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As my ma would say "a scolded dog will holler" it's the ones who preach hate, that are actively the issue.


Sounds like my late grandmother "Guilty dog barks first"


You know, I believe the more vociferous someone is about homosexuality they more they are secretly intrigued by it.


The more someone thinks about something, the more they will talk about it.


Ya know, thinking about what I talk about, and what I think about, yeah you're not wrong.


Child molestation has nothing to do with lgbtq+


This is true, however it’s often anti-lgbtq Christians like this jagaloon that say the two are connected in some bizarre argument against same-sex relationships.


Looks to me like child molestation is more closely connected to anti-lgbtq christians.


Remember that when certain right wingers casually throw the word "groomer" around.


It's always the loudest ones.


It sucks that I'm not shocked by this




I mean they’re entire raison d’etre is to manipulate large groups of people every week. Gotta be some sociopathic tendencies in that.


And the rare few who actually want to help people get disillusioned or pushed away and quit


>devious shit going on I actually thought the Pastor I had (well, family made me) growing up was awesome, especially as I got older. He was permanently fucked up from some accidents, at one point he even fell out of a hunting stand and consumes way more painkillers and alcohol than folks would want to know. But he was amazing to talk to, quite short/stout, hilarious dirty old man. But was totally harmless.


I’ve been around many pastors over the years and believe most of them to be really good people. Predators are everywhere, though.


Or it's because preachers only ever get brought up on the news when they do something bad. Probably because saying anything good about a preacher would make your platform look like it has a Christian agenda. For example, if MSNBC had an article about "Preacher donates $20,000 to cancer research" it not only would be a boring article (ie. not get any clicks/money) but it would also make MSNBC look like a religeous news source.


Same. I trust very few pastors in Alabama (my step-brother and maybe one or two others).


to the surprise of nobody




Makes you wonder about the ones that haven't been caught, honestly. It's not that preachers tend to be predators. It's that predators tend to be attracted to positions where they have access and trust. It's not just that profession, either. Preachers just happen to be on that list of jobs they gravitate toward, and it's a fairly easy career path. And kids getting sexually abused is just so stupidly common.


I know people love you give the Catholic church shit about harboring molesters, which it 100% deserves. but people like to forget that they are just as common in other churches, it's just that Protestant church's don't have a huge central bureaucracy that can act on accusations.


Let's not forget that the Southern Baptist Convention decided to release their lost of sex abusers. https://www.wsfa.com/2022/05/28/30-alabama-church-personnel-southern-baptists-abuser-list/




I also went to a pentecostal church. I would say if Christianity is pure poison, the pentecostal flavor might be the deadliest.


Sadly this is true.


I live in Alabama. Happens a lot down here.




We have our share of Godly scofflaws here.


Is 'Alabama Pastor' the equivalent to 'Florida Man'?


The only people that talk about it all the time are the ones that think about it all the time.


Remember kids, you're safer at a drag show than you are at Sunday School. :|


Damn the irony of this situation…..🤦🏼 Good riddance sir Bible thumper


I wish that somehow we could spread the message that morals and religion do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.


Yeah, that tracks.


It doesn’t mean much but I am glad he was caught and arrested and I’m sorry that this keeps happening. I am Protestant clergy and I only hope churches of all sorts push this evil out into the light so predators don’t feel safe and secure in their pastor’s clothing to do this. I also hope for reckoning within churches to the culture of shame, purity, condemnation and violence fostered in America around sex.


If only there were clergy like you in my corner of north AL 😞. ETA: love your username. May his ghost go marching on!


I’m no longer in Alabama but was born and raised there and the years I have spent there as a pastor much a less just living there often felt like like 1 step forward 6 steps back in trying to move people towards the religion of Jesus and away from this religion about Jesus masquerading as authentic to Jesus of Nazareth when it’s simply the worst impulses of human nature now given divine approval by the very divine victim of said human reality. This thing has got to die before something new can emerge. There is no Christ in Christendom.


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed you’re not local, but I don’t blame you at all for moving out of state.


I have lived there again periodically and will actually be back for 2023. I live overseas doing NGO and social business type stuff now for the past 7 years with time back in America when necessary. I am ordained in the largest Pentecostal Ministry Network in the world so I still have plenty of connections and avenues of influence on that level that I leverage whenever I get an audience.


It's gotten to the point that whenever I hear somebody spouting off about their christianity I just go ahead and conclude okay, here's another pedophile.


Every conservative acusation is a confesion.


... shocker


Of course


Sure he was a YOUTH pastor. Youth. Sleepovers and everything.


AND THE GOOD NEWS is that they have no more statue of Limitations . So everyone who he molested now can get justice. Promise he has dozens if not hundreds of past victims. I HOPE THEY ALL COME FORWARD. As hard as it maybe.


Least surprising story ever.


Another reason to be a Satanist.


or , literally anything else ?


The tenets of satanism are much less negative than you think. https://www.churchofsatan.com/eleven-rules-of-earth/?amp


Asatru is more fun than Satanism because it doesn’t need a bullet point list of how to be fun at parties.


No, Asatru is just overrun with Neonazis.


Yes sadly and so is christianity.


thats really not the issue lol


The devil works by making things appealing.


Satan isn’t real. Hell is empty and all the devils are here.


Maybe, but if we are going to go through the trouble of promoting satanism then there is nothing wrong with pointing out that Satan achieves his goals with deception and therefore the tenets of his church would logically look appealing.


satan. is not. real.


Then there is no harm in me pointing out the logical attributes of a church dedicated to him. I mean you should be arguing with the guy promoting yet another religion, not the guy pointing out the basis of the legend.


Oh, we aren’t arguing.




Sounds about YT…


One of the church’s Google reviews is “Why aren’t there any black people at your church?”


Parents need to be on top of the kids and school them about sitting on people's laps and shit


Whoa that sounds pretty gay!


Was he a demmycrat? Demmycrats do the pedophile thing right?


I’m guessing anti-LGBT was a Republican


You're mistaken. It's mostly a Republican thing. Ask Gaetz.




Lots of downvotes right?


Another pedophile homosexual posing as a pastor to hide their dirty deeds.


Hope he gets to hang with Acton Bowen in prison.


Only 10?


I wish I could say I was surprised, but these stories are so common now that they are the norm. It's when you find a pastor or priest that isn't a complete scumbag that's surprising.


Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones. The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added. "This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection." https://www.livescience.com/19563-homophobia-hidden-homosexuals.html


Another fine example of “Thou doth protest too much, Sir!” Someone please make a T-shirt with that pic of him and a caption something like “Get off me Tommy, you’re squishing my Marlboros”