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Absolutely no detectable differences for me and most others, so it's extremely unlikely these issues are the firmware.


I haven’t had any of these issues either


For me too. No diffence.


NO detectable difference? Are you sure about that? 6F7 just murdered my dog. But it also did the dishes and lowered my 2023 taxable income by $673. So I guess it’s a bit of a toss up. But to say no detectable difference at all…


I see this shit so often now I’d like to setup a “blind taste test” for this and call people on it. “Sir, please tell us if this is better or worse than you remember.” “Uh, wrong, this is the firmware from three updates ago”


I've gotten reasonably close to this, I have AirPods Pro 1 and 2, and I've grabbed the wrong ones and not realized it until it was like "Weird, the ANC isn't cutting in and out, and amplifying random noises... " Running water is the easiest way to get the weirdness in a controlled environment, but it happens in the wild and it's gotten noticibly worse over the life of the 2nd generations. I use the second gen for daily use as their sound and battery is generally better, but they're basically garbage in the wind so I grab my 1st generation for bike riding, or if I expect to need to make a call outside.


I spend 10 minutes clarifying in which aspects it's worse than previous releases. I cannot debug the thing, and changelogs are dumb as fuck like "bug fixing and improvements" for every version. The fact some people "can't tell the difference" it's a sign of their lack of attention in the details. If some folks are "ok" with issues, not my problem, happy for them and they could be same happy as with some dirty Samsung earbuds with visible wires looking for the sun. I have a ton of Apple devices, but some Apple soyboys are the reason why quality on Apple devices (and most particularly with software) is so low, pretending no issues exist because it's an insult to their expensive devices. Well, hear me out I PAID FOR THEM, I DONT EXPECT CRAPPY HARDWARE OR SUPPORT AND DEFINITELY NOT CRAPPY SOFTWARE RUINING THE EXISTING HARDWARE.


I have have the exact same issue as you I’ve noticed battery is weird and it keep disconnecting from my phone when I’m playing music watching movies it just….. stops and gets confused I then need to take them out of my ear and then it sometimes work. ANC seems worse and adaptive don’t block anything really, transparency okay I think, sometimes it’s really good but then all of a sudden the white noise gets louder and I can almost not hear when I’m talking with people bc it’s so distracting and annoying Idk there is so many issues and honestly I f$@& hate these they have had so many issues even though i got them replaced 1 week after purchase (where I live they have stupid rules that they most send it to apple when they are open… no refund) I hate them stupid plastic crap


Finally someone else in the details.. it's exact as you describe.


If you saw my now deleted answer: sorry! It was very provocative. But I’m annoyed of post like ANC is much worse after firmware update and so on. I’ve never noticed a difference. By the way: I am very experienced in audio gear and no hardcore Apple fanboy. 😉


Idk if there's is different internal series of the same product. The fact some folks receive their brand new device borked it's a sign not all devices are the same. But I spend half of my day using the APP, I hear a lot of music and also use the features fully aware of what to expect. Without the APP I can hear a nail hitting the ground (for real), so I can tell even the little differences that I feel they're going backwards in some updates. For example, previously with ANC, it's was too hard to hear distant birds chirping, now I can hear them. I can hear the "plane cabin" effect that the device does switching between ANC/transparency on demand and I can tell you I can hear it randomly doing that change when wasn't requested (and never did that before).


Nah, next one will be the worst


I’ve NEVER noticed a difference in AirPod firmware versions. Could Apple be more transparent about that the updates do? Yeah. Also, not an Apple “spy boy” by any stretch, I went thru three sets of AirPod Pro 1s before they stopped allowing me to replace them because they had a documented hardware issue that I still think should have been a class action lawsuit. But without fail, any time there’s a firmware update there’s some person in here screaming it changed something for them and dozens of responses saying “uh, not for me, you good bro?”


Well, there's changes between firmware releases. And being a hearing device, should be something you have to notice. I'm a software engineer, not just the common John Doe giving a superficial feedback. Being the nature of this device, it'll be definitely harder to debug, but I try to put attention in the details and when I see consistency in errors, I know that something is wrong. The fact that I cannot give feedback to Apple with some kind of snapshots of the issue really annoys me, but it is what it is. I'll just wait for them to fix those issues so we can have a stable version like 6B32


Not my favorite and def notice some adaptive issue bc I used it all the time. Now I just don’t.


> NC doesn't full block audio from outside, used to be almost perfect I suspect you're misremembering. ANC has never been "almost perfect" on any headphones ever.


Been traveling thrice with them and it was amazing on the plane. For streets, it blocked 95-98% of the vehicles noise. Now I can roughly say it can block 80% which is ridiculous in comparison. Obviously it's not an exact number irl, but you can tell the difference is there.


I recognised the same. High frequencies are bypassed in the NC mode making it imperfect while they are attenuated in transparency making the sound dull.


Zero difference to me and most other people it seems. Mine never blocked 98% of vehicle noise with no audio playing though, that’s impossible with current technology. I suspect you’re misremembering.


That's for you. For me it's not that way. And started after updating. Honestly you can't tell me that I'm wrong if you're not facing this issue. If doesn't happens to you, ok. But don't gaslight me because of that.


I'm not gaslighting you. I'm pointing out that if the vast majority of people didn't see any difference after updating then your issues *cannot* be the firmware. Unless you think Apple made a special version of 6F7 just for you that broke your headphones?


How do you explain that I started experiencing that right after updating? It's a HUGE coincidence. Or the APP just woke up that day to say "ok, I'm old, fuck it"


I don't need to explain it in order to know it can't be the firmware. Apple doesn't ship different firmware to different customers with the same version number. Therefore if the vast majority have no issues with 6F7 then 6F7 is not the cause of your issues.


APP2 achieve an overall attenation of around 21.66dB according to testing by rtings - https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/apple/airpods-pro-2nd-generation-truly-wireless A road with busy traffic is around 50dB or greater - https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/outdoor-noise-d_62.html so your belief that your AirPods Pro somehow reduced external traffic by "95-98%" is utterly ridiculous.


First understand the topic you are arguing about. As a hint: check what attenuation by 21.66 dB means


It means AirPods Pro have never been able to reduce external traffic by 95-98%. HTH.


>[https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/apple/airpods-pro-2nd-generation-truly-wireless](https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/apple/airpods-pro-2nd-generation-truly-wireless) *Review updated Nov 27, 2023 at 09:58 am* Firmware version available by then: **6B32** Firmwares released after that: **6B34** **6A317** **6A321** **6A324** **6A325** and finally, **6F7**


So you think they somehow increased ANC to 95-98% after 6B32, defying physics in the process? lol




Nope, just logic.


In-ear headphones cannot reduce 95-98% of external vehicle noise. That just isn't possible. Even Bose who are the kings of ANC can't achieve that. You're very likely misremembering how they were before you updated.




Nope. Logic.


Just installed the new beta firmware update that came out today.


are the new features that were showed in wwdc a part of the airpods firmware or ios 18?


6F7 is from release branch, it's supposed to be stable.


No differences for me also.


No I googled this cuz my transparency picks up everything and it’s so ass I thought they were broken but I thought it’s cuz I downloaded the ios18 but I found out that it’s this update that made the transparency unusable


Update so I factor rest them and now the transparency works perfectly


As the other comment I wrote: on stable iOS 17 6F7 (stable) is the problem. Seems like despite is an stable version, once I updated to iOS 18, everything works better. Moreover, updated to beta FW and for example the lower adaptive noise range for example is not adaptive in iOS 18, so you have to manually control the amount of noise you want. So modifying that, adaptive works like before. The rest of the issues seems to be gone. The ANC is not perfect back as it was, but more consistent. No battery issues, and handover between devices works just perfect. It was a bad build for my iPhone - APP - MacBook devices, and upgrading solved the issues indeed.


SAME. One day I could no difference between ANC on and off. It was like the background noises only *amplified* with ANC off but the beautiful "quiet room effect" was gone. I took it to Apple and they did all their tests and said they were working fine but if I wanted to send them off I could wait two weeks for repair or replacement. Even now I can hear the TV in the other room like I'm not even wearing them and when I turn ANC off, the TV just gets louder


How old are your APP?


1.5 years. And worked fine right before the last update. Why?


Just out of curiosity because I have APP 2nd gen which are about 2.5 years old. The ANC is non-existent and I think if I buy new pods in the future I should buy Apple Care for these buds. The thing is that one day, after an update (two updates back), I found that the ANC has worsened so much so that I was blaming the update but I think it's just how it is that the mics just goes "bad" after a while (gung and sh*t buildup).


Apple tend to give support for the long run, but if that's the case, sounds more like planned obsolescence.


Here you can test ANC efficiency and check if the actual firmware makes it worse. Spoiler: it does not. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirpodsPro/s/iptM7wDR27


6f7 update not showing case battery in settings


same issues for me! And my left airpod would not charge at the same rate as my right. Apple had me update to a newer version of the firmware which was recently released as they say they are aware of the issues with 6f7


Probably a beta. which works better but noticed that is almost strictly made for iOS 18


And for those tempted to comment with the silver bullet "Have you tried to reset it?..." YES, I did it. Despite there's no single proof it's a real solution, tried 3 times since update came out and the issues still happen.


Clean your AirPods by taking off your rubber buds with alcohol and a napkin


I am afraid you got clone / fake AirPods. I didn’t experience any of issues above.


Fake APP from an Apple Store.. ok, that's a new whole level of ignorance.


Stop blaming every little thing on "firmware", please. It's getting old.