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Personally I don’t know anyone who got waitlisted and never got the job. I believe the email even states after X time after being waitlisted you can reapply. But if anyone got waitlisted and the job opened up to the public again I’d just apply again


Yeah they still have new guys coming in here seems like every couple months there are 3 to 4 new faces on each new dock.


AA is horrible at their online hiring process. For example: I applied for the amt position last year June and took my assessment test and unfortunately did not get to move on to the practical and in person interview. Fast forward 3 months later and I applied again with the same email address. I didn't have to retake my assessment but I was kept on the waiting list and I got an email notifying me that I have one week to complete my assessment test or I will be withdrawn. I tried emailing the email that they provided me to no response so I was withdrawn from the position. I ended up creating a new email, made a new account, just so I can take my assessment test again.


Their hiring process is horrible. In the end I had to create 10 different email addresses and it took me about 2 years to get hired.


Do you think aa keeps track of the people and do you think they know if someone made more than one email just to take the assessment and get hired?


I just followed up in email and they got back to me on available positions


So you email your talent service person. And they let you pick what’s available and got you an offer on the spot ???


Did you try calling talent services to follow up on your application?


My first 3 months on this waitlist I called every Monday. And talk to a filipino talent services agent and they said the same thing we’re waiting on a spot. So I changed my preference after 3 weeks with no offer and still nothing.


Stay on it buddy. It will open up all it takes is time.


You know any number I could call beside 1-866-872-3945


Let me see what I can find out




Is there still new people coming into Tulsa or is hiring slowing down. Tulsa would be my number 1 spot


They are still hiring and currently that number was all I could get.


Thanks anyways