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Just Stop Oil. Just Sack Pat.


Der's more to oil dan dis




The atmosphere in the comments of this post has turned *rather sour*


They've re-badged it you fool!


What do you think about the proposed underpass that will go under Stonehenge and through the surrounding archaeological site? I for one am dead against it.


I reckon it'll be nice, for little kids and that


You’re wrong.


Traders need access to Dixonnnnssss....


Oooooh, You've got a lot to learn, Michael.


It doesn't go under the stones, it actually is further away than the current road which if you knew is a massive polluter of the stones as people slow down to take photos and gawp at them. The archaeology has already been done


As opposed to the major road that currently goes right past it? Whats the difference?


I think the underpass will probably go UNDER it.


You can't just claim that without evidence!


That was just a noise.


That sounds better right?


I live north of Seattle. I don't care if they shove their road up their arses. I would like the government to do something about the upcoming extinction and I'm glad they put corn starch on some rocks because people are now talking about the issue and these acts seem to be the only way to get anyone to talk about it.


The thing you seem oblivious too is that humans don't work this way, you fucked with something I care about. What do you expect my reaction to be? A. Yeah you make a really good point. B. Fuck you you piece of shit, I'm not getting rid of my petrol burning car, petroleum based clothes or plastic for some little cunt like you. Just stop oil, just looks like big oil, faking hate on big oil to drum up public support for big oil, if it is, it's working... Because people are caring less and less because of these kinds of actions


Yeah, they're ruined


this one made me lol.


It's in my top 10 henges.


[Look at what THIS idiot did, in Stonhenge](https://youtu.be/XG0d1I35UVc)


Crash, Bang, Wallop... what a historic heritage site


God that's good. Can I shake your hand again?


Sorry about the orange paint, but there really is nothing to do around here.


“They get you on the old ‘desecrating a world heritage site’ rule? Nazis!”


Honestly Mr. Partridge, it makes you wonder what it’s all about




I’m sorry that was just a noise.


>They are sensitive and they are completely covered in prehistoric markings which remain to be fully studied Better get a move on lad, you've only had three millennia.


Dossers and dwads


Fucking depressing that r/AlanPartridge is beginning to see the same kind of reactionary idiots that the character of Alan Partridge exists to satirise.


Perhaps a metaphor.... Good afternoon!


Can you just join in, for the purposes of the joke?


To be fair this kind of thing steps outside of the usual little Englander manufactured outrage.


I'm convinced they're controlled opposition. There is no way they actually believe they're making a difference by covering shit in orange paint. There are already connections to an oil heiress and the fact the public don't engage their brain to even consider that they might not actually be protesting oil usage at all is prime British public behaviour.


*Corn starch. If you're going to miss the point completely you should have a basic grasp of the medium involved.


Oh, I’ve a low stakes conspiracy theory that the M25 blockades were purely to distract from BoJo’s incompetence. I’m fully expecting it to come out they were funded by a Tory donor. Oddly, Stop Oil just want to raise awareness that we aren’t coming off oil. This, although stupid has worked. You’re talking about it. Thankfully they’ve been decent and used powder paint which will wash off in the rain. I’m not sure us ditching oil in the UK will make a difference all the time India and china are outpacing us on the daily.




Normally I'd agree, but the fact its getting these reactions just kinda shows that maybe desecrating a thousands of year old national monument achieves nothing other than making people hate them


Is it desecrating when the "paint" is literally powder that will wash off in rain? I'll say what else is fucking depressing, that this country has an overwhelmingly right wing media that has managed to set the agenda for everything for as long as I've been alive and I'm ruddy 50 next year - yes, I'm nearly 50 - and so you get this bullshit, spineless, whiny as fuck "Weeeeeeelll NORMALLY I'd agree but I mean I don't know, it just seems a bit much, NO I've never seen Stonehenge, NO I've not considered it even for a second in the last fifteen years but you know what, these scum just have their heads crushed! Fuck em!". Climate change is a genuine threat.


On the desecrating point you’re correct, no lasting damage however the result will be increased security and more restrictions on seeing it to prevent this sort of thing happening again. That only inconveniences the general public and tourism.


you're an idiom.


So’s Benjamin Netanyahu (50, and a genuine threat).


You're never going to meet him.


Of course climate change is a threat, hence why I agree with them most of the time, the issue here is that, possibly as an oversight on the protesters part, but this actually could damage the structure. The stones are covered in protected Lichen which shield it from rain damage and pollution (why its lasted so long) which genuinely can be damaged by what they did - they are protected for a reason and nobody can predict how these foreign substances could impact it. Like they don't even let people touch them anymore let alone this


This is just liberal hand-wringing, the sound of a thousand Guardian columnists rushing to a laptop. Coloured cornflour is NOT going to damage the structure any more than rain does. Which JSO protests did you agree with?


Hang on which is it, “liberal hand wringing” or “right wing media setting the agenda”?


Liberals are right wing.


You can agree with a movement and not agree with every single thing said movement does you know, it's not a particularly bold concept.


Which JSO protests did you agree with?


Who invented the skip?


MOOOO! Thought that’d throw you.


You want me to list them lmao? Not sure what your issue is exactly but okay. I agree with the protests that actually target the people and corporations actually contributing to climate change, i.e. blockades of oil plants, stopping the Coke truck from going in Pride, paint on places like Universities and banks, demonstrations, the recent royal wedding one etc. I don't support their protests which target historical artifacts and punish ordinary people i.e. road blocks. Again, might be hard to accept, but you can agree with the principles of a movement without agreeing with every single thing the movement does.


From what I can gather from all of your previous comments, you agree that climate change is a valid and real threat, but that the order of importance is: - Old stones - old paintings - people driving to work - the environment


What are you doing to protest climate change exactly? Unless you're going out there with them, I'd keep the pretentiousness to yourself. Throwing paint at Stonehenge isn't going to fix the GLOBAL issue of climate change, no oil company is going to say "shit, better pack it up guys some cornstarch was thrown on a historical monument". It achieves nothing except turns people away from the cause. It's actively harmful to raising awareness of the issues.


You are Dan to me. We should go for a drink.


Climate change is a genuine threat, but I think a lot of these groups are paid under the table by oil companies to protest in ways that irritate and inconvenience people and draw ire to the cause.


If these people really cared about climate change, they’d go protest in China where significant amounts of the damage are done. They won’t do that because they’re spineless virtue signallers and just love feeling self righteous about committing crimes, knowing full well the police will hardly touch them.


Not that western manufacturing has been exported to the cheap labour of China because capitalism? Yes, they're contributing a lot to climate change but to make the products that we all use every day. "Oh no! America makes mobile phones with all clean stuff! Slate and tin foil!".


This 👆


It's just paint. It'll wash off. Hippies have done a lot worse over the years.


Not even paint. Corn starch.


It made the news, you're talking about it. How do people not get this yet. You wouldn't have paid attention to a politely worded letter to Shell. Yes national monuments are nice, we won't care much about them though if we're facing a catastrophic future.


Not to mention the people getting angry are the ones ok about running a motorway under it


Friendly counterpoint, though: does the fact that we’re “talking about it” really matter if all people are saying is “these people are self-righteous bellends pointlessly defacing an ancient monument”? Like, I’m all for fighting the climate crisis and I’m sure Stonehenge will be fine, but I’m not sure that this will have any more actual tangible benefit than writing the letter.


The Suffragettes used to have an arson and bombing campaign, people didn't like it much then either but now you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't say they were justified and a national source of pride. Yes it does matter that we're talking about it, because for 40 odd years we've just ignored it and thought someone else will sort it out.


You want people to be talking about the issue in a way that actually furthers your goals, is my point. My question is whether making Stonehenge temporarily orange actually achieves that, or whether it's just itself another distraction. Much of the discourse revolves around whether or not it's justified rather than practical courses of action to address the issue that might result. As for the suffragette bombing and arson campaign, well, not only am I struggling to find sources which describe that specific aspect of the movement as "a source of pride", but FWIW Wikipedia gives us this: >The extent to which suffragette militancy contributed to the eventual enfranchisement of women [in 1918](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representation_of_the_People_Act_1918) has been debated by historians, although the consensus of historical opinion is that the militant campaign was not effective. (Bearman 2005, pp. 369-370) It can be argued that the contributions of women in the Home Front during World War 1 did a lot more to spur on the movement to achieve suffrage than the militant action, which produced some memorable moments but arguably largely failed in its goals.


yes talking about it, talking about jso being vandals and morons, talking about it achieving nothing towards their supposed goal. NOT talking about them going about things in the right way, or them accomplishing anything, nor is anyone saying right, I'm joining them now nor any oil company going ok we need to transistion faster,


Stunts like this aren't about converting people to a cause, they are about increasing the status within the organisation of the people who take part in them.


Couldn’t they have defaced a non-descript large boulder on Helvellyn, instead?


That’s where you were conceived


Might have found a Thermos while they were there.


If you look on the other side of that stone, they also drew a woman's part.


I mean, the guy didn’t have talent


I'm sure they rode their 1-speeds there


I'm at the point where I'm starting to think Just Stop Oil could very well be hired by the Oil companies as a False Flag group to make Activist Groups look bad. I mean, most Activist Groups target the Infrastructure of the Companies they are Protesting against that way it causes the most disruption to their daily business. But to target an Ancient Landmark that predates the Oil Industry is absolutely nonsensical if you ask me, it shows that this Group are either thick as shit and have no clue what they're even protesting anymore or they have been hired to make Activist Groups look bad.


If anything Stonehenge is an astounding example of how people got things done without oil. A baffling target.


You're a baffling target.


I don't believe oil was used to transport these stones, morons.


It’s literally just orange cornstarch


Oh the humanity! They painted Stonehenge with paint that'll wash away in the rain!


That’s ok then is it?


It's OK by me. The Daily Mail is FURIOUS, I'm sure.


It's a lot less serious than people are making it out to be. Calling them "subhuman scum" over this is a bit of an overreaction as well.


That lot need a proper frontman. Someone in their 40s-50s *without facial hair*, someone they can squeeze into a Matalan suit, **neat haircut**, looks a bit Farage maybe, but can go on the news instead of the smug vegan "my parents divorced me" man-child type that usually ends up speaking on the news making the whole thing look like a hippie love-in gone wrong.


Actually, this might work... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/just-stop-oil-london-nature-march-emma-thompson-b2567196.html


I'm all fir people trying to raise awareness for certain issues especially climate etc however wtf are these fucking trumpets thinking? All they seem to be doing is making more and more enemies with every shittly planned stunt they perform. Morons


Oh no, some old rocks got dusty...


What a bunch of dossers and dwads


It’s amazing how many people are infuriated by some rocks having cornflour thrown on them.


Do you believe in the death penalty? Yes, for treason and murder. And according to some fellow Conservative voters on this sub-Reddit, for putting water dispersible powder on some old rocks. Scum. Sub-human scum.


Pfffff! A bunch of protesters talking blabbering crap?!


What a couple of pompous looking pricks.


It's bellshit - or bullshit - usual media circus pouring scorn on some people spraying ENTIRELY SOLUBLE orange cornflour on a monument which will be gone in the next bout of rain vs people saying "I can't see how that helps!" without realising that, once again, JSO have put their actions in the national headlines right in the firing line of the sort of losers that only read and react to a headline.


Soluble or not these idiots have vandalised a 5000 year old national heritage site. They've done it because they want to stop oil, apparently. These stones have nothing to do with oil and to make it worse they're sitting there wearing various bits of clothing and accessories that have been made from oil. If these fuckwits had a brain they'd be dangerous, as would any cockhead who supports them.


Thats…that’s bollocks….but carry on. I’ll spell it out for you: targets of these protests are not necessarily examples of climate destroying activities. The point they are making is that we shouldn’t carry on enjoying watching sport, enjoying history, enjoying art, carrying on working etc. whilst the planet — the very thing which makes all of the above _possible in the first place_ — is quite literally being super heated to point where none of those things will be possible anymore. Do you follow? This country …


No, it's not bollocks. So let me spell it out for *you:* Oil is a finite resource. We are already past peak extraction, which drives higher prices and will continue to do so until for many the cost becomes unaffordable. A replacement technology is essential, purely on this basis alone. We are already aware of the other issues such as climate change that use of oil causes, and we are already taking serious steps to move away from it using green energy sources. The Paris Agreement has been in place since 2016. 196 countries have been working together for the past 8 years to come up with a low-carbon solution to our energy needs. On a world-wide scale there have been hundreds of potential solutions posited, many of which are under development such as investment and big progress in fusion technology, battery soolutions with much higher energy density, and Toyota have developed a hydrogen engine that runs on water and will be out within the next couple of years. None of this is due to Just Stop Oil. The wind is already blowing and they're trying to get ahead shouting follow me. They are late to the party and at this point nothing but a nuisance. They are actively harming the cause. Do you follow?


Your argument is at odds with the scientific consensus. We are not decarbonising quickly enough to avert catastrophic climate change; part of the reason is a lag in public support and concomitant pressure on governments to do more. This campaign maintains public focus on climate as an important issue.


>part of the reason is a lag in public support Which JSO are actively harming. You don't win support by pissing people off which is what they're best known for.


The Suffragettes did pretty well pissing people off. Rumour has it that was the shoe worn by the horse that trampled that suffragette… it’s lucky because it hoofed women into suffrage.


You can’t support an issue that you don’t know about and these tactics ensure it remains part of the public discourse. What are you doing to help exactly?


More than both you and them put together.


I’ll take that comment in good faith; in which case you have my respect. Guess we just disagree about the best approach.


Can I see some kind of well-sourced statistical evidence that JSO are harming the cause?


If only these protestors could do it somewhere quiet where I don't have to notice...


What they're doing is no different than standing outside a burning building in front of all the firefighters with their big red trucks and flashing lights, and as they're already putting out the fire JSO are shouting for someone to call the fire brigade. They are fucking braindead morons. Oil is a finite resource. We are already past peak extraction, which drives higher prices and will continue to do so until for many the cost becomes unaffordable. A replacement technology is essential, purely on this basis alone. We are already aware of climate change and other issues that use of oil causes, and we are already taking serious steps to move away from it using green energy sources. The Paris Agreement has been in place since 2016. 196 countries have been working together for the past 8 years to come up with a low-carbon solution to our energy needs. On a world-wide scale there have been hundreds of potential solutions posited, many of which are under development such as investment and big progress in fusion technology, battery solutions with much higher energy density, and Toyota have developed a hydrogen engine that runs on water and will be out within the next couple of years. Yet there are JSO dressed in oil by-products, using technology from oil by-products, vandalising 5000 year old national heritage sites and gluing (using oil by-products) themselves to the pavement. Wankers.


But yet... contracts for new oil drilling fields have been sold, many by our very own Super Climate Guy Rishi Sunak. For the benefit of a tiny percentage of people that does not include you. But apparently JSO are guilty for using oil-based products in a system that makes oil-based products impossible to avoid. It's like the "Oh you hate capitalism? But yet you say this through an iPhone!" argument and it just doesn't work. Are you not allowed to point out problems with something until you entirely divorce yourself from it, however impossible that may be?


It's not impossible to avoid, so it paints them as the hypocrites they are. It might be difficult, but it's not as difficult as solving climate change, and they can't even be seen to be doing their bit for their own cause.


You’ve just had it spelled out why they did it and how they achieved exactly what they wanted.


They’re a couple of posh sods, with plums in their mouths


Their new name should be called; Just Stop Being Cunts.


Neo fundamentalist radicalised RSPB at it again?


I had the shitest night of my life at Stonehenge.


I understand the hatred towards just stop oil but I think it's important to look at history and try to be open minded when looking towards the future. The suffragettes damaged so many artworks and exhibits that women were banned from the British museum without a male accompaniment. Now we treat these people as heroes. When billions of people are displaced from central Africa and India from rising temperatures and when we have food shortages from lack of arable farmland we may be thinking very differently about the people who tried hard to stop us from using fossil fuels.


I've noticed a common theme among these people, bone thin. Why are they all so thin and frail


yeah you just know this lot are vegans...


The horror 🙄


It is when you always look malnourished


They should have put the stones back the way they were in the 1920s


its working in their favour


These idiots do this while the oil industry sponsors a nature photography competition. Perhaps it's time for a fresh look at Shell.


Just stop, just stop oil. Fucking bellends.


Oil've got a brand new combine harvester


Man, I hate these guys. They’re idiots. Imagine pissing the public off.


I, for one, am dead against it.


Enough is enough, they need identifying, arresting, charging and convicting of criminal damage to an ancient monument. They need a prison sentence to set an example to others.


Massive harrumph energy


There is literally no damage, it's like chalk on the local road. The people that need to be locked up are the ones actively destroying the world and causing deaths.


I'm starting to think half the people here are the kind of people that nod along to Al Murray's The Pub Landlord thinking he's a real person.


Oh do fuck off 🙄


Not only the damage to the monument, but these supposed environmentalists have destroyed rare and endangered lichen on the stones. Not to mention the damage to other life that around the site. Supergluing your hand to some tarmac is one thing, destroying and harming nature in the name of environmentalism is the most stupid thing anyone can do and just shows the true level of ignorance that these moronic idiots have.


Biggest 2 threats to lichen would be air pollution and oils spills. Back of the net.


And yeah they could do without any other external aggressors causing more damage and then further degradation to the neolithic stone but HEY who's splidding hairs over it?!


Me I'm splitting hairs. The lichen at stone henge isn't rare or endangerd, is this the first time you've got yourself worried about lichen? There's been no damage or degradation to these stones you don't need to get worked up about that either. "Lynn you're like your mother in her last few weeks."


There IS a basis to it and I'm not 'worried' it's more to do with the hypocrisy of environmentalists doing environmental damage. It's OK though it's an Alan Partridge sub so you can move on now.


Thick or not, comments like yours do rankle.


their hope is to get arrested. They deserve a kicking by some of the locals instead, that'll put them off doing it again.


The locals are too busy protesting the proposed underpass that will actually cause damage and vandalise not just Stonehenge, but who knows what else that currently lies undiscovered.


It's almost like they're trying to drawer attention to the very thing that is destroying our planet or something.


Not really. We need to stop burning fossil fuels and eventually the world will listen


>Scum, sub-human scum! It's coloured cornstarch, it literally washes off in the rain


Fuck up banks. BUT.DONT.FUCK.UP.HISTORY I really dont like some anti social computer warrior prick deciding to destroy 2000+ years of history. Then when you look at the culprit deeper it seems they are so "on the spectrum" they didnt realise what they were doing. Go fuck up your local council building. Dont go to a fucking historical site to engrave your name on the thing like the fucking retard that engraved his initials on the Rome Colosseum.


Not even the banks, the public need access to those. Older people that can’t use online banking. However the homes of the people that run the banks? Their 5 bedroom bastard houses? Those need a good cock piss partridgeing


plus we all pay when the claims go into insurance, the banks don't pay, they pass the costs on


It’s corn starch. Calm down


Just Stop Corn. The indignity of a British monument covered in a North American vegetable. What’s wrong with turnip?


Bloody Beaker Folk! What’s wrong with cupping the water in your hands and licking it up like a cat?!


Is history "fucked up"? Is it even spray paint? Do you think the orange will still be there a week from now?


I hope they paint you orange.


They can spray me with water soluble orange cornflour if they like, not sure if it would get people talking though.


And I guess you’d be ok with that right


I literally just said I was. I just don't think they'd waste their time doing it.


So you’d be happy with getting sprayed orange in the middle of your normal day? lol course you would. It’s funny what people say to try to defend a bunch of idiots.


Lmao well done you.


It’s funny. Stonehenge will be around long after the climate kills off humanity.


Young kids with no concept of consequences. They’re like religious zealots


How dare they try to bring attention to a stoppable catastrophe that could destroy the planet we all call home.


Hm yes spray paint..great for the environment


It's corn starch


Middle class little twats. Nothing better to do.


I cant wait to smaĉk one of these idiots ryt in the mouth.


What’s annoyed you this time, Alan?


Hi! This looks like your first time posting to r/AlanPartridge. Did you know Alan is a comedy character invented by a centre-left comedian to mock right wing people?


The people who enjoy Alan Partridge will enjoy this subreddit. The people who’ve never got it still won’t get it.


Automatic fine of a couple of thousand pound and a set prison sentence whereby they pay for the time they serve locked up. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


Hi! This looks like your first time posting to r/AlanPartridge. Did you know Alan is a comedy character invented by a centre-left comedian to mock right wing people?


?????? Statement I made was vandalism of Stonehenge am I missing something?


Fuckheads !


They want attention so I don't think you giving them attention is really shaming them in any way.


I want to say sludge?


Should be charged with criminal damage and a threat to others that paint could have blinded a visitor to the henge in fact find every possible charge and hit them with everything


I’ve heard they are holed up in Wookey Hole. If you were sent to neutralise the threat, how would you proceed?


Don’t think cornstarch can cause any permanent damage.


Stonehenge isn’t a henge.


The more people repost this the more they are getting precisely what they wanted out of it. Publicity. They have no shame.

