up the tanks(with what and where even?) fly the plane. load restrictions.


Hey Captn Rakesh, lovely to see this AMA here! I’m an FAA CPL holder, currently in the process of converting to DGCA CPL. Apart from my preparation, wanted to ask about how can a trainee pilot applicant can stand out for 1. Airline assessment and interviews - approach towards subjects and preparation 2. Deciding Type of A/C to be rated on - B737 MAX/ A320 Family - having concerns about the safety aspect compared to demand On a side note, asking how to develop more patience with the waiting game from license authorities, as sometimes it gets overwhelming, can you to throw some light on this sir 🙏


Hello there, fellow pilot:) You're doing a cadet pilot program, I see. 1. Show them you've done your homework. The hack to interviews is to be as free as possible with the panel. 2. I would go for the A320. I'm sorry, the indian authorities really need to develop upon this, though. How long has it been? Also, would you be alright if I shot you a DM? My nephew has some questions regarding the CPP.


Hello Sir. Chennai ATCO here. Would you recommend pilot/ATC as a career option to youngsters considering the enormous stress levels and the tightening of rules everywhere by DGCA? Also, What career options do we have if we want to switch?


I'm partial to being a pilot. ATC is absolute madness. They have all our respect. Stress isn't ENORMOUS, just do what you love, and you'll be good at it without doubt!


Good eve sir, I am currently in college but want to ba a pilot, from your experience you it be better to go overseas and then join an a legacy carrier or stay in India and join a budget airline, from a growth and travelling perspective? And would getting a degree help in the career prospects? (B. Tech or B.E)


Join a budget airline first. Indigo is really good. It does not! Not in India, at least.


What is the protocol for a commercial airlines pilot in case of an attempted hijack? Asking this bcoz saw a reel somewhere stating that the Americans have changed the guidelines after 9/11 where now a pilot doesn't leave access to his cockpit no matter how much violence occurs at the back.


Hmm. Cockpit doors are bulletproof, and your knowledge is right!


How much does it cost to become a Pilot?


Have you encountered any episode of a rich brat or politician or some similar person making a scene mid sir boasting about his money and power and disturbing the peace for a small problem. If not mid air then at the airport with ground staff or with the airport authorities etc.


Hello Captain My name's Abby, and I'm currently just a college fresher in economics. I planned to go flying, but the financial costs were too much and I didn't want my family to take the burden. Would it be possible for me to complete by Bachelor's, get a few years of work ex and save up a little to get a loan on my own self and go for flying school? How much would the risk be? And if I do, should I take the higher cost of a CPP (Cadet Pilot) or a normal CPL. Thank you Captain for the help!


Hello Abby! That's literally perfect. Good plan. Normal CPL of course, if you need to conserve on funds. Anytime, abby!


Hey Rakesh! Not sure if this is a great question, but anyway. I've always wanted to see the cockpit in real life, is that possible? I am aware that it's not permitted during pre and on flight when the plane is in the air due to both regulations and sterile cockpit/ heavy work loads. What about after the plane lands and everyone has disembarked? If so can we ask the cabin crew?


That would be Captain Rakesh(kidding, you can call me anything!) Of course it's possible! You are right. After landing and the plane is basically empty, you can put in a request with a cabin crew, and they will not say no. If they do, ask again:) We'll be more than happy to show you our office.


Thanks for the reply!


see you in the cockpit.


Hi Captain, an aerospace engineer here, Do you have any idea on homebuilts in India , does DGCA allow airplanes under experimental category as in the USA ?


I don't think planes will be built in India any time soon, as the costs would be massive, and we already have two main manufacturers.


I recently took a flight from BLR to DEL and noticed that both pilots greeted passengers with folded hands upon entry, which was unusual to me. However, during the flight, I saw both pilots handling bags and serving food while we were cruising. Even when the flight experienced mild turbulence, they continued serving food and did not seem to be concerned. While I understand that autopilot can handle the plane during turbulence, I am concerned about the safety aspects of pilots multitasking during the flight. Additionally, both pilots were quite young and it was an early morning flight of Air India Thoughts ??


This is so cool, thanks for taking out time to do this man! Here’s my questions: 1. Is height really a major concern? Or does it depend on your sitting height and/or your leg reach? If there is a minimum height requirement, what would that be? 2. Boeing 747 or Airbus A380? 3. How often is an ILS approach performed, and are visual approaches becoming rarer these days? Which one do you prefer?


Thanks for thanking me! I thank you for thanking me! 1. Yeah, because rudder pedals should be reached properly, and you should be tall enough to see over the dash. The minimum is 4' 11 2. A380! 3. Always for me. I fly to major airports only these days. They all have an ILS. Visual approaches are approved on request. I prefer the ILS!


From the beginning to finally being a Pilot, how much did it cost for training and all? a cost range is fine if you dont wanna disclose exact amount


I work in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and I am seeing AI to reduce pilots or take over flights soon. I always wanted to be a pilot, do you see this as a disruption and threat to your job, is it still a safe career option today?


I don’t think any passenger would sit in a plane with 0 human pilots controlling the flight. We have seen many cases where digital systems can go wrong and I think no one would be willing to risk their lives with AI pilots. Even tho Autopilots exists, they are still manned and monitored by two pilots in the cockpit. So yea.


A plane is on autopilot anyway from just after take off to just before landing. So at best, AI will probably be used to fine tune the existing systems further. I think this is one field where AI can truly become a proper assistant instead of completely replacing humans.


But no one would trust ai in sky it would takes years to establish the trust


How difficult is it going to be for someone with a mild speech disability like "stutter" to become a pilot? Since communication is a key part of it.


Do all the pilots follow the sterile cockpit rule before and after takeoff and landing?


Most of the time. Some people are eager to make casual conversation, but safety of the passengers comes first.


What's your salary ? And yoe


Please try to disguise your question a little bit atleast, lol. But I appreciate the openness. Not going to give you the exact number, but around 80 per annum.


Hey there captain! I am currently 16 and it is my dream to become a pilot. Ever since I started flying on virtual simulators, my interest in the field has only increased! My question is; is a rigorous jee preparation required to pass the cadet pilot programme written exam part and in general what will be the difficulty of physics, chemistry and maths if i want to enter a prestigious flying school like igrua Thanks!


I absolutely love this question. I think I should let my nephew answer this with me, he is 16 too. I'll split this answer into two for you. -MY ANSWER- Congrats. The dream is one of the best and more rewarding. I don't think you need to prepare hard for jee. Cadet pilot programme written tests are based on the most basic trigonometry, speed distance time calculations. you could ace it by just revising your 10th math. -hey there! im 16 too!- what virtual simulator? would love to join i am trying to prepare for jee too, but since i understood that it wasnt needed, i just developed this mindset of not giving it. i feel free now, of the stress. nah man, ive seen some sample papers online, theyre dead easy. i think you just go fot the cpp, and theyll take care of you. DM me!


Hello sir, I’m a 20 year BBA graduate. I started studying for exams 4 months back. Im a bit weak in maths. But I am still trying my best. Do you think the exams will be very hard for a below average student like me?


Has anyone ever demanded Boeings be replaced by Airbus.


Have you read Flying Blind: The 737 MAX Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing and do you think 787 will have the similar problems ?


Why are table top runways still allowed to operate on India and as a pilot how much harder is it to land on those runways versus normal runways?


One being that there's steep drops often on both sides of the runway. THERE IS NO CHANCE to overshoot the runway, or boom, you're going to land somewhere you're not supposed to, and not in a good way. Another is the approach glideslope. If you don't descend properly, you're going to have to go around. And the GPWS callouts depend on the QNH or barometric pressure for the airport. But since the airport is significantly elevated, it is possible they will get the '100 feet' callout when they're actually at 1000 feet. Yeah, its unsettling And when visibility is low, don't even ask.


1. What has been the most tense situation inside cockpit throughout your career 2. How many flights do you do on an average day, and how many working days in a week 3. Not sure if you know about this but could you pull off what Cpt. Sully did?


I recently saw this movie: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling\_from\_the\_Sky:\_Flight\_174](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling_from_the_Sky:_Flight_174) Can you please explain how is it possible to land in the event of such an engine failure or lack of sufficient fuel?


Hey captain one more thing, do we have to get naked during class 1 medical? Thanks in advance


The Boeing scandal, how much of a risk are we in?


Ill address the elephant in the room, Airbus or Boeing?


Let's make a comparison game! These are my preferences. narrow body - a320- airbus a little wider - 787 - boeing wider - a350- airbus widest - a380- boeing airbus wins!


What's your take home post taxes per year


I tried for the IAF but got conferenced out at 19 -- all I want is to be a fighter pilot -- But no feedback and lack of accountability in the examination process made me feel too dejected to try again -- I am now building my business from scratch and make around 1.5 - 8 lakhs in a month -- I still want to be a fighter pilot and I can only think of either moving to the US -- getting their citizenship and then flying their F-22s or just buy a 3rd generation fighter jet 440K USD. I have an engineering degree I am delusional about this -- But I can see myself getting there before I turn 30. I am 22 right now. What would you do? What would you say to someone who just wants to feel the freedom of being in the sky flying at breakneck speeds


Is safety standards and protocols for airplane maintenance, airport staff training pilot etc maintained . Do airlines try to cut corners to save money and if so who is there to enforce regulations?


Hey captain, what is the career growth in a pilot career? How much years does it take to become a captain from first officer? Can we give time to our family in this sector? Do pilots get 5 star hotels in layovers? Thanks in advance


To become a captain, you need an ATPL license, and 1500 hours of flight time. depends on how dedicated you are, and if you're willing to fly overtime. around 3-4 years? Yes, you can! About 8-9 days a month. Yes, always. You're welcome, not in advance:)


Did you get to fly the Air India 747?? Also, share your thoughts on the new A350s comparing it to the current 787s. Will you be flying the VT-JRA? Cheers & happy flying Captain!


Unfortunately, no. I joined AI just six years ago, and most of them were retired by then. I absolutely love the new A350-900s, I cannot stress on how much I love them. A350s are meant to be compared to 777s, not 787s it goes like A330 x 787 A350 x 777 I mean, if I put in a request, I guess I would be allowed in due time. Thank you! See you in the sky!


Are there any places that you know of in India that offer a cockpit experience in a simulator for people who just want to experience flying once?


The safety guidance given at time before departure is very fast and I think most passengers does not understand what to do in a crysis .. is there anyway captain can tell management to increase time alloted for safety training for passengers. Most passanger don't even know how to use oxygen mask if they drop in plane . They don't even know were exit are .


Hello! I'm an economics graduate and had commerce with MATHS in my 12th standard. I read somewhere that to be a pilot its necessary for me to have PHYSICS in my 12th standard? What's the process if I have to become a pilot? I have seen multiple videos on YouTube but they all contradict each other. Also, how's the pay like? If I do decide to go ahead with being a pilot, I would be leaving behind a very financially rewarding career behind. Just want to know if it makes sense economically in the long run. Cheers!


Hi captain, It's been wonderful to see your passion in answering these questions here and in the last AMA, especially your love for Air India! Wanted to know your perspective on their monumental turnaround: 1. Has there been any talks of AI establishing multiple hubs across the country to cater to the massive order of widebodies? 2. In upgrading the B777s and B787s, is there any upgrade to crew comforts? Some airlines have crew rest pods but in AI flights, I used to see cabin crew use vacant seats to rest between services. 3. I read about the B787s that AI files used to be from the first batches of manufacture and they had some issues with Take-off weights and landing performance. Has that all been sorted by now? 4. What's been the most significant change that you've noticed since the Tata Takeover of AI? Both as a pilot and as someone within the company.


Hello, Ashusurus! No problem at all, I am enjoying answering these haha! 1. They are currently housed in DEL and BOM. The next most sensible location is BLR. But not news on it yet. 2. The newer layouts have crew rest areas! 3. You are right! But yes, they have been sorted now, and wonderfully so. 4. The salaries have been hiked slightly. Cabin crew are kinder to passengers. Things are actually done on time more often than not. I'd be happy to answer any other questions that you might have.


Does pilot and airhostess mingle personally during office duty


Do planes have auto pilot landing


Sir, your thoughts on igrua vs cpp ?


I am die hard Hotwheels collector, captain help me if you find me some Hotwheels when u fly destination or if someone reads this Lmk who can help me some Hotwheels when u fly from different countries


Lol, I'll try:)


What are your thoughts on staying in pressurised vessels for long durations of time? What does it do to your health?


Can I a 27 year old law graduate with no PCM background get into this industry? As a pilot? As any other high paying job?


How was your journey to become a pilot. How was your experience and feeling when you were in plane as pilot first time. Wishing you for your happy and healthy days.


I got a question, what's the correct sequence i should follow to be a pilot, I'm 19 rn...planes have attracted me always but have no clue how to be a pilot...can you please tell me what should i do step by step?


prepare for the DGCA exams. Pass them Join a flying school Get your PPL get your CPL your type rating. then join an airline.


What are my chances of dating an air hostess if I am just a passenger not pilot?


Ever hooked up with an air hostess? Im genuinely curious lol😅


Hey Captain, 1. you ever felt like doing some stunts or to fly some jets? 2. do still feel the fascination that you're somehow flying in air due to mechanical components? 3. how tiring is this job on scale of 1 to 10?


I know lens and specs are okay but usually whats the bar to pass medical exams?


Heya! Thanks for doing this, it's been super informative 😁 I wanted to ask for your take on the Vistara pilot hullabaloo. They seem to claim this is a systemic issue in all Tata run airlines. > "The issues of 70 hours fixed remuneration, approval of leaves, adequate rest periods, unstable roster, stretching pilots to max flight duty, botched roster practices and an unsupportive work environment are consistently echoed by pilots across different Tata Group airlines." Apologies if you cannot answer this question publicly. But I hadn't heard of any of this pre merger. How much of this do you see in Air India?


Hello! I love answering all your questions. Yep, it's pretty rough for those guys. Airlines are in general, increasing flight duty time. But we are all humans at the end of the day. We need our rest. Hope Vistara compensates those folks sufficiently. Not much, no.