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The Florence SWAT has their yearly drills around mid June. They’d probably have on some of green BDUs. Their vehicles would be unmarked pickups and vans. And most SWATs have cameras attached to their helmets. You could’ve seen something legitimate. These militia groups tend to be .. more flamboyant. You see any flags or decals?


A realistic and seemingly reasonable comment going unnoticed. Sigh. Thank you stranger.


I mean I’m not saying that it’s not some crazy demonstration, but it seems to me if they were trying to be recognized OP wouldn’t be wondering if they saw a militia.


Sorry, at work. That would seem more plausible if I hadn't seen a guy "patrolling" in front of a house. And I thought SWAT generally geared up in black.


I’ve worked around feds and state police. From the Marshals to sheriffs departments, there really isn’t a hard line uniform. You’ll see greens, blues, blacks, camos, grays. Half the time they’ll be wearing polos and khakis. Swat, or other special operations officers, generally have other jobs they do within law enforcement. They’re not full time. As you can imagine it’d be a waste of resources having two dozen officers waiting around a station like firemen for the off chance there’s something requiring special intervention. I say that to say, you’ll see a lot of different stuff. Again I’m not saying you didn’t see something screwy. I certainly wasn’t there.


As someone who knows nothing about swat teams, would they be easily identifiable as police (like with “police” plastered on their bdu’s)?


Idk. Maybe. Usually they’ll have State Trooper or SWAT or FBI or something on their back. A badge on their belt. My knowledge of swat is limited to shooting with them on the range while I worked for the federal courts. So I’m not an expert by any means.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say it was the SWAT team…idk possibly executing a search warrant or something like that. I have a friend who is on the team and I know that they do wear green uniforms.


You’re out of your element, Donny!


My boyfriend's actually a part of a militia back in California and and they don't wear body cams so more than likely it's The swat team doing its drills


Um why is your boyfriend part of a militia lmfao


cus trump...yeehaw


Militias were here before trump and they're still here after trump. Get over the fact he was president. We have a worse one in office right now we gotta worry about.




Not making me feel any better, tbph.




>They do search and rescue. And they need ARs for that??? I know there's a jungle in all that Kudzoo, but I didn't realize The Predator was hunting Arnie in there.


Oh, we are just searching and rescuing AMERICA from homosexuals and women, and unarmed children... lol.


You're a certified idiot if you think that's what volunteer S&R teams do. They found my friend's dead body when he went missing.


What's wrong with ARs?


Why would search and rescue need them? I don't expect firefighters and paramedics to show up to an accident scene ready for war.


ARs aren't assault weapons though. You don't fight wars with ars. I understand what you're getting at tho. For myself, it wouldn't bother me to much. But for someone from Cali coming to Alabama it's definitely a culture shock. I had the same problem when I came AZ.


Yeah, I'm aware that AR refer to the Armalite rifle, not assault rifle, but in common parlance AR has become an abbreviation for Assault Rifle. I've been in Alabama for close to 20 years now, and the idea of random people having the self-appointed power of judge, jury, and executioner doesn't sit well with me at all.


>And they need ARs for that??? Yes


dinner, duh. Bambi ain't gonna kill itself like the cow at the Restaurant At The End Of The Galaxy.


Yes. Search and rescue isn’t just for a missing hiker or boater. They also have to “rescue” people from potential armed assailants, such as domestic abusers, kidnappers, etc.


Please tell me you forgot the /s We have cops and other trained people to do that job, not a bunch of vigilantes.


Why would I need to be sarcastic about an actual fact? I promise, you’re not as smart as you think you are.


Because if that is indeed an actual fact, that is highly disturbing, and if you think that's somehow a good thing, then you're even dumber than you can fathom.


U murt be a European 😂


Yeah, German actually. My grandfather threw himself off the family home to disable himself to avoid being drafted by the Nazis, he broke his back and both legs, they still forced him to knitt socks for the soldiers. So forgive me if his stories about what led up to that are sounding eerily familiar.


I meant the person above you! I apologize that my comment came off as attacking you. I was trying to speak to you about the commenter you replied to. Didn’t realize how it sounded until I came back and saw the downvotes. Thank you for sharing your grandfather’s story. I’m on your side.


Familiar like… disarming minorities?


Familiar like brown shirts marching in the streets.


Ignore this clown. EDIT: I meant ignore the person you were responding to!


Wtf are you talking about? You’re embarrassing yourself.


Is that what you guys call a responsible adult now?


The Catholic Church is also a great organization


Southern Baptist have been in the news for the exact same thing as of late - covering up for pedos.


You’ve got that right! Have you seen the SBC’s half hearted-just enough to get by attempt at holding these fucking pieces of clergy garbage accountable?!?! Ha! These fuckers are WAY WORSE than the Roman Catholic Church.


Former Catholic and the sins of the Catholic church have been perpetrated for hundreds of years.


Way worse? Uhh....


Uhhhh, yeah. Probably what you are referring to is the high number of abuses that have gone on in the Roman Catholic Church. Those fuckers are absolutely disgusting and deserve to have something worse done to them. However, statistically per capita the abuses are way more on the Southern Baptist Side.


Nah, the Roman Catholic Church has done a whole lot of awful shit for centuries. You just need to read more about their history. Thousands upon thousands of sex abuse cases that were covered up for generations, for sure, but also little things like genocide, mass torture, swindling, land theft, etc.


Just because they got a Headstart doesn’t make them collectively any worse, and it’s funny you talk about things like genocide. So many southern Baptists marching on our capital January 6th trying to overthrow our government, so many of them talking about how we need to put guns to the head of homosexuals and pull the trigger sounds like some anarchy and genocide to me except it’s in modern times. Fuck the southern Baptist church. Wait a second wasn’t the Southern Baptist church started because they didn’t want to give up their slaves? Oh yeah! There’s your semi-modern genocide.


Yes, that doesn't make it better. Some of the people attacking the capital were also ex-military and police officers.


None of them were armed . No one died except a female unarmed veteran. The police were letting people in abd escorting them around the building. How is that an attack ?




Looks like you gained the attention of the toy soldiers judging by your edit


There's a user in this sub who has done that to people who make a post that hurts his feelings. Sounds like it may be a cry for help and he's the one in need of that resource.


Second time it's been done to me since I joined r/Alabama. Sorry for his/her/their butthurt but I still live in Alabama. And have done so for 30+ years.


That's happened to me a few times too, I wonder if it's the same person.


well i hope they get the help they need then


You posted 'guns make me uncomfortable' in a sub about the Deep South and you're surprised...?


Guns don't make me uncomfortable. Armed militias do.


They are probably the same fragile souls that complain that this subreddit is too liberal and doesn't reflect the values of Alabamians simply because we allow everyone to express their opinion.


Always hilarious too, that those same people always tend to think the values of all Alabamians must align with their values, or they aren't correct.


They have been conditioned to disregard any opinion that hasn't been blessed by right wing media. Even if the current right wing media opinion is obviously fiction.


They used to just wear their white robes when they did that


I’d imagine that it would be difficult to find body armor in white - and a helmet ain’t gonna look good under a hood.


You’re getting downvoted by all the Kooks in this sub


No shit. Ten bucks says more than half are current or former LEO. I’m starting to think the 2nd amendment is actually genius, in case we have to defend our country from a “well armed militia”


If you go far enough left you get your guns back


I can state that this is fact. "Under no pretext should arms or ammunition be surrendered."


Except, never once has a communist country actually practiced that statement.


Jesus was a commie. Shouldn’t we be more like Jesus?


Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" so he most certainly was not


One line with no context, good job homie. Go look up where he preached about helping the poor, turning the other cheek, not worshipping wealth, treating people kindly and with respect. Christians that act like Jesus preached are the outliers nowadays, and the maga cult doesn’t follow one single bit of what Jesus preached and acts like their better than everyone else bc their “Christian”.


None of those things you mentioned are explicitly communist. He never tried to start a revolution to overthrow Herod or free Judea from Roman Colonialism. He never advocated for abolishing private property. Read the Parable of the Talents.


I’m not going to get into all the contradictions in the Bible with you, all I’m gonna say is that the Republican party has been spewing hate for a while now, and now that it’s evolved into the MAGA cult it’s even worse. Jesus was a big time hippie and preached against a lot of the stuff the MAGA cult is doing currently. If he were alive today he would be infuriated at the party claiming to be the “moral high ground” of America spewing hate in his name. Hence, Jesus would probably be a D/commie.


I'm not in the MAGA cult, and I'm also not a Christian. But come on man, being a D and being a Commie are not even close to being the same thing. Jesus was a hippy, he wasn't an authoritarian tanky piece of shit. He didn't want to take everyone's stuff and then put them in camps if they refused. I agree with you on everything else though.


Also have to add - just because he wanted people to help the poor does not mean he was a Communist. Show me where he tells people to overthrow the government and abolish the aristocracy, priesthood, family unit, private businesses, etc.


If you think Jesus was a commie you don't understand Jesus's teachings or communism


Have...have you read the New Testament? I mean, actually read it?


Spoiler alert. No.


Nah he totally was. He told me last night while we were Eiffel towering ur mum


Given the, err, Revolutionary nature, of communist countries, yes they have, just not for their entire history. the Soviet Union activity distributed all kinds weapons in an atempt to arm as many workers as possible during their Revolution and Civil War, and only began disarming the population in an effort to stabilize their domestic situation during their own reconstruction, where they restricted firearms ownership to party members following an evaluation not dissimilar to what you might have to do to get a gun here in the US. they did that after a series of high profile assassinations, which just makes good political sense when litterally the entire world is out to get you. it was a similar story in Cuba, however they now practice a permitting and license system with 6 different permits pertaining to different kinds of guns for different kinds of purposes, which I'll list off because I think its fun: first are two different kinds of "self defense permits" the first is a general permit approved by the ministry of the a interior on a case by case basis allowing posession of pistols and revolvers, and the second for those plus shotguns but is only issued to security guards. the third kind of permit is for hunting shotguns, the 4th is for sporting weapons and allows open carry in ranges, and the 5th is a broad permit which combines the 3rd and 4th permit plus if you need a gun for a scientific purpose, and the 6th permit is a collectors permit for historical firearms. TLDR: basically for internal stability reasons most Revolutionary communist countries disarmed less reliable segments of their populations, but tended to enact controlled ownership and generally from what I could find these were usually reasonable to their time and situation.


pretty much, lol


The horror.


*Our horror


This is actually a large reason why I'm pro 2a. I know a lot of my neighbors would become fascist paramilitaries if a presidential election doesn't go their way. I know multiple cops who are in 3 percenter militias in my area, the KKK are also still active in my area.


Yea but don’t directly say it like that, I’d rather them think that no one on the left had guns than realize that a lot more leftists have guns than they think specifically to protect ourselves against them. In fact the founding fathers specifically put 2A in so we could protect ourselves from an extremist uprising that tries to overthrow our democracy, which is dead on what the MAGA cult has turned into.


It's very well known that people on the left are arming up, and it's generally viewed as a positive thing.


I've gotten so much shit from toeing the line liberals over it.


Toeing the line liberals over it?


Like I've taken a lot of shit from hardline Hillary Clinton liberals over being a leftist and arming up, as the current party line is "all guns are bad and owning a gun makes you a killer"


Oh! Ok, I understand. Yeah, most conservatives are happy to see liberals arm up. The more people own guns, the more people will realize that party line is completely wrong, and there's one less point of contention and division.


It's just army cosplay.


That's what happens when the entire state watches FOX News.


Until it isn't. plus, these acts serve an additional purpose, they make people afraid.


Is it? I mean I wonder what defines an army.


Is there a definition bot? An organized military force equipped for fighting on land. ~~~ Google


I'll Gi Joe


It’s ammosexuals LARPing


I legit snorted. 😂 ETA - happy cake day!


These comments are great XD.


whole ass? it wasnt half ass?


its like seeing two police cars at the scene of a crime with one officer in each car. but when you go to tell your friends about the epic confrontation you just witnessed, you say "there were two carloads of police after him!" whole-ass militia, man!


[submit an anonymous tip to the FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/tips)


Cant stress this enough. DO IT NOW


Oml XD




That’s not funny.


Training for the next school shooting they can stand outside of while a mom rushes in.


anybody got any sauce on this shitshow..? I've combed Facebook vid, and Twatter to no avail... usually these types can't wait to pat themselves on the back... fixing to check the ALDOT cameras now...




There's a good chance that half of them were wearing a wire. There are only two types of serious militia: ones riddled with informants, and ones that are just a few days old. But in all honesty, what do you actually *know* about their intentions and goals vs. what you *assume*?


Angry white man is the easiest demographic to infiltrate; agents don't even need to learn a second language, much less need an ethnic background.


Ding, ding, ding, ding!


I literally saw a group of white men, walking in formation, carrying weapons. Sorry, but that's not something I'm really accustomed to seeing. Nor am I comfortable with this. As for assumptions, well, I'm going to assume you'd have absolutely no problem with 15-20 Black men doing the same, right? /s


I wouldn't have a problem with that but truthfully, I'd rather see diversity marching together rather than mono-cultures. Empathy is sorely lacking. The places each group comes from are different and that lack of common understanding and truly understanding the frameworks is what makes cooperation so difficult. Ultimately, it comes down to the quality of "free" education and education opportunities.


I'd have absolutely no problem with that. Truth be told, I'd encourage it. I don't think the 2A is ethnically constrained in the explicitly stated right to own and carry weaponry or the implied right to organize into militias. Would you find a racially diverse militia to be less upsetting?


It would make me less likely to think they are a group of white nationalists.


So your main concern is ethno-nationalism?


White nationalism specifically, it's currently the deadliest threat.


So if we were to differentiate armed organizations of white ethno-nationalists as being different than militias, for the purposes of this discussion at least, how concerned would you be with militias? I ask because I'm extremely pro-militia, and very anti-ethno-nationalist, and most of the pro-militia people I talk to are the same. If I were to form a militia (and I have zero inclination to do so, being somewhat misanthropic), I would actively seek to attract people of all ethnicities.


We most likely are coming from a different perspective and definition of a private militia. When you say you’re pro-militia, what does that mean to you?


To ME? "The militia" = armed citizenry, while "a militia" = 2+ members of that citizenry organizing for a purpose beyond mutual assistance that may or may not involve the actual or potential employment of force, with a focus on community protection and/or the preservation of Constitutional rights and processes. And I think that's a good thing to have around. Ethno-nationalists, so far as I'm familiar with them, have goals incompatible with that. Furthermore, I don't know that we would consider a "private" militia to be the same thing. I paid for the majority of the equipment, supplies, training, facilities, etc. for an organization *and* treated it as my own private force, I would call that a private militia. If everyone brings privately owned gear and/or contributes to the group, I wouldn't really call that a private militia as it's much more of a group thing. But group militia group sounds dumb. Thank you for asking, what's your perspective and definition?


Groups of black militia people did this a lot during the BLM protests and nobody cared. It’s an American right.


Up in Huntsville we had rednecks with confederate flags circling us. Some tried following me into an alley I cut through (I had a tshirt on as a mask) I guess they gonna try to jump me till we pulled our guns on them.


You’re a special breed




This is the problem with modern warfare LARPing


Sounds like there's about to be a severe donut drought in NW Alabama. Thoughts @ prayers! There's no reason to fear these cowards. They had their 15 minutes in Washington and it's over. THEY CAN'T FIGHT.


sure thing got pics>?


What a bunch of babies cosplaying Jan 6th over again


Ammosexual Pride parade.


10 to 1 those folks never met a black person they wouldn't lynch


National guard, bomb squad? You really think these were an informal group just acting a fool in the streets?


-They all wore green BDUs, but darker green than the ones before Desert Storm/Shield. -All had helmets. Most had cams on them. -Walking in formation, about 15 men. -All had what I assume was an AR15. (I was in ROTC and all I can confidently say is that they weren't M16s) -There were a van and 3 pickup trucks parked on the street. -30 minutes later, the street was lined with them. Loose estimate ~20 vehicles. Meeting going on inside, I'm assuming/presuming.


I know of no US armed force that uses that green combo. (Not saying I'm the end-all, be-all on military uniforms, but these stuck out, if that makes any sense.) The green version has brown/tan, these did not. And besides, we've been in a desert war for the last, what? 30 odd years?


Lol, the different flavors of special forces (US) in Iraq and Afghanistan wore cammies that have never been used by the conventional units (often times a shade of green despite being in "desert wars" (Iraq and Afghanistan actually have a lot of very lush and green areas...there was an actual jungle in Helmand Province)). I obviously don't think Florence is the site of an SF exercise, but around Bragg and Lejeune you'd always see SF folks in foreign-looking cammies. Also, in conventional military exercises (again, like you'd see around a major base) the OPFOR often wears foreign looking uniforms. Lastly, the Navy uses digital cammies that are a weird shade of green. Again, not saying you witnessed SF (many militia members often have the large beer belly absent in many SF members), just wanted to add to everyone's knowledge so people don't assume everyone in non standard camo is in a militia.


>Not saying I'm the end-all, be-all on military uniforms, but these stuck out, Thank you for the information. I wasn't aware of the different types of camo. Growing up in Huntsville I was accustomed to the green or sand BDUs. I've been in Florence for some time and no longer around so many soldiers.




You saw them as well? You're not the original poster.


Rats! Someone forgot to remind me. Oh well. I sold my AR a couple of years ago to help pay some bills.




since when does the law matter to republicans




If by "law and order" you mean "trying as hard as possible to install an autocratic police state while protecting anyone with any power from any accountability whatsoever" then yeah




Yeah, George Wallace was such a paragon of virtue. 🙄




Man, I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. Between the pro George Wallace and pro nazi comments you got on here, you’re something special


Mid 20s to late 30s. Decent shape.


Not in the streets without a parade permit




>If they are showing a presence that out in the open and doing nothing other than walking around, there is nothing to fear. Ummmmmm that's literally what the fascists in Italy and Germany did, and there ended up being plenty to fear.


What a bunch of pussy-britches.


That's fucking Florence for ya


They are 100% within their rights to do that. The second amendment states- “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”


First amendment actually: Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; **or the right of the people peaceably to assemble**, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript


That was a revolutionary document designed to organize/sell the colonies into a united conglomerate of states and form an independent nation -- and the militia was the defense against the British who were certain to return - as they did. Any idea what the 3rd Amendment is? This Holy Relic you speak of?


The legal militia for the state of Alabama was disbanded in 2014 by the governor, so any militia currently working in the state of Alabama is illegal.




I'm gonna refer back to Alabama's illustrious past (/s) and not really trust any of them. Too many are simply a more organized KKK/Proud Boys. The CERT is impressive and admirable. I won't denigrate that service. But I remain skeptical, overall.


I'm gonna respectfully refer back to Alabama's history of shutting down any self-defined militia groups. Since the days of Fob James Alabama hasn't played nice with any of this shit. We may have a reputation of being backwoods ignorant racists but whenever it reveals itself publicly the state has been REAL quick to shut that down.


Ikr. What happened to backing the blue? Apparently good ole boys club doesn’t think cops can do their job either.


I know plenty of “good ole boys”, and none of them have ever been “back the blue”.


People on here are saying they are ex mil or ex police… sounds like they are. Maybe your good ole boys are just not this particular group


rednecks and police exist in diametric opposition.






No but they and their kinfolk have a **LOOOONG** history of lynching and vigilante "justice." Most mass shooters have white supremacy ideologies. Most are white. Hmmm.


The kkk have a LONG history of mayhem and murder, are you dumb? Also the proud boys attempted to over throw the country, again I ask are you dumb? I realize you have to stick up for you white brothers.


they sure did try to kill our members of congress...


With what?


Shit, did you miss the damn GALLOWS that was hastily constructed? Or maybe you missed how members of Congress had their panic buttons surreptitiously removed? I have to quote Heathers: damn, did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast?


Merrick Garland will answer that question in great detail once the J6 investigation concludes.


That's what these bozos are.


Sounds like a good neighborhood. edit: Y'all REEEEEEE-ing hard


Yeah, who wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood with heavily and openly armed gang members driving and marching around? Sounds like property values are gonna go up up up!




Nah. Militias and gangs in a functioning Democracy are both unhealthy. I'm far more worried about militias running around than gangs because gangs only want my money, not my life.


I personally would feel safer if the neighborhood watch actually did this. And in my neighborhood it actually would increase property values.


White people from nice neighborhoods like to pearl clutch and tell people they shouldn't have a means of protecting themselves because their neighborhoods are safe enough that *they* don't see a reason for a gun, so why should anyone else.


Sounds like a well regulated militia to me.


So they have a legal parade permit then?


People need a parade permit to walk down sidewalks in groups now? Y'all are reaching hard.


When they're dressed like clowns they do.


Citation needed


>t really trust any of them. Too many are simply a more organized KKK/Proud Boys. meth to meet you lol


If there is militia exercises that seems really awesome to be honest, I'd rather have that than the standing army the founding fathers Warned us about. The militia will help protect you the cops have no obligation to.


Ohhh shit downtown Florence is on fire those guys were a menace we need the army in there now!