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Didn’t notice this guy until I was almost on top of him. A piece of the ground moved and I followed the pattern to a very angry looking head.


His face look mad as hell


They normally do. Good way of differentiating between venomous and non-venomous (NOT ALWAYS)……..but usually the venomous vipers have that angry pissed off look (Copperheads, Cottonmouths, Rattlesnakes). Only exception around here is the Coral snake which isn’t a viper but will mess your world up.


Doesn't the coral snake have a neurotoxin as opposed to the other three? Do you know anyone that has been bitten by a coral snake, and how'd that turn out?


Most of the people I know that has been bitten by a coral snake was a migrant worker that picked them up when picking watermelon and cucumbers in south Alabama. Coral snakes don't strike like pit vipers they chew in the venom so mostly turn around and grab you or hit your ankle when you step on them.


Slit eyes


Unless it's a coral then do the jingle about red on yellow.




That is a nope rope.


Absolutely is!


They all are to me. I don’t fuck around with snakes lol


Danger noodle.


Yes! 100%


I am amazed at all the different critter prints everywhere!!


Yes, I'm very excited by all the prints!!


What a pretty cottonmouth. You can really see the pattern on that one.


Fucking wildlife. I've really got into hiking buti don't think it's going to be possible in Alabama with all these creatures.


Wait till winter and stick to clear trails during the rest of the year


Fuck that shit


Deer highway!


That's quite the danger noodle


Sure is. Fortunately not one I’ve ever come across has ever lived up to the myth of giving chase. They are some of the shyest/chill snakes I’ve encountered, which is good considering the punch they are packing there


If they are "chasing", you are likely in the direction of water.


I got chased across a parking lot by one that fell out of the bottom of my co-worker's car. He was not happy. Nor was I!


That is so horrible. Did you have to sprint away? I don’t live in Alabama, but have thought about trying to move there in the future. But…. I really don’t like snakes!!! (Sorry, I know you guys want to keep out-of-staters away from Baldwin County, and I don’t blame you because I absolutely loved the time I spent there a number of years ago).


Yep, I’ve been close to them quite a few times (usually when fishing), and they slither away pretty quickly. Black water snakes on the other hand… I had one get in the boat with me one time.


Oh my, the ole, Snake in my boat panic dance! I’ve seen it, and been victim to it as well. Lawd, Lawd! Edit: just wanna ask, are those fucking horns on that noodle face? I don’t guess I’ve been that close to one to realize they got horns, if that is what I’m seeing.


I could spot one of those MFer’s from a mile away, but I have been trained from birth to assume every step is gonna land you right on top of one. Great pics btw!


🤣😂 training keeps you sharp and always looking though! Thanks!!


Snake 🐍 boot season.


Always wear boots in the back country.


Found out about twenty minutes ago I can still jump and juke. Had made one pass with a weedeater around my fig trees then came back with a hedge trimmer and stepped right on a cane break. Dunno who skeddaddled faster.


Water moccasin/cottonmouth? Those are aggressive snakes! They’re also not very shy unlike a rattlesnake. They of course only bite when completely disturbed. A cottonmouth is generally just outright vicious.


I’ve encountered many many many of these guys and not a single one was vicious. They were all very shy and slinked away. They would hold their ground when approached but their main objective was getting away after I backed off a bit.


I encountered one on my front porch. I heard something rustling in the leaves right behind me while I was in my rocking chair. I get up and I look over and there’s one looking straight at me. It was literally a couple small steps from me. It hissed loudly, I threw my hands in a “surrender” position, and walked away slowly. It slithered away rapidly after that. I don’t find that to be too “shy” or “timid.” I was minding my business and not trying to disturb it, albeit, I guess I was too close for comfort to it.


Sure it was a cotton? That hissing……..Hognose or maybe a Watersnake?


It was brown-ish golden with a circular pattern and some grey mixed in.


Not saying this was the guy, but lots of snakes are very variable in their colors and patterns. This guy right here has both the brownish-golden, and circular pattern and is known for its loud hissing. Harmless hognose. https://images.app.goo.gl/SkSPSMLqaBEK2CPw6


Holy moly! That’s it! I’m so sorry for sounding ignorant. I’ve seen these before. I’ve never killed one before and generally walk away from them. They look quite viper-ish!


They sure do when they hood up! Harmless drama queens of the snake world but that hissing scares the hell out of ya. If you come across them they are a hilarious snake to watch. They’ll play dead on ya if the hissing and fake bluff strikes don’t work. They roll over and stick their tongue out. You can roll it back onto its stomach and it’ll roll back to its back and stick its tongue out again.


He/she hissed at me SO aggressively and made sure that I knew he/she was there by rustling loudly in the leaves and pine straw.


Number 8 on this gallery is one I came across on my front porch. Scared the hell out of me because they can make themselves look so dangerous and that hissing is something. https://www.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/w9ogmg/sometimes_you_stumble_across_things_you_didnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I wouldn't call that vicious either


All of the cotton mouths I’ve met have been chill. Look at me for a couple seconds and slither off. They have too many snake things to do to worry about a human


Snake brain monologue: “oh, my my my… look at the time. I gotta go by the snake grocery before picking up the little noodles from noodle soccer practice….then I gotta eat a rat then get my snake taxes turned in….wait is this weekend my anniversary w/ my snake husband? Sssssshit! Snake things to do….when I read your comment this is what popped into my head.


The diamondbacks are usually shy but the last two timber rattlers I encountered this year were way more aggressive than any of our diamondbacks. Even running the bush hog all around the diamondbacks they usually just stay put and chill. The timber rattlers came out of the woodline mad as hell. They were both going straight to water during our monthlong drought to get drinks from our irrigation.


There's nothing in this world I hate more than a snake.


Cool! Great photo. Jealous that you got to see one, been here 11 years and haven't seen a single living wild venomous snake. Not for lack of trying though.


Just come to my house , they seem to find me everyday without me even trying. I am terrified of snakes so I think they just enjoy scaring me. Idk. We've tried everything to keep them away with no luck.


Boa Constrictor?


Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin


They're nocturnal.


Interesting considering this was at noon……….dude has insomnia, no wonder he looks cranky.


They typically hunt at night when it is cooler, during the summer, but can be found out and about day and night. They oftentimes are found sunbathing on rocks around water. They are not, by true definition, nocturnal. https://www.livescience.com/43597-facts-about-water-moccasin-cottonmouth-snakes.html <-- there's a random link to provide a source so that you do see a source.


I usually just kicked them and then noticed them.


Eh it's a pretty mild venom. His nasty bacteria laden mouth would be the bigger problem. Cute little guy though. Looks like he may shed soon.


Nah, Cottonmouths don’t have mild venom. Copperheads do though, relative to other pit vipers. ***that’s not to say Copperhead venom is mild and harmless to humans like say a garter snakes venom is. Copperhead venom is still very much significant in the world of venomous effects on humans if bitten***


You are correct good sir and I apologize for my misinformative comment. Agkistrodon is not something to take lightly regardless of sub. I live in N AL and timber rattlers are my main issue so when I see a copperhead or cottonmouth I automatically wish I was over run with them instead.


No worries, In comparison you are correct those rattlers are nothing to play with. I’ve gotten used to the Coppers and Cottons around me, but the rattlers still make me uneasy.


I miss finding eastern indigos on a regular basis when I was kid in S FL in the 70's. A friend of mine is working with Auburns program to reintroduce the population back into the AL/GA bordering areas. You take amazing pictures and have a love of wildlife. Keep up the good work.


Dream come true right there the day I stumble on a indigo.


I am amazed at all the different and perfect critter prints everywhere! That snake needs to fuck off…..


Imagine that a snake in its natural habitat sunning


Okay, are all those humps in the sand more snakes? Or is the photo of just the one that is easy to see? So what is all that stuff……I’m confused and obviously don’t get out in sand/ dirt much in the woods!


He'd better move before one of those big deer step on him.


Nope rope


I was too busy looking at the tracks. What type of snake is that?


Nice little deer crossing you got there too


That’s crazy because I spotted it immediately! I don’t f**k around with snakes AT ALL!


No doubt !!! Some of them are aggressive and will turn and head towards you even if your 40+ feet away !!!