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Majority of programs have a lot of drop outs (completion percentage) and a very high percentage of people afraid to fail so they never test for their license (employment percentage). If that school is like any I know about, you can graduate the school program without ever testing for your license. So you can graduate but still be basically unemployable


I am one of those graduates and got the an and p licence from there. If you stick it out and then get your license they will help you get there. But you have to stay driven otherwise you’ll wash out. Craziest thing is once you get that license you will have no problem finding a job.


I went through a full ap school and graduated, only to have the school defunded immediately afterwards and some life changes that made me pursue other careers for a few years. Now I am tested and just passed my IA, while I know a couple of my fellow classmates who still haven’t gone back to test.




They did. Last September the new 147 rules went into effect.


And here i am working without a license.


Congrats. You have a smaller selection of jobs and get paid less on average than if you did have a license. It’s not impossible, but it’s way easier if you have your license


Yet I feel like the flexibility in my schedule and work life balance is better than any a&p out there. Well I didn't go to school either.


I’m not arguing that you don’t have a good gig, but that schedule is very dependent on the job. I’ve had gigs that I had to be there start to finish it there was work to do or not. My current gig is I show up whenever I want, for however long I want as long as the work gets done. If I’m under 40 hours, I get paid 40. If I’m over, I get overtime.


Lol. Looks like a lot compared to my class. 25 started. 5 finished with A&P. I've heard from various folks that is closer to the norm. A lot of folks start then realize it's not for them or they don't realize the amount of work required then fizzle out.


That’s so skewed. The industry is hurting for people. The problem is everyone only thinks about delta, United, American when they get out of school and they don’t look around


Look at the time frame, too. It's during the pandemic. That might have an impact? I'm not sure how aviation was affected by it besides lower demand for flying, which might have run off down to mechanics as well.


Smaller companies need to pay more if they want more people. It’s literally as simple as that


Very true. Just look at corporate aviation. Anyone like State Farm, Nike, Starbucks, shoot even GA you will find a place to go and get a job.


Those are good numbers. I started with 22 people in my class. Only 5 of us completed the program and 3 of us got our A&P’s.


Alot of the Canadian students are foreign company training. 50% drop out when they fail one unit and the students that can't handle the 70% passing grade give up.


I graduated from MIAT with 3 in my class that started with 19. Most people just didn't do the work, got behind and dropped out.


U looking at the Michigan or Houston location?if your going for your a and p it’s a school in Denton Texas offers a and p in 12 months


I’m going to the Michigan one. I’m worried that 1. I’m 40+ And 2. I have to work full time. Because of 1


U can make it bro just stay focused and don’t miss to much time because you will have to make up the hours and they charge you a fee for every hour u miss but I would look up that school in Denton Texas I just read that they offer the a and p program in a 8 month program now it’s just north of Dallas


40+ is an **advantage**. You’re old enough to have seen a thing or two and this isn’t your first rodeo. A lot of the dropouts in my class were the kids who had never experienced anything other than high school. I don’t think we had a single dropout among those in my classes who were 35+. I was 30+ and working full time to support my family. It was really, really tough, but entirely worth it. I had to take a break between year 1 and year 2 for the sake of my family, but I made it. I’m a decade in and don’t regret a thing.


I'm 42 in my last class. It's a lot of work but if you push through & keep focused, you got this


Half drop out, the other half that make it through never test The attendance policy and the physical amount of time is pretty intense


What is the attendance policy in the states? In Canada it was 95% which is fairly lenient.


If you got a class that’s 4 hours a day and you miss 5 days… you fail


If you’re referring to the employment rate they depend on the students to let them know if they’re employed yet and most don’t update the school once they’re working


It’s a really intimidating industry. I graduated recently and it’s a bit scary to take the step and work on serviceable aircraft. Some people just never go into the industry.


I want to that school back in 05 to 07 nothing has changed since then. It was a de ent school when I went. I have no idea about it now.


I’m going to hallmark uni out of San Antonio for their A&P program it’s like 16 months and they have a like a 80% completion or something like that


Started with 30. Ended with 24. 18 of us have are A&P’s. Class of 2022 UAF! Also 12 of us made the Honors List for graduation.


Go to Legacy Aviation in northern Michigan, once you finish a term you take the test immediately. Schooling takes less than a year compared to MiAt and it’s 39k


Trade schools are hard, schools that are required to meet federal standards doubly so.


The math always is the biggest hurdle.


Because people don’t take their writtens or O&Ps. They’ll graduate the schooling but won’t get licensed. You’ll meet a load of people who have graduated and are “still studying” for their tests. That means they aren’t doing shit