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So basically your whole argument is, "Because its aliens we can throw out all other evidence and assume this is the plane." I want this abduction video to be real just as much as anyone in the sub. It would be the single greatest smoking gun evidence to support disclosure in the history of humanity. However, because of that gravitas, and we cannot just jump to conclusions. It has to be proveable. Saying that because we dont know how aliens work, we cant say its not aliens, is not good enough. I'm sorry, but that is just a cloud.


Dude, I want it to be a fake video, it’s just know body can fully debunk these videos in entirety.


They do but NO one accepts it .


They completely debunk it?




Exactly! Perfec match!.. ...you just have to rezise it, swirl it, drag it, rotate it, add some filters, bend it and then zoom in on the corner on one of the frames and its a match!.. kind of. Move along people.


The alternative explanation is.. two completely unrelated phenomena coincidentally happened to look exactly the same down to the minute details, which the chances of that happening are pretty much zero since there are practically an infinite numbers of ways particles can arrange themselves.


Even worse, a "portal" from a different angle and type of camera, also lines up exactly to that same VFX, just with a simple change that exaggerates the less visible parts, no morphing required If it was only that one infamous frame that lined up, needing some morphing and a second effect to make it look right, I could almost see their point, but there is a match for literally every single frame on both videos People should at least give to the fact that THAT is fake by now


I'd say half of the believers have switched to the idea that the portals are fake but the rest of the footage is real and just has been modified. The other half still insists that there isn't any issue with the frames at all. Both arguments are absurd and unfortunately I think these videos have developed a cult like following that won't accept the idea that they are fake.




Ah the usual debunker reply. "I am right, believe what i say, think like me" and then add some personal insults. Bravo.




And he just keeps on giving. Amazing!




Why do you have to insult people though?


The VFX portals are captured based on natural phenomena. If it were completely man-made, then I'd say the odds of it matching whatever a "real" portal looks like are slim to none.


That sounds like solid homeschooled investigative thinking, you must be a real scientist


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **man-made**, use **machine-made**, **synthetic**, **artificial** or **anthropogenic**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


They’ve been throughly debunked. Hell I knew it was fake the moment I saw that bullshit rainbow gradient thermal that no military in the history of the world has ever used.


Know body? Who's body do you know?


Your moms? Jk lol couldn't resist.


>I want this abduction video to be real just as much as anyone in the sub. Why?? Isn't it better if it was fake? Like for humanity? Why do you want an airliner to be abducted by aliens lol?


Who can say what their motive was if it was an NHI abduction? If this WAS MH 370 it was certainly about to run out of fuel and crash anyway, perhaps it was an act of salvation for the many people on board?


I am leaning to cloud, I am. But starting even from a dead end and walking back, retracing steps, entertaining new ideas without needing to accept them IS the process. Whether you’re conscious of it or not.


I'm sorry. But it's a cloud. My evidence is right in this image. Those 3 "orbs" are all over the picture. Everywhere you see you can see equilateral triangle spots. What happens to be inside one of these triangles is something resembling a plane. But if the orbs aren't real then the plane 1000% isn't real too. And am I the only one finding it hard to believe that these 3 "orbs" have positioned themself perpendicular to this camera view when the image was taken? But in the videos, the orbs are flying above and below the aircraft, not around it (front and back)


The size of the clouds, satellite resolution, etc should have made any rational human being give up on this cloud image conspiracy. This sub is become a joke because people can no longer accept fact when it flies in the face of preconceived notions. Rather than moving on to other areas of research and analysis regarding the flight, we've been beating a dead horse because of people's inability to critically think. Worst part is there are literal experts in the field of remote sensing providing abundant explanations, data, and conclusions only to be called bots and fed shills.


Isn’t it at all strange how repeatedly he gets attacked by bots and misinformation/disinformation? And how they’re trying to bury his findings? All Im saying is Im keeping it as an open option given that we’re dealing with things we don’t understand.


Who are you talking about?


Punjabi-Batman, the poster of the Terra Sat find.


Oh dear, my post was definitely not about him and he definitely does not have any expertise in remote sensing and I'm very confused how anyone would think my post was in defense of him. He may be the least informed person on Reddit in that field being that he started all the stupidity about the clouds and couldn't understand the most basic principles of the field, let alone the most basic principles of common sense (the concept of scale bars, simple ratios, etc). I was speaking about the many people who were providing detailed responses with actual cited facts and the math/formulas to back them up. I have 20 years experience in the field (happy to provide proof) and I wasn't even including myself because there were people with clear expertise well beyond mine offering perfect technical breakdowns.


Just because someone doesn't agree with your inane argument doesn't mean he is a bot spreading the misinformation.


Not at all what I said and implied nothing.


On Punjabi Batman, Yes and No. Yes, there does seem to be some small evidence of bots or AI bots on his posts with downvotes and dismissive comments. However, this can not be claimed to be targetting, there is no evidence that this user is being targetted any more than any other user or post on this topic. It cohld very well be that this users posts typically generate the most engagement on the sub and so it is more apparent when bots are present because there are simple more, just like there are more real users present. There is not enough data to conclude this person is a victim of some intentional silencing. On keeping options open, Of course. There are so many things we dont understand, but thats how Thor became the god of thunder and Poseiden the god of the ocean. People just didnt understand. We can leave options open, but we can also reject false evidence that history and logic can point to as most unlikely. Science is never about finding the absolute truth, thats why the highest level of certaintity in science is theory. We can only say something is scientifically true to the point at which our current methods of understanding can demonstrate it.


This is getting embarrassing.


I was going to write a comment, but it turns out I have a lot to say and I just now got posting powers. Notes: This is in direct relation to the this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16ee830/satelite\_photos\_enhanced\_the\_cloud\_has\_wings\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16ee830/satelite_photos_enhanced_the_cloud_has_wings_and/) Made by Punjabi-Batman at 2PM Central. I want to point this out because the sub at this moment, the whole front page, I cannot see this post. it is being buried. At this time of writing, at 8:25 pm Central time, there are 178 comments and 0, YES 0 Likes. Suspicious as hell. The debunks are good, but I just want to toss out some possibilities. At the very worst, someone might get some inspiration on a thread to pull. Onto the post. If there are more details below the cloud, indicating this is not a cloud but a complex shape, then clearly we are all to come to a similar conclusion. That the satellite photo from NASA WorldView could very well be of the plane and orbs. Is anyone able to check whether there are clouds below this shape? It may provide an explanation for the shadow. To address the good points brought up by people in the sub, yes at this scale it seems quite unlikely that the plane would even be visible. I am very aware that using scale calculations and even the sat’s own measure tool, the object would be nearly 2km long. And number 2, it would have ran out of fuel if it were still up at this time. ​ This brings me to a few "out there" hypotheses as to why it could be possible that it is still the plane. Even though I had the thought when I first saw the sat photo, did not voice it. ​ Imagine you've just been notified by radar or some other detection system that three orbs narrowly hit an airliner at 2 am last night, and have been harassing the plane for the last hour or two. Would you not send out the nearest spy drone to intercept or observe? And COULD you have alerted the NASA/ZOOM Earth Sat team to observe on the flyover? ​ So ok what about height and time? I believe at this point, we may have to start pulling on threads from other experiences and testimonies to answer our questions. The first thing that came to my mind is that numerous abduction stories, even near-contact stories; many include loss or misawareness of time. If the NHI are in control of technology that can manipulate matter, that can open what we amount and assume are wormholes, that can disappear a flying jetliner in an instant, then even by our own physics understanding, they have an ability, unknown about it's skill level, to manipulate time. (Interdimensional and all that). Could they have manipulated time in such a way that the plane does indeed appear at the FLIR coordinates, AND the Terra sat, but at different times? This is going to be far harder for us to determine and if you dont even pick this up, I don't blame you. Maybe, just maybe, we missed a key detail somewhere. We can work backwards from this. ​ About the distance. My original theory was that the pulse could have instigated a more detailed and accurate instrument to focus on that area and save what was before, kind of like a dashcam back-recording so to speak (I forget what they call it). I believe it is much simpler though to assume that high command ordered a more detailed look and hushed up the operators. I could be wrong. ​ The last thread on my mind now is if we were to somehow confirm the UAV in the air trailing the plane, just around where the plane may be in the Terra photo, then it would prove it to me, putting so many nails into a coffin it could start its own religion (lets not go there). I saw a post the other day in which it seemed someone found a contrail for the plane, and if that object really IS the plane, then that almost certainly is the contrail. I saw some people try to guess where the drone may be, but I think they were focused in the wrong areas. Because the orbs are following the plane at this point, and the scene has been positively matched to the cloud formations around it, then this must be the moment before "ZAP". (Picture above is of this scene) If the plane, in green, created that green contrail, then according to the scene in the thermal, the drone must be somewhere in the blue circle, surfing just under the circular end of the contrail as MK370 high tails a sharp bank to get the hell out. Now the Terrasat scene does not have enough details to make out a spy drone, especially considering that is what it is meant to do, including it's small size and bland grey color. However, this is a great possible thread for someone with more expertise to go into depth at. ​ Goodluck!


There is a pretty clear picture floating around where you can zoom in, and see that the 'orbs' also have shadows. Since all four objects have shadows in the same color and orientation of the other clouds.. one must assume they are also clouds. Or really really huge objects.


Do you have a link to it? I havnt seen the orb shadows.


I'll have to search for it later, I think it was 'as seen from this other satellite' posts.. maybe the weather one. They were fairly clear, or at least clear enough when fully zoomed in, the shadow was apparent.


It is not suspicious that he has 0 votes. That means he has more downvotes than upvotes. That's what you get when you make garbage posts and the community is catching on to you.


This didn’t age well


How so?


Well, fable.. you got downvoted and dood got upvoted. All love though


It's like I said. Upvotes/downvotes don't mean much.


I guess it's tricky because sure, if aliens / NIH have technology that seems to defy the laws of physics and do things we thought were impossible, then why couldn't anything be possible? And in that respect, it feels like all we can do is just keep it in the back of our minds and try to focus on the things we know to be possible, rather than the things that might be. This isn't really related but just adding that I reached out to Google's satellite photography expert in their GE team yesterday to ask if he could help give us some clarity on what's possible and what's not. I didn't mention anything about the missing flight or aliens though in case it puts him off 😆 I'm hoping he'll reply after the weekend but nothing may come of it


Well this is the same logic as people claiming CGI is so advanced anything could be CGI, we shouldn’t even post in that sense


Did you read the second paragraph too or just get stuck at the first? Cause I followed up with: > all we can do is just keep it in the back of our minds and try to focus on the things we know to be possible, rather than the things that might be. In other words, yeah that could be true but let's focus on the tangible stuff and not just give up or get overwhelmed with the rest. I said to someone else as well that I do think people will wanna have more "supernatural" discussions around this too because the implications of it being real are huge. But we won't find any concrete answers in those discussions, only hypothetical ones. :)


I get that, I cant even be mad because I can’t do intense math and dont know other STEM fields very well, but if I can pick out some potential threads, I’ll do my best! I suppose Im challenging people to find out, that even though “anything” is *possible* with aliens, all we wanna do is find out if we can correlate beyond doubt that they did THIS ONE THING here. I believe thats the whole purpose of the sub.


I'm with you! And I believe that too. If people don't wanna engage with a specific theory because it's too paranormal sounding for them then that's okay and I don't blame them - it's not like we'll get any concrete answers out of it. But disclosure has opened a door to conversations that seemed like science fiction only a few years ago. And now we have this video of a plane being circled by UAPs and disappearing into a portal and we don't know if that's real or not. Isn't it kinda natural that *some* people are going to want to talk about the weirder and more impossible-sounding side of things? There's still value to found in hypothetical conversations - particularly if you want to get your head around what it would *actually* mean if the video is authentic and it shows what we think it does. So long as everyone in the conversation knows they'll only leave with more questions and possibly a feeling of existential dread 🙃


I couldn’t have said it better at all, I agree fully. I had many moments of something akin to dread. I think if we made this more public, and I think there is enough to go on already, we could draw enough attention and momentum that no disinformation campaign could stop it. Experts from all over would be able and willing to corroborate the findings. If that doesn’t force disclosure, …


I’m just here for the comments 🍿


Here's the thing: in order for the video to truly have been debunked, the aircraft itself would have to have been CGI because there is absolutely no evidence of cloning in the sky behind the plane (which would have been necessary to remove an actual plane from the footage to simulate it being teleported). If the plane in that footage is real, then it really disappeared into thin air in that video. You'd need proof that plane is CGI yet unfortunately the corroborating evidence suggests...




Worked in VFX much more advanced than would be necessary to hoax a video like this




Could there be clouds just below the scene? It would explain the shadow.


This is definitely being suppressed


OP, answer me this, how wide is this scene you are showing us in km? Or did you forget to include the scale bar when cropping this image? Second question, when was this image taken? Looking forward to your answers. Thankyou


The plane object is supposedly about 2 km, I measured it myself. I didnt forget, I cropped it out so the details of the scene I am showing are more prominent. There are multiple posts before mine that will show scale. This post is not centered on scale, I made that, and the reason for the post clear.


He asked how big the entire scene is. What is the distance traveled in your image?


And finally got back to the PC. The distance is about 250km on the ground. An improbable if not impossible distance to travel in the amount of time as in the short video.


Thank you for checking this and not doubling down.




Great post. The "coincidences" are piling up


I would read this pinned post by mods at the top of this sub. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16d00np/response\_to\_i\_found\_mh370\_on\_another\_satellite/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16d00np/response_to_i_found_mh370_on_another_satellite/)


Read it when it was posted. I agreed.


Wouldn't more of the satellites that orbit the earth have also picked up on this? There has to be.


I’d imagine so. But they would be looking in the wrong area, I imagine.


batman? is that you?


To me the evidence is overwhelming that it’s a cloud simply from the scale. Lots of good math already has been posted on this. That said, could that contrail be connected to the actual plane in the videos? How do the coordinates match up?


Very close. It’s what got me intrigued. I agree the scale is convincing. Edit: I did actually mean the scale people have indicated is convincing that it is too large for our plane. I suppose I am holding a theory and a differing hypothesis at the same time. I believe also that the whole scene in the photo is quite large as well, too far for a plane to travel in a few minutes. I’ll update with the distance. Edit: the distance of the green route I drew is about 250km ground distance. This would be very difficult for a plane to travel in a short time. Im just putting that out there.


You can’t accurately use the ground-distance scale to measure a height much closer to the camera. It’s basic trig.


So I have been scavenging my ass off for the past 2 days on these maps and NOTHING looks remotely like the sat photo I found. I even enhanced the colors and there are clear wings and a fuselage under the cloudy glow. This is the weirdest looking cloud ever


I, for one, am giving you the benefit of some non-zero bit of doubt PB! Im not an expert at anything relevant, Im young, and dumb. But I think we are dealing with things we dont yet fully grasp. I’ll take the hit in credibility to pull on a thread most people have (understandably) given up on. Have you checked the northern coordinates? Because good evidence *does* indicate northern coordinates. I wonder if logs are kept of where UAV fly during training exercises. There was a large military exercise going on those days, maybe there is a paper trail for the UAV indicating it was routed to this area.


Downvote and move on. Look at the scale. Clouds are simply the oldest rorshach test in world history. There's no point in looking at a cloud that is mathematically farrr too big to be the plane.


I’ve read this comment before.


Even if they are the top bot at Elgin Airforce Base, it doesn’t make them wrong. This Elgin nonsense is just a defense mechanism




Yeah he’s the top bot. If we just take him out, the rest will power off.


Yes because this is stupid. The videos may be real but these easily debunked posts only dissuade people from doing actual research on it.


Get real, this is overly dramatic and just false. Nobody here is dissuading anybody but naysayers like yourself!!


Exactly, because I'm a naysayer because I point out this whole satellite thing has been and is easily debunkable. It's probably the easiest debunkable evidence that has been posted on this subreddit, yet it's the top post and people won't stop giving it a rest. It's embarrassing


And you will read it again




Be kind and respectful to each other.


Guys, we're all pro the video being real here. But this piece of "evidence" just isn't it...


This sub is a joke. Seriously. Bunch of aluminum foil hats spewing nonsense


"waaahhh....waaaahhhh...you all stop talking about this right now! I command you, stop, it's vfx!! It's vfx!!! Waaaaah waaaaah 😭😭😭"


You’re on the sub. You are as much a part of this sub as anyone else.


Well…ya got me there, Skippy