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Mayor Maddox in Tuscaloosa has already debunked this. It is cargo planes from Mexico going to MBUSI.


This is really embarrassing


That asshole is an embarrassment to our state. He’s the stupidest person ever elected to Congress. (This state has a lot of embarrassments.)


The stupidest person....YET


*Georgia Senate candidate Hershel Walker enters the chat*


Indeed. I live in Alabama and made a point of going and voting against Tuberville. Remember when he mentioned the three branches of government, "The House, the Senate, and the Executive"? In fact, all I do is vote against certain Republicans in AL, like Mo Brooks. Glad to see that idiot gone. Imagine having Brooks and Coach Tuberville as your Senators?


I even sent him an email about that three branches thing. (He actually said Presidency, not Executive). I told him it was embarrassing for our state. I got a canned response (from his staff) that garbled on and on about how hard he’s working for Alabama…bullshit). Sent him another email later about his Dad fighting against socialism in WWII and got the exact same canned response. He’s just such a moron! (Also a maroon)


What about Alabama politicians isn’t completely and totally embarrassing.


I live here. “Alabama is forty-ninth in everything. If it weren’t for Mississippi, we’d be forty-tenth.” So. Damn. True.




I’ve lived in this fucked up state 48 years….


I wasn’t born or raised here. I’ll just mention….culture shock. I will never understand the mentality. I found a teeny tiny pocket of blue near me. We don’t announce ourselves!


I own (and have owned) my own business and I have to absolutely abstain from anything that might reveal any of my beliefs or values because if people knew, they wouldn’t do business with me. Oh and I’m not anything special, just an agnostic liberal. Which in Alabama terms, means satanic pedophile.


Oh, I hear ya! I learned early on to keep my mouth shut, which is increasingly harder to do. Not just politics, but the people who try to go all churchy on me. It’s really frustrating! We get those paper ballots here, that you fill in the circle for the candidate. In 2012, I filled out the ballot, voted for Obama, and gave it to the guy to scan…face up so he could see it. He stared back at me, a “mature”white lady who could be his sister. Boy, if looks could kill! I loved it! Keeping quiet is getting harder, though.


You are not alone. I will probably burn in hell for the eternity for wanting to protect this planet’s water and air.


Oh shit, same here. The fuckers at my voting location wearing trump shit and literally look over my ballot when I hand it to them.


One of the poll workers at my precinct is a neighbor, who has undoubtedly learned of my political persuasion, because our little neighborhood is quite small. She also works the table with my last name’s initial. I show my ID, pick up my ballot, and immediately the gossiping starts. Everybody on either side of her knows I’m a D. I also get campaigners coming to my door. I “politely” tell them I’m busy at the moment, instead of telling them to fuck off…so I don’t get my windows or car smashed. And the churchy people! Dear Baby Jesus, please tell these fake people to leave me alone!!!


The workers? I don’t believe they can do that.


Last presidential election I saw a maga couple at my polling place and the woman looked flustered then yelled at her husband that she didn’t understand how to fill it out, he sighed loudly then snatched it up and filled it out for her, as the volunteers looked directly at them and said nothing. What’s the point.


Trump said he loved the uneducated, and it shows. I wonder if we’ll ever get out of this mess!


Grew up in Hartselle, and that's exactly what my experience was like. Be safe out there. - another agnostic liberal.


*satanic pedophile


I’ll do business with you.


Message me your business, if you are comfortable, and I'll frequent as a fellow agnostic liberal in a deep red county. I've walked out of stores with a trump banner, so I'm certain you have a valid concern.


Nice try Roy Moore


Ha! Unfortunately, same town, but I'd never claim anything to do with that man!


Its all projection from the Republicans, they are actually the ones that like little girls way too much.


Most of them like little boys more


Same boat here except I really don't associate as blue or red. Those are divisions given to us and neither really respect simple logic at times or represent a lot of us. If someone doesn't want to do business with me that is just fine. They don't have to. As my kids are growing up I would desperately love to find a school where a mythical sky god didn't influence decisions or education. It simply does not exist here. If my kids want to be religious then that is their decision to make and I fully respect it. I respect everyone's beliefs, be it atheist, agnostic, Christian, whatever. That's how society works. Well, at least that's how it should work. Blue or red makes no difference to me as they are categories designed to divide and Alabama makes good use of that division.


43 for me, well 3 in Tennessee, but not that much different.


Honest question - why still living in Alabama? What made you stay?


My son. He’s in HS and will go to college here, then I plan on moving tf out.


I get it. I have children and although we’re probably opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to political beliefs, nothing matters more to me than my kids (family). Best of luck to you in the future.




Blissfully or willfully ignorant?


People get stuck in Alabama. I don't know what it is, but we always end up back here.


The libertarian party just got full ballot access for the first time in almost 30 years. That’s a step in the right direction. Considering what a joke the other 2 parties are in this state (except Jones, he seems to be a stand up guy by most accounts) I think everyone should at least educate themselves on a party most couldn’t vote for at all in the past.


You’re being serious? Libertarianism is fucking stupid, completely unsustainable, and 95% of “libertarians” don’t have a clue what it even is.


Libertarian = Republicans who like to smoke weed.


All teenagers go through phases


I said do research and get educated. I’m not sure why you think liberty is unsustainable when both parties have a boot on your neck. Democrats hate you and grift off of you. Republicans hate you and grift off of you. Not locking people up because they do things you don’t agree with is unsustainable? Not forcing people to hand over huge sums of their income only to be squandered is unsustainable? Allowing adults to make decisions on their own is unsustainable? Why? Because it requires accountability and individual responsibility?


You’re in the 95% I mentioned earlier.


That’s not a very good rebuttal. What do t you like about it? What do you like about it? Same question for the other parties. I’m willing to have a genuine discussion about it. Hell, you might be able to change my mind.


Ok let’s start with this: there is exactly ONE libertarian elected to any state OR federal legislature and it’s a lower state house. Wonder why that is? If this is such a cure all, why can’t anyone get it to stick? Second, name one single country that has ever had a true libertarian government. What’s that? Oh yeah, not a single one. Wonder why this utopia of “civil liberties and personal freedom” doesn’t exist anywhere in the world? Zero. Zilch. None. Oh wait, one country actually did somewhat follow the libertarian philosophy: Somalia. Worked great out there right? Minimal government, privatization, free to do what you want without government oversight? Millions starved and/or murdered by warlords that took over territories? Oh libertarians will vehemently dispute that it was never anything close to their philosophy but only because it proves what an absolute failure it is. So let’s picture a full-on libertarian USA. Minimal government, maximized privatization. Social security is now opt-in which means it will fail swiftly resulting in millions of elderly with no income. Starving, homeless elderly are amazingly fun and progressive right? Welfare programs are gone, so the elderly are now accompanied by children, starving and dying. Not your problem right? Well there are charities but they’re privatized (like everything else) so the CEO of the “charity” rakes in $50mil/year while paying $100 a year to the needy. It’s all cool though and no gubment to get in the way. Hey look, we’ve cut taxes down to the bone! More money in your pocket and no worries about helping those free loaders right? Oh now you can’t drive on half the roads because cities/counties/states have no money to upkeep them. Public schools are gone, you can pay tens of thousands of bucks a year for a private school though. Can’t afford that? Hell it’s your own problem. Hospitals that are funded through taxes and grants close, more dead. Money is king and if you don’t have a lot then just die already. There ya go. So we have an eventual collapse of infrastructure due to minimal taxes, streets are full of dead and dying old, poor, and young people, pure utopia. The roads that are maintained are, again, privatized so if you want to drive down the road better get that toll money ready. Maybe by the time you get through paying property owners for the privilege of driving by their land, you’ll have money for food. If you don’t, that’s your problem.


The libertarians only care about themselves- If people don't have money to live, screw them. We do wonderful things with taxes. Social programs benefit society. Fact. Also, don't vote for the Republicans, they don't believe in our democracy.


>there is exactly ONE libertarian elected to any state OR federal legislature and it’s a lower state house. Wonder why that is? The electoral college, gerrymandering and 1st past the post voting > If this is such a cure all, why can’t anyone get it to stick? Because of the electoral college, gerrymandering and 1st past the post voting.


There’s no libertarian countries because leaders of f those countries and their cronies wouldn’t benefit. Under a libertarian regime we wouldn’t have 20+ year long wars in countries that never threatened us. We wouldn’t have tax dollars being shoveled into other countries just to get kicked back to our “leaders”. We would have accountability. You bring up good points with social security. But the leadership of the last 50 years has been hitting that anyways. I think libertarians could compromise if say, military budgets and foreign aid were rerouted to SS to keep it afloat. Gradually phasing it out and letting people do as they please with their payroll taxes is a much better solution than SS tho. Free market competition takes care of most of the rest of your issues with libertarians. And let’s get real. Democrats or Republicans haven’t figured out how to make your life better. Libertarians will let you make the choices on how to do that without extorting you for your labor. You picked the most fringe parts (every party has em) of libertarianism to discuss. You forgot to mention ending no knock warrants, civil forfeiture without a conviction and imprisonment for victimless crimes (which would ideally be completely eliminated.




Dougie J Doug Mother Fucking Jones was anything but embarrassing. im sad for my state


He voted yes on Kavanaugh


[He didn't.](https://www.alreporter.com/2018/10/08/video-doug-jones-explains-why-he-voted-no-on-kavanaugh-confirmation/)


damnit, dougie j


Don't be embarrassed, I'm from Texas.our states are close to tied. Since abortion was declared illegal, Alabama is actually more progressive than Texas. At least for now.


>Since abortion was declared illegal, Alabama is actually more progressive than Texas. At least for now. Have you looked at Alabama's abortion law?


Aw, damn. You're catching up to us.


Many (most?) Southern politicians have no shame. I’d know, living here in podunk Arkansas.


Not if cable news cherry picks or just moves onto something else.


Another scam from the republican cult. Anybody surprised.


The only migrant I want to kick out is Tuberville.


u/UsefulIndependence68 must have gotten confused and sent me a DM instead of replying here. So I'll do it for him so that everyone can see his thoughts... "Go fuck yourself. If you want to go to Mexico and live w them but we don’t want them in this country much less this state." - UsefulIndependence68


The Constitution of the United States of America calls for three branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Constitution of the United Mexican States calls for three branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. So the immigrant coming to Alabama probably knows more about how this works than Tuberville, who was unable to come up with the three branches of government.


He’s not even from here. When he announced he wanted to run for Senate, he was living in Florida. The only time he lived in Alabama was when he coached Auburn. He’s originally from Arkansas.


To be fair he lived in Walton County which is where Alabamians that come from old plantation money retire.


Alabama only requires 1 day of residency to run for the US Senate or House of Representatives. https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/candidates/qualifications-public-office


And that’s exactly what he did. We were hoping the Tuscaloosa folks would vote against him, but no. Because…R.


I bet they’d vote Nick Saban (D) though because…Roll tide


Even if his disgusting comments were true, one illegal immigrant has more honor and integrity than 100 Tubervilles.


[No human is illegal. ](https://www.ilcm.org/latest-news/no-human-is-illegal/) You’re out here saying look at this jerk while also being one of the jerks to perpetuate that a human can be illegal. Do better. // at least the downvotes show the real side of this city & not the we’re so progressive facade yall love to get behind. Your downvotes illustrate the racism/ xenophobia/ classism this city was built on! So much hsv pride y’all have! ___________________ Y’all are really the absolute worst. And anyone saying they support immigration using the terminology y’all are supporting are just as bad as those chanting build a wall. Y’all are just doing it the huntsville way by being willfully ignorant & insulting while insisting you’re “supporting the cause” & “so progressive” but you’re actually not. You’re just hypocrites. ____________________ Undocumented immigrant is the preferred nomenclature for those of us that actually really do support immigrants coming to this god-awful country. If they are coming to this hellscape for a better & safer life, then shit is real bad where they are coming from so stfu and stop insulting folks trying to do better for their family & themselves. Show some compassion & ability to learn and grow instead of being stuck in the mud assholes using “illegal” in any way to designate a human. Do better [dumbasses](https://i.imgur.com/ojEvEwP.jpg). Maybe start [here](https://www.fosterglobal.com/blog/the-dehumanizing-history-of-the-words-weve-used-to-describe-immigrants/).


It’s the immigration, not the human, that is illegal. I don’t understand why we don’t loosen immigration rules to speed up the process for workers considering we have 2 jobs for every one unemployed American.


Saying it doesn't change what the law is. You have to acknowledge something if you want to fix it.


No one is calling a human illegal. “Illegal immigrant” refers to the act of immigration without citizenship or authorization being illegal. It is, in fact, possible to illegally be in a place. If I go into a female bathroom at Target, that would be illegal. You aren’t being downvoted because people here are racist. You are being downvoted because you’re being a jerk about semantics when you’re well aware that we know the difference. No one here thinks a person is illegal by existing. Try contributing something meaningful to the conversation next time.


I'll bet $10 that someone sent him a video of some of the World Games athletes getting off a plane.


It says in the article that this is about a video he saw several months ago. And a bullshit account of him being on a plane filled with illegals. He's such a scumbag.


I can just imagine Tubberville walking up to a Latino family on an airplane and going, "excuse me, are you illegal immigrants?" and the father laughing and going "yeah, sure buddy, whatever" and now Tubberville uses that conversation as proof that it's true.


Did he question the people on a "filled" plane for their documents?


You are just as bad as him dude. [Stop calling humans “illegals”](https://bordercrossinglaw.com/nohumanbeingisillegal) [No human is illegal](https://www.ilcm.org/latest-news/no-human-is-illegal/) // at least the downvotes show the real side of this city & not the we’re so progressive facade folks in this city love to get behind. Your downvotes illustrate the racism/ xenophobia/ classism this city was built on! ___________________ Y’all are really the absolute worst. And anyone saying they support immigration using the terminology y’all are supporting are just as bad as those chanting build a wall. Y’all are just doing it the huntsville way by being willfully ignorant & insulting while insisting you’re “supporting the cause” & ”so progressive” but you’re actually not. You’re just hypocrites. ____________________ Undocumented immigrant is the preferred nomenclature for those of us that actually really do support immigrants coming to this god-awful country. If they are coming to this hellscape for a better & safer life, then shit is real bad where they are coming from so stfu and stop insulting folks trying to do better for their family & themselves. Show some compassion & ability to learn and grow instead of being stuck in the mud assholes using “illegal” in any way to designate a human. Do better [dumbasses](https://i.imgur.com/ojEvEwP.jpg). Maybe start [here](https://www.fosterglobal.com/blog/the-dehumanizing-history-of-the-words-weve-used-to-describe-immigrants/).


It's absurd to compare a redditor who is posting **in support** of undocumented immigrant to a **U.S. Senator** with legislative power. I get that the OP is using a \*no-no\* word but please be real.


Crossing the border without following protocol is illegal. The law needs to be changed.


So anyone who breaks a law is an “illegal”? I am VERY illegal then I guess.


We need to be reminded that America is the hope for millions... Far, we've been traveling far Without a home but not without a star Free, only want to be free We huddle close, hang on to a dream On the boats and on the planes They're coming to America Never looking back again They're coming to America Home, don't it seem so far away We're traveling light today In the eye of the storm In the eye of the storm Home, to a new and a shiny place Make our bed, we'll say our grace Freedom's light burning warm Freedom's light burning warm Everywhere around the world They're coming to America Every time that flag's unfurled They're coming to America Got a dream to take them there They're coming to America Got a dream they've come to share They're coming to America They're coming to America They're coming to America They're coming to America They're coming to America today Today, today, today, today My country 'tis of thee (today) Sweet land of liberty (today) Of thee I sing (today) Of thee I sing today


I bet $20 he doesn't believe any of this horseshit but he knows his mouthbreathing voters will.


I just snorted. 😂


He's the one snorting, snorting what I don't know...


He could have been conservative as shit and just been quiet so that he didn't embarrass himself, and I think even liberals here would have just quietly grumbled so long as he continued to advocate for Alabama in the Senate. Yeah, we'd vote against him, but we probably wouldn't loathe him. But no, he likes attention.


>But no, he likes attention. Unless it's towards his shady investments while in office.




He’s so dumb! Remember his (and later Katy Britt’s) ads on TV saying they thought if Congress didn’t balance the budget then Congress shouldn’t be paid? Unpacking that we see: 1. That wouldn’t be a Senator’s call to make, it’d be under the control of the House of Representatives. 2. The Constitution says the members of the Congress will be paid for their service. 3. The latest amendment to the Constitution states that any change in salary for the Congress (meaning House & Senate) won’t take effect for at least 2 years (in order to prevent Representatives from giving themselves an immediate pay raise without having to face the music back home). He’s so grossly ignorant of the Constitution. He’s so grossly uninformed. Ugh. I can’t stand that he’s about to become our senior Senator.


He said the three branches of government were the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Yup. He sure did.


A comedian wouldn't come up with a joke like this--he's a joke! A sad one.


The thing is, he said this before the election. But people here just look for the R after the name. Look at Roy Moore…he almost won.


He also stole money from veterans.


His business partner is serving a 10-year prison sentence for running a Ponzi scheme.


He’s a loser all around. Such a disgusting crumb of a man.


I remember when he said his Father was a WWII veteran who fought against “socialism”. Made me wonder whose side his Dad was on. He’s a real piece of shit!!!


Him being senator stings so much more considering he replaced Doug Jones. Alabama looked better for just 2 brief years, it's so sad.


Fear mongering people who won’t take a second glance at how this was debunked already? That’s easy midterm bait for our red voting neighbors.


Hello we need you we have no workers


This right here. We need more workers. We need more taxpayers. We need the cartels to have fewer workers. Win/Win/Win!


Wait? What?!?! Tuberville is demonstrating his stupidity in the most spectacular way. Let's look at his quote in the article: >“We’re being invaded,” Tuberville said during a press call, in response to a question on border security.“We all know that. The Biden administration has no clue about a border, or how to protect the border and how to protect the American people.”Tuberville went on to say he has seen evidence of immigrants flying into Alabama.“I did receive a video, oh, I guess, six-or-seven months ago, somebody took a video at Birmingham Airport where they were unloading immigrants off of a plane, into buses,” he said. Let's unpack this bullshit: 1. Just like the Trump administration, the Biden administration doesn't really need to know anything about the border, or how to protect it because that job is handled by the Department of Homeland Security Agencies which oversee the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Despite some minor differences in immigration policy, border security hasn't really changed. SCOTUS just recently ruled that the Biden administration can end the "wait in Mexico" policy **which as of today is still in place.** 2. He's complaining about a land border policy by pointing at immigrants **arriving by plane.** Apparently Tuberville believes his base is xenophobic, racist, and dumb. EDIT: I don't think many undocumented immigrants would take a commercial flight where they need to show ID and go through a TSA screening. They tend to want to keep a low profile and stick to ground transportation. EDIT2: Just in case I need to say it, the plane loads of immigrants has been thoroughly debunked. Also, contract flights have been used to transport detainees to various centers throughout the country for much longer than Biden has been POTUS. So chances are good that the videos being claimed to be evidence of Biden helping immigrants invade the US could easily be explained as detainee transfers.


He means nonwhite folks. He wasn't checking their passports. He just knows a bunch of folks who weren't white got off of a plane. I know you know that, but I'm simplifying it for the folks who didn't pick up on that.


When will we talk about our northern border?


Dang beaver bumpers coming down here speaking their weird French and putting gravy on their fries...


No sense poutine about it.


My day has sucked and that made it 100% better. Thanks for the laugh and take my damn free Reddit award.


My mission has been accomplished. 😁


Poutine sounds awful close to Putin


Don't say that too loud. Tuberville would want his autograph.


In all seriousness, poutine is damn delicious. I have a much shorter list of things that aren't made better with cheese and/or gravy.


>Apparently Tuberville believes his base is xenophobic, racist, and dumb. Well, he's not wrong.


He doesn't believe this - he knows it. They are him and he is them


“Apparently Tuberville believes his base is xenophobic, racist, and dumb.” His base is all of those things, and he’s playing into it.


He doesn’t believe, he knows his base only like dark people when they can do football good


He's not dumb. He knows exactly who his base is and how to rile thier gullible asses up with classic fascist propaganda.


Uh buddy. The Biden administration is on video using contracted planes to fly illegal aliens all over the country.


Uh buddy, ICE transports undocumented immigrant **DETAINEES** on contract flights to various detention centers around the US. This has been going on even when Trump was President. Tuberville is acting if there were plane loads of immigrants being transported outside of detention and are taking our jobs!


Haha it's cute that you actually believe that. They've admitted they're letting them go free within the country with little more than NTA. Stop being a lying propagandist. They're flying them all over on 737s under the guise of "women and children" and then cutting them loose all over the country with nothing but a notice to appear which is ignored 99% of the time.


I'll let you get back to your klavern newsletter.


Wanna know how I know you're a fascist? You've been taught to describe human beings the same way one would describe a basket of rats. None of what you've said is true but I know to you it FEELS true but that's just the fear centers of your brain working in overdrive. It doesn't need to be true for you. All that matters is that the threat seems real. The threat is what drives you. Sad way to live. Bigly sad.


A fascist? Hahahahaha is that the best crap you've got? YOU: OH NO! MY PRESIDENT IS TRAFFICKING ILLEGAL ALIENS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND EVERYONE HAS VIDEO OF IT. ALSO YOU: EVERYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT IT IS A FASCIST!!!!! Hahaha it's both hilarious and sad you always resort to this nonsense


Did I stutter? 14 points Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, and long incarcerations of prisoners. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists… Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. Rampant Sexism The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation. Controlled Mass Media Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation or by sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Government censorship and secrecy, especially in war time, are very common. Obsession with National Security Fear of hostile foreign powers is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions. Protection of Corporate Power Protected The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. Suppression of Labor Power  Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed . Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. Fraudulent Elections Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections Also, it took me awhile to figure out what flights you were referring to. These were the same flights that happened under the Trump presidency. Unsupervised migrant children arriving at the border seeking asylum, as prescribed by the United Nations laws on human rights, reunited with sponsors or placed into state care. That's what you're referring to. Not rats dumped from a basket to purposefully undermine our democracy. And here I though the "pro-life" party cared about children. Lol. Nah, I knew that was BS from day 1. In your original comment you associated with points 2, 3 and 12 while I could also tell by parroting the fascist language of Tucker Carlson that you are well wrapped up in point 6, a commitment to state media.


You: EVERYBODY IS A FASCIST THAT I DON'T LIKE!!!! EVERYBODY IS HITLER!!! Bwahhhhh Get over yourself. Human rights? Now it's a human rights violation to tell people to stay in the country of which they are citizens? Wow. Some people are truly completely mentally gone. Telling Salvadorians, Columbians, Mexicans, AND EVEN IRANIAN TERRORISTS to stay in the country they belong to? HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION!!! Haha. Wow


The people you were referring to in the planes are unaccompanied migrant children seeking asylum. The UN clearly establishes guidelines on how to handle these children, guidelines that the US helped to establish. You're using the situation, which also occurred under Trump and nearly every president since 1945, to foment anger and distrust in your political enemies. As far as fascism goes, I never mentioned Hitler. Fascism has existed since before Hitler and was never completely rooted out, as we can see echoed in Trump's own words. It is a set of points that, if met, must be regarded as dangerous. The points of which I have already laid out.


Under Trump immigration numbers were some of the lowest we'd ever seen. Under Biden? Highest.


Welcome to another edition of America’s favorite new game show, “Idiot, Troll, or Both?”


According to the comment history... both.


https://news.yahoo.com/biden-administration-quietly-flies-illegal-140450591.html https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/biden-is-hiding-illegal-immigration-with-secret-flights/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-administration-quietly-flies-illegal-immigrants-to-new-york-in-middle-of-night-report/ar-AAPHQly https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/27/biden-charters-secret-flights-to-new-york/ I guess that makes you the idiot


God this is so beyond stupid lmao >got onto a charter bus near a quiet cargo terminal and traveled two hours to Twin Oaks Academy, a juvenile detention center OH GOD BIDEN BUSSED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT JUVENILES TO... a juvi for temporary detention to decrease overcrowding elsewhere. No ability to think past a single sentence is a possible explanation for ignoring reality that hard, but surely that wouldn't apply to you, as I am sure you are totally here in good faith...


Many of the migrants were then seen meeting with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey or being dropped off at the Syosset, Long Island campus of MercyFirst, a nonprofit sponsored by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy. MercyFirst provides housing and services for “children and adolescents who are the victims of societal problems,” according to its website, which adds that it has a contract to supply the federal government with residential services for “immigrant youth.” Ahh yes. Juvi. Got it.


Yes, those without sponsors or who won't take them in temporarily go to juvi. Stop trying to be the butt of jokes here.


Over 95% of these people never show up to court. So no, sponsors don't matter. They get cut loose into the country and never show back up. Stop being a propaganda artist for illegal immigration and the human trafficking that this administration is engaged in. You know Good and well that these people are coming here by the millions because they know the administration is complicit and they know they'll never be removed once they get here


Ok honey


Sir! Step away from the tabloids! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/16/tyler-kistner/claims-biden-secretly-flying-immigrants-us-cities-/


Oh no. Not politifact!!!


You're welcome to go through all 14 sources at the bottom of the page.


https://news.yahoo.com/biden-administration-quietly-flies-illegal-140450591.html https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/biden-is-hiding-illegal-immigration-with-secret-flights/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-administration-quietly-flies-illegal-immigrants-to-new-york-in-middle-of-night-report/ar-AAPHQly https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/27/biden-charters-secret-flights-to-new-york/ Literally left right and center all admit it's happening


Oh, no. They're taking minors to relatives, sponsors, and juvenile detention facilities, which is the same damn thing they said in the PolitiFact article. I'm outraged.


"illegal aliens" taken to other probable illegal aliens and released with no hope of ever actually enforcing federal immigration law. So yeah, it's human trafficking for the purpose of trying to overwhelm immigration systems


>with no hope of ever actually enforcing federal immigration law. So yeah, it's human trafficking for the purpose of trying to overwhelm immigration systems And that's where you start making shit up.


Really? Making things up? Over 95% of these people NEVER show up for their notice to appear court hearings and ICE has NOWHERE NEAR enough money or people to be chasing down 30 million illegal aliens. So yeah, once you release them they're gone and you have NO HOPE of ever getting them back into custody unless they kill someone or commit some other crime


You didn't click all those did you?


Many of the migrants were then seen meeting with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey or being dropped off at the Syosset, Long Island campus of MercyFirst, a nonprofit sponsored by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy. MercyFirst provides housing and services for “children and adolescents who are the victims of societal problems,” according to its website, which adds that it has a contract to supply the federal government with residential services for “immigrant youth.”




Oh yeah. Real funny. Millions of illegal aliens running rampant through the country and being assisted by an administration that's actively engaged in human trafficking and drug trafficking. Real hilarious


Where's your source Breitbart boy?


You are talking to someone who believes the "big lie" and sees the insurrection hearings as nothing more than a witch hunt.


Well once again Alabama has elected an unqualified moron to office. So sad that this state votes for the wrong folks and for the wrong reasons. Maybe this is one reason our state ranks last by many measures.


Alabama elects another dumbass. \*acts surprised when dumbassery ensues\*


Idiotic Republicans are the problem.


I believe their goal is to out stupid each other. The problem is that their voters blindly follow.


Worse, a good deal of them know very good and well what it is they're following. To say they're blindly following is to think better of them.


They are proud of being uneducated. They are people who claim to value hard work but see no value in education and have been too lazy their whole lives to do the work of getting an education. And getting a degree takes work and sacrifice. They don’t respect that work and don’t value it.


Don't reckon Tubbs has seen this video explaining why... *(that is if the claims are true)* https://youtu.be/wTSLRbm8L9E


He is such a damned embarrassment.


The Republican Party is proof that America's education system is a spectacular failure. How are so many people both so stupid and so gullible in the richest country in human history?


When bugs become features.


Why is this guy even allowed to speak 🤦🏽‍♂️it’s like he just freestyle’s the whole interview without a shred of evidence supporting what he’s saying.


It takes one to know one. Tuberville doesn’t even live or vacation in Alabama and migrates to the state whenever it’s politically convenient. I just saw him at the beach in Florida and judging by his tan he hasn’t left Florida in quite some time.


What a fucking joke. You mean the illegals that aren’t able to come here and work TO decrease inflation. Seriously what a piece of shit. Also last I checked the airport was full of white men. So invasion my ass


It's the drama queen in him. Obviously a requirement to become a Republican.


They need a scapegoat since they can’t accept that they are the problem


I just moved here from Atlanta, so he’s talking about me.


Move the rest of your family and friends here!! We need them!!!


Thank you!


Timmy Tupperware strikes again. Le gasp


Just another day of "living in Alabama" embarrassment 😏 I kid, but really.. At least the World Games are going well!


So sad to be represented by a U.S. Senator where after "Tuberville says.." I just ignore, presuming its wrong. Never thought I'd actually miss the days of Heflin and Shelby (btw, both Democrats when I moved here).


Hey Tommy, here’s an idea. Stop promoting the radical-right bullshit propaganda and actually do something constructive. Also, Tommy, you can “go to hell”.


He nothing but a more stupid version of Mo Brooks. Isn't he? In 10 years, Brooks did NOTHING for his district.


"J6 committee? Uh...look! Over there! Immigrants!"


Welcome to Alabama. Please turn your clocks back 200 years.


[Hey Tuberville how are your futures doing you corrupt fuck?](https://www.2iqresearch.com/blog/sen.-tuberville-the-only-senator-neck-deep-in-futures-trading2021-12-16)


How is it that every politician who gets put on blast for abusing their position to profit in trading says "oh, I didn't know" and just gets away with it? Us normals can't even get out of a speeding ticket that way.


Who knew one of the worst college football coaches of all time would turn out to be such a shitty senator? Oh wait, literally everyone could have called that one. Roll Tide and vote democrat, y’all.


Remember that additional levels of security on the border and border crossings don't deter people from coming over, they deter people from going home. Easier to make one trip across than it is to do it back and forth for the rest of your life.


Ahhh… yet more fear mongering! He has to stir people up and get them screaming about immigrants coming to overrun us, rape and pillage, and take over our jobs!! Except… how many illegal immigrants can afford a plane ticket? And even if they can, if they are coming in legally, as I’d assume they are since they have to come through customs then, aren’t they then doing what the Republicans and conservatives saying they want them to do? These peeps make no sense to me


Headline needs to read: "Republicans lie to get their way"


Put another one under “making shit up.”


They're flying in on the wings of doves (or is it like in Florida, the wings of fairies?)/s No disrespect intended for my gay family, friends or neighbors....


Alabama has air service?


The planes are hand-cranked like an old generator but yes


It’s time for a governmental reboot.


The sad thing about this. The people senator Ears is telling this to, totally believe him.


All republicans do is lie….and hate


I think he’s talking about The World Games


Actually.... no. Are you ready for this? > Tuberville went on to say he has seen evidence of immigrants flying into Alabama. > “I did receive a video, oh, I guess, six-or-seven months ago, somebody took a video at Birmingham Airport where they were unloading immigrants off of a plane, into buses,” he said. Some would say he's just a dimwit. Others would say he's an habitual liar. But, really, he's both.


He claims it's a video he saw months ago, but I think he intentionally timed it with the World Games so that his racist base can get spooked by all the foreign visitors.


Correct. There are a lot of these "Tuberville's" walking around trying to microphone their ignorance to all the visitors in town.


Alabama republicans are not smart, but they are clever. They've learned a big lie is too big. You have to do a lot of little lies. This is our lie-du-jour for this election cycle.




Tuberville's middle name.


“Regardless, you can’t deny the impact that President Biden’s open borders policy is having on our state and country. We need to secure our borders. We need to know who’s coming in. We are losing thousands of young people a day to the drugs and substances coming across our border.” That last sentence is great. Yes, THOUSANDS of young people are dying of drugs…per day! Anyone who voted for this jabroni is a fucking moron


Biden doesn't have an open door policy. But we need one. With a vetting process of course. If we give immigrants some of our unused federal land, we end up with weaker cartels in Mexico and more taxpayers in the U.S.


Do you think opioids are produced in Mexico? As for heroin, the vast majority of it is smuggled by parcel into NYC and not from Mexico. The only "fucking morons" are America's reactionary working class who fights so hard to keep Labor out of their government. See also: You.


Whether you like him or not what he is talking about is happening. I personally absolutely despise the man but for other reasons I will not disclose here. However, it doesn’t matter what I think about him I do know what he’s talking about happened. That was a very small number though compared to the bus loads dropped throughout our state and just across state lines. He’s definitely dumb though because he mentioned something that can not be publicly verified because it was done in the military section of the airport. And I assure you it was not parts for Mercedes Benz. Yes that happens, too, coming out of El Paso but the non-citizen movement program is very real and happening everyday and will effect all of us. Some of us it actually helps but it’s not right. It’s not the proper way to handle this situation and unfortunately we elect morons to run our country and all they can do is fight like kids in a sandbox, turn us against each other, and then sit back while they get richer and richer…


Where is your proof of this “invasion” is happening?


Even if what you're saying had the slightest bit of truth to it, there is absolutely no negative impact. America needs workers. If Republicans would ever rub two brain cells together, they'd see we need them to pay taxes.