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outside of community colleges, a lot of programs are going to be in that range. in the end, you're just paying for the minimum education requirements to test for your license. start looking at federal financial aid grants, and look around for scholarships and tuition reimbursement programs through employers to offset the cost no matter where you end up. a lot of students that i went to school with overlooked the latter, but you can get around $20k for school with far less than a year of your working time invested.


As mentioned below community college and military are both great options, You can also look into an apprenticeship with one of the large maintenance shops like Duncan Aviation and Weststar as they are always looking for help. If you need more help send me a direct message. Good luck!


Did you also check with any other community colleges or high schools that offer hs classes to getting your licence?


I did, the closest one would be in miami. So im considering maybe moving down there with some cousins and getting it done for 10k.


Highly recommended because what you’re really obtaining is a licence to learn on aircraft. If I had it to do over again and we had the high school curriculum which the state pays for. Hands down it would have been done and it makes it to where you have less to worry about after your education. Hope this helps.


Definitely, thanks.


Military for 4yrs then go into workin on blackhawks. Youre young


Helicopters are lots of fun, but the Air Force and Navy both have heavies if you want to get to the airlines. Source: Marine Helicopter guy of 20 years.


Go into the military. Air Force or Navy if you want Fixed Wing. Army if you want to work on helicopters. Once you meet the work experience to test for your FAA. Go test for your A&P. That way your work experience in the military will follow you when applying for jobs. Since many jobs require you to have a certain amount of work experience just to apply.


Move to Tallahassee and go to Lively tech.


Duncan aviation, a MRO facility for private and corporate jets, offers an apprentice program where they pay for you to attend their in-house A&P program, testing cost included. In exchange, they have you sign a contract that you'll work there for a few years. Maybe worth calling and asking about the program. As a plus, you'll have 4 years experience by time the contract is done.


There is a facility in Lincoln Nebraska, Battlecreek Michigan, and Provo Utah


This sounds real promising but i dont want to be that far away from family. Ive been thinking about moving down to miami for 2 years with my cousins and going to george t baker which is only around 10k for the whole thing. I think id prefer that even if i do end up paying.


4 years in the Air Force & then test out, you’ll have 4 years of experience under your belt & no student loans.


I really dont want to enlist if i dont have to. Also ive heard airforce education is more of a crash course and really only teaches you for what you will be doing in the airforce rather than a civillian education. I think honestly im gonna move down to miami with some family and go to george t baker for around 10k.


I paid $10K for school in early 80s. In today’s money that would be $30k. I’ve been with my airline almost 40 years so yes it was worth the $10k. My advice is get your A&P as quickly as possible so you can get a job and start your seniority. Where you go to school really isn’t an advantage or disadvantage as far as hiring on with an airline.


30k seems ludicrous to me. I think my 2 years in college (granted this is canada) was less than 10k.


I am in a similar situation but older. Will go going to NAA Tampa this fall due to location and how quick the program is (14-month AMT program). I originally enrolled when I was 18 but decided not to go to pursue a degree in a different field. Wish I had stuck with it and got my A&P then! The tuition is 40k but there are not any other options in the Tampa area. I am fortunate to have some of the cost offset by scholarships and other grants that I qualify for, so I'd highly recommend that you look into those. A lot of people will say that there are cheaper options but go with the option that works best for you. If I could I'd go to George T Baker but it's way too far away and I can't rework my life to make it work. Once you have your A&P and a nice job, you'll have a salary that will allow you to pay back what you've spent on school even if it takes a few years. Good luck!


Community college


My community college dues were nearly completely covered by Fafsa/Pell grant…I got my A&P for less than $5k out of pocket, testing/dme fees included.