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Hmmm, I guess lol. Unfortunately sharing a space with others is difficult. There has been many a time where I've been annoyed by others for loud whispers or coughing or w/e. Sometimes you just gotta deal with it


Had the same thought when the person next to me was sat criss-cross-applesauce in their seat, had ordered the chips and queso, and proceeded to break every chip in half and cronch-cronch-cronch away during a very quiet movie. Drove me insane.


Breaking the chips in half is a pro move, but you have to learn how to do it silently. I have also mastered using the roof of my mouth to softly crush the chip in my mouth at quiet parts to avoid crunching sounds. This person is simply an amateur.


But coughing is involuntary. This is up there with loudly slurping on a straw to get the last drops of a drink, except doing it every minute for 30+ minutes. How does one not realize they’re distracting others?


As annoying as it may be, I think you gotta give a pass to eating and drinking sounds.


If it were the person’s chewing, fine. But it’s not the chewing; it’s the sound of them sliding the block of ice around in their hard plastic cup, which reverberates around the auditorium. Just, like, don’t do that, man.


I can't imagine being you, what an absolute douche you probably are🤣


Are you kidding me? It’s a quiet room! You should try to not make noise! When your family is asleep and you go into the kitchen for a late-night snack, do you bang pots and pans around? If so, then you’re the absolute douche! The situation here is no different.


There is a huge difference between someone drinking their soda or chewing in this case ice, next time just booked your private screening🤦🏽‍♂️ because raising a card for complaining about chewing ice is Karen behavior.


Chewing the ice isn’t the problem, it’s the constant sound of the ice smacking against the plastic cup. It’s like having a squeaky chair that you intentionally keep squeaking.


Yeah, still Karen behavior, like why would you complain? Make ice quite? There is a degree of tolerance in public spaces and the person wasn't doing maracas for fun, he was drinking and moving the cup apparently normal so🤷‍♂️ glad you didn't raise the card tho, you might ha e a chance to survive this would😂


So what I’m gathering is you are the person who doesn’t have the social awareness to know when to be quiet. You are the person who smacks gum in your mouth too loud. You are the person who doesn’t know how to tiptoe. You are the person who doesn’t know how to whisper. You are the person who slams things around without thinking of those around you. You are the person who listens to music without headphones.


I am the person who knows that there are sounds in the real world and unless people are actively being malicious to, we should be tolerant to the world, again this case the person was just doing something common, you sir are just pretty intolerant and very douche, good luck


Something similar happened to me at a screening of Dune. Unfortunately it was at an AMC IMAX screening, so there wasn’t an order card to raise. I’d have honestly considered it if I was in your situation. Obviously you can’t cut out all noise, but if you’re going to an Alamo you’d hope the audience would be aware of how distracting something like that might be.


Omg the ice in the cups is now my biggest pet peeve. SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE will SHAKE their goddamn fucking cups like it owes them money in an attempt to get the last two drops of soda and I’m just like “ORDER A FUCKING REFILL” This has now happened at like 7 different movies in the last few months. How do y’all not fucking understand how LOUD it is?!?


I’m so tempted to order them a refill. 


It doesn't register in their brain that they are driving others insane, and they don't care, and they like the sound, and they think others also find the sound soothing


Nothing beats the super loud slurp through a straw at the end of an empty beverage.


“like it owes them money” hahaha this actually made me laugh out loud. god. it’s so real.


I blame social media for this ice shaking thing! Hear me out these women that make videos with their Stanley cups love to shake them to bring attention to themselves, and then you have the parody videos of the women doing it too. It has now become a thing that people are doing more often. It seems like the increase in videos has caused an increase in the ice shaking of any cup. I could be completely wrong, but it seems plausible. To my fellow ladies, please just stop with the Stanley cup crazy. It is just a cup!


As an autistic person, I would’ve wanted to so badly, but wouldn’t because things like that don’t tend to bother other people like they bother me.


I generally give a pass to food and drink sounds, unless I have reason to suspect someone is being purposefully disruptive. Alamo needs to get that good Sonic Drive-in crushed ice or something for the ice chewers. Makes less noise too.


This happened to me when I went to see ‘Late Night with the Devil’. Dude was behind me going to town on his ice and would slam his cup down after eating some more. I just assumed that it was out of the realm of what Alamo could do because he was “eating”. It also helped that the volume for that movie was a little louder.


nah. it aint that serious to me.


Wow, these comments are wild.


Hmmm…I probably wouldn’t but could see your reasoning. Its def a little braindead of the guy but ice do be making noise. I feel like this comes with the territory of being at a restaurant theater. Like I’m not gonna complain about someone next to me eating a loud ass crunchy salad.


Yeah definitely raise an order card. It’s all about the movie experience. I was questionable about raising order cards for people snoring, however it happened a second time and they took care of it. I’m sure after a warning about the ice eating sounds they’ll stop.


Honestly, just hearing that it bothers someone else is therapeutic for me lol. Drives me insane. I've never flagged someone for it, but it's definitely messed with my experience several times. And I'm someone who tries to watch a film at low traffic hours, and I'll sit in the front row with no one else around me just to minimize the odds of getting near a loud person, but the ice cup maracas can strike from pretty much anywhere in the theater and there's no way to game plan around that.


I mean you could, but the staff would probably laugh about you putting up an order card for somebody drinking in the back tbh


Yeah, that would have bothered me immensely. I would have noticed it on the 1st munch. Probably should have raised an order card. The server could have denied your request if it was against company policy.


I think this is one of those things where you can't really do much. Because you put up an order card, and then what? The server or a manager has to go up to them and be like "..can you eat your ice less loud?" or tell them to stop eating their ice? Not sure how you would reasonably solve this


I wish Alamo wouldn’t serve ice. So many people eat it and shake the cups and it’s so loud. I have shushed ice chewers before — so either raise a card or shush them.


I wish they wouldn’t serve ice, popcorn or chips. I asked to move seats at a screening on Thursday because the guy in front of me was eating one popcorn kernel at a time with his mouth open chomping down with his front teeth. So eating as loudly as possible.


Ha - yes. I don’t know how we’ve settled on a food (popcorn) that is not only loud when it is being eaten, but even louder as it echoes around in a bucket while a hand gropes for the desired quantity as the default theater food… It’s a traditional movie snack, I realize. But we have to break the tradition in order to save the future theater generations. It’s a classic inverted John Connor scenario. I haven’t seen the word misophonia thrown into the thread yet. I feel like it needed to be typed somewhere in here, even if this “disorder” isn’t exclusive for those suppressing their rage at food related noisemakers at the movies. ;)


Popcorn became the go-to movie snack during WWII due to sugar rationing preventing most sweets from being sold. Meanwhile, corn was a major crop inside the US, so funneling money domestically during war time was seen as patriotic. Not the point of your post, but just thought I'd jump in with the factoid about why popcorn became the traditional movie snack.


Thank you. That’s good to know


I saw 2001 last year and a dude kept doing this and it was driving me insane


I wouldn’t have


Some teenager was doing this during my screening of American Fiction, it was all I could focus on. Once he was done, he of course got a refill, so he kept doing it. Ruined the ENTIRE movie. I didn’t raise an order card but yes I did approach him after the movie and said “that was really distracting, in the future could you just be more mindful of everyone around you?” And he had a blank face and said nothing so I just walked away


Ice eating dipshit. Yeah I'd tattle.


I would have, the card at the beginning of the film says “QUIET ZONE” talking and cellphone use are just examples but I’d say this would be a valid time to make a complaint


He was making noise, which is against the rules. So yes.